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There’s no arrogance like Sony arrogance.

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I have a suspicion the Dreamcast thread has something to do with this.
The amount of residual bitterness in that thread was bemusing, considering ultimately SEGA's demise from hardware was SEGA's fault.
The attitude of the execs are a big part in the way the hardcore views the first party companies.
Things like securities fraud or maltreatment of workers or actual substantive ethical dilemmas should affect one's view of a company and their products.

Random PR quotes really shouldn't.


Dear God, so much bitterness in this thread. Why is it so wrong to laugh at these hilarious quotes? They're amazing. Thanks, OP.
Sony was greatly humbled and they needed it. I feel now they are shutting up a lot more and actually focusing on delivering games.

becasue that was not the plan at all, Killzone 2, Uncharted, God of War, MGS4, GT5, and all the other ip's expanded on and created over this generation were never going to happen, yeah yeah yeah most were shown BEFORE the ps3 came out but it took teh humbling that made them do a 180 and release games on their game console because you know....they like....weren't going to do that.....they were gonna like, talk shit and stuff ARROGANCE!!!.......and shit :/
What do you mean?

This thread was created by one of GAF's most amazing members, for the sole purpose of creating meaningful and intelligent discussion.

You'd never see a thead like this on GameFAQ's.

Come on, man.
It's exactly like GameFaqs. Hey Sony/MS/Nintendo suxxxxxxxxx here's why!! --Bunch of random quotes about companies praising their products.--



You know, all 3 have said really dumb things, but it's true that Sony wins in both quantity and quality. I think the guys at Japan aren't that bad, though.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
You know, all 3 have said really dumb things, but it's true that Sony wins in both quantity and quality. I think the guys at Japan aren't that bad, though.

That's because there are no guys at SCEJ, at least it seems so when looking at their PS3 output *sadface*


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
I don't think there's a good discussion to be had out of this topic other than to point and mock, but then again I think they deserve to be pointed out and mocked.

We've had countless threads regarding this on GAF

So many ban-hammers "Bish-Approved­­­®"

This doesn't bring any highly discussion into the mix, it's just the bat signal/moths to a flame pile on for pile on sakes

Now if there was new PR statements by Sony exec's bragging/saying they never mispoke ever, then Mama has a point

All I see is a person with too much time on their hand creating a thread due to some philosophical pandering of "Hey lets revisit dead horse comments" and then play it off with questions, leaving discuss at the end
He maybe a good poster, but that does not give him carte blanche to create a thread ad get away with it


needs 2 extra inches
Seriously, first the quarterly losses, then the Vita mockery and Kamiya remarks, and now we're going out of our way to dig through the archives and for even more harmful material? Give Sony a break man, they're going out of business.


my posts are "MEH"
Those quotes are hilarious!!! These 2 have my in tears..

"This time, Microsoft has stated clearly that it is going after the PlayStation. However, they're going not after the PlayStation 3, but the PlayStation 2. They were looking at 2, and that's why [Xbox 360] became like that."

”Xbox is 1.5, the PS is more than what I was expecting, so it's 3.5. That's the difference."

Ken is so crazy!
Someone needs to make a list of all the Sony fanboy quotes and post them at the end of the thread, hell I might do it myself if I have time because the levels of butthurt in here are astonishing.


Wow. Some of you people need to calm down and realize Sony said some stupid ass shit this gen, and considering the next one is about to kick off, why not look bad at all the stupid shit they said? A Nintendo/Microsoft thread would be nice as well, but Sony were the biggest bullshiters this gen.
Someone needs to make a list of all the Sony fanboy quotes and post them at the end of the thread, hell I might do it myself if I have time because the levels of butthurt in here are astonishing.

Isn't that Mama Robotnik's usual schtick?

Don't steal his gimmick.


Someone needs to make a list of all the Sony fanboy quotes and post them at the end of the thread, hell I might do it myself if I have time because the levels of butthurt in here are astonishing.

