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God of War: Ascension reviews


benevolent sexism
I don't think he means "Well technically she isn't a female human". I think he means "The furies kill and torment many people. They aren't innocent women being abused by a male-power fantasy."

It's not that people are concerned that Kratos is abusing this poor, evil woman. It's that the trophy text implicitly designates her as an entire class of people - hoes, women, whatever. What is literally happening on screen between two people takes on greater significance when the text designates Kratos as a member of the class "bros" and the bad lady as the class "hoes." It means something different than just one character killing another.


benevolent sexism
In this case, you really shouldn't take a trophy name that is meant to make a dumb joke seriously.

Are you saying that anything that is meant as a joke cannot/should not be critiqued? If a joke reveals something potentially troubling about the joker, should it not be discussed?


Yeah we'll let sales and fan response be the judge of that.

The whole point of this game was to re-purpose some of the work that went into GOW3. I'm not surprised the Chimera appears here as-is.

If that was the point then they did a very poor job of it.
It's not that people are concerned that Kratos is abusing this poor, evil woman. It's that the trophy text implicitly designates her as an entire class of people - hoes, women, whatever. What is literally happening on screen between two people takes on greater significance when the text designates Kratos as a member of the class "bros" and the bad lady as the class "hoes." It means something different than just one character killing another.

It is just a dumb joke. If you want to say the joke was dumb and isn't funny and unneeded, I'll agree with you all the way. But to put any more meaning behind it is just silly.
Sony fans seem to be the most sensitive to review scores. And I say this as someone who has a predilection towards sony games myself. Atleast this thread isn't as bad as when Uncharted 3 dipped below 90%.

Settle down everyone. Did you enjoy the demo? The game is going to be like that. In what way do these scores matter at all?
From the Polygon review: "The brutal, bone-shattering assault on a realistic female avatar was horrific regardless of its context, the imagery too loaded for me to shrug it off as just another God of War Moment TM. And then the assault was robbed of any narrative impact whatsoever by a throwaway story device. It didn't matter. I had to watch it happen and then it didn't mean anything. And then approximately 45 seconds later, I unlocked a trophy called "Bros before Hos."


Poor SSM. They should have put in always-online DRM instead of doing what they have been doing in every one of their GoW games. Would have bumped their score probably.

I'm joking please don't do this ever devs.


It is just a dumb joke. If you want to say the joke was dumb and isn't funny and unneeded, I'll agree with you all the way. But to put any more meaning behind it is just silly.

Seriously. I can't fathom how anyone would be insulted by this, aside from the fact that it's a lame dumb joke.


Is there supposed to be a distinction?

Yes, there absolutely is supposed to be one.

One is focused on informing the consumer on whether or not the PRODUCT it's a worthy purchase. The other is focused on the sentiments of its author towards the ARTWORK from a standpoint of personal perspective.
What is so drastically different from God of war 3 that this game warrents a 70/60 rating?

Bros before Hos ?

I mean, I've played 70/60 games, and they aren't this polished.

Guess I'll have to play it.

Happens with every sequel/prequel.

Scores get lower because something hasnt changed for whatever reason.

Im of opinion that if it aint broke, dont fix it.

Reviewers tend to be a bit different but w.e
If that's the only reason then I'm hoping the reviewers back it up when the gears of war embargo drops. After all there's only been 2 console god of wars this gen and soon to be 4 gears of wars.

No review has been lower than 7 and there have been several 9s. What is so bad about his?
Sony fans seem to be the most sensitive to review scores. And I say this as someone who has a predilection towards sony games myself. Atleast this thread isn't as bad as when Uncharted 3 dipped below 90%.

Yeah, the comments in this thread and the actual review scores don't entirely gel. Typical stuff though really.


Please tell me this is the last God Of War game!!?? Talking about milking a franchise, but enough is enough..how many games has there been 6-7???
Are you saying that anything that is meant as a joke cannot/should not be critiqued? If a joke reveals something potentially troubling about the joker, should it not be discussed?

Like I just said to you, I'll gladly agree to you that it is a bad/dumb joke. Not bad as in "this is really inappropriate". It's just not funny. And if a joke isn't funny, it has no purpose of existence. And I'm not saying it isn't funny for any other reason that the joke isn't funny, not because of any worry of misogynistic tone. The joke doesn't reveal anything troubling about the joker. I really feel that this is a knee jerk reaction due to the victim here being a woman. It's nothing new for God of War. If that kind of stuff always seemed repulsive to you in God of War, fine. But please, lets not act as if they've crossed some line here not already crossed.


If that's the only reason then I'm hoping the reviewers back it up when the gears of war embargo drops. After all there's only been 2 console god of wars this gen and soon to be 4 gears of wars.

It also had 4 if you count the PSP games.

I also expect Gears to have similar scores.


From the Polygon review: "The brutal, bone-shattering assault on a realistic female avatar was horrific regardless of its context, the imagery too loaded for me to shrug it off as just another God of War Moment TM. And then the assault was robbed of any narrative impact whatsoever by a throwaway story device. It didn't matter. I had to watch it happen and then it didn't mean anything. And then approximately 45 seconds later, I unlocked a trophy called "Bros before Hos."

