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Feel free to come join resetera with the rest of the decent community.

Can pm you details if you want. Site going live in a day or so.

By posting you're inherently seeking attention. Go back to skulking around and not posting.

Judging by the way you treat others i'm sure you will be a great addition to the new forum :)

Cake Boss

I don't understand why some members feel the need to throw their arms up and announce to the world that they want to be banned and are leaving. No one cares. Leave. BUH BYE!

Join Date: 08-23-2017
Total Posts: 13 (0.21 posts per day)
Find all posts by Evil Calvin
Find all threads started by Evil Calvin


it's nice to know the community thread that helped me through some of my depressive stages has been completely nuked without forewarning and likely won't return under the vague new rules alongside a multitude of communities because of a misplaced, deflective attack on 'toxicity' that gives into - whether intentionally or not - thinly veiled dog whistles about gaf being 'too political' and idiotic calls to 'keep politics out of video games!'.
I have a vendetta against this woman? Why would i? I just don't understand how a woman can have a sexual relationship with a guy she thinks harassed her? Would she even bring this up if they still met up with him today, still talking? She sounds to me like a woman who craves attention? She not a woman who was truly abused emotionally and physically abused by a man, Read the horror stories of women who are in bad relationship and you understand the differences.

Women can be married and raped. Teenagers can be raped or sexually assaulted by abusers and think this is fine.

It's not until a light is shined on it publicly that people realise that maybe they were abused.

As for vendetta. I mean just read your post again.

Also because you've still yet to provide any citation, you have activated my trap card!


Put up or shut up. Alternatively give us a reason as to why you seem to be so against this person?
You tell me. Otherwise why not just log out and be done with it. Or PM ModBot asking for a ban, and THEN log out and be done with it.

What's your instance on the flag kneeling thing?

Edit: Oops sorry, I forgot that we aren't supposed to discuss things like that here anymore. No need to answer I guess.


I'm just scratching my head at the tidal wave of vitriol that all this caused. Seems many people had lots of built up frustration that was just waiting to be unleashed.
If you didn't know better, you'd think Evilore is all of sudden evil-incarnate for what is IMO not even that much of a deal.

Ugh, I hope none of you have to face something like this in real life. It only takes one person to make one simple accusation to ruin your reputation and brand you for life.
Ugh, I hope none of you have to face something like this in real life. It only takes one person to make one simple accusation to ruin your reputation and brand you for life.

This isn't a one time type of thing, tho, there's been more than one instance of inappropriate behavior with the following inappropriate response by the party involved.


Feel free to come join resetera with the rest of the decent community.

Can pm you details if you want. Site going live in a day or so.

By posting you're inherently seeking attention. Go back to skulking around and not posting.

I'd love to get the details too. I'm only on here long enough to get that info then I'm out.


Neo Member
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum vehicula et metus quis rutrum. Mauris quis leo dui. Cras tristique tellus urna. Sed malesuada arcu in placerat aliquet. Phasellus dapibus, erat vulputate iaculis ullamcorper, nisl lorem porttitor mauris, et hendrerit neque lorem a ipsum. Nullam ut mi gravida, lacinia mi in, congue dui. Vivamus augue tellus, iaculis ut urna vitae, consectetur condimentum libero. Vestibulum commodo, ipsum non suscipit placerat, enim quam ultrices massa, a venenatis dolor tellus vitae sapien. Phasellus laoreet eu magna quis molestie. Donec sit amet eros nibh. In lobortis nunc ipsum, eu euismod arcu venenatis ut. Praesent id tortor risus. Vestibulum at est nibh. Morbi at risus id nulla convallis dignissim.

Aliquam erat volutpat. Maecenas orci lorem, tristique eu cursus sed, tristique id urna. Etiam ut augue ac sem hendrerit egestas ut in sapien. Aenean ac dictum nunc. Quisque magna nibh, porta facilisis sem nec, dignissim blandit diam. Pellentesque dui ligula, tempus in pulvinar quis, bibendum quis urna. Suspendisse felis leo, luctus vitae enim ac, porttitor gravida eros. Nulla sed dui lectus. Vivamus tincidunt accumsan tortor, at euismod nisi mattis sed.

