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Xing Interactive: Our sources say next Xbox will block used games, require online


Junior Member
Always online = need cable/cable set top box?

(Makes since if the rumors are true)

Outside of America cable is not so popular this would be more suicidal then the always on, I know only 2 of my friends that have it.
EA are mandated by their licence to FIFA to have the title available on all platforms. In other words, the 'FIFA' product does not belong to EA; they cannot make deals to profit from it with a third party
I'm sure its been asked and addressed before, but if the rumors are true about always online and no used games, would such a device get away with it in EU or will the consumer rights defense force step in and do something about it?


Madden for US territory, Fifa for everyone else. Would be a massive draw to the 720.

Fifa is EA's cash cow so unless Microsoft is giving hundreds of millions of dollars to EA, it will never happen.
And then people in Europe will just turn to PES again, like in the good ol' days.


Mass Effect 4 (or whatever it'll be called) is probably still to early in development for them to make any deals on it. I wouldn't be surprised if they did though, like you said Microsoft published the original, had a timed exclusive on the second, and heavily promoted the third. It's sales are more one sided than any other EA game (off the top of my head) so I could see them doing that as an exclusive (timed or other wise) before something like Battlefield 4.

Respawn's game makes sense, and Bioware has a new IP so it could be that as well.
Well, ME DID come out reliably around every 2 years, so if they started ME4 right away similar to 2 and 3 it WOULD be ready shortly after launch. Hell, even the more probable extra year of development we'd probably see it when the system's a year old.


crazy buttocks is legit so I'm guessing the rumors are real.

The industry is fucked; EA and Microsoft will kill it.

Always online and no used games?! Yikes!!

I can't see myself supporting that. And the thought of MS and EA leading the industry down that path is frightening.


Well, their efforts are only as successful as consumers buying into it, which IS a concern. But what people tolerate for a single game may not hold for a platform, and it may be that whatever card EA's pulling isn't going to be enough (Madden would likely piss off the NFL, Battlefield the established PC base, and about any other IP being a potential killer app among the core... that would be the most knowledgeable and thus repulsed by this.) I think the most likely way this works is that CoD and maybe Halo still hold enough mindshare to sell the system to those serious about playing online, and as an always online system is inconsequential if the games you want to play you'd only be doing online anyway.


Always online and no used games?! Yikes!!

I can't see myself supporting that. And the thought of MS and EA leading the industry down that path is frightening.

The good news is that Activision will eat them alive if they try it.

The bad news is that mankind ill needs a savior such as Bobby Kotick.


crazy buttocks is legit so I'm guessing the rumors are real.

The industry is fucked; EA and Microsoft will kill it.

His posts were about Microsoft having secured some exclusive, not about the rumors surrounding always-online requirements and no-used games policy...


I'm kinda curious about the overlap of Madden sales with others anyway: are these people reliably buying other games, or are they basically just in it for their virtual football fix? I kind of expect that while a lot of CoD players are in for similar reasons more of them are willing to venture outside of CoD, I imagine it's why we hear talk about wanting to capture the CoD audience whereas the Madden audience is... the Madden audience. If you wanted them you made a football game, and with the NFL exclusivity no one's bothered trying after Midway and 2k failed.


I can only imagine what chicanery is going on in the backdrop of such a decision that would make it beneficial to Microsoft.

Higher royalty rates from publishers due to cutting 2nd-hand and piracy out like they've always wanted?
Obtaining more exclusives through this "goodwill" to the publishers to weaken Sony's position?

No matter how you slice it, to make such a huge gamble, Microsoft must have thought they had something to lose if they didn't and saw no alternative. It might mean they're afraid of Sony.

Or they could be afraid of their shareholders and are desperate for a revenue increase out of the gate to offset the losses they're bound to incur yet again that chip away at the profits the Xbox division has earned.

I really have no idea what's going on anymore with this industry.
I can only imagine what chicanery is going on in the backdrop of such a decision that would make it beneficial to Microsoft.

Higher royalty rates from publishers due to cutting 2nd-hand and piracy out like they've always wanted?

This is my theory on the matter. MS gets to charge a higher royalty and publishers get to eliminate the second hand market as well people loaning games to friends.


I don't think they would even need to charge higher royalty rates, because Microsoft would be getting more License fees paid due to more games being sold.