I'm thinking of doing it, but I'm waiting till the end when the bitterness reaches a singularity.

Honestly I hope Robotnik himself does one at the end. The one he did for the Uncharted reviews thread was spectacular


In retrospect, many of these quotes are hilarious given how things ended up this generation. Is it unfair to label them as a stream of incomparable arrogance?

Its been difficult to find many quotes from previous generations, so I'm unable to establish if this attitude has been predominantly from this generation, or was just as apparent during the time of the PS1 and 2.

A few questions:

(1) Was there some sort of mentality of invulnerability or inevitable success permeating the company, or could there have been some PR doctrine requesting everyone simply come across as being as ridiculously, absurdly confident as possible?
They just beat every other giant in the video game hardware business senseless right before the PS3 launched.

(2) Did comments like those listed above tarnish your opinion of the Sony brand in any way, or were you happy to dismiss them as eccentric ramblings of detached execs?[/quote]
Not especially.

(3) What's the silliest/most ridiculous/your just-plain-favourite quote?
The $1200 one.

(4) Am I being unfair - is there a company in the industry that has provided more arrogant quotes than those above? (Examples please).
Maybe some Atari stuff from their heyday.

Edit: Is anyone still answering these questions aside form me?


Ken is so crazy!

That guy loved his job:

“I believe we made the most beautiful thing in the world. Nobody would criticize a renowned architect’s blueprint that the position of a gate is wrong. It’s the same as that.”

(Talking about the square button issues on the PSP)

I can only hope one of the big three takes on the Sony mantle for next gen, to keep the amusement flowing.
That Matrix quote describing their online interface is priceless and amazing. I miss arrogant Sony. It was a comedy-goldmine. Not to say that they're super humble now, but considering how clumsy the PS3 has been compared to expectations, they got served a heaping spoonful of reality-check, and that kinda ruins things.


There are some really bitter people up in this thread.

Oh, just a couple.

So what exactly does this topic achieve?

Talk about having too much time on your hands.

shit thread.

This thread is still not locked, eh? Nice.

Sometimes I feel like if there wasn't a Sony is doomed etc. thread within two days of each other NeoGAF itself would cease to exist.

.... why in the hell is this thread still open? >=(

Wow, the Sony haters have been out in full force this last week.

At least it makes for hilarious topics like this one.

This is the kind of thread it takes to be the best? Alright.

i am confused by some people defending the thread so much, it's just a collection of quotes already talked about for years and before and just like this thread it will turn to shit.

I'm just curious why the OP felt the need to go through quotes that have been mocked and ridiculed to death already and do it all over again?

MMMMMmmmmmm I feel so warm on the inside.

So good.

Come on guys, don't get so defensive and salty. Nobody's attacking you, and the OP isn't even really an attack on Sony - just a discussion starter about how some executives could have said so many things that seem so arrogant, whether that had an effect on Sony's image overall and to you, and whether or not it points to a problem endemic to Sony's upper management.

On topic, those quotes in the OP are hilarious in their arrogance and shortsightedness. Clearly the Playstation 2 put Sony at the top of the world, and folks in management thought they could do no wrong. Clearly they were mistaken.

I will say that the single most arrogant quote out of this entire generation actually came from Microsoft, with the infamous "ya know, things break."
Sony was greatly humbled and they needed it. I feel now they are shutting up a lot more and actually focusing on delivering games.

Eh, I think it's more that Kutaragi and Harrison are gone. They were nutso's. But, Microsoft had Molyneux on their side, doesn't he win by default? But you're right Tretton is a lot more humble now.

I'll miss Kutaragi coming on stage, saying watever the hell he wanted not realizing you got to deliver on your promises.


True they were quite arrogant early this Gen, but they have calmed down and become a better company IMO.

Granted they still have their moments, but the same can be said for Nintendo and MS as well.

No kidding, why would anyone spend so much time unless they are on the clock. Hope there is some MS money for all the hard work.