Duis ac augue scelerisque, luctus lacus nec, varius ex. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec sed tellus id nibh suscipit consequat et eu orci. Donec aliquet vel tellus quis auctor. Suspendisse facilisis ullamcorper mauris non luctus. Quisque id nisl sapien. Integer in nisl sagittis, sodales diam vitae, vestibulum arcu. Vivamus fermentum augue imperdiet neque condimentum, ac imperdiet massa fermentum.

Maecenas sed lacus in enim interdum euismod. Sed ac odio mattis, convallis odio at, imperdiet sapien. Morbi mi ligula, interdum ac lorem quis, facilisis imperdiet libero. Quisque lobortis mauris vitae purus tristique, in fermentum sem malesuada. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Etiam lorem velit, egestas et mattis ac, porttitor eu erat. Proin pharetra volutpat interdum. Aenean eleifend ipsum sit amet ligula varius ultricies. Fusce ultricies, est id bibendum sodales, turpis nulla sagittis urna, et porta arcu risus sed libero. Cras neque arcu, dapibus eu commodo vel, tincidunt accumsan orci. Duis eu nulla a nisl tincidunt porta. Proin fermentum nibh quis purus porttitor, a malesuada dolor fringilla. Nulla interdum vulputate aliquet.

Sed id erat pulvinar, faucibus massa vel, efficitur ante. Vestibulum commodo dictum sem ut ultrices. Donec at lorem erat. Phasellus sagittis dignissim pellentesque. Nunc velit mauris, ultrices vel diam a, placerat posuere magna. Integer accumsan nunc tellus, eu consectetur nisl consequat sit amet. Sed ut metus quis justo mattis molestie non vitae risus. Aenean eu rutrum neque, sit amet condimentum metus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Morbi ornare felis ac metus posuere ultrices. Nulla sit amet turpis dui. Integer et eleifend justo, vitae dictum est. Pellentesque luctus mollis magna. Suspendisse vestibulum elementum varius.

Cras rutrum eu risus sit amet iaculis. Integer tempus at ligula rutrum convallis. Aliquam interdum tempor hendrerit. Vestibulum interdum lectus sed nisl fringilla pretium. Mauris tempus risus diam, at blandit mi pharetra a. Sed pharetra ornare massa, vitae iaculis tortor. Etiam sit amet ligula tempus ante rutrum volutpat nec sit amet diam. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Cras cursus eu sem non commodo. Suspendisse facilisis pretium malesuada. Aenean neque nisl, ultrices quis tellus a, volutpat scelerisque nibh.

Fusce sit amet iaculis turpis, a vehicula urna. Nam consectetur congue sapien at pellentesque. Sed ac euismod dolor. Proin lobortis urna nunc, non porttitor nisi commodo quis. Maecenas mollis molestie efficitur. Mauris ut justo eget leo imperdiet pharetra et eu felis. Vestibulum rutrum leo ut aliquam semper.

Nunc a ante vitae ex convallis scelerisque vel eget nisi. Suspendisse nisi augue, scelerisque et dignissim in, ornare in tortor. Vivamus dignissim, dui ac congue sodales, risus mauris pellentesque risus, in porttitor magna tortor at tortor. Sed ipsum augue, iaculis vel fermentum vel, tincidunt eu elit. Praesent sollicitudin venenatis ultrices. Proin gravida sem nunc, et ornare erat pulvinar ut. Nullam interdum odio et gravida posuere. Suspendisse potenti. Duis vel libero a ex lobortis gravida id vel arcu. Vivamus finibus quam diam, ut faucibus eros consequat ut. Proin id luctus ipsum, nec tristique velit. Vivamus at libero in nulla aliquam vulputate at vitae nunc. Curabitur eu vulputate nisl. Sed quis orci sed ex vestibulum faucibus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed euismod dapibus sem, sed condimentum diam euismod eget.

