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Skullgirls DLC Crowdsourcing - Completed, $829,829 raised, 4+1 characters funded


I do kind of wonder if we could do Skullgirls 2, like... with 4 new characters at launch, and then release 4 more over time for free?

Otherwise we're looking at a really long time between the two games.

What would you guys think about that? Gets you the new game sooner, and also keeps it alive for a period of time.

I think you have another question to add to the poll. Although I sense there may be a backlash if you bring up the possibility of a sequel game at this point. But, if getting properly funded via publisher requires the team to repackage the game with new bells and whistles, canon story mode and an extended roster (whichever way you do it), then maybe it would be best. Night Walkers: Skullgirls' Revenge, baby.


"This is not even my FINAL FORM!"


All these fan alts inspired me to make one for Braindrain. I wanted to add more detail, but felt that it would look to busy compared to its inspiration.


What would you guys think about that? Gets you the new game sooner, and also keeps it alive for a period of time.

I think that would be better. It also gives us time to get a better feel of the new system and game changes.
I like more characters at once(something like six). Helps push more game sales at the launch. Really important for the versus crowd you are trying to pull in. Four characters and DLC looks more like AE to people than Ultimate. People are going to be very apprehensive about DLC after the first game's challenges too.

Also, it's not so hot if story or canon pushes too strong for the ladies again and the guys end up being DLC. We already sorta got that with this game and only because of the funding. The best time to sell people on any IP is during the pre order period and launch which gives characters the most exposure. A larger, more varied roster is going to interest far more people than a small AE type of expansion.

An extra two characters and 6-7 months can't kill a publisher.
I think you have another question to add to the poll. Although I sense there may be a backlash if you bring up the possibility of a sequel game at this point. But, if getting properly funded via publisher requires the team to repackage the game with new bells and whistles, canon story mode and an extended roster (whichever way you do it), then maybe it would be best. Night Walkers: Skullgirls' Revenge, baby.
No one is going to care so long as we get the five DLC characters. It takes a while to make these hypothetical sequel characters too. Think 2015 for a Skullgirls 2.


I like more characters at once(something like six). Helps push more game sales at the launch. Really important for the versus crowd you are trying to pull in. Four characters and DLC looks more like AE to people than Ultimate. People are going to be very apprehensive about DLC after the first game's challenges too.

Also, it's not so hot if story or canon pushes too strong for the ladies again and the guys end up being DLC. We already sorta got that with this game and only because of the funding. The best time to sell people on any IP is during the pre order period and launch which gives characters the most exposure. A larger, more varied roster is going to interest far more people than a small AE type of expansion.

An extra two characters and 6-7 months can't kill a publisher.

No one is going to care so long as we get the five DLC characters. It takes a while to make these hypothetical sequel characters too. Think 2015 for a Skullgirls 2.

This really actually upset me with BB:CS1/2 and to some extent also hurt UMvC3 as well and I agree.


+1 for Panzerfaust


poop meter feature creep
I would really enjoy a Tekken 3 style sidescrolling beat 'em up. Or multiple players in a Jump Superstars platformed arena. Put that in Skullgirls 2.


I think there would be backlash for calling a revised version of the game Skull Girls 2 (especially if it only increased the playable character count and provided balance changes). Numbered sequels in fighting games generally mean an entirely fresh start or overhaul in CORE system mechanics. Revising fighting games generally means just adding a new subtitle like Super Skull Girls or something.


I do kind of wonder if we could do Skullgirls 2, like... with 4 new characters at launch, and then release 4 more over time for free?

Otherwise we're looking at a really long time between the two games.

What would you guys think about that? Gets you the new game sooner, and also keeps it alive for a period of time.

As long as the new default characters allow for a complete canon story mode and the DLC ones are icing on the cake, I'm all for it.

SG1, if I understood correctly, had nothing but alternate story modes, none canon, and from what I understood from previus posts, getting the full canon view of it all would require playable Umbrella (expanding on that issue in Parasoul's story mode, I guess), Black Dahlia (her knowledge of Lab 8's Dr. Avian's past?) and Marie (the Medici stuff that got her an Patricia/Peacock to their current situations, intricacies of accepting the Skullhear and dealing with Double?).

