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Xbox boss says hardware analysis between consoles is “meaningless”


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
The PS4 cloud is for streaming games, the Xbox cloud is for processing game data, so they're two different things with the same name.

FFXIV is on PS3 and uses The Infinite Power Of The Cloud.


I don't know about power, but I do think that having 'da klowd' can enhance gameplay in interesting ways by expanding the interconnectivity of gamers.

See my example of an interesting use (at least to me):

I'm not saying it couldn't enhance games. That's my point in the fact that all they do is tout the cloud as some sort of idea that drastically improves their console's performance instead of real world examples outside of the simple things we've seen so far in Forza.

They don't go into detail over any of it yet keep mentioning it each time the specs are brought up which they supposedly don't care about anyway making it more ironic.

You can't just keep repeating a PR line and expect it to sell people without any real information on it and it's sad that the best information we have comes from Respawn and that's still not much.


I feel this is something Nintendo would be saying. Cant believe its coming from Xbox camp.

I think this mix of arrogance and defeat (in console specs) are driving PR heads down the shitter.

"Who cares about awesome graphical capabilities and awesome engineering when we have the POWER of DA CLOUD and KINECT! LULZ screw facts".

Kinda reminds me of the republican party in the 'Merica.
I'm not saying it couldn't enhance games. That's my point in the fact that all they do is tout the cloud as some sort of idea that drastically improves their console's performance instead of real world examples outside of the simple things we've seen so far in Forza.

They don't go into detail over any of it yet keep mentioning it each time the specs are brought up which they supposedly don't care about anyway making it more ironic.

You can't just keep repeating a PR line and expect it to sell people without any real information on it and it's sad that the best information we have comes from Respawn and that's still not much.

Look back at the quote:

"I feel like our games and experiences are going to be every bit as good, if not better, technically - on top of all the magic we're going to add with the instant switching, and the power of the cloud."

Maybe that does mean graphically, but to me that sounds more like experiences, and not graphically powerhousing over the ps4. I'm pretty sure that the majority of people paying attention disregard that crazy notion that the cloud is going to make the xbone stronger than the ps4. The question now is whether this offers a good ability to alter your gameplay experiences. I feel it does. Feel free to disagree.

EDIT: Added a little clarification.

EDIT2: I should also point out that the entire premise of him saying people shouldn't compare the consoles technically is really stupid. Duh, of course you should! My comments are merely just trying to play devils advocate on this bashing of 'the cloud' that I see constantly


I'd be in the dick
Considering next gen architectures are more similar than ever before the analysis between consoles is far more accurate than it ever has been before.


Considering next gen architectures are more similar than ever before the analysis between consoles is far more accurate than it ever has been before.


IIRC, this is the first time two gaming consoles have been so similar that an apples to apples comparison is completely valid. Naturally this lends itself to more comparisons, and from what we know the difference between the two is greater than that between the PS3 and 360. They have to convince the hardcore group, the early adopters why they should pay $100 more for their product. Seeing Microsoft using the Nintendo defense is really bizarre.

Garrett 2U said:
he says the difference between in power between PS4 and XboxOne is meaningless.
And he's wrong about that. It's just standard PR downplaying the competitor's specs.


Didn't they publish "numbers" themselves? :p

But yeah, in the end casual consumers won't care
Minus a very important one.

Considering next gen architectures are more similar than ever before the analysis between consoles is far more accurate than it ever has been before.
Pretty much. They're so close that you would have to go out of your way to make the PS4 version run worse.

Really Microsoft? It wasn't like that for the 360.

Of course not. Even Nintendo boasted about their console power when it was the best.
He doesn't say that hardware power is meaningless, he says the difference between in power between PS4 and XboxOne is meaningless.
He says it isn't like the 90s where some consoles were 16bit and others were 32bit, etc.

This isn't Nintendo level of disregarding hardware power.


Albert Penello said:
“The problem is that Sony decided to go out and publish a bunch of numbers, which are in some ways meaningless,” he said. “Because this isn’t like 1990, when it was 16-bit versus 32-bit.

No, of course they're meaningless in no ways, unless you're trying to arbitrarily apply them to things which don't work (such as: how does GDDR5 help with mowing the lawn?). They published a bunch of numbers to illustrate the potential of the system and what devs have to work with, which you cleverly attempted to avoid doing in a forthright manner because you'd be crushed in the comparison.

