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God of War: Ascension reviews


Junior Member
Eh... would this help: all humans have preferences.

Professionals don't let these preferences affect their work. This separates them from regular old fanboys.

He is obviously not a professional then considering his praise for Durango and the nonsense about Sony not getting third party support or having good relations etc etc.. True everyone has preferences but having a preference and being a fanboy are too different things.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Optimally he should approach the game as neutral as possible. It's not a big feat even though you have some opinions about the series in general.

Optimally, yeah. If he has a history of actively disliking the series it would then be an odd gesture to have leading the review for a follow up in the franchise.

He is obviously not a professional then considering his praise for Durango and the nonsense about Sony not getting third party support or having good relations etc etc.. True everyone has preferences but having a preference and being a fanboy are too different things.

Do you feel it persuades the writing of his reviews? I think that's the only aspect that ends up mattering.


He is obviously not a professional then considering his praise for Durango and the nonsense about Sony not getting third party support or having good relations etc etc.. True everyone has preferences but having a preference and being a fanboy are too different things.

Please, provide an example of a "professional" gaming journalist.


Junior Member
Optimally, yeah. If he has a history of actively disliking the series it would then be an odd gesture to have leading the review for a follow up in the franchise.

Do you feel it persuades the writing of his reviews? I think that's the only aspect that ends up mattering.

Not only his writing but also his podcasts. It cannot be a coincidence if so many people ( sensible guys not fanboys ) think so as well. He should have atleast tried to be more subtle in his fanboyism and not displayed it so openly.


I dont know if you can say journalist but Sessler is pretty good no bullshit guy. You will never see him stooping as low as Aegies.

You are praising Sessler in this thread. Really? :b

He is obviously not a professional then considering his praise for Durango and the nonsense about Sony not getting third party support or having good relations etc etc..

Eh that's complete speculation. And I'm not familiar with the guy at all and he might be a dick for all I care. I just disagree with most of you in general here. I can have an opinion that the PS3 was a horrible piece of hardware, but can still play the games on it without that opinion affecting my work. It's not hard. It's nothing amazing. It's expected on the field of writing.
So having a better reason for vengeance makes him more sympathetic?

Killing his family was his mistake too, y'know. He chose to give his life over to Ares, the god of war, and he went on to plunder and murder to his heart's content.
Yeah. Having replayed through the whole series recently, the whole vengeance/Ares is the bad guy thing still feels like protracted guilt dodging to me. Sure, Ares is an asshole but it irks me when Kratos pretends the whole thing isn't entirely on him. All things being equal, he'd have been absolutely okay with killing someone else's wife and child that night.

I haven't yet replayed through the PSP game but I think I remember someone calling him out on that bullshit. He's an amoral cold blooded killer and everything he does up to the end of GoW III is because of that, not for some sense of justice.

Which is the appeal of that anti-hero to begin with.


Yeah. Having replayed through the whole series recently, the whole vengeance/Ares is the bad guy thing still feels like protracted guilt dodging to me. Sure, Ares is an asshole but it irks me when Kratos pretends the whole thing isn't entirely on him. All things being equal, he'd have been absolutely okay with killing someone else's wife and child that night.

I haven't yet replayed through the PSP game but I think I remember someone calling him out on that bullshit. He's an amoral cold blooded killer and everything he does up to the end of GoW III is because of that, not for some sense of justice.

Which is the appeal of that anti-hero to begin with.

The most ridiculous moment in the series was in one of the psp games when you had a QTE of
leaving your kids memory behind


All I'm reading from recent comments in this thread: "I disagree with Arthur Gies' review of God of War. Therefore Arthur Gies is an unprofessional Microsoft fanboy."

Come on, guys.


All I'm reading from recent comments in this thread: "I disagree with Arthur Gies' review of God of War. Therefore Arthur Gies is an unprofessional Microsoft fanboy."

Come on, guys.

We found his review Parameter String> ...



Junior Member
You are praising Sessler in this thread. Really? :b

Eh that's complete speculation. And I'm not familiar with the guy at all and he might be a dick for all I care. I just disagree with most of you in general here. I can have an opinion that the PS3 was a horrible piece of hardware, but can still play the games on it without that opinion affecting my work. It's not hard. It's nothing amazing. It's expected on the field of writing.

It is for him unfortunately.

Regarding Sessler what I meant to say was his bias does not show one way or another in his posts. Even if he prefers one specific console to a great extent he would not stoop as low as aegies and post speculations about specs and third party relationship etc etc just to prop his company of choice. I do not agree with his opinions may times but I will never question his integrity because of the way he conducts himself. You will never see most reasonable ps or xbox fans complain about him like you would with aegies. Ofcourse there are extreme fanboys who see bias everywhere forcing Sessler to come up with this epic video - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I643CzcHPYU
All I'm reading from recent comments in this thread: "I disagree with Arthur Gies' review of God of War. Therefore Arthur Gies is an unprofessional Microsoft fanboy."