I would bet money you've spent more time trolling MS than he spent making this thread (research included).

But did you see the quote from 2007.
It was so mean.
Be annoyed with me.



Seriously, first the quarterly losses, then the Vita mockery, and now we're going out of our way to dig through the archives and for even more harmful material? What gives? Give Sony a break man, they're going out of business.

They're a damn tragic mess. Almost like Gamefaqs


its all just an elaborate plan from the steam society! Neogaf shalt no longer be angry at Gabe. focus your negative energy toward Sony.
This (And a few other reasons) is why I jumped Ship after spending £500 on a PS3 at launch. I wont be going back either unless somthing magical happens, im happy with my 360.

Sony really thought they were untouchable after the previous 2 gens...


( ≖‿≖)
MMMMMmmmmmm I feel so warm on the inside.

So good.

Come on guys, don't get so defensive and salty. Nobody's attacking you, and the OP isn't even really an attack on Sony - just a discussion starter about how some executives could have said so many things that seem so arrogant, whether that had an effect on Sony's image overall and to you, and whether or not it points to a problem endemic to Sony's upper management.

You're mistaking "pointing out a bad thread" with "being defensive"

I don't know how this is an insightful thread. "Company execs talk up own products, talk down products of their competitor's"

Can I get a shocking news?
wow @ all the salt up in here. if you can't laugh at this, you're doing LIFE wrong.

You're mistaking "pointing out a bad thread" with "being defensive"

I don't know how this is an insightful thread. "Company execs talk up own products, talk down products of their competitor's"

Can I get a shocking news?

it's interesting to look back at the smack talk.

good thread. deal with it. there are countless other threads that you could be posting in if this one doesn't interest you. I suggest doing so.
Oh, just a couple.

MMMMMmmmmmm I feel so warm on the inside.

So good.

Come on guys, don't get so defensive and salty. Nobody's attacking you, and the OP isn't even really an attack on Sony - just a discussion starter about how some executives could have said so many things that seem so arrogant, whether that had an effect on Sony's image overall and to you, and whether or not it points to a problem endemic to Sony's upper management.

On topic, those quotes in the OP are hilarious in their arrogance and shortsightedness. Clearly the Playstation 2 put Sony at the top of the world, and folks in management thought they could do no wrong. Clearly they were mistaken.

I will say that the single most arrogant quote out of this entire generation actually came from Microsoft, with the infamous "ya know, things break."
put this one in too http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=40736115&postcount=191

You're mistaking "pointing out a bad thread" with "being defensive"

I don't know how this is an insightful thread. "Company execs talk up own products, talk down products of their competitor's"

Can I get a shocking news?
and this one.
No kidding, why would anyone spend so much time unless they are on the clock. Hope there is some MS money for all the hard work.

I don't know.

I think Microsoft has all the GAF PR they need with Speedy these days.

Though maybe Mama wants that job, and is making a push?
Maybe some Atari stuff from their heyday.
Yamauchi-era Nintendo iirc. Although, probably in action more than words. But there are some nice quotes if anybody can be bothered to find them.
just a discussion starter
I see very little discussion in the replies thus far, presumably because there's little discussion to be had. The quotes are funny and ridiculous, but they're not really anything new. Overall it just seems like pointless baiting, maybe it will result in some meltdown bans - I suppose that could be amusing.
some of them are true though.

Who can deny that the wii was pricey? Oh yeah, the ps3 was more expensive. yeah, an airplane is more expensive than a fishing boat alright.
Oh, just a couple.

"various quotes of posts from this thread."

Good god, why are so many people taking this so personally? Some of my best gaming moments have been on Playstation consoles, (Sony and Nintendo are pretty much equal to me as the top go-to for gaming needs) but when an out-of-touch, higher-up exec says batshit stupid things, they should be called-out on it and the internet makes sure that we can pretty much ridicule them forever.
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