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Infinity Ward confirms: CoD Ghost is 720p on Xbox One, 1080p on PS4


Junior Member
So wtf is Ana?

I understand what you're saying, but I was referring to a dedicated hardware scaler.

In reality ANA in the XBOX360 was the output converter (composite, component, hdmi, etc). Hence the one with HDMI was called HANA iirc.

The upscaling was done on the GPU.


I'm not sure it's even that. The PC equivalent of the xbox GPU: HD 7770, simply cannot hit 60fps in 1080p in most modern games. It is right around 30 frames at 1080p, and will approaches 60 frames as either the settings are tones down (to medium or less) and or the resolution is notched down (to 720). Games on the consoles will obviously improve in textures and assets as the gen goes on, but the Xbox One simply does not have the juice to push 1920x1080 pixels in these hq games. That is not going to change over time. Any PC gamer knows the power requirement in going from 720p to 1080p and even to massive It's .9 million pixels versus 2.1 million.. Xbox One basically has to choose between 720p60fps or 1080p 30fps

For the record, PS4 equivalent (7850/7870) is right around 60fps in most games at 1080p.. It falls right in line with what is going on.. Again games will improve with visuals but this resolution/frame rate combo you will get for the entire gen.

1080p won't be norm on xbone even in 30fps
I'm not sure it's even that. The PC equivalent of the xbox GPU: HD 7770, simply cannot hit 60fps in 1080p in most modern games. It is right around 30 frames at 1080p, and will approaches 60 frames as either the settings are tones down (to medium or less) and or the resolution is notched down (to 720). Games on the consoles will obviously improve in textures and assets as the gen goes on, but the Xbox One simply does not have the juice to push 1920x1080 pixels in these hq games. That is not going to change over time. Any PC gamer knows the power requirement in going from 720p to 1080p and even to massive It's .9 million pixels versus 2.1 million.. Xbox One basically has to choose between 720p60fps or 1080p 30fps

For the record, PS4 equivalent (7850/7870) is right around 60fps in most games at 1080p.. It falls right in line with what is going on.. Again games will improve with visuals but this resolution/frame rate combo you will get for the entire gen.

That's a really good explanation of the differences and what is going to hold the boner back this generation.


Can someone stick the XB1 logo on the mascot's jersey in this gif?


It really, really seems appropriate.

Baked lighting and no AA in a closed environment 1st party exclusive racing game. Unbelievable.


Rainy Dog

The PS3 did have a hardware scaler. Its GPU.

The PS4 has a hardware scaler. Its GPU.

The 360 and Xbone have hardware scalers. Their GPUs.

Your PC had a hardware scaler. Its GPU.

See a pattern here?

More people need to read and register this. Seems magic upscaler is becoming the new secret sauce. The X1 has the same 'upscaler' as the PS4. Their AMD GPU's.

Only difference is that the X1 will be making use of it much more often.


1080p won't be norm on xbone even in 30fps

yup, youre right....its gonna look more like 720p/60fps or 900p/30fps....you will get the outlier games especially from first parties....Forza being 1080p/60fps...i fully expect Halo 5 to be at least 900p/60fps (im hoping for 1080p on that one)....

Xbone games will certainly see improvement over time as the tools mature, and developers come to grips with the hardware...but the idea that somehow they are going to find the power to increase pixel rendering by 50%, or even 100% (to reach 1080p) while still maintaining the same level of textures, AA, shadowing, and the same framerate??....no way...even the MASSIVE increases that we saw from game to game on the PS3 were nowhere NEAR 50% resolution increases...thats just crazy talk...


In Cenry we trust:


Dat push for better GPU and GDDR5, if not that presure, we would have 2 next-gen consoles barely different from 8 year old past-gen.