As an aside, it also matters as a consumer. The less informed you keep consumers, the more it's certain you're trying to hide things that do matter in a whole lot of ways. It's also inherently anti-consumer to try to hide essential components of a system people are on the market for because you know you'd lose the fight. Just put the cards on the table and let consumers be abreast of all facts.

Albert Penello said:
“As a matter of fact, they actually go out and they talk about how proud they are about their off-the-shelf parts. Our guys’ll say, we touched every single component in the box and everything there is tweaked for optimum performance. For me, I’d rather not even have the conversation, because it’s not going to matter.

Ridiculous. Cerny and the rest of the hardware team at Sony have said there's virtually nothing they didn't touch in at least some way, since the whole point of the system is to have it be as simple for developers as possible. They made sure it worked for everything from the greatest potential power and efficiency for consoles, and they did it in a smaller package and for $100 less. The idea that they just sort of threw random junk in a shopping cart and lol'd their way to the bank, which is certainly partially the implication of this dude's comment, is just not even close to reality.

If Xbox One hardware power was superior to the PS4 in any quantifiable way they'd be parading that shit from here to kingdom come, as any company would. ESPECIALLY if they managed to get the system in cheaper than your competition. It's about keeping consumers completely informed, not to try to pimp something that doesn't matter since it clearly does. As it always has, in every gen, even before we even consider power. And by the way, power does matter, or at least it has always been a consideration in the mind of consumers. Y2Kev illustrated this the most potently:

Y2Kev said:
I'm so frustrated by this power thing. The PS2 came out more than 18 months before the Xbox. The console gen was decided before the Xbox was released; it could have been weaker than the PS2 and it would not have mattered. The whole conversation is meaningless; it does not reveal anything about consumer choices or consumer tastes.

However, if you examine the PS2 in the context in which it was released, you would surely realize that power was a key component of how the system was marketed to consumers. You would know:

  • That the hardware components were given humanizing marketing names like "Emotion Engine" and "Graphics Synthesizer"
  • That the PS2 was reported on in the media as being a supercomputer ("Sadaam Hussein is importing them TO LAUNCH MISSILES!")
  • That the famous "PS9" ad linked the PS2 to a chain of consoles so powerful it became part of your mind
  • That Kutaragi spoke about the PS2 as having "Toy Story like graphics" and that players would "jack into the matrix"

Stop being so intellectually dishonest. The PS2 was a monster when it came out. That power mattered.

Yes, it's true that, "The most powerful console has never won the generation!!!!111" But such an observation is facile and meaningless. The SNES and Genesis went head to head on power. The early days of the PS1 vs. Saturn was nothing but a 3d pissing match. The N64 was all about power and it debuted with a paradigm-shifting 3D title. The Dreamcast was a powerful machine ("it's thinking") and the PS2 came out and blew it away.

Am I saying the most powerful machine wins? No. Am I saying power is very important? Absolutely. Even this generation more consumers chose HD gaming machines than non-HD gaming machines and there is the possibility that the PS3 will close out the gen in first place.

So stahp.

It's just deflection Microsoft has been using since its reveal, non-stop.

Albert Penello said:
“The box is going to be awesome. The games are going to be awesome. I heard this exact same argument last generation and it’s a pointless argument, because people are debating things which they don’t know about. They’re not [head silicon engineer] Nick Baker or [corporate vice president of IEB hardware Todd Holmdahl], and I’m not [lead PS4 architect] Mark Cerny, so why are we having this discussion?”

Why are we having this discussion? Is this guy for real or just being sarcastic? It's being discussed because both systems come out in under 6 months and consumers are now actively searching for comparisons so they can determine where to best place their money. It's not rocket science. The box may be "awesome", the games are likely to be "awesome", but most consumers are going to end up with one or the other, and so it's important they stay informed about the technology they're going to be playing most of their games on for the generation. And these comparisons - which include the differences like the Kinect/haptic feedback triggers for XBO and the touch pad/light indicators for PS4 as well as hardware power - are essential to understanding what you're getting over the long haul.

And it all matters, if you're a game hobbyist. And sometimes it matters even if you're not.

Albert Penello said:
Penello feels consumers will pick a console for the games it offers, rather than for its capabilities on paper. "Here's what you care about," he said. "You bought a system to play great games and have great experiences. I feel like our games and experiences are going to be every bit as good, if not better, technically - on top of all the magic we're going to add with the instant switching, and the power of the cloud.