Dat Greek mythology son.

T.M. MacReady

Please tell me this is the last God Of War game!!?? Talking about milking a franchise, but enough is enough..how many games has there been 6-7???

4 console games and 2 handhelds since 2005. That's not "milking a franchise". Guitar Hero got milked. God of War did not.


Have we found out where some reviewers were getting stuck for hours yet, could someone who has played it post it in a spoiler tag? Though saying that, I'm not sure if I want to not know and then see if I end up getting stuck too, so a non-descriptive answer on if you got stuck or not would be welcome too.


Please tell me this is the last God Of War game!!?? Talking about milking a franchise, but enough is enough..how many games has there been 6-7???

Like someone had said, this is only the 2nd God of War game to come out on consoles this gen but ok, it's milking it.
Please tell me this is the last God Of War game!!?? Talking about milking a franchise, but enough is enough..how many games has there been 6-7???

4 console games. 2 handheld games. Are you still a fan of any of the following?

Assassin's Creed
Call of Duty
Final Fantasy
Splinter Cell

If so, I'd find your issue with the amount of God of War games odd. The handhelds aren't really worth counting as far as milking goes. 4 God of War games in 9 years sure doesn't feel like a franchise being milked.


So we are onto sales = quality now?
You said it was a game that "folks" didn't need.

Obviously, if lots of God of War fans go out here and buy it, clearly it's not unneeded since they want another God of War game. That's probably the point the poster was making. Quality doesn't enter the discussion.


4 console games and 2 handhelds since 2005. That's not "milking a franchise". Guitar Hero got milked. God of War did not.
I hate always having to point this out in regards to Sony "milking" God of War.

I'm not into handheld gaming, so I haven't even played a God of War since 2010.
Kratos' anger has been removed, as promised, but it wasn't really replaced with anything. Ascension feels hollow and motiveless, and it's hard to get excited when the hero himself isn't capable of mustering up any enthusiasm. You'll be dragged from remarkable location to remarkable location, never knowing why you're there or what you're supposed to do. Ascension doesn't flesh out Kratos' life or give you better insight into why he becomes the ferocious avatar of anger. Instead, it just happens. Kratos isn't deeper for it, he's still just a blender--an excuse for you to spin around and act as a whirlwind of chains and blood and meat.

Boooo SSM
You kill a female monster and get the trophy

Bros before Hoes


sessler come on

This is the part that sessler doesn't seem to understand. She was a Furry, a beast, a monster. Its not like it was a female human being.

Please tell me this is the last God Of War game!!?? Talking about milking a franchise, but enough is enough..how many games has there been 6-7???

Give me a break! This is only the 4th main entry!! Let alone only the 2nd one to appear on PS3! COD and Assassin's Creed(6 in one generation?) have way more main entries and people don't complain about those getting stale?
I have always had a ton of respect for Adam Sessler and his body of work. He is entitled to his opinion, but I will respectfuly disagree with him on this one.

I swear it seems like the world (or at least the USA) is becoming more and more apologetic for saying something wrong or hurting somebodies feelings. I mean.. it seems as if everybody is afraid to hurt someones feelings. So what if there is an achievment called Bros before Ho's. Who really cares? It is a video game. Its ok for me to kill 1000 enemies with a head shot, but I cant curb stomp a woman? I say that we all need to grow a set, and stop crying about potentially offending somebody. If this type of stuff does offend you then maybe you should stop playing games all together.

Also, if this is offensive, then I want the news to be taken off the air. I am offended occasionally when they talk about shootings and our inability to get out of debt as a country.


The idea that misogyny is impossible when a female goddess or other anthropomorphized female is used as a stand-in for a woman is absurd. Claiming that a female goddess is not technically a woman is a bizarre sort of rules-lawyering that ignores any sense. It's like claiming that WW2 era comic books that featured a heroic American fighting yellow-skinned clawed demons were not racist since those were demons and totally not Asians.

Especially if you are familiar with Greek mythology, which frequently uses gods, animals, etc to make points about humans. In Greek mythology gods are not particularly different from humans - they are more powerful but have similar morals and cognitive abilities, intermingle with humans, can produce offspring with humans, etc.

That's not to say the scene or game is misogynistic. Just to say that claiming it somehow can't be by definition is silly. The fact that you can even call the "creature" a ho means that it is similar to a woman. If in the game you killed a goat that just happened to be female "bros before hos" wouldn't make much sense.

...which is why I said I still find it dumb and can understand being offended by it, I just don't think it's as bad as if it was an innocent human woman being killed, rather than a female demon who looks humanoid. I don't disagree with you really, it's just that in this context it's more *eye-roll* worthy and less *yells in rage* (I'm not necessarily accusing you or anyone else in here of overreacting, btw).

I don't think he means "Well technically she isn't a female human". I think he means "The furies kill and torment many people. They aren't innocent women being abused by a male-power fantasy."

Yeah, this. Because of the context, I just find it dumb and childish, whereas with a different context (i.e. an innocent woman being murdered) I would definitely be pretty upset/offended.
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