I'm not sure it's even that. The PC equivalent of the xbox GPU: HD 7770, simply cannot hit 60fps in 1080p in most modern games. It is right around 30 frames at 1080p, and will approaches 60 frames as either the settings are tones down (to medium or less) and or the resolution is notched down (to 720). Games on the consoles will obviously improve in textures and assets as the gen goes on, but the Xbox One simply does not have the juice to push 1920x1080 pixels in these hq games. That is not going to change over time. Any PC gamer knows the power requirement in going from 720p to 1080p is massive It's .9 million pixels versus 2.1 million.. Xbox One basically has to choose between 720p60fps or 1080p 30fps

For the record, PS4 equivalent (7850/7870) is right around 60fps in most games at 1080p.. It falls right in line with what is going on.. Again games will improve with visuals but this resolution/frame rate combo you will get for the entire gen.


I said the same thing when these "it won't matter" discussions were going on and people were arguing with me telling me that we couldn't compare PC counterparts to gauge the performance difference between the PS4 and Xbox One.

Where you guys at now? I'm looking at you cyberheater >.>

It's time serve some crow.

Demon Ice

I'm not sure it's even that. The PC equivalent of the xbox GPU: HD 7770, simply cannot hit 60fps in 1080p in most modern games. It is right around 30 frames at 1080p, and will approaches 60 frames as either the settings are tones down (to medium or less) and or the resolution is notched down (to 720). Games on the consoles will obviously improve in textures and assets as the gen goes on, but the Xbox One simply does not have the juice to push 1920x1080 pixels in these hq games. That is not going to change over time. Any PC gamer knows the power requirement in going from 720p to 1080p is massive It's .9 million pixels versus 2.1 million.. Xbox One basically has to choose between 720p60fps or 1080p 30fps

For the record, PS4 equivalent (7850/7870) is right around 60fps in most games at 1080p.. It falls right in line with what is going on.. Again games will improve with visuals but this resolution/frame rate combo you will get for the entire gen.

Also very true. I admit I keep forgetting the actual GPU in the XB1 is fairly weak too, can't look past that ESRAM bottleneck.

Bwahaha, thank you, bookmarked
I don't get it. I just don't. During ps360 times, so many gaming sites would explicitly say the 360 version was superior, the one to purchase, due to relatively minor differences. Now when the gap between PS4 and XB1 is this big, we have differences where one version is outputting more than twice the pixels, yet all I'm seeing are gaming sites saying it doesn't matter, its not indicative of anything etc. It truly is baffling.
How long until the Xbox Two, I wonder. Maybe Microsoft will kill the One fast, Xbox1-style.

If the new management of MS doesn't feel like there is any strategic value in continuing to make game consoles, they're just as likely to can the entire division and abandon the market. The internal corporate politics at MS are legendary and they are going through their biggest management transition in a generation. It's going to be a mess there when Steve Ballmer walks away in 2014, and who knows what the Xbox division will look like afterwards.
I don't get it. I just don't. During ps360 times, so many gaming sites would explicitly say the 360 version was superior, the one to purchase, due to relatively minor differences. Now when the gap between PS4 and XB1 is this big, we have differences where one version is outputting more than twice the pixels, yet all I'm seeing are gaming sites saying it doesn't matter, its not indicative of anything etc. It truly is baffling.

And yet gaming sites don't hesitate to bash Wii-U. Poor mainstream gamers will never even know.
No. They simply don't have the same standards as you.
The funny thing is that if the roles were reversed , you'd be here rubbing everyone's face in it, touting the benefits of 1080p. Be objective for Christ's sake, you are one of the biggest apologist for xbone I've met. Even Saladin, bless his banned heart at least criticized forza special edition once.
I don't get it. I just don't. During ps360 times, so many gaming sites would explicitly say the 360 version was superior, the one to purchase, due to relatively minor differences. Now when the gap between PS4 and XB1 is this big, we have differences where one version is outputting more than twice the pixels, yet all I'm seeing are gaming sites saying it doesn't matter, its not indicative of anything etc. It truly is baffling.

Yeah, I read an article on Forbes earlier where the author mentioned the PS4 was superior, but it likely won't make a huge difference to most. I'm pretty sure the word of mouth got around this generation about the 360 multiplats looking better and it definitely affects people's purchase decision. It will make a difference in which version people buy, just as it did this generation. I've seen quite a few comments on forums saying "well, looks like PS4 version it is then" after hearing the news about COD Ghosts resolutions earlier today.
Especially when I will be getting a R9 280X for 300$ and will be able to play anything @ 1080p x 60fps

And this is the start of a 5-7 year cycle.