Well yes, this is obviously true. But the games system offer and the relative superiority of a particular version of a game are all considerations one can potentially make when making a purchase or an investment of $400 or more, and trying to shrug it off like it doesn't just insults a huge portion of potential consumers. Which you guys have been doing a whole lot this year, for some reason.

And of course, supposedly "none of this matters," but at the end he made sure to suggest XBO games might be BETTER technically... an assertion nobody worth their salt would make, if it didn't matter to many. Of course he did this with CLOWD, which is the punchline of every joke at this point. Sony could match Cloud if they want as well, it's not some Helm's Deep. The switching and investments in Cloud and the OS are all part of the appeal of the system, and should absolutely be considered in the list of things one overviews before making a purchase. To try to say "Cloud" matters but not the broader hardware power immediately kills his point as well. Really, it's just a super silly bit of responses altogether from this guy.

More MS PR failures.

"meaningless. but here's an achievement claiming we have the best hardware."


I don't know about power, but I do think that having 'da klowd' can enhance gameplay in interesting ways by expanding the interconnectivity of gamers.

See my example of an interesting use (at least to me):

I see stuff like The Division, Destiny, The Crew, etc as very exciting in this department. Blurring the lines between single player/co-op/multiplayer is going to be a big deal next-gen. It's a shame those experiences are only going to be available with the power of 'da cloud.

....oh wait.
So basically we're at sq1 again where the PS3 is more powerful then the Xbox 360 - that stuff really doesn't matter at the end of the day personally for me the tech talk that most people talk about I don't understand it's whatever enjoyment i get out of the games the system offer that matter to me so I guess i can agree with him in a sense.
And he's wrong about that. It's just standard PR downplaying the competitor's specs.
Well then it should be obvious through the games and consumers will buy the console that they think has the better games.

...which is what he said.
The specs don't matter, the experiences do.
I see stuff like The Division, Destiny, The Crew, etc as very exciting in this department. Blurring the lines between single player/co-op/multiplayer is going to be a big deal next-gen. It's a shame those experiences are only going to be available with the power of 'da cloud.

....oh wait.

Cool beans, I'm glad you recognize that there are uses for interactive singleplayer experiences. Access to cloud tech makes it cheaper and easier in many cases. That's all I'm postulating. It isn't exclusive, it isn't a magic cure-all. The 'power of the klawd' is a little silly, but it's being pointed out again and again with the kernel of truth that it provides easier ability for developers to implement interactive experiences. Please try to not insinuate my involvement in this crazy console world war 6 that's going on currently. Just playing devils advocate


So basically we're at sq1 again where the PS3 is more powerful then the Xbox 360 - that stuff really doesn't matter at the end of the day personally for me the tech talk that most people talk about I don't understand it's whatever enjoyment i get out of the games the system offer that matter to me so I guess i can agree with him in a sense.

PS3 was 'theoretically' more powerful than the 360 but developers had to work with an intensively more complex and difficult system in the process and had to essentially hugely modify and personalize the engine for the PS3 in order to even come close to realizing that difference. It was a difference that ultimately meant little to most devs who did multiplatform support, because the base was the system that was significantly easier to work for.

PS4 is significantly more powerful than XBO - the gap is far larger than the difference between PS3 and 360, even theoretically - and also at the very least matches the ease of development by all accounts. So developers are going to have to put in relatively little extra effort to get games that perform better on PS4, and in the long term it'll matter even more as devs finally get their 8GB GDDR5 dev kits and work next-gen only titles (before almost all devs - including first party devs - were operating under the assumption it had 4GB, a massive discrepancy).

So, although I absolutely agree with you that it's ultimately the exclusive games that will sell one platform or the other to people (as well as potentially things like Kinect controls and detecting heartbeats, or the PS4 having that touchpad), the situation is also much more beneficial to Sony this go around in terms of the gap in power. This gen that gap should absolutely be noticeable if a dev puts in even the remotest of efforts, which given how easy development supposedly is on both XBO and PS4, should not be tough. Wait until the end of year 2.


Well then it should be obvious through the games and consumers will buy the console that they think has the better games.

...which is what he said.
The specs don't matter, the experiences do.

Aren't you forgetting a tiny little fact?

I agree with the guy. The PS4 is really good spec wise but it doesnt have a good launch game.

it's got fine launch titles. The exclusives don't seem mindblowing, but killzone is looking fine and knack seems like it will serve its audience fine.

The 3rd party stuff looks decent all-around, and ps4 will probably get the best IQ.
Aren't you forgetting a tiny little fact?