That leaves leeway for at least another character to cover a few aditional events that were slightly out of focus (like whatever Isaac and Scythana are up to that made him think it was a good idea to let her rot in jail - vote for her instead!), and DLC characters could expand on the current cast's deeds slightly (ex: Cirque des Cartes folks shouldn't add much to the Cerebella stuff, Canopy kingdom military probably wouldn't add much to Parasoul's, Lab 8 wouldn't add much to Peacock's, fish people NPCs wouldn't add much to Nadia's, etc...).

Ideally then, it would be possible to view a complete canon story all in a row after it had been played through in a gallery screen or something of the sort in chronological order, and DLC characters could even get bits added to that if they'd fit in the timeline after their individual story mode were played though - it could be worth looking into how games like Dissidia (add invidual stories to a complete canon timeline as you play through them), KoF XIII (a more traditional viewer, but I like the way it organized its gallery and expanded the story from the arcade version into a console-only story mode) and DoA5 (the timeline is "sliced" by playable characters, but the sequence of events is completely clear, so it's plausible to add to that if you add characters) did it.
If you do offer DLC characters then they should be free for just a limited time, Peter. Maybe each is free for the first two months and then you can charge $3 per character or something. Completely free is a little much if you ask me.

Then you can pack them together down the road at a discounted price for sales.

Edit: A game with a good lobby and spectator system stays alive well enough on it's own. A couple of fairly priced DLC characters helps too.
I think there would be backlash for calling a revised version of the game Skull Girls 2 (especially if it only increased the playable character count and provided balance changes). Numbered sequels in fighting games generally mean an entirely fresh start or overhaul in CORE system mechanics. Revising fighting games generally means just adding a new subtitle like Super Skull Girls or something.
Keep in mind that we are talking about an IP that will most likely feature an evolved story mode much closer to BB than anything else. Shoot, the first game may eventually see a story mode update to make the whole thing canon before we even see a glimpse of Skullgirls 2. The uniqueness of each character also rivals BlazBlue since everyone is an original design. I don't think I need to go into the details of Cerebella, Parasoul or Peacock. Getting six new unqiue Skullgirls characters with their own story modes for $15 is an absolute steal. I really can't emphasize that more. By the time we get Skullgirls 2 the original SG have like ten voice packs, 20 palettes per character and maybe fifteen or so stages(assuming Umbrella and Dahlia get theirs).

It's definitely a sequel and a massive amount of content. BlazBlue has made far smaller additions to the character roster and coasted by perfectly fine. Maybe these don't count to you, I guess.
This really actually upset me with BB:CS1/2 and to some extent also hurt UMvC3 as well and I agree.


+1 for Panzerfaust
The prices for the DLC characters were nuts at $7+. I honestly felt like I should have just skipped on them entirely until Extend. Not touching ASW DLC for a while after that. Capcom and LZG are really the best when it comes to fair pricing for DLC characters in 2D fighters if you ask me.


Personally, I'm gonna go against the grain and say I'm okay with the current plan for Skullgirls, with more and more DLC over time and then a Super Skullgirls release at some point with all the DLC included, or something like that.

But this is mostly because I want to see your brawler with Mike Z's engine sooner rather than later! Especially if you can do it on PS4/Durango and don't have to concern yourself with memory limitations anymore. Imagine all the sprites!

EDIT: yeah, the backlash thing is also a serious concern. Skullgirls 2 would need to be a very new game with a mechanical overhaul rather than just an iteration with more characters, or you'll risk a public verbal lashing. I don't think making a "Skullgirls 2" this soon would actually have much of a positive effect on sales or public perception of the IP anyway.
I think there would be backlash for calling a revised version of the game Skull Girls 2 (especially if it only increased the playable character count and provided balance changes). Numbered sequels in fighting games generally mean an entirely fresh start or overhaul in CORE system mechanics. Revising fighting games generally means just adding a new subtitle like Super Skull Girls or something.
Not to mention a lot of people are already lethargic of how much fighting game sequels are often only slightly different.