Think about that for a moment and your mind is further blown.

Thank god Sony is here to save us all from another generation of incredibly limited hardware. The power gap between the PS4 and X1 is much larger then people are willing to admit. And the PS4 is easier to develop for ... and Sony has the best first party teams in the world ... and Sony has all the indie devs making games for em ...

By this time next year it could already be over, and PS4 well on its way to being the next PS2.

Hmmm .. maybe an HD remake from a previous gen title? Those were basically just resolution increases, and possibly texture size increases.

I believe Shadow of the Colossus was 720p on PS2, and they upped it to 1080p x 60fps and enhanced texture resolution.

As for the exact same game ... maybe Call of Duty 2 to CoD Ghosts?

No problem, just find me a system for the same price or better than an Xbox One, where I can play some of the same exclusive games, have a camera style device that works as well with it as the new Kinect does the Xbox One, and where I can also enjoy the same features and services. If you can find me such a system, or even a combination of devices or products that do this for $500 or better, and can then proceed to promise me that I'll be able to play Ryse, Halo 5, Quantum Break, Dead Rising 3, Crimson Dragon, Killer Instinct, Sunset Overdrive, Swery's D4, Forza Motorsport 5, and in which there will also be a very high chance that most of the games released for the system will benefit from dedicated servers that are provided to developers free of charge, then feel free to point me in the right direction. I'll gladly cancel my Xbox One pre-order on the spot if such a system exists at a better price than the cost of an Xbox One.

Now, obviously there's some sarcasm there, because there is literally no other system that can be found anywhere in the world that will offer the same exact thing as what the Xbox One will be offering for $500. Some of these games are important to people, some of the features are important to people. This is why some need to understand why some of us aren't driven up the wall to cancel our pre-orders, or to declare that we have no further interest in the Xbox One when a game like Call of Duty ghosts (a franchise I have not purchased since modern warfare 2) is not running at a specific resolution in comparison to the PlayStation 4 version of the game. For individuals in which the subject of this thread is a make or break issue, they have every right to determine that an Xbox One is too weak for their needs, or has no games of big enough interest to warrant their attention, and proceed to cancel their pre-orders. It's your money, and you can't very well buy something you don't feel good about. That's something we should all respect.

However, it doesn't seem to work so well in the reverse. We need to also respect that there are people who don't share that same view. There are people out there for whom there are bigger issues than the PS4 simply being a more powerful videogames console than the Xbox One, or, yes, even issues bigger than the PS4 costing $100 less. People say Sony has the best first party studios in the world, and they do indeed have some of the best first party studios in the world, but they do not have all of the best in the world. Just as you'll have incredible first party games coming to the PS4, ones in which I will certainly buy a PS4 to play, there will also be incredible first party or otherwise titles coming to the Xbox One. In fact, quite a few are available at launch on either system depending on which titles managed to sink their hooks in deeper. You can tell by my avatar which launch title has me the most excited right now. It sure as heck isn't all about exclusives, though, we know that, but don't be surprised to get a bit of defiance when people openly wonder what reasons there could possibly be for anyone to even remotely consider an Xbox One purchase at this point. The simple answer is for the price you're paying no other system or combination of products will give you access to all the things an Xbox One does at $500. I have no qualms buying the "inferior" version of a game, because, really, only I determine whether or not it meets certain minimum standards that I approve of. And should a game not meet those then I'll buy that game on a system that does. It's really quite simple.

Let's for a moment forget features, and assume the PS4 and the Xbox One simply had all the same games, PS4 has Ryse, it has Halo, it has Quantum Break, Xbox One also has Uncharted, God of War, The Order 1866, you get the idea. In such a circumstance there's no way in hell I would ever purchase an Xbox One for $100 more while it's also the weaker system of the two. I would also advice anybody I know to not purchase such a system either, but, as is obvious, the circumstances aren't quite so simple. I go first and foremost where games I'm much more interested in playing can be found, not where they can't be. For me Microsoft are doing a better job at launch with games I want most. I'll buy a PS4 when I think the time is right to do so.