Proin dictum massa augue, ac aliquam lectus rhoncus eu. Aenean et rhoncus ex, quis lobortis est. Pellentesque et ligula odio. Maecenas nisl mauris, imperdiet at suscipit ac, vehicula vitae nisl. Quisque hendrerit ac nulla nec tempus. Vestibulum sed lacus diam. Aliquam sed ultrices risus, hendrerit aliquet eros. Suspendisse odio diam, facilisis eget cursus et, pretium sed turpis. Donec ornare sem non erat consectetur, id interdum tellus consectetur. Etiam ultrices dictum luctus. Praesent accumsan, urna non vestibulum condimentum, risus nunc porta sapien, eu eleifend purus felis eu mi.

Aliquam fringilla est eu felis congue, in pretium ipsum euismod. Integer quis consectetur ex, eget scelerisque nulla. Vivamus vestibulum metus in erat varius, convallis dictum neque varius. Ut lacinia vitae turpis at dapibus. Nulla porttitor molestie ipsum, a gravida ex luctus ut. Fusce eleifend nulla eu nibh malesuada rutrum. Ut ullamcorper ipsum tellus, a bibendum magna maximus non. Nullam a massa leo. Nulla vehicula, magna dignissim malesuada condimentum, lectus sapien vulputate quam, nec tristique nibh dui id diam. Suspendisse accumsan at lorem luctus vulputate. Nunc id pulvinar metus. Nulla posuere nunc nisi, a tempus libero fermentum quis. Pellentesque id ultrices neque. Nunc elementum velit vel eros ultrices, at cursus orci consequat. Nullam diam massa, rutrum nec dapibus sed, euismod quis arcu. In interdum cursus fermentum.

In arcu erat, dignissim in nisi sed, congue facilisis tortor. Fusce ut maximus neque. Cras eget augue nec nisi consectetur volutpat hendrerit non turpis. Vestibulum accumsan viverra enim sit amet ultrices. Sed suscipit enim orci, vestibulum gravida nibh facilisis id. Sed placerat ligula nibh, sit amet pulvinar enim efficitur quis. Aenean at porttitor nunc, sed volutpat turpis. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Phasellus porta venenatis turpis id elementum. Pellentesque et tempus urna. Morbi in justo imperdiet, laoreet sem nec, cursus mi. In egestas ante vitae turpis convallis lacinia. Pellentesque dapibus egestas metus, non dictum lorem dapibus in. Phasellus orci metus, vestibulum eu ipsum vel, porta ullamcorper ligula. Cras felis massa, gravida sit amet mi vel, porta pharetra augue.

Vestibulum justo tellus, condimentum volutpat auctor sodales, lacinia a mi. Proin efficitur porttitor quam eu bibendum. Nulla facilisi. Pellentesque tincidunt nisi lectus, vel blandit dui pretium quis. Suspendisse sit amet blandit nisl. Quisque ullamcorper, nulla a sagittis varius, nisi eros elementum quam, at interdum ligula dolor nec sapien. Nullam tempus aliquet est nec auctor. Suspendisse tincidunt lacinia neque, quis efficitur nisl pharetra vitae. Cras in placerat nunc. Aenean et dapibus sapien, eu rutrum tortor. In varius felis id elit cursus, vitae scelerisque purus posuere. Morbi ac semper odio, at rhoncus justo. Proin justo ligula, euismod sit amet nibh eu, convallis gravida urna. Phasellus nibh risus, lobortis lacinia ornare ut, suscipit a orci. Vivamus sed commodo quam.

Mauris lobortis placerat nisi, sed dictum metus aliquam et. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Maecenas convallis nisi quis risus malesuada, malesuada sodales justo aliquam. Praesent nec iaculis quam, non ultricies velit. Cras eu finibus diam. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Aenean eget sollicitudin justo.