It'll only take for one of the big publishers to support this with an exclusive title and the other one would be boned.

Just imagine if Activision just went fuckit and made COD exclusive to machines with DRM?
Sony would have to offer up the facility and before you know it all games would be like that.


I'm hoping this does happen at this point. I'm really curious if
the gamers who are dead set against this will not buy it and stick
to their convictions or waiver when they see Halo 5 and the new Gears of War and
buy it.

Just remember, the bed you make is usually the bed you lay


I'm hoping this does happen at this point. I'm really curious if
the gamers who are dead set against this will not buy it and stick
to their convictions or waiver when they see Halo 5 and the new Gears of War and
buy it.

Just remember, the bed you make is usually the bed you lay

The gamers who have that conviction will not be a large enough group to make a dent to the bottom line.


The gamers who have that conviction will not be a large enough group to make a dent to the bottom line.

You better hope so because if this is indeed true, it will do a very good
job of destroying the video game industry.

Of my 41 years on this earth have I not been as concerned as a gamer as I am now
with what MS is about to(allegedly) do.

I am telling you gamers, absolutely do not support this if it's true.

The line in the sand is fast approaching.....



Eh? If the Xbox fails it won't be primarily because of DRM issues. All the fuss on GAF and gaming websites won't account for much ( or anything) if they acquire games and project an image that'll appeal to a wider market like CoD does. Price as well, I'll be interested to see how far they push their subsidized plans since I can see that being a major part of future console hardware and its link to the mass market.


I'd love to throw the power switch off during the MS next box reveal and
tell MS they'll simply have to finish their reveal when I feel like putting
the power back on.

Maximilian E.

AKA MS-Evangelist
So basically, if this is true and people don't like it, then it's not so difficult.. Buy the competitors machine, in this case PS4 (or Wii U;)

But if this is true and people or mass market does not mind it, then what is the big problem? We are already experiencing this situation on the mobile market to a certain extent..

Personally, it will not affect me. I'm always connected, I don't buy used games and I don't really borrow games (1-2 the last 10 years).

But yeah, if you don't support this, give your money to someone else and hope that Nintendo and Sony are strong enough to maintain or succeed and show MS that they are wrong.

Still, you can bet that MS will continue to secure deals like this ones in the future..
So basically, if this is true and people don't like it, then it's not so difficult.. Buy the competitors machine, in this case PS4 (or Wii U;)

But if this is true and people or mass market does not mind it, then what is the big problem? We are already experiencing this situation on the mobile market to a certain extent..

Personally, it will not affect me. I'm always connected, I don't buy used games and I don't really borrow games (1-2 the last 10 years).

But yeah, if you don't support this, give your money to someone else and hope that Nintendo and Sony are strong enough to maintain or succeed and show MS that they are wrong.

Still, you can bet that MS will continue to secure deals like this ones in the future..
My iPhone games work in airplane mode. Also, they were $0.99 and I don't expect a cartridge slot on my phone.


You better hope so because if this is indeed true, it will do a very good
job of destroying the video game industry.

Of my 41 years on this earth have I not been as concerned as a gamer as I am now
with what MS is about to(allegedly) do.

I am telling you gamers, absolutely do not support this if it's true.

The line in the sand is fast approaching.....

You are in here for a surprise. At the end of the day, gamers want to consume, no matter what.


Always online and no used games?! Yikes!!

I can't see myself supporting that. And the thought of MS and EA leading the industry down that path is frightening.

How did EA get dragged into this? Maybe I missed some of the rumors.


If these rumors are real, then, i will not buy new Xbox...

Hear me Microsoft !

I love my xbox this gen and using it much more than PS3..I play xbox games every night...BUT, if the new xbox needs to be always online and does not allow 2dn hand games, then you can .... it off to your ... MS

I dont think you are so stupid..So , i dont believe these rumors will be true


I don't think they would even need to charge higher royalty rates, because Microsoft would be getting more License fees paid due to more games being sold.

It'll only take for one of the big publishers to support this with an exclusive title and the other one would be boned.

Just imagine if Activision just went fuckit and made COD exclusive to machines with DRM?
Sony would have to offer up the facility and before you know it all games would be like that.

Until the servers went down repeatedly and all those CoD players are left with a $60 coaster until they returned. Then it'd kill the CoD brand, Activision itself and see a flush of Xboxes for resale.