Whatever your opinion of the Xbone, you have to expect that Halo 5 will look incredible.

I've been hyper critical of MS and the Xbone ever since the Durango leaks started. But Halo 5 will probably be the game that makes me but one.

What was the last incredible looking Halo like?

I could never see what the fuss was about TBH.
It is incredible to me that there are some people who don't see a problem with throwing down $500 for a piece of hardware built in 2013 that can't run everything thrown at it in native 1080p.

Blows my mind how people's standards can be so low.
No problem, just find me a system for the same price or better than an Xbox One, where I can play some of the same exclusive games, have a camera style device that works as well with it as the new Kinect does the Xbox One, and where I can also enjoy the same features and services. If you can find me such a system, or even a combination of devices or products that do this for $500 or better, and can then proceed to promise me that I'll be able to play Ryse, Halo 5, Quantum Break, Dead Rising 3, Crimson Dragon, Killer Instinct, Sunset Overdrive, Swery's D4, Forza Motorsport 5, and in which there will also be a very high chance that most of the games released for the system will benefit from dedicated servers that are provided to developers free of charge, then feel free to point me in the right direction. I'll gladly cancel my Xbox One pre-order on the spot if such a system exists at a better price than the cost of an Xbox One.

Now, obviously there's some sarcasm there, because there is literally no other system that can be found anywhere in the world that will offer the same exact thing as what the Xbox One will be offering for $500. Some of these games are important to people, some of the features are important to people. This is why some need to understand why some of us aren't driven up the wall to cancel our pre-orders, or to declare that we have no further interest in the Xbox One when a game like Call of Duty ghosts (a franchise I have not purchased since modern warfare 2) is not running at a specific resolution in comparison to the PlayStation 4 version of the game. For individuals in which the subject of this thread is a make or break issue, they have every right to determine that an Xbox One is too weak for their needs, or has no games of big enough interest to warrant their attention, and proceed to cancel their pre-orders. It's your money, and you can't very well buy something you don't feel good about. That's something we should all respect.

However, it doesn't seem to work so well in the reverse. We need to also respect that there are people who don't share that same view. There are people out there for whom there are bigger issues than the PS4 simply being a more powerful videogames console than the Xbox One, or, yes, even issues bigger than the PS4 costing $100 less. People say Sony has the best first party studios in the world, and they do indeed have some of the best first party studios in the world, but they do not have all of the best in the world. Just as you'll have incredible first party games coming to the PS4, ones in which I will certainly buy a PS4 to play, there will also be incredible first party or otherwise titles coming to the Xbox One. In fact, quite a few are available at launch on either system depending on which titles managed to sink their hooks in deeper. You can tell by my avatar which launch title has me the most excited right now. It sure as heck isn't all about exclusives, though, we know that, but don't be surprised to get a bit of defiance when people openly wonder what reasons there could possibly be for anyone to even remotely consider an Xbox One purchase at this point. The simple answer is for the price you're paying no other system or combination of products will give you access to all the things an Xbox One does at $500. I have no qualms buying the "inferior" version of a game, because, really, only I determine whether or not it meets certain minimum standards that I approve of. And should a game not meet those then I'll buy that game on a system that does. It's really quite simple.

Let's for a moment forget features, and assume the PS4 and the Xbox One simply had all the same games, PS4 has Ryse, it has Halo, it has Quantum Break, Xbox One also has Uncharted, God of War, The Order 1866, you get the idea. In such a circumstance there's no way in hell I would ever purchase an Xbox One for $100 more while it's also the weaker system of the two. I would also advice anybody I know to not purchase such a system either, but, as is obvious, the circumstances aren't quite so simple. I go first and foremost where games I'm much more interested in playing can be found, not where they can't be. For me Microsoft are doing a better job at launch with games I want most. I'll buy a PS4 when I think the time is right to do so.
Do you really want to play every MS first party title so bad that any hardware that cannot play every single one of those titles is null?
Do you really want to play every MS first party title so bad that any hardware that cannot play every single one of those titles is null?