Maecenas ac leo non tellus placerat commodo. Pellentesque vel nibh eget odio varius tempus in vel quam. Nulla sem felis, euismod vel porta quis, tempus in orci. Sed malesuada mollis urna, non condimentum justo laoreet quis. Nullam pretium metus ac tempus lacinia. Vestibulum orci dolor, fermentum eu lorem sit amet, lobortis scelerisque ipsum. Ut hendrerit sed dolor vitae imperdiet. Ut in metus id massa semper pellentesque. Sed ut odio libero. Integer ullamcorper orci mauris, commodo laoreet risus rhoncus et. Cras libero massa, convallis vel pellentesque nec, ultrices a lorem.

Maecenas maximus ex sed arcu vestibulum congue. Aliquam erat volutpat. Suspendisse in elementum purus. Mauris a nibh nisi. Donec semper a justo nec bibendum. Mauris quis erat eu metus placerat commodo. Fusce fermentum lorem et massa lacinia, at pellentesque massa eleifend. Nam tempor, nisi id gravida semper, lacus neque egestas dolor, non fringilla metus dolor quis quam. Donec vitae nulla ut nibh bibendum molestie ut auctor eros. Donec vel lorem tempor, feugiat sem a, pellentesque arcu. Etiam dui metus, rhoncus a consectetur non, dictum eget lectus. Cras placerat sapien sed porta euismod.

Sed quam elit, ultricies eu dui at, molestie cursus enim. Phasellus massa enim, facilisis quis hendrerit nec, tristique vel lorem. Ut faucibus dictum velit, ultricies luctus nulla congue eu. Mauris dictum tortor eget mattis dictum. Vivamus eu tortor lorem. Nullam felis enim, maximus quis molestie sit amet, pretium vitae lacus. Etiam suscipit ac tellus vitae commodo. Proin mattis urna non commodo cursus. Vestibulum aliquam ex sit amet convallis luctus. Nulla facilisi. Nunc laoreet nunc sit amet ex rutrum, vitae rhoncus mauris tincidunt. Curabitur molestie felis sed mi hendrerit, in dapibus eros sagittis.

Curabitur placerat justo finibus tellus ullamcorper imperdiet. Aenean tempus venenatis diam eu maximus. Ut tincidunt iaculis feugiat. Morbi imperdiet metus velit, sit amet placerat ligula rhoncus vel. Nulla ac rhoncus metus, at consequat sem. Suspendisse potenti. Integer egestas neque faucibus, rhoncus nunc in, lobortis justo. Curabitur in ligula enim. Praesent accumsan feugiat augue, eu faucibus enim iaculis non. Pellentesque eget felis sit amet nisl facilisis tincidunt ac eget libero.

Etiam erat nulla, elementum quis pellentesque et, luctus ac ipsum. Morbi porttitor porttitor nisi sed pretium. Integer iaculis egestas ex, id pulvinar sapien. Aliquam pharetra sapien sit amet faucibus elementum. Duis aliquam bibendum ante quis tempor. Morbi et lectus nibh. Integer faucibus pulvinar vulputate. Sed at nunc ac odio condimentum posuere.

Duis quis fringilla est, in aliquet elit. Donec lobortis cursus enim non scelerisque. Sed porttitor id ipsum sed tincidunt. Integer venenatis malesuada neque quis elementum. Aenean eleifend, leo ac dignissim condimentum, lectus velit lacinia velit, eget tempus libero arcu nec turpis. Maecenas interdum interdum ipsum eu sagittis. Cras vehicula nunc eros, ut pulvinar ante aliquet vel. Vestibulum eget tristique augue, vitae mollis est.

Etiam suscipit eleifend nibh id placerat. Aenean eleifend pharetra quam. Sed nec fermentum diam, quis hendrerit eros. Nam faucibus nulla eu posuere laoreet. Mauris vitae eros nec turpis dictum venenatis sit amet et eros. Proin elementum a tellus at interdum. Mauris dapibus vehicula odio, sit amet commodo ante aliquam ultrices.