As for the royalties being higher? Perhaps. Or alternatively, the people who buy used were never going to buy new anyways and the new sales potential is moot. If MS is conscious of this, they win out. And even if they aren't, an additional royalty fee allows MS to hedge bets and let the whining publisher babies have their frickin' bottle.

Maximilian E.

AKA MS-Evangelist
My iPhone games work in airplane mode. Also, they were $0.99 and I don't expect a cartridge slot on my phone.

And perhaps there is some kind of offline mode as well?

MS maybe does the thing like...
XBL Gold members: $XX/month Can play games offline as well
XBL silver: Free but it sucks to be you..

or something similar..

I'm hoping this does happen at this point. I'm really curious if
the gamers who are dead set against this will not buy it and stick
to their convictions or waiver when they see Halo 5 and the new Gears of War and
buy it.

Just remember, the bed you make is usually the bed you lay

The majority of the gaming population would buy in without even realising what is occurring. It seems like it's only a vocal minority who oppose these restrictions.

I have to see details before i decide but an always online requirement would be a dealbreaker for me. If the console will take advantage of a connection then fine but if it stops working when my internet drops out then it is of no use to me.

I'd like to think that these restrictions are just FUD but i wouldn't be surprised if it's true.

We should have most of the details from both MS & Sony by July shouldn't we?


The majority of the gaming population would buy in without even realising what is occurring. It seems like it's only a vocal minority who oppose these restrictions.
It probably depends on how important sharing and used games really are to most gamers, though this is the inherent flaw I'd think: if it were very important to many then there's no way to win, you'd either lose them as customers straight up, or they'd simply buy games far less frequently which on the surface IS better... until you remember that a lot of new game purchases are also fueled by used game sales, so I imagine at best it's a wash anyway.

I do kind of expect most don't know, buy it, then wonder why it doesn't work right with those games though. I half expect that if there IS enough backlash there console sales for the Xbox will be strong, only for software to plummet as most of them transition over the PS4 for the freedom. We'll see though. It doesn't help that Adam Orth inadvertently planted a seed that might sprout itself if it's true and word spreads again, anyone who followed that news would probably see that and be kind of put off I'd think, and it seemed to actually spread far.
I hope "big" exclusive is Madden so I can laugh my ass of with the rest of Europe.
UK aside I kind of think Europe's a lost cause anyway, something like this would (I'd hope) just bury them entirely, aren't they already beat by PS3 there?

Though I'm not sure Madden's even commanded the base it used to, and I can't imagine the first year would be that big of a killer app unless they left it to Xbox exclusively period, and I imagine they'd lose that NFL exclusivity fast.


I am sticking with ME"4" as the most likely one, it's possible MS still has a stake in that series and wants something for the core, especially as now that I think about it the most effective way to win them over probably IS to make an exclusive specifically for them, hoping most of the naysayers give in and get their system and get invested anyway.

Too bad ME3 burned that bridge, though I don't doubt quite a few would want to jump in anyway.


I am sticking with ME"4" as the most likely one, it's possible MS still has a stake in that series and wants something for the core, especially as now that I think about it the most effective way to win them over probably IS to make an exclusive specifically for them, hoping most of the naysayers give in and get their system and get invested anyway.

Too bad ME3 burned that bridge, though I don't doubt quite a few would want to jump in anyway.

ME is the most overrated franchise of last gen imho. I finished second game on PS3, tried playing first on pc and got bored after 5hr. the only cool thing about ME2 was that bald tatooed chick, man I would like to get my hand on her in real life (am I a nerd or what)
damn solidsnakex was dead on....which exclusive have ms scored?

I think Respawn's game is the obvious one. It fits with what MS tried to do this generation. They went after a new IP from Epic instead of the next UNREAL Tournament. They also secured Bioshock as a timed exclusive. They went after exclusives by big name developers in an attempt to land the next big thing instead of just targeting known franchises.


I think Respawn's game is the obvious one. It fits with what MS tried to do this generation. They went after a new IP from Epic instead of the next UNREAL Tournament. They also secured Bioshock as a timed exclusive. They went after exclusives by big name developers in an attempt to land the next big thing instead of just targeting known franchises.

I think it might be the new game by Ghost.. http://ghostgames.com/news/ the new Need for speed game.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
I really can't tell if this rumour sounds like crazy bullshit, or crazy 'probably true'
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