He has his preferences, it's a valid opinion.

There's nothing wrong with his point of view, where he,values the exclusivity of favoured games that he,can tolerate poorer multiplatform performance.

rdrr gnr

What was the last incredible looking Halo like?

I could never see what the fuss was about TBH.
I've always considered Halo's aesthetic and technical powerless, er, lacking to put it kindly. But Halo 4 produced some of the best visuals on the 360 hardware, IMO. So, 4.
He has his preferences, it's a valid opinion.

There's nothing wrong with his point of view, where he,values the exclusivity of favoured games that he,can tolerate poorer multiplatform performance.

The point I'm making is that it just seems more like he's listing off every MS first party title for the sake of listing them all. I just find it hard to believe that he can't part with not playing any single one of those titles.
Do you really want to play every MS first party title so bad that any hardware that cannot play every single one of those titles is null?

He says: "Just as you'll have incredible first party games coming to the PS4, ones in which I will certainly buy a PS4 to play" So he still values PS4, It's just the exclusives on Xbone he doesn't want to miss on.

I for one am the opposite. Nothing on Xbone yet is something I'd buy it solely for.
Let's for a moment forget features, and assume the PS4 and the Xbox One simply had all the same games, PS4 has Ryse, it has Halo, it has Quantum Break, Xbox One also has Uncharted, God of War, The Order 1866, you get the idea. In such a circumstance there's no way in hell I would ever purchase an Xbox One for $100 more while it's also the weaker system of the two. I would also advice anybody I know to not purchase such a system either, but, as is obvious, the circumstances aren't quite so simple. I go first and foremost where games I'm much more interested in playing can be found, not where they can't be. For me Microsoft are doing a better job at launch with games I want most. I'll buy a PS4 when I think the time is right to do so.

Woah, moslty tl;dr

So you only purchase a system based on the promise of launch titles? Launch titles are quite often underwhelming and quickly forgotten. All Microsoft's launch window retail games, except Forza 5, are 3rd party exclusives. That doesn't give me much confidence that their first party studios will release some good games soon.
soo...when are we getting footage of this game running on actual next gen hardware? we're only 2 weeks away! i hope they're not waiting for current gen to ship on the 5th.


The PS3 did have a hardware scaler. Its GPU.

The PS4 has a hardware scaler. Its GPU.

The 360 and Xbone have hardware scalers. Their GPUs.

Your PC had a hardware scaler. Its GPU.

See a pattern here?

THIS!!!!!! The WiiU also has hardware scaler. ALL HDTVs have a scaler. ALL Blu-ray players, HD-DVD Players, upconverting DVD players, HD cable boxes/DVR, Apple TVs, Rokus, Google TV box, PSVitaTV, Smartphones, Tablets & etc. ALL HAVE hardware scalers!!!!!

Quit talking about the XBox1 hardware scaler, it's a basic-ass feature in all electronics.
It is incredible to me that there are some people who don't see a problem with throwing down $500 for a piece of hardware build in 2013 that can't run everything thrown at it in native 1080p.

Blows my mind how people's standards can be so low.

People buy game consoles for games that excite them the most. What a silly metric. You know what that reads like?

"Forget or completely ignore any games that you may find exciting. Just buy the system that can run games everything at 1080p natively."

What a silly, silly bit of logic that is. That's what it amounts to everytime people use that weak argument. How could people have such low standards? Why buy a system that has unique games that you can't play anywhere else? It makes no sense!
soo...when are we getting footage of this game running on actual next gen hardware? we're only 2 weeks away! i hope they're not waiting for current gen to ship on the 5th.

I'm wondering where the xb1 version of AC4 is hiding? Has it been delayed? I assume it will also be 720p on the boner.
People buy game consoles for games that excite them the most. What a silly metric. You know what that reads like?

"Forget or completely ignore any games that you may find exciting. Just buy the system that can run games everything at 1080p natively."

What a silly, silly bit of logic that is. That's what it amounts to everytime people use that weak argument. How could people have such low standards? Why buy a system that has unique games that you can't play anywhere else? It makes no sense!