Pellentesque venenatis enim enim, eget viverra nulla suscipit nec. Quisque nec sem dui. Morbi mi elit, efficitur non elit at, tincidunt lobortis eros. Nullam in felis sit amet tortor commodo faucibus. Vivamus condimentum, mauris in commodo fringilla, augue dui finibus purus, et placerat neque quam ultrices ligula. Nam pellentesque lacus non diam porttitor, eget pharetra enim vehicula. Nullam egestas nulla dui, sit amet pellentesque nulla scelerisque faucibus. Vestibulum lectus purus, egestas eget eros vitae, dictum porta nibh. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Cras eu erat risus. Aenean id eros nibh. Vestibulum vitae augue at risus gravida interdum cursus sed urna.

Suspendisse finibus, enim at varius pulvinar, neque arcu scelerisque est, non egestas tellus est vitae mi. Proin laoreet lorem felis, in porttitor mi lacinia vel. In hendrerit pharetra sapien. Sed vel elit condimentum, dignissim turpis sit amet, ultricies justo. Duis tincidunt, justo eget dignissim pulvinar, lorem urna blandit velit, eu vehicula mauris tellus nec urna. Morbi sit amet imperdiet sem, ac eleifend nisl. Sed venenatis neque faucibus ante feugiat, a laoreet mi vehicula. Fusce ultrices convallis nisl, vel maximus leo malesuada aliquam. Aliquam tempor tortor id est commodo consectetur. Duis tincidunt, enim vitae sagittis consectetur, nibh felis aliquam nisl, nec sagittis velit nunc ut odio. Pellentesque sollicitudin elit ac egestas dapibus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Nam tristique elit mollis augue rutrum, nec ornare dolor semper. Nunc sodales ultricies turpis, et cursus nisi dapibus sed. In sollicitudin dignissim quam. Maecenas feugiat, enim a semper aliquam, augue est suscipit nisi, ac efficitur sapien urna viverra augue.

In lectus arcu, dapibus vitae dignissim nec, ultricies tincidunt est. Maecenas sed cursus enim. Praesent rhoncus accumsan facilisis. Praesent volutpat vestibulum neque nec finibus. Nulla vitae elit erat. Proin nec augue pulvinar, consequat lorem vel, iaculis est. Donec sit amet ex in lorem fringilla gravida. Vivamus est quam, rutrum eget quam fermentum, pharetra posuere risus. In lorem dui, commodo posuere vestibulum in, facilisis at sem. Vivamus pellentesque mi tellus, id ultrices est porttitor quis.

Suspendisse potenti. Phasellus eu neque vestibulum neque ultrices suscipit eget ut odio. Sed tempus arcu lacus, non sollicitudin sem commodo a. Nunc consequat efficitur purus, accumsan ornare augue iaculis at. Fusce est elit, malesuada at vulputate non, egestas sed nulla. Ut posuere tincidunt lacus eget tempor. Phasellus ac nunc vitae libero dapibus tincidunt congue sit amet metus. Fusce efficitur elit ut mollis rhoncus. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi eleifend nibh eleifend dolor bibendum, vel pulvinar tellus ornare. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Mauris vitae feugiat arcu. Donec sit amet nisi ex. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam nec elit et mi rutrum rhoncus ac sit amet arcu. Quisque feugiat libero sed lectus vehicula, ut efficitur lorem gravida. Morbi sed risus orci. Proin a velit velit. Sed pretium eleifend mi, vel elementum mi lobortis at. Vestibulum interdum, nunc vitae lacinia blandit, dui enim mattis dui, id luctus tellus ligula vitae metus. Ut ullamcorper elit laoreet quam maximus tempor. Ut a urna a augue consequat dapibus.

Mauris erat enim, pulvinar quis nibh in, eleifend hendrerit nunc. In eleifend dignissim maximus. Fusce nec turpis ut purus rhoncus blandit. Morbi non mauris tempus, maximus magna vel, dictum justo. Proin malesuada lacus ac eros vestibulum, et laoreet nibh mollis. Fusce ullamcorper libero vitae urna accumsan pellentesque. Donec ut gravida purus. Duis vel eros ipsum. Cras eget dolor mi. Duis vitae egestas diam. Nulla semper sed lorem eu rutrum. In eu feugiat massa. Quisque elementum purus vulputate lacus tristique molestie et eget libero. Praesent placerat eros eget tortor viverra egestas. Sed auctor quis diam nec sodales.