Come on, guys.

Really? Have you not been paying attention at all? This is nothing new and not just about GoW, it's just the latest. Keep up.


Junior Member
All I'm reading from recent comments in this thread: "I disagree with Arthur Gies' review of God of War. Therefore Arthur Gies is an unprofessional Microsoft fanboy."

Come on, guys.

What an awesome conclusion. Well done. Yes all of us who complained about aegies disagree with the score and think GOW : A totally deserves a 10.
Hey, not sure what's up but I helped make some art for the OT and after sending the last of the assets I haven't heard anything. Hopefully it goes up soon.


What an awesome conclusion. Well done. Yes all of us who complained about aegies disagree with the score and think GOW : A totally deserves a 10.

Way off. The point I'm getting at is that if you disagree with his review, attack the content of the review, not the character of the person reviewing. Ad hominem 101.
Yeah. Having replayed through the whole series recently, the whole vengeance/Ares is the bad guy thing still feels like protracted guilt dodging to me. Sure, Ares is an asshole but it irks me when Kratos pretends the whole thing isn't entirely on him. All things being equal, he'd have been absolutely okay with killing someone else's wife and child that night.

I haven't yet replayed through the PSP game but I think I remember someone calling him out on that bullshit. He's an amoral cold blooded killer and everything he does up to the end of GoW III is because of that, not for some sense of justice.

Which is the appeal of that anti-hero to begin with.

Exactly! Great comment.


Junior Member
Way off. The point I'm getting at is that if you disagree with his review, attack the content of the review, not the character of the person reviewing. Ad hominem 101.

I dont disagree with this review of GOW : A at all. I said anything from aegies should be taken with a pinch of salt given his open allegiances and the levels to which he stoops and that there are more trustworthy opinions out there for fans of the franchise.


Why? A game is made up of more than just story and camera. Enemy formations, combat systems, boss battles, level design, etc. etc.

Also, I am going to hope you have fully completed Ascension and MGR to be saying such a thing. If not, excuse me as I visit the hospital for my exploded brain.
Head exploding for what? Quit the overrating. I guess youre one of the few that accepted MGRs poor AI, level designs, boss battles, camera work, and story. And no, I dont have a copy. But you'd be an idiot to not see what has more quality even if youre just judging by the demos. Now carry on to the hospital, sounds like you needed to go before my post.


So we still don't have a review from Gametrailers, Giant Bomb, and IGN. I know IGN's waiting for the retail servers to go up but any word on the other two?


Feels like Uncharted 3 all over again

Good scores, the people who liked the previous ones will love this one, too. And Gies is capable to write good stuff, it's fanboyish to declare him fanboyish when he isn't.

But I hope we'll see a mythology change on the PS4


Wait, the game has a trophy named "Bros Before Hos" you get after you beat a fury to death? Oh wow. What the fuck were they thinking?

and a trophy called
Lubed up

it´s a trophy.. you know the thing that pops us for a few seconds ..? it´s not the end of the world..


the quote might be offensive to some people, but its just a name of a trophy in a M rated game filled with blood and gory. why such reactions?


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Head exploding for what? Quit the overrating. I guess youre one of the few that accepted MGRs poor AI, level designs, boss battles, camera work, and story. And no, I dont have a copy. But you'd be an idiot to not see what has more quality even if youre just judging by the demos. Now carry on to the hospital, sounds like you needed to go before my post.

One of the few? Just looking at threads like this or keeping up with the OT show that many consider MGR to be the best game released so far this year, so you're actually in the minority there.

Now, let's go through the rest of your wonderful post. I would be an idiot to not see what has more quality. Er, in the god of war demo you fight one enemy type constantly, then a cyclops, and part of a boss. It barely gives you a taste of the actual gameplay considering you start off so limited and there's not much to mess around with. It is certainly a much prettier game, but that has little to do with the quality of the core gameplay comparison. MGR enemy AI is like any other action game AI, where the enemies are all just hellbent on hurting you, and get more aggressive as you crank difficulty up. It is peculiar that you specifically mention this as god of war is the exact same, the enemy AI is perfectly servicible for the kind of game it is. If you are talking more on the stealth AI, then yeah they are very stupid. The stealth aspect is in more as a nod to the MG root and from the action game angle you are punished for taking it as you miss out on battle encounters and the overall score suffers.

