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Netflix increasing prices again ($11 for 2-device HD streaming)

Quality > Quantity ... example Disney's service is £4.99 and has way higher quality than Netflix content is here for £10 a month

The increase may seem fair if your in the US because you have and get far more decent content than the sloppy seconds we get

At least you get Star Trek Discovery.
NFLX was up 5.38% today, compared to 0.56% for the S&P as a whole. Investors seem to have confidence this will increase revenues, expecting most customers will absorb the increase without much fuss.
It’s what’s happened during every increase so no reason to think otherwise. Plus you see the rabid defenders in this thread over it too.


It’s gone from 8.99 to 13.99. It’s not “only a dollar”. People that say this are essentially the toad in the pot. Will jump out if thrown into boiling water, but will sit and cook if you slowly raise the temperature.

Actually the original plan (that included HD, the highest quality at the time) was $7.99. Now the highest quality plan for the time is $13.99. That's a 43% increase.
As long as they keep putting up high quality content like The Defenders, Iron Fist and The Ranch I'll pay whatever they want me to

Agreed. I'd easily pay double the current rate for such top caliber television.
I actually kind of liked The Defenders. Don't tell the rest of TV GAF.


Quality > Quantity ... example Disney's service is £4.99 and has way higher quality than Netflix content is here for £10 a month

The increase may seem fair if your in the US because you have and get far more decent content than the sloppy seconds we get

Yeah Netflix has loads of stuff but 95% of it is total cack


Bish loves my games!
This guy doesn't get it.

2018 - "It's $1 man"
2019 - "It's $1 man"
2020 - "It's $1 man”
2021 - "It's $1 man"
2022 - "It's $1 man"
2023 - "oh hey netfllx is $19.99 now."

Shit if I could get that in writing from Netflix I’d sign now.


People's budget breaking on 2 dollars extra a month? 24 bucks a year? One good original series season is worth that alone.

it keeps going up by a dollar. This is more about principal at this point. The amount of value for the user isn't increasing for that extra dollar.
Will probably cancel once the Disney content is gone. Their original content hasn't impressed me outside a couple of shows.

This is what hurts more. And what probably precipitated this price hike. I'm betting they expected a lot more subscribers to come onboard before Disney jumped ship.
If $24 more a year is a significant amount of money then yeah cancel it.

But for a lot of people it isn't, especially considering a lot of us cut $100-150+ cable bills.

I think price hikes are a good time to re-evaluate the services you have. It's $24 more a year, but if I were to drop it entirely that's not an insignificant amount.

I dumped Directv a long time ago, but have since subbed to DTVN, Netflix, Hulu, CBS, Amazon, YTR...Now I'm at $70-something a month not including Amazon. Maybe that news makes one pause not just for the dollar or two.


The Netflix doesn't have anything that I want to watch camp is in for a surprise by the time Disney pulls its stuff. Netflix is going to give you that something every month that it won't even be a big deal by then.


I think this is fine. I might end up canceling Hulu though. Every time a service raises their price it feels like an opportunity to evaluate it and other services of a similar nature that you pay for monthly. What do I watch on Netflix? A lot, their original programming is great for me. Hulu? My girlfriend used to watch a lot, but hardly does anymore. I will probably have a talk with her tonight and see if that makes sense.

I only pay for the 2 box 1080p sub though, so maybe that's why I don't feel like it's as much. For me, it really does equate to one lunch a year in price increases.
Actually the original plan (that included HD, the highest quality at the time) was $7.99. Now the highest quality plan for the time is $13.99. That's a 43% increase.

Actually the original plan limited you to how many hours you could stream content.

it keeps going up by a dollar. This is more about principal at this point. The amount of value for the user isn't increasing for that extra dollar.

This will be the fourth price increase in ten years. Not that crazy and if you were already a subscriber, you were held off on that price increase for what almost 2 years?

If it were going up a dollar every year, sure, people's complaining would have some merit. But as is and considering the amount of original content that they produce and people seemingly enjoy, it's worth the price increase every few years,

Not to mention that the service is still ad free.
it keeps going up by a dollar. This is more about principal at this point. The amount of value for the user isn't increasing for that extra dollar.

I think the amount of value for me has gone up a lot over the past few years alone with their original programming. Netflix hasn't been opaque about the fact that they spend as much as they do on original programming in order to be less dependent on other providers' content. If you're subscribing to Netflix solely in the hopes of watching your favorite TV show or movie from a different provider, then Netflix will probably be a bad value proposition for you over time. But as far as this increase? I don't think it's arbitrary. How many threads have we had where people were shocked at how much they were spending on original programming? Of course it'd affect consumer pricing eventually.

And like another poster said: the value of a dollar changes over time. $20/month for Netflix in 2023 isn't going to sting as much as $20/month in 2017. And I'd be very surprised if Netflix even reaches that price by 2023. At some point they're going to hit a price where its users deem it unaffordable en masse and they'll know it.
As I student, I can barely afford videogames, yet I buy videogames. Some elitists will feel entlited to tell me shit like "Well if you can't afford game A + game B then you shouldn't buy either in the first place". Well, fuck that and fuck this Netflix case too. Feeling entitled to tell people what they can or can't afford is elitist dumb bullshit and not socially acceptable. It's really easy to understand.

Entitlement is feeling you are owed this content at your price simply because you desire it. Netflix and video games aren't food and shelter. This isn't a tax. There's plenty of free online content. Get a TV antenna. Hit up some free live entertainment. Go to a library.