Well the Xbox One allocates a large chunk of the hardware to the Windows OS it has running for the dashboard/switching/snapping.
So that "experience" might be attractive to someone who is looking for more of an entertainment device and gaming on the side.

If the PS4 has much better games because they utilize more and 'better' hardware for gaming, then obviously most gamers are going to prefer that.
If not, then gamers will continue to look at both consoles' games and other experiences and determine their value.


I agree with the guy. The PS4 is really good spec wise but it doesnt have a good launch game.

We don't know if anything has a good launch game.

I personally think both of them are largely bunk except for one exclusive, the rest are multiplatform titles that are also cross gen.

I think for me right now (if I was getting XBO day one, which I'm not):

Forza 5
Watch Dogs
Assassin's Creed IV
Dead Rising 3 (I think that's making launch, right?)

On PS4 (which I am getting day 1) I'd get:

Watch Dogs
Assassin's Creed IV

These lists are presuming I got one or the other console exclusively. The rest of everything would be just wait and see until I get confirmation from trusted NeoGAFers that it isn't shit. Launches fucking blow. Can't wait til we're a year into next-gen.


Cool beans, I'm glad you recognize that there are uses for interactive singleplayer experiences. Access to cloud tech makes it cheaper and easier in many cases. That's all I'm postulating. It isn't exclusive, it isn't a magic cure-all. The 'power of the klawd' is a little silly, but it's being pointed out again and again with the kernel of truth that it provides easier ability for developers to implement interactive experiences. Please try to not insinuate my involvement in this crazy console world war 6 that's going on currently. Just playing devils advocate

I'm excited to see how it pans out as well, and I do think MS might have something going if it truly is cheaper and easier for developers to take advantage of, particularly smaller dev's that don't have the kind of pull EA/Ubisft/Activision do. So far from what I've seen, the big 3rd parties are really the ones pushing the interactive online and what can be done with it more than any of the 1st parties.

I apologize if you thought I was attacking you in any way. My point was that if MS is going to continue to push the cloud as some major advantage over the competition (which has clearly been their intent all along), they need to show what can be done with it that can't be done elsewhere. Multiplatform 3rd party games showing all this amazing functionality isn't helping them out at all.
Here's what you care about," he said. "You bought a system to play great games and have great experiences."

And when both systems share majority of the same games yet there is a $100 difference, what happens then?


Well the Xbox One allocates a large chunk of the hardware to the Windows OS it has running for the dashboard/switching/snapping.
So that "experience" might be attractive to someone who is looking for more of an entertainment device and gaming on the side.

If the PS4 has much better games because they utilize more and 'better' hardware for gaming, then obviously most gamers are going to prefer that.
If not, then gamers will continue to look at both consoles' games and other experiences and determine their value.

The part in bold basically means they've ceded the hardcore gaming segment to their competitors. This talk of experiences is junk. Games are the primary "experience" that a gaming console delivers, and more capable hardware allows content creators greater ability to create a wider number of experiences. Apply that to this situation and you have a console that costs $100 less, has more powerful hardware, and access to 95% of the same games. Why should they bother with the other one? This is one reason why I think Microsoft will never drop the Kinect from the Xbox One. It's a differentiator feature.

They're engaged in a very blatant game of obfuscation, much like the constant Cloud yammering. People are comparing it to the "Power of the CELL" crap for good reason.
If the failure rate of Xbone is even remotely close to that of the launch 360, hardware specs and off the shelf parts are going to be extremely relevant to the next-gen console conversation.
Look back at the quote:

"I feel like our games and experiences are going to be every bit as good, if not better, technically - on top of all the magic we're going to add with the instant switching, and the power of the cloud."

Maybe that does mean graphically, but to me that sounds more like experiences, and not graphically powerhousing over the ps4. I'm pretty sure that the majority of people paying attention disregard that crazy notion that the cloud is going to make the xbone stronger than the ps4. The question now is whether this offers a good ability to alter your gameplay experiences. I feel it does. Feel free to disagree.

EDIT: Added a little clarification.

EDIT2: I should also point out that the entire premise of him saying people shouldn't compare the consoles technically is really stupid. Duh, of course you should! My comments are merely just trying to play devils advocate on this bashing of 'the cloud' that I see constantly

So then will you at least agree then that all those statements about the cloud increasing the power of the X1 multiple fold is ridiculous PR?