Both systems are going to have a lot of great games. If I'm in a position where I gotta pick one, I'm picking the more powerful, easier to develop, cheaper console. This whole "it's all about the gameplay" argument always gets pointed out when graphics are laughing. Ofcourse we know that gameplay is important. But the issue at hand is graphics, which can also greatly matter.
People buy game consoles for games that excite them the most. What a silly metric. You know what that reads like?

"Forget or completely ignore any games that you may find exciting. Just buy the system that can run games everything at 1080p natively."

What a silly, silly bit of logic that is. That's what it amounts to everytime people use that weak argument. How could people have such low standards? Why buy a system that has unique games that you can't play anywhere else? It makes no sense!

That said I bought a 360 for the exclusives I was excited about, turned out I was late for the Halo 3 party and Halo sucked onward. I picked up Gears Trilogy, DR1, and basically my 360 became a paperweight thereafter...
The other "exclusives" I was able to get on PC like Alan Wake,State of Decay,Left4Deads, Fable 3 etc... Looking back in the end all i could think was


Lol... Cerny's a nice guy. He would never say such a thing. ;-)

He actually got somewhat passive aggressive in that interview and probably the most we'll ever see. He didn't appreciate and called out Carmack for saying the consoles are essentially same.


It is incredible to me that there are some people who don't see a problem with throwing down $500 for a piece of hardware built in 2013 that can't run everything thrown at it in native 1080p.

Blows my mind how people's standards can be so low.

That's a really short sighted comment, and actually quite condescending. There are those of us who find value in more than just graphics.

In my case, I have a high end gaming PC that produces incredible visuals and I've learned that they don't make me happy. Actually, quite the opposite. My favorite games have never been graphical juggernauts. I feel like I'll get more entertainment this next year from the Xbox One's exclusives and multimedia features than the PS4.

That said, I have both pre ordered.


It is incredible to me that there are some people who don't see a problem with throwing down $500 for a piece of hardware built in 2013 that can't run everything thrown at it in native 1080p.

Blows my mind how people's standards can be so low.

People buy game consoles for games that excite them the most. What a silly metric. You know what that reads like?

"Forget or completely ignore any games that you may find exciting. Just buy the system that can run games everything at 1080p natively."

What a silly, silly bit of logic that is. That's what it amounts to everytime people use that weak argument. How could people have such low standards? Why buy a system that has unique games that you can't play anywhere else? It makes no sense!

I'm with Senjutsu on this. People can have different priorities. Not sure what's so difficult to believe. Enigma's comment comes across as quite parochial.
That's a really short sighted comment, and actually quite condescending. There are those of us who find value in more than just graphics.

In my case, I have a high end gaming PC that produces incredible visuals and I've learned that they don't make me happy. Actually, quite the opposite. My favorite games have never been graphical juggernauts. I feel like I'll get more entertainment this next year from the Xbox One's exclusives and multimedia features than the PS4.

That said, I have both pre ordered.

You know, it's ok to think the Xbox One has a lot of great games but the hardware is disappointingly lacking for the price, right?


We need to update these ones:
The perspective in this picture is wrong. If you can see the top of the truck, the vanishing point would be at the top of the page but the Wii U van has its vanishing point hitting the ground (like someone drew it from a standing position).
I'm wondering where the xb1 version of AC4 is hiding? Has it been delayed? I assume it will also be 720p on the boner.

Microsoft has been actively holding back it's embargoes until release/just before. They're doing it for BF4 Multiplayer, COD Ghosts and AC4 etc.. It's obviously for mad crunch time to show off a hopefully improved version as the days go by.


You know, it's ok to think the Xbox One has a lot of great games but the hardware is disappointingly lacking for the price, right?

For you and I, yes. But some people don't mind spending the extra money for the exclusives, kinect, TV and snap features. Doesn't make sense to defend those who sound as if there is only one console that everyone should like.


Microsoft has been actively holding back it's embargoes until release/just before. They're doing it for BF4 Multiplayer, COD Ghosts and AC4 etc.. It's obviously for mad crunch time to show off a hopefully improved version as the days go by.

These games aren't gold yet? It's November in 1 more day!
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