There's common jokes about how many iterations of the Street Fighter franchise there are. Even the "Super" label raises a few eyebrows. Though real fighting game fans know these revised versions are worth it. It seems the general gaming population see that sort of thing as a kind of franchise milking.

But yes, the labeling a revised version "2" would definitely cause a backlash.
I do kind of wonder if we could do Skullgirls 2, like... with 4 new characters at launch, and then release 4 more over time for free?

Otherwise we're looking at a really long time between the two games.

What would you guys think about that? Gets you the new game sooner, and also keeps it alive for a period of time.

The time between the games doesn't matter. As long as the game people have to play now is good, it's alright for there to be time until the next one. Generally, it's better for there to be time between the games so people can actually play the one they've got for awhile.

Having DLC characters for free is a good idea because it'll keep interest in the game from waning after release. The majority of the people that get the game at launch aren't going to be playing regularly for more than a month, but with DLC being released frequently you'll keep more interested in sticking around longer.

An SG2 also needs to be more than just more characters. The game needs more single player content for it to be viable as a sequel that will interest people. Like with all fighting games, the casual crowd and their interest in the characters and story are going to be what makes the game, so having an increased focus on them needs to be a major focus. A canon story mode, better arcade mode, survival, challenge, and mission modes are all things to shoot for. I know Mike hates things that aren't competitive versus mode, but having Boss/Skullgirl versions of characters needs to be considered.

The actual mechanics need to be reworked a bit, too. Some things to shake up the way the game is played, like new moves, EX moves, THCs, aerial assists (as in assists that perform aerial attacks), super assists (as in assists that perform super moves), and RCs all need to be considered. And of course I want to be able to pick the same character multiple times on one team!
But apparently that's just me. ._.
What changes or is added doesn't really matter, as long as something changes and/or is added.

. . . so yea, don't plan on calling it a sequel unless there's lots of new stuff, and preferably a bit of time since the previous update.


I do kind of wonder if we could do Skullgirls 2, like... with 4 new characters at launch, and then release 4 more over time for free?

Otherwise we're looking at a really long time between the two games.

What would you guys think about that? Gets you the new game sooner, and also keeps it alive for a period of time.

I could see that being a problem for people who are interested, but not very informed about the game. Though, if it's like 20 bucks for the PS4 or something and has a bunch of new features, I could see people going for it, assuming that you can't play games bought on the ps3 on the ps4.


People would complain about getting 4 new characters and system mechanic changes for $15 because it's labelled "Skullgirls 2"? That's ridiculous.
Since a lot of people are listing these lists, both long and short, of who all they are supporting and ranking them. While I just mentioned Annie, Umbrella, and Marie. I thought I might go ahead and make a ranking of who I am supporting in the voting. From first place to possibly last place.

This is kind of an estimate since I don't know exactly how much I like certain characters but this is as close as I can get right now. Do realize there is a margin of error. As if anyone cares.

1. Annie
2. Umbrella
3. Marie
4. Aeon
5. Feng
6. Juju
7. Minette
8. Talesin
9. Ileum
10. Leduc
11. Hive
12. Scythana
13. Beatrix
14. Roxie
15. Regina
16. Eliza
17. Molly
18. Mrs. Victoria
19. Ottomo
20. Andy
21. Stanley
22. B. Dahlia
23. Venus
24. D.Violet
25. Brain Drain
26. Yu-Wan
27. Adam
28. Hubrecht
29. Beowulf
30. Isaac
31. Samson
32. Panzerfaust

In before somebody questions my taste.


Since a lot of people are listing these lists, both long and short, of who all they are supporting and ranking them. While I just mentioned Annie, Umbrella, and Marie. I thought I might go ahead and make a ranking of who I am supporting in the voting. From first place to possibly last place.

This is kind of an estimate since I don't know exactly how much I like certain characters but this is as close as I can get right now. Do realize there is a margin of error. As if anyone cares.