Why didn't they just sell it for the features that it can actually provide?

All the power of the cloud PR so far has been misleading at best, outright lies at worst at least the stuff coming from MS (aside from the drivatars or whatever they were called)

I do agree that Respawn were far better with it than MS
The part in bold basically means they've ceded the hardcore gaming segment to their competitors. This talk of experiences is junk. Games are the primary "experience" that a gaming console delivers, and more capable hardware allows content creators greater ability to create a wider number of experiences. Apply that to this situation and you have a console that costs $100 less, has more powerful hardware, and access to 95% of the same games. Why should they bother with the other one? This is one reason why I think Microsoft will never drop the Kinect from the Xbox One. It's a differentiator feature.

They're engaged in a very blatant game of obfuscation, much like the constant Cloud yammering. People are comparing it to the "Power of the CELL" crap for good reason.

If they are wasting resources that should be used on games then it should be evident in the games, which consumers will see and purchase accordingly.


If they are wasting resources that should be used on games then it should be evident in the games, which consumers will see and purchase accordingly.

What are you talking about wasting resources? One company is giving us more powerful hardware for $100 less. That's actually the opposite of waste. Like I said, more capable machines allow content creators to give us richer, more sophisticate experiences.

See how this mealy mouthed excuse from Microsoft gets turned on its ear?


Dammit Microsoft, stop embarrassing yourselves. You're only calling greater attention to the specs if you keep spouting that 'specs don't matter' line - reverse psychology applies.


PS4 GPU : 1.8 Tflops
XBone GPU: 1.2 Tflops (May be 1.1T flops)

Azure VM: 25 Gflops


Microsoft Azure is just simple CPU farm. Each VM is equivalent to 2 core 1.6 Ghz AMD Opteron. Just to match the sheer power of GPU inside the consoles you will need 100s of VMs. They only have 300,000 servers.

How will the 300,000 servers be shared among potential 70+ million xbox ones ?. One server for 20 xbox ones ?.

Using cloud as a match making server is only practical application. Planet Side2, Left For Dead 2 and so many other games use Dedicated Servers.

Fuck, this generation is excellent already! The sheer entertainment value Microsoft faux pas has given already is near cloud infinite.
What are you talking about wasting resources? One company is giving us more powerful hardware for $100 less. That's actually the opposite of waste. Like I said, more capable machines allow content creators to give us richer, more sophisticate experiences.

See how this mealy mouthed excuse from Microsoft gets turned on its ear?
Wasting resources as in the 3GB of RAM allocated to make the OS work.

Actually I'm basing that on the fact that the Playstation 4 games don't look richer or more sophisticated than the XboxOne games.
In fact, both TitanFall and Halo are announced to be 60fps and have dedicated servers.
Killzone is announced to be 30fps with peer to peer networking.
Those Xbox shooters seem to be offering richer, more technically sophisticated experiences than the PS4 exclusive shooter.
PS4 GPU : 1.8 Tflops
XBone GPU: 1.2 Tflops (May be 1.1T flops)

Azure VM: 25 Gflops


Microsoft Azure is just simple CPU farm. Each VM is equivalent to 2 core 1.6 Ghz AMD Opteron. Just to match the sheer power of GPU inside the consoles you will need 100s of VMs. They only have 300,000 servers.

How will the 300,000 servers be shared among potential 70+ million xbox ones ?. One server for 20 xbox ones ?.

Using cloud as a match making server is only practical application. Planet Side2, Left For Dead 2 and so many other games use Dedicated Servers.

Why bother even talking about interesting experiences that the cloud can offer, when you've clearly told me that it can only be used for dedicated servers!!!!???? I like seeing this exact post for the 5th time. It's quite illuminating.
I do want to remind people – this interview was done six weeks ago, before E3. It’s not like we just decided to talk about it. So it wasn't that I just decided to call up OXM and give the my opinion :)

I would like to pose this question to the audience. There are several months until the consoles launch, and any student of the industry will remember, specs change.

Given the rumored specs for both systems, can anyone conceive of a circumstance or decision one platform holder could make, where despite the theoretical performance benchmarks of the components, the box that appears “weaker” could actually be more powerful?

I believe the debate on this could give some light to why we don’t want to engage in a specification debate until both boxes are final and shipping.
PS4 GPU : 1.8 Tflops
XBone GPU: 1.2 Tflops (May be 1.1T flops)

Azure VM: 25 Gflops


Microsoft Azure is just simple CPU farm. Each VM is equivalent to 2 core 1.6 Ghz AMD Opteron. Just to match the sheer power of GPU inside the consoles you will need 100s of VMs. They only have 300,000 servers.