Proin convallis at sem sed tincidunt. Nullam placerat aliquet turpis, nec sagittis orci rhoncus eu. Phasellus massa quam, sagittis eget massa quis, condimentum rutrum ex. Ut maximus vestibulum nulla, maximus feugiat felis condimentum nec. Sed eget imperdiet est, eget iaculis quam. Nam pulvinar, nisi et rutrum sollicitudin, arcu ipsum faucibus est, sit amet pellentesque arcu lectus vel magna. Proin sagittis nec arcu quis lobortis.

Mauris tristique magna dolor, sit amet tincidunt neque scelerisque vitae. Duis sodales porta rutrum. Integer accumsan magna ut felis blandit, vitae interdum nunc laoreet. Curabitur in fringilla justo. Ut turpis orci, venenatis et vehicula eu, iaculis et enim. Suspendisse quis lobortis mi. Nulla purus mi, ullamcorper quis risus sodales, rutrum tempor ante. Morbi ac ante a est porta mattis. Proin at condimentum metus. Vestibulum ac elementum mi.

Donec imperdiet dui id mauris fermentum aliquet. Quisque auctor vitae dui a semper. Vestibulum mi orci, feugiat sit amet neque vitae, ornare sagittis tellus. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Phasellus vestibulum nec quam sed accumsan. Praesent ullamcorper eros sed magna fringilla accumsan. Sed vitae vulputate orci. Sed ut venenatis nibh. Etiam lacinia ante sed bibendum pellentesque. Integer porttitor diam erat, eget ullamcorper dui fermentum id. Maecenas vitae dolor mollis, posuere velit et, convallis sapien. Fusce at molestie risus. Quisque in orci venenatis, placerat leo ut, varius felis. Sed feugiat mollis iaculis.

Suspendisse non luctus nunc, ut posuere orci. Quisque commodo pharetra ex sit amet iaculis. Nam erat eros, gravida a tortor quis, sodales bibendum metus. Proin sodales hendrerit dictum. In id scelerisque odio. Vivamus vehicula eget nisi cursus facilisis. Sed lorem tellus, varius venenatis cursus in, ullamcorper id mauris. Morbi ultricies ut nisl quis pretium.
Mods, please don't delete this message. It's unfair to those trying to reconnect with friends or groups who have decided to shift their platform of communication over the last few days.

There's a site going up in day or two called ResetEra. Lots of Gaf regulars and well known posters will be there running the show. Can't promise this message won't be deleted by mods, but if you want to reconnect with a lot of users there, get ready.

Discord chatrooms with thousands of gaffers are ready, but have been locked due to 4chan trolls.

Spread the word through PM's if you have to or want to.

Follow twitter.com/reseteraforum for more upcoming deets


Really Really Exciting Member!
Why do people feel the need to be banned or get their account deleted? Do they have so little self control that they'll keep coming back if either of those things don't happen?


I'm just scratching my head at the tidal wave of vitriol that all this caused. Seems many people had lots of built up frustration that was just waiting to be unleashed.
If you didn't know better, you'd think Evilore is all of sudden evil-incarnate for what is IMO not even that much of a deal.

Ugh, I hope none of you have to face something like this in real life. It only takes one person to make one simple accusation to ruin your reputation and brand you for life.

Yeah, agree with you there. I think the way he handled the situation wasn't the best, but the amount of overreaction is simply incredible.

Evil Calvin

Afraid of Boobs
For a guy that has 13 posts and joined just 2 months ago, you seem to have a grasp of what people care or don't care about.

I Have followed for a bit. haven't posted much but I don't need to have a ton of posts to make a comment. Just. if you want to leave ...then leave. Just seems childish and unnecessary.


Good grief, you don't need to make a post or even a thread asking to be banned. Does it make you feel like a big man? If you don't want to be associated with this site then don't visit it, simple as that.

I'm trying to see what video game news I've missed out on and all I can see are threads by wannabe martyrs.
Even if it is true, you know what: I don't care. Let me repeat that: I don't fucking care.