1. Annie
3. Marie
4. Aeon

5. Feng
6. Juju
7. Minette

Good characters in top 10!
Since HolyBaikal did his ranking list, I wanted to go ahead do mine. And i've read through all the playstyles/inspiration

1. Annie
2. Marie
3. Molly
4. Aeon
5. Hubrecht
6. Ottomo
7. JuJu
8. Scynthana
9. D. Violet
10. Eliza
11. Beowulf
12. Samson
13. Isaac
14. Venus
15. Talieson
16. Mrs. Victoria
17. Roxie
18. Regina
19. Black Dahlia
20. Brain Drain
21. Andy
22. Minette
23. Stanley
24. Panzerfaust
25. Adam
26. Beatrix
27. Ileum
28. Yu-Wan
29. Umbrella
30. Hive
31. Leduc

I forgot about Feng.. Since i'm doing this on my phone, its complicated, to include her. But she'd be in top 15.
I'll just do a top 10.

1. Eliza
2. Venus
3. Annie
4. Taliesin (<3 Muse)
5. Aeon
6. Minette
7. Adam
8. Molly
9. Isaac
10. Regina

I do kind of wonder if we could do Skullgirls 2, like... with 4 new characters at launch, and then release 4 more over time for free?

Otherwise we're looking at a really long time between the two games.

What would you guys think about that? Gets you the new game sooner, and also keeps it alive for a period of time.

I think people are focusing a bit much on the strictly character side of things and ignoring what other content a sequel could bring to the table. If you guys pack a Skullgirls 2 with canon (voiced) story mode, replays, a more substantial online feature set (online training mode), and a significant revision to the basic in game mechanics then I absolutely think it'd sell alongside a promise of continued DLC expansions that were free for a window of time.

Whether or not you guys want to coin the game as "Skullgirls 2" is up to your marketing department.
Hey everyone, look at my highly controversial list of who I want in

1 and 2 interchangeable - Venus and Aeon
3 - Isaac
4 - Panzerfaust
5 - Umbrella
6 - Stanley
7 - D Violet
8 - Adam
9 - Samson
10 - Molly
11-28 nearly everyone else
29 - Minette
30 - Eliza
31 - Feng
32 - LeSuck


Well here's my list courtesy of this site: http://chuckcharlesdesign.com/skullgirls.htm

I have to say that it is more or less pretty accurate especially the top ten which is pretty spot on.

1 Feng
2 Eliza
2 Isaac
4 Beowulf
4 Venus
6 Aeon
7 Brain Drain
8 Mrs. Victoria
8 D. Violet
10 Annie
11 Panzerfaust
12 Minette
13 Ottomo
14 Stanley
14 Scythana
14 Roxie
17 Black Dahlia
18 Umbrella
19 Marie
20 Hive
21 Ileum
21 Andy
23 Taliesin
23 Hubrecht
23 Regina
26 Leduc
26 Beatrix
26 Yu-Wan
26 Adam
30 Molly
31 Samson

Mista Koo


The one on the right explains why I want her. The one on the left is inspired by her sister.

Oh and dat beat em up mockup (dat programming skill)!

I do kind of wonder if we could do Skullgirls 2, like... with 4 new characters at launch, and then release 4 more over time for free?

Otherwise we're looking at a really long time between the two games.

What would you guys think about that? Gets you the new game sooner, and also keeps it alive for a period of time.
Make them 5 at launch because 18 is a better number (I'm serious).

Also add a killer feature, namely a color edit mode :p


Make them 5 at launch because 18 is a better number (I'm serious).

Also add a killer feature, namely a color edit mode :p

Last I heard from Mike Z, quite recently, they are not planning on giving players a color edit mode in the near future because most player color edits are poorly done. This to say, I wouldn't hold my breath on one ever being released.

Now, I really don't like Mike Z, but I actually don't inherently disagree with him here.
Last I heard from Mike Z, quite recently, they are not planning on giving players a color edit mode in the near future because most player color edits are poorly done. This to say, I wouldn't hold my breath on one ever being released.

Yup, gotta say I agree with that decision wholheartedly. KOFXIII online had some ... interesting custom palette choices from players to say the least.

Now, I really don't like Mike Z, but I actually don't inherently disagree with him here.