The camera in MGR is iffy, for sure, but...so is the camera in Ascension. The worst the GoW series has had, seemingly. Based on the demo(and reviews), it seems to pan out to show the surroundings more than it focuses on actually giving proper player clarity to actually track their playable character. That's annoying and a fault. Just as it's a fault when the camera in MGR is trying to get you to check out an enemy walking around while an RPG flies into your face.

The boss battles in MGR are the highlight of the game to most people. All very aggressive, rely on different skillsets such as testing crowd control, parrying, and dodging on top of being elevated by an excellent and uplifting soundtrack. The reason I said what I did is because it is truly insane to compare the quality of the entire game of Ascension without playing it, because you don't know how it handles any of this. The bosses may be excellent, they may be awful, you and I are not psychic and the quality of something like this is not something that can be guessed; this is an interactive medium and the player input is required to go through the created design. A comparison of the full product of a game not yet experienced IS dumb to make, even if you seem to have a bone to pick with MGR by outright saying it's dumb for any reviewer to give it a higher score for multiple reasons. One being the fact that these outlets have many reviewers and someone who gave Ascension a lower score than MGR is likely a completely different person entirely, binary comparisons of scores simply don't work. Even if it was the same person, there is clearly a following of people who love MGR for many reasons so it would not be a shock that someone can have a great time with both of these games but prefer one over the other.
Wait, the game has a trophy named "Bros Before Hos" you get after you beat a fury to death? Oh wow. What the fuck were they thinking?

They were thinking that people wouldn't make a big deal out of a trivial and humorous trophy name that only appears for three seconds in a game that features brutal eviscerations, abundant female nudity, and violence against both male and female mythological creatures.

But they underestimated NeoGAF's ability to become outraged at everything.


One of the few? Just looking at threads like this or keeping up with the OT show that many consider MGR to be the best game released so far this year, so you're actually in the minority there.

Now, let's go through the rest of your wonderful post. I would be an idiot to not see what has more quality. Er, in the god of war demo you fight one enemy type constantly, then a cyclops, and part of a boss. It barely gives you a taste of the actual gameplay considering you start off so limited and there's not much to mess around with. It is certainly a much prettier game, but that has little to do with the quality of the core gameplay comparison. MGR enemy AI is like any other action game AI, where the enemies are all just hellbent on hurting you, and get more aggressive as you crank difficulty up. It is peculiar that you specifically mention this as god of war is the exact same, the enemy AI is perfectly servicible for the kind of game it is. If you are talking more on the stealth AI, then yeah they are very stupid. The stealth aspect is in more as a nod to the MG root and from the action game angle you are punished for taking it as you miss out on battle encounters and the overall score suffers.

The camera in MGR is iffy, for sure, but...so is the camera in Ascension. The worst the GoW series has had, seemingly. Based on the demo(and reviews), it seems to pan out to show the surroundings more than it focuses on actually giving proper player clarity to actually track their playable character. That's annoying and a fault. Just as it's a fault when the camera in MGR is trying to get you to check out an enemy walking around while an RPG flies into your face.

The boss battles in MGR are the highlight of the game to most people. All very aggressive, rely on different skillsets such as testing crowd control, parrying, and dodging on top of being elevated by an excellent and uplifting soundtrack. The reason I said what I did is because it is truly insane to compare the quality of the entire game of Ascension without playing it, because you don't know how it handles any of this. The bosses may be excellent, they may be awful, you and I are not psychic and the quality of something like this is not something that can be guessed; this is an interactive medium and the player input is required to go through the created design. A comparison of the full product of a game not yet experienced IS dumb to make, even if you seem to have a bone to pick with MGR by outright saying it's dumb for any reviewer to give it a higher score.
I don't use other people's opinions as a means to justify my interest. I like the GOW demo and disliked MGR. I wasn't trying to downplay Rising, I just wanted to point out Ass-backwards reviews. And as you stated, people enjoy Rising even with the horrible camera. GOW's isn't as bad but gets ripped to shreds for issues that crop up from time to time.


Head exploding for what? Quit the overrating. I guess youre one of the few that accepted MGRs poor AI, level designs, boss battles, camera work, and story. And no, I dont have a copy. But you'd be an idiot to not see what has more quality even if youre just judging by the demos. Now carry on to the hospital, sounds like you needed to go before my post.

Tell me more.


One of the few? Just looking at threads like this or keeping up with the OT show that many consider MGR to be the best game released so far this year, so you're actually in the minority there.

Yeah.......... Wait........ It's weird because everyone in the forums (not neogaf especially...) are claiming that Platinum games are pure masterpieces, best games in the universe for all times, jesus on earth, etc....

But games are not selling megatons................ Sooooooo.......

I bet 1/2 to 2/3 of gafers claimning this don't own the games. I bet.