Well you're a fucking arsehole then - and this is exactly why long time members are so pissed off and aren't, 'just leaving' quietly.

I get that you don't care - but to anyone else who's staying - this is the attitude you're giving a free pass to and allowing to propagate...
I'm just scratching my head at the tidal wave of vitriol that all this caused. Seems many people had lots of built up frustration that was just waiting to be unleashed.
If you didn't know better, you'd think Evilore is all of sudden evil-incarnate for what is IMO not even that much of a deal.

Ugh, I hope none of you have to face something like this in real life. It only takes one person to make one simple accusation to ruin your reputation and brand you for life.

if you did 2 minutes of research you'd know that it's way more than 1 accusation.

Evil Calvin

Afraid of Boobs
Good grief, you don't need to make a post or even a thread asking to be banned. Does it make you feel like a big man? If you don't want to be associated with this site then don't post.

I'm trying to see what video game news I've missed out on and all I can see are threads by wannabe martyrs.

That's exactly what I was saying and I ruffled someones feathers. Geeez!
I'm just scratching my head at the tidal wave of vitriol that all this caused. Seems many people had lots of built up frustration that was just waiting to be unleashed.
If you didn't know better, you'd think Evilore is all of sudden evil-incarnate for what is IMO not even that much of a deal.

Ugh, I hope none of you have to face something like this in real life. It only takes one person to make one simple accusation to ruin your reputation and brand you for life.

This forum crucified people for far, far, FAAAAAAR lesser offenses. An out of order tweet or social media post would cause shit storms and have the entire forum combing through that persons social media history so they could justify their vitriol towards him/her.

There are probably a good 2-3 dozen developers/youtubers/twitch streamers/video game writers/content creators watching this melt down with some satisfaction because the chickens finally came home to roost.

This behavior shouldn't surprise you. It wasn't just encouraged, it was practically required if you didn't want to get banned.


Mods, please don't delete this message. It's unfair to those trying to reconnect with friends or groups who have decided to shift their platform of communication over the last few days.

There's a site going up in day or two called ResetEra. Lots of Gaf regulars and well known posters will be there running the show. Can't promise this message won't be deleted by mods, but if you want to reconnect with a lot of users there, get ready.

Discord chatrooms with thousands of gaffers are ready, but have been locked due to 4chan trolls.

Spread the word through PM's if you have to or want to.

Follow twitter.com/reseteraforum for more upcoming deets

Quoted for posterity.
Some years ago, there was this thread about a GAF member that lost his home or was kicked out or something.

A lot of members, me included, decided to help the guy out and transferred money to an account (I think SoulTron was in charge of this?).

The guy got a couple of months rent worth of it, and got up on his feet.

I really felt proud of that moment. It was a beautiful and unique moment of true solidarity.

Fast forward to today, and this happens.

Like I said before, I do not know EvilLore or anyone else involved. But even if he did commit whatever he was accused for, the falling of an entire community because of one individual actions is something to be ashamed of.
I'm not going to comment on the recent events. However, it is a total shame what this is doing to the community. It's very clear that it will be divided, with some staying and others going elsewhere. GAF is great because of its members, and it just can't be the same without them.

I'm truly saddened by this.


These people don't have the attention span to do so.

They need their gaming-fix!!!!
Well, they will notice when the dust settles and they realized that a huge part of what they liked about GAF was produced by users. Users that in great part left.

Maybe the remnants that cry out here so much that they don't care about people leaving, will bring something to the table or maybe they will see that content isn't producing itself. We'll see.


Oh, please, stop calling this childish thing a protest, you are devaluating the word everytime you do. Protesting because some private forum works in a way you dislike? No wonder the right is reigning free, when the self-called lefties behave like this.

But then again, we are talking about US' left, which is an oximoron in itself.
Sorry bud, like it or not it is what it is. Some people are going about it in a childish way, sure, but in general, it‘s fine.