Mista Koo

Looks very Roll from Mega Man.
More like from Mahvel. But yes, Roll carrying Shuma Gorath.

Last I heard from Mike Z, quite recently, they are not planning on giving players a color edit mode in the near future because most player color edits are poorly done. This to say, I wouldn't hold my breath on one ever being released.

Now, I really don't like Mike Z, but I actually don't inherently disagree with him here.
While that's true I still want it. Maybe make it DLC? Or not usable online? Edit: Or just an option to hide them (display custom colors: yes/no).

Faced tons of terrible characters in SCV, that just made me appreciate the mad work some people made and spend tens of hours in the creation mode.
While that's true I still want them. Maybe make it DLC? Or not usable online?

Faced tons of terrible characters in SCV, that just made me appreciate the mad work some people made and spend tens of hours in the creation mode.

It makes sense in a game like SCV because character creation itself goes beyond just the color of the characters clothes and they can monetize the creation mode itself by selling more parts to people.

If Skullgirls offered Color Edit mode then they'd be losing out on money that they'd otherwise be making while selling alternate palette swaps for each of their characters. There's no financial incentive there unless they decided to sell individual colors which ... I don't think would work out.

The only way I can see a color edit mode ever coming in is if the color DLC they plan to offer for Skullgirls just bombs ... but given how awesome some of the color palettes they plan to sell are I don't see that as likely.


poop meter feature creep
Well here's my list courtesy of this site: http://chuckcharlesdesign.com/skullgirls.htm

I have to say that it is more or less pretty accurate especially the top ten which is pretty spot on.

  • I don't know about this. The bottom is certainly right since I don't really care about most of them down there. But Feng and Scythana in my top 4? Feng is really cute, and Scythana is a classic hot large girl, but I don't know that I would want them in over others like Ottomo or Brain Drain who have more than sexy going on for them. I was mostly choosing based on designs and the major thing the characters are known for, like Ottomo dancing, Brain Drain sounding evil, Minette being cute, and Marie being canon. And Panzerfaust is definitely more interesting as a fighter than Stanley. I should probably just do it again.

    1 Annie
    1 Feng
    1 Scythana
    1 Isaac
    5 Marie
    5 Andy
    5 Ottomo
    8 Umbrella
    8 Brain Drain
    8 Minette
    11 Stanley
    12 Panzerfaust
    13 Aeon
    14 Eliza
    15 Beowulf
    16 Beatrix
    16 Venus
    18 Roxie
    19 Black Dahlia
    20 Taliesin
    21 Ileum
    22 Hive
    23 Yu-Wan
    23 Samson
    25 Mrs. Victoria
    25 D. Violet
    25 Leduc
    25 Regina
    25 Molly
    30 Hubrecht
    30 Adam
Well here's my list courtesy of this site: http://chuckcharlesdesign.com/skullgirls.htm

Uhhhhg this is hard. I'm waffling hardcore with the 4th vote; my results were pretty different just a few days ago. Marie is really only there because the game could use more zoners (Black Dahlia might be more interesting though). Not sure why I like Adam so much right now. I may also go with Eliza or Venus, primarily for gameplay reasons. At Least I think I have the top 3 in lock. My primary reasoning for said characters as of now is simply that I would really love to play as them; I could see them being main material.

Oh and dat beat em up mockup (dat programming skill)!
Perhaps a pipe dream but it would be really awesome for some beat em up sections to be interspersed in the canon story mode.


Last I heard from Mike Z, quite recently, they are not planning on giving players a color edit mode in the near future because most player color edits are poorly done. This to say, I wouldn't hold my breath on one ever being released.

Now, I really don't like Mike Z, but I actually don't inherently disagree with him here.
SFxT backs their decision up.

Mista Koo

Based on that sorting site:

1 Umbrella
1 Black Dahlia
1 Stanley
1 Andy
1 Samson

6 Eliza
6 Panzerfaust
6 Adam

9 Annie
9 Brain Drain
9 Feng
9 Taliesin
9 Ottomo
9 Beowulf
9 Isaac
9 Venus
9 Aeon

Fairly accurate. While I think Eliza should've been up there, that made things a bit easier. And I guess Samson will just have to join her for the next character.