Yeah.......... Wait........ It's weird because everyone in the forums (not neogaf especially...) are claiming that Platinum games are pure masterpieces, best games in the universe for all times, jesus on earth, etc....

But games are not selling megatons................ Sooooooo.......

I bet 1/2 to 2/3 of gafers claimning this don't own the games. I bet.

Sales = ultimate measure of quality?


Feels like Uncharted 3 all over again

Good scores, the people who liked the previous ones will love this one, too. And Gies is capable to write good stuff, it's fanboyish to declare him fanboyish when he isn't.

But I hope we'll see a mythology change on the PS4

Although his comments may seem biased on occasion I wouldn't call him a fanboy.

I can however understand some people's frustrations over him reviewing a series he clearly doesn't like.

At the end of the day a review is just an opinion piece. You're not obligated to go by what a reviewer says.

I will say this though, why are some people dubious of Gies' review when other reviews pretty much the same thing. Surely that's an indication that his review is fairly accurate?


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I don't use other people's opinions as a means to justify my interest. I like the GOW demo and disliked MGR. I wasn't trying to downplay Rising, I just wanted to point out Ass-backwards reviews. And as you stated, people enjoy Rising even with the horrible camera. GOW's isn't as bad but gets ripped to shreds for issues that crop up from time to time.

It's hard to say if it isn't as bad without playing it, is all I'm saying. From the demo it messed me up pretty bad, and I honestly didn't have many camera issues in MGR until very hard started throwing Mastiffs around in closed areas a lot.

Yeah.......... Wait........ It's weird because everyone in the forums (not neogaf especially...) are claiming that Platinum games are pure masterpieces, best games in the universe for all times, jesus on earth, etc....

But games are not selling megatons................ Sooooooo.......

I bet 1/2 to 2/3 of gafers claimning this don't own the games. I bet.

I would say it's more inline with the style of hardcore oriented action just overlaps with a much larger percentage of gaffers. You don't see large threads on here for games like the Sims or Just Dance which are massive sellers, due to being marketed to a different demographic.


Nope but there are ppl who think MGR sucks big time including myself. There is no ultimate measure of quality for any game.

Of course not. But platinum is highly regarded because they focus on gamepay mechanics first and foremost. They are kinda old school in that way.


Game didn't get 9's and 10's, so I see the usual crew are getting their tits in a twist and claiming bias and unprofessionalism.

You just unlocked a trophy "Titty twisters unite"...

The reviews all sound fair and square.. just stupid to point out the name of a TROPHY in a review.. it´s not like there isn´t enough to write about this game..


Junior Member
Of course not. But platinum is highly regarded because they focus on gamepay mechanics first and foremost. They are kinda old school in that way.

Respectfully disagree. Everyone concentrates on gameplay as well. Just because the other components of Platinum games are not up to the mark does not mean they have the sole authority on what constitutes 'gameplay' as if rest of the developers are sitting on their ass and just focusing on visuals.


Respectfully disagree. Everyone concentrates on gameplay as well. Just because the other components of Platinum games are not up to the mark does not mean they have the sole authority on what constitutes 'gameplay' as if rest of the developers are sitting on their ass and just focusing on visuals.

Where did I imply any of that? I actually disliked many of the areas in Bayonetta, but the polished gameplay is just universally praised in their games.
Wait, the game has a trophy named "Bros Before Hos" you get after you beat a fury to death? Oh wow. What the fuck were they thinking?

You're worried about the terminology given to a trophy name but are desensitized to the brutal killing and beheadings that go on???

Maybe what they were thinking was "this guy/gal is obviously fairly mature and can handle all this blood and guts, lets throw in a well known quote to go with this trophy"


Sales = ultimate measure of quality?

Absolutely not, but if Platinum games were so pure gold, in a genre that sales (see gow saga sales), their games would sale like happy meals...

I just do think that GoW saga offers a large gamers audience what they want with a pretty decent production value so far... By this, SSM has done what they have to do and they don't milk the saga to much for my point of view.

Platinum make their games. Sony make their own. Wanting platinum working on a god of war, is wanting changing a coke glass in milk. Not the same thing, end of story.
That doesn't make it ok. One would assume you'd have more clear-thinking individuals around that would have pointed out how incredibly idiotic that choice was.

Wait, the game has a trophy named "Bros Before Hos" you get after you beat a fury to death? Oh wow. What the fuck were they thinking?

Somehow I had to laugh when I read that. Looking at your posts in the past, would you also be "outraged" if this was an Xbox 360 game? What do you think of achievements like "Escort service", "One-Night Stand", "Open Relationship", "Friends with Benefits"in Gears of War 2, which is obviously a game with brutal violence? I don't know why people are suddenly surprised about the content of the God of War series...
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