Also, lol at „devaluating the word“. What value does the word „protest“ have? It‘s a super important tool for society, regardless how it’s used. It‘s not some holy word.
I like the changes. They are welcome. I always thought GAF was a place to relax, forget the real world and focus on games and the fun they can provide or has provided in the past.
Even so, even coming here with those things in mind, the harsh environment sometimes transformed us into monsters, fighting over things not related to games and bringing in issues that shoud be left on the door. It's was something worse than simple flame wars between fanboys.

I think this topic isn't not a question of believing EvilLore or not, it's about making GAF the place it always meant to be.

I hope we can all talk about the things we all came here for and have in common: taste for video games, rumours, Resident Evil and good stuff like that. Everyone likes it, everyone here shares the passion, so lets focus only on that.

I'm even going to remove my political related avatar.
I have a suggestion: Why don't you make two OT's instead of one. One moderated, were people are civil, and the other full of toxicity and chaos, without bans.


Am I correct that the incidents are:

(1) This one
(2) An incident in a bar in Spain
(3) Posting 'revenge porn'.

I consider (1) and (3) serious incidents...(2) drunken awkward idiot action.
Well, that are the physical ones we know of. The thing is, that he expressed his views more than ones. Remember [when Tenumi was banned](https://imgur.com/6B7C1lb)?

Evilores attitude is... consistent to say it lightly and extends beyond sexual harassment. Though that weights heavily without question.
Am I correct that the incidents are:

(1) This one
(2) An incident in a bar in Spain
(3) Posting 'revenge porn'.

I consider (1) and (3) serious incidents...(2) drunken awkward idiot action.

Also nuking hundreds of accounts and threads in an attempt to stop this getting out, asking a user to donate $1000 because he was jealous that a dubai holiday thread was getting more traffic than his mountainclimbing holiday thread etc.


Mods, please don't delete this message. It's unfair to those trying to reconnect with friends or groups who have decided to shift their platform of communication over the last few days.

There's a site going up in day or two called ResetEra. Lots of Gaf regulars and well known posters will be there running the show. Can't promise this message won't be deleted by mods, but if you want to reconnect with a lot of users there, get ready.

Discord chatrooms with thousands of gaffers are ready, but have been locked due to 4chan trolls.

Spread the word through PM's if you have to or want to.

Follow twitter.com/reseteraforum for more upcoming deets

I will say that this whole resetera has felt very ambiguous. As a frequent gaffer that has been unable to speak to or join any group working through this new project, I have felt very much in the dark and completely confused by this new start up. It feels much less like a community migration and much more like waiting for the next new thing to 'drop'. Even the twitter account has been silent except for a 7 second 'trailer'. I don't want hype, this isn't a new pair of yeezys. I just want to know what's going on with my online gaming community/family, and instead feel like I'm left out in the dark.
Dunno if he did it or not but I really do think its bullshit that you can go on garbage like Twitter and Facebook and make these types of claims just like that. True or false once you claim these types of things people just run with it.

Get your ass yo the police station if you have legit claims.


They/Them A-10 Warthog
I really wish people would stop doing account suicides for attention. There is no reason to make a horrible post asking for a ban, or posting horrible porn to get a ban (I saw a goatse last night...). Just stop posting here, or pm a mod/Evilore and get them to ban you. Is it so much to ask people to act like grown ups?

Nobody that is staying actually cares that you want a ban. We want to get back to talking about our passion, video games.


Good grief, you don't need to make a post or even a thread asking to be banned. Does it make you feel like a big man? If you don't want to be associated with this site then don't visit it, simple as that.

I'm trying to see what video game news I've missed out on and all I can see are threads by wannabe martyrs.

This. Exactly this.

If you don’t want to visit the site you don’t need to spam the board with requests to be banned. Some people are just addicted to drama.

I do find this whole ordeal to be silly on both sides. Both for the immediate knee jerk reactions by mods and Neogaf members as soon as the allegation became public and by Evilore for blaming this on political discourse in the OT forum. I’ve learned far more than I ever wanted to know about Evilore’s sex life in the past couple of days. This whole thing is just one big clusterfuck. What’s becoming clear is that this site will never be the same if majority of the community is moving elsewhere. It’s a shame that the community and site will be forever tainted by this.
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