How will the 300,000 servers be shared among potential 70+ million xbox ones ?. One server for 20 xbox ones ?.

Using cloud as a match making server is only practical application. Planet Side2, Left For Dead 2 and so many other games use Dedicated Servers.
Why would computational cloud servers need powerful GPU?
This has to be a troll.
Wasting resources as in the 3GB of RAM allocated to make the OS work.

Actually I'm basing that on the fact that the Playstation 4 games don't look richer or more sophisticated than the XboxOne games.
In fact, both TitanFall and Halo are announced to be 60fps and have dedicated servers.
Killzone is announced to be 30fps with peer to peer networking.
Those Xbox shooters seem to be offering richer, more technically sophisticated experiences than the PS4 exclusive shooter.

Excuse me? Have you seen the presentation slides from Guerilla Games about the tech behind Killzone? And you are comparing that to a Source engine game (!) and claim it is more "technically sophisticated" because of 60fps and dedicated servers? Is this a joke?
I do want to remind people – this interview was done six weeks ago, before E3. It’s not like we just decided to talk about it. So it wasn't that I just decided to call up OXM and give the my opinion :)

I would like to pose this question to the audience. There are several months until the consoles launch, and any student of the industry will remember, specs change.

Given the rumored specs for both systems, can anyone conceive of a circumstance or decision one platform holder could make, where despite the theoretical performance benchmarks of the components, the box that appears “weaker” could actually be more powerful?

I believe the debate on this could give some light to why we don’t want to engage in a specification debate until both boxes are final and shipping.

Not at launch, but feel free to re-post my answer when they have a new S version of the Xbox One down the road that does have better specs. What the hell, call it Xbox Two.
Gemüsepizza;66980411 said:
Excuse me? Have you seen the presentation slides from Guerilla Games about the tech behind Killzone? And you are comparing that to a Source engine game (!) and claim it is more "technically sophisticated" because of 60fps and dedicated servers? Is this a joke?
To me, it personally is.
I prefer grand gameplay experiences over graphics.
I'm sure they have done very impressive things with the graphics.

But 60fps is a huge deal for me when considering buying a next gen console. If these consoles didn't do 60fps 1080p I was going to skip them and go PC gaming.
I'm so frustrated by this power thing. The PS2 came out more than 18 months before the Xbox. The console gen was decided before the Xbox was released; it could have been weaker than the PS2 and it would not have mattered. The whole conversation is meaningless; it does not reveal anything about consumer choices or consumer tastes.

However, if you examine the PS2 in the context in which it was released, you would surely realize that power was a key component of how the system was marketed to consumers. You would know:

That the hardware components were given humanizing marketing names like "Emotion Engine" and "Graphics Synthesizer"
That the PS2 was reported on in the media as being a supercomputer ("Sadaam Hussein is importing them TO LAUNCH MISSILES!")
That the famous "PS9" ad linked the PS2 to a chain of consoles so powerful it became part of your mind
That Kutaragi spoke about the PS2 as having "Toy Story like graphics" and that players would "jack into the matrix"

Stop being so intellectually dishonest. The PS2 was a monster when it came out. That power mattered.

Yes, it's true that, "The most powerful console has never won the generation!!!!111" But such an observation is facile and meaningless. The SNES and Genesis went head to head on power. The early days of the PS1 vs. Saturn was nothing but a 3d pissing match. The N64 was all about power and it debuted with a paradigm-shifting 3D title. The Dreamcast was a powerful machine ("it's thinking") and the PS2 came out and blew it away.

Am I saying the most powerful machine wins? No. Am I saying power is very important? Absolutely. Even this generation more consumers chose HD gaming machines than non-HD gaming machines and there is the possibility that the PS3 will close out the gen in first place.

So stahp.
This is poetry. It should be copy/pasted every time someone brings up that horrible dishonest "The most powerful console has never won~~!~!!" line.


Gold Member
Gemüsepizza;66980411 said:
Excuse me? Have you seen the presentation slides from Guerilla Games about the tech behind Killzone? And you are comparing that to a Source engine game (!) and claim it is more "technically sophisticated" because of 60fps and dedicated servers? Is this a joke?

technical sophistication isnt just tied to graphics rendering. I think thats what hes talking about.
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