You make it someone's business crying about the price of something you upfront admit isn't affordable BUT foolishly purchase anyway. Then you bitch when people rightly point out the insanely obvious fact that it isn't in your best interest to spend money you don't have on media content.
Oh fuck you Netflix. Your content isn't even that good anymore.
lolwut @ this post.

Netflix, you keep giving me gifts. You can most certainly have an extra dollar from me. You're earning my money, unlike some of these other subscription services that I feel like are fucking me over (Live, PSN).


Are you really that venomous over $1-$2?
i mean is 2 dollars for you, with lots of content, this wont be that pretty to Netflix Mexico users, and the content on Netflix mexico fucking sucks, no himym no modern family, no parks, no office, Netflix Mexico fucking suck, and the increase wont be 2 pesos


Going by the majority of this thread consumers are well and truly fucked. Big WTFs at anyone who's happy to pay more for services that haven't done anything more than they did for the last few years.

Surface of Me

I'm not an NPC. And neither are we.
Im only picking up Netflix for months new originals that interest me come out. Did it for Bojack, might do it again in December since some stuff coming out between now and then looks interesting. HBO has a firm grasp of being my streaming service of choice as of now. Hulu has a nice selection but it's UI is awful.

Edit: The amount of people in this thread dawning white knite armor to defend the honor of Netflix is fucking disgusting.


Remember folks, they need money to continue making new quality shows such as the following money sinks:


Going by the majority of this thread consumers are well and truly fucked. Big WTFs at anyone who's happy to pay more for services that haven't done anything more than they did for the last few years.
LOL, what? Their original content is growing a lot. Saying they haven't done anything is being blind to what's going on.
Going by the majority of this thread consumers are well and truly fucked. Big WTFs at anyone who's happy to pay more for services that haven't done anything more than they did for the last few years.

S E V E N B I L L I O N in original content next year, I think it was 6 billion this year. But yeah same amount of everything, no change.
Does not bug me. I figured a price hike was coming in anyhow. For all the complaining about Netflix, they offer a ridiculous amount of content for the money.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Remember folks, they need money to continue making new quality shows such as the following money sinks:


I assume you didnt even watch Big Mouth, its actualy quite good, at least the majority of the GAF OT seems to think so (including me)
There are likely millions of people with 4k sets who don't know that they aren't getting 4k content.
Probably so. I mean, they are probably the same people who to this day will watch SD cable on a 1080p set, or worse yet, use composite.

However, in my case, I have a 4KTV, and I know my Netflix plan offers 4K content, but with Comcast's data cap being the way it is, no way I'm gonna make a habit out of streaming in 4K. As it is, I eat a LOT of data with 1080p content.


Are you really that venomous over $1-$2?

That's a per month charge, & they've been bleeding series to Hulu for months. Plus, now we know Disney's about to pull all of their non-Defenders related content in a year or so. And the Defenders itself was one of many Netflix shows that underwhelmed its target audience.

I can understand someone wanting to bail if they're being charged more while getting less content they wanted than before. Netflix may be focusing more on original series, but it doesn't look like many of them are clicking, either. Honestly, I'm thinking I might just switch to Hulu & only re-subscribe to Netflix solely for the month we get a new season of Bojack Horseman.


lolwut @ this post.

Netflix, you keep giving me gifts. You can most certainly have an extra dollar from me. You're earning my money, unlike some of these other subscription services that I feel like are fucking me over (Live, PSN).
You pay for both Live and PSN? What don’t you pay for? Can I have some money every month?
I think I'll be switching to Hulu ad free. About the same price but at least there's new content there.. I'll subscribe for a month every so often to catch up on their exclusives.


I don’t mind. If it did, I’d just go to the 7.99 plan.

I don’t watch everything on Netflix (seasons and seasons of shows) I feel like I have tons of good stuff to watch. It’s worth it for me.


That sounds OK to me. I mean, they're spending billions right? It's going to trickle down eventually. I still think it's worth the cost. Hell I pay $14.99 for HBO Now and only watch like three shows.
I think I'll be switching to Hulu ad free. About the same price but at least there's new content there.. I'll subscribe for a month every so often to catch up on their exclusives.
To me, it's not a choice. I have both.

Hell, between Netflix, Hulu Plus (Ad Free), and YouTube, my TV entertainment options are covered, and then some.
These new shows and licensing fees cost money. To get streaming licenses for lot of these movies can't be cheap. The more demand you as a consumer have the more hiking you will see in prices. That's the rule of the world.


I assume you didnt even watch Big Mouth, its actualy quite good, at least the majority of the GAF OT seems to think so (including me)
I saw all I needed from the horrible trailer, the art style is disgusting and the show appears to be a family guy-esque but for teenage sex joke/puberty with bottom of the barrel humour.

Again, that's how all the trailers made it look. I already wasted my time watching Neo Yokio (and I don't even want to think how much money Netflix wasted on that cast for this mess) so preferably I'm not too hot on wasting even more time on something that looks worse from the previews.

I love some shows, Bojack Horseman for example, but Netflix's NEW content for this year seems to be very miss for me so far and it's worrying how much more money is being sank into these projects to the point where it's now effecting us again! The whole "Oh but Netflix produces so much stuff" doesn't flow when it seems like their trash output is the side that's increasing!
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