Has there been any character concept videos beside Isaac's and Feng's?

Perhaps a pipe dream but it would be really awesome for some beat em up sections to be interspersed in the canon story mode.
Like JoJo? As long as there aren't shmups :p
To be honest I'm not a big fan of beat em ups, but I would lie if I said that wasn't an amazing feat.


Used the auto-lister, it was pretty close.

1 Brain Drain
2 Beowulf
3 Molly
4 Beatrix
5 Black Dahlia
6 Andy
7 Hubrecht
8 Isaac
9 Venus
10 Aeon
11 Panzerfaust
12 Samson
13 Eliza
14 Roxie
15 Scythana
16 Adam
17 Yu-Wan
18 Ileum
18 Taliesin
20 Minette
21 Umbrella
22 D. Violet
23 Annie
24 Regina
25 Feng
26 Marie
27 Hive
28 Ottomo
29 Stanley
30 Leduc
31 Mrs. Victoria
I guess it's not quite as bad as I presented.

1 Stanley
1 Feng

3 Beowulf

4 Mrs. Victoria
4 Isaac

6 Umbrella
6 Black Dahlia
6 D. Violet
6 Annie
6 Hive
6 Beatrix
6 Ottomo
6 Yu-Wan
6 Minette
6 Scythana
6 Roxie
6 Panzerfaust
6 Molly
Has there been any character concept videos beside Isaac's and Feng's?

Great timing. Gameplay concepts for Eliza, Scythana, and Molly. Mike's also going to upload a vid showing off the prototypes without him talking and sort of focused entirely on the mechanics themselves.

Edit From Sorting Site :
1 Eliza
2 Venus
2 Aeon
4 Annie
5 Taliesin
6 Minette
7 Molly
7 Isaac
9 Panzerfaust
9 Adam
11 Regina
List warz? Better that waifu warz.
Votin' Tier
1) Issac
1) Aeon (#TeamHAX)
3) Panzerfaust
3) Molly (#TeamMech)

Reserves Tier
5) Annie (Sol Badguy & Guts? You have my interest)
5) Stanley (f yeah sharks)
7) Andy (f yeah anvils)
7) Feng (I like the acrobatics mechanics)
7) Adam (#CorpseParty)
7) Venus (All consuming eldritch monstrosity? Sure!)

Fine With This Tier
11) Umbrella
11) Marie
11) Hive
11) Taliesin
11) Regina
16) Beowulf
16) Scythana
16) Roxie
16) Minette

I Don't Care About This Tier
20) Beatrix
20) Ottomo
20) Eliza
23) Black Dahlia
23) Mrs. Victoria
23) D. Violet
23) Leduc
23) Ileum
23) Yu-Wan
23) Samson

Just No Tier
30) Brain Drain
30) Hubrecht
Pretty accurate if you ask me

1 Annie
1 Feng
1 Beowulf
1 Isaac
5 Eliza
5 Scythana
5 Venus
5 Aeon
9 Panzerfaust
10 Roxie
10 Molly
12 Samson
13 Stanley
14 Hubrecht
14 Regina
16 Umbrella
16 Marie
16 Black Dahlia
16 Mrs. Victoria
16 Hive
16 Leduc
16 Ileum
16 Brain Drain
16 Andy
16 Taliesin
16 Beatrix
16 Ottomo
16 Yu-Wan
16 Minette
16 Adam
31 D. Violet
Rank Character
1 Feng
2 Marie
3 Annie
4 Umbrella
5 Minette
6 Venus
7 Aeon
8 Taliesin
9 Eliza
10 Stanley

Pretty freaking accurate, I hope one of my top 10 gets in.


My preference list:

1. Isaac
2. Venus
3. Aeon
4. Eliza
5. Stanley
6. Beowulf
7. Feng
8. Molly
9. Minette
10. Andy
11. Annie
12. Adam
13. Panzerfaust
14. Taliesin
15. Ottomo
Top Bottom