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A harassment campaign against Zoë Quinn, the developer behind Depression Quest

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I saw Jim Sterling talk about it, that's about it I admit.

And yes, they write these articles, and if the Call Of Duty guy would have been a women you can bet the conversation would be about misogynism, I mean let's be honest here.

The harassment leveled at the Call of Duty guy didn't focus on his gender.


Let's play opposite world.

As a man, I write a nice little story about anorexia. It's highly personal and there's always some degree of risk exposing oneself in such a way but I feel it's something worth saying and publish online.

A board full of ladies is all like, "You can't have anorexia, you have a penis. Just stick that penis out the letterbox and wait for your problems to be sucked away."

I ignore it, "lol internet" but when I scroll through Twitter I get a bunch of aggressive tweets hating me, my story and my penis. They seem particularly hung up about my penis. Luckily I have a circle of friends that support me on Twitter but when I engage with them, as it's a public forum, I'm accused of trying to draw attention to myself or "responding badly".

The truth is, I don't want the attention! I want my story to have the attention - and I definitely don't want me penis to get any attention at all.

Then I get a phone call from a lady saying I'm speaking to her vagina. It says that I should pack up my penis and leave the internet because it isn't welcome.

H-her vagina can talk?


You're condemning people for not doing their due diligence in the same breath as admitting to not doing your due diligence.

no, i feel if someone is gonna correct me the better to at least tell me the answer.

whatever i dont care. the thing about it is, i feel when people do this they are fishing for attention anyway. no doubt to get her video game greenlighted.

sucks that she got harassed though.


I saw Jim Sterling talk about it, that's about it I admit.

And yes, they write these articles, and if the Call Of Duty guy would have been a women you can bet the conversation would be about misogynism, I mean let's be honest here.

maybe that's because this kind of thing disproportionately affects women, who are already a disadvantaged class in gaming specifically and in real life generally


Maturity, bitches.
You are stereotyping literally millions of people because of the actions of a small minority. Just because some shit gets posted on wizardchan or 4chan doesn't mean game fans are "the most intolerant, actively disagreeable lot."
Yeah, this is a gaming board so we're going to hear more news skewed towards the world of gaming, thus heard more instances of 'person who plays games does thing that isn't that nice' vs every other instance of person doesn't do nice thing. There are rather horrid people in all walks of life but we shouldn't let the actions of a few speak for the whole.
no, i feel if someone is gonna correct me the better to at least tell me the answer.

whatever i dont care. the thing about it is, i feel when people do this they are fishing for attention anyway. no doubt to get her video game greenlighted.

sucks that she got harassed though.

Stop with the strawman while moving the goalposts. I didn't say it's OK, I said that using posts from those assholes as proof of persecution is intellectually dishonest.
Suppose you're right. You're not persecuted if you can simply walk out the door and not be followed. If those posts were the only offensive responses she had gotten, you'd have a point with all this.
I hope this post isn't serious. People liking and respecting Hennig is sexism? My god man, what a joke.
I think the intended inference is that sexist people think along those lines, not everyone who appreciates her work.


no, i feel if someone is gonna correct me the better to at least tell me the answer.

whatever i dont care. the thing about it is, i feel when people do this they are fishing for attention anyway. no doubt to get her video game greenlighted.

sucks that she got harassed though.

Wait, so you feel like she's doing this for attention but you also feel bad for her that she's doing this for attention?


You're condemning people for not doing their due diligence in the same breath as admitting to not doing your due diligence.

It doesn't matter if it originally came from 4chan or not anyway. I'm not sure why people are getting hung up on that. There are now threads and posts all over the Internet with vile stuff about Zoe, including /v/

and? its not harassment to talk about her

raiding her is.


Wait, so you feel like she's doing this for attention but you also feel bad for her that she's doing this for attention?

i feel bad that she got harassed, im just dissapointed that she is using it to get attention on her game.

i just like it when people go though the normal avenues to get stuff. happens on kickstarter all the time.


no, i feel if someone is gonna correct me the better to at least tell me the answer.

whatever i dont care. the thing about it is, i feel when people do this they are fishing for attention anyway. no doubt to get her video game greenlighted.

sucks that she got harassed though.

So you can't be bothered to read the thread in which you're commenting, and you think the victim in question is responsible for her own harassment for publicity purposes.

You'll last a long time here.
It must be so immensely frustrating to be in a situation like Zoe's where you can't even expose the disgusting and illegal harassment you're receiving without someone saying you shouldn't talk about it and you're just doing it "for attention".


i feel bad that she got harassed, im just dissapointed that she is using it to get attention on her game.

i just like it when people go though the normal avenues to get stuff. happens on kickstarter all the time.

She's not using it to get attention. She blew off some steam on twitter and other people took up the cause. Depression Quest was already a well regarded indie game that had a full head of steam behind it.


Who is saying she's "good, for a woman"?

Online commentators. The last thing I read about Henning was an interview from the Uncharter 2 to Uncharted 3 release gap. I beleive it was an IGN article, lots of posts along the line of what I posted.


So you can't be bothered to read the thread in which you're commenting, and you think the victim in question is responsible for her own harassment for publicity purposes.

You'll last a long time here.

there are people on THIS page who think it is 4chan, i dont wanna hear it.
I saw Jim Sterling talk about it, that's about it I admit.

And yes, they write these articles, and if the Call Of Duty guy would have been a women you can bet the conversation would be about misogynism, I mean let's be honest here.

If she were a woman the threats would probably involve rape as well as murder, so it's appropriate to have a conversation about misogyny in that situation. You need to realise that there are two issues here: the nature of, and reason for, online harassment.

- A man who is the public face of a popular game gets death threats because the developer makes changes which prove unpopular. The reason is changing something people don't want changed, and the nature of the threats is genderless.

- A woman makes an indie game and is harassed in a partially sexual manner because men don't like that a woman made a game about a particular topic. The reason is her gender, and the nature is also gendered.

Hope that clears it up for you, if you care to understand that is.


Unconfirmed Member
Is it possible to update the
.thread topic?
.thread's first post?

.everyone is just reading the first uninformative post?


If she were a woman the threats would probably involve rape as well as murder, so it's appropriate to have a conversation about misogyny in that situation. You need to realise that there are two issues here: the nature of, and reason for, online harassment.

- A man who is the public face of a popular game gets death threats because the developer makes changes which prove unpopular. The reason is changing something people don't want changed, and the nature of the threats is genderless.

- A woman makes an indie game and is harassed in a partially sexual manner because men don't like that a woman made a game about a particular topic. The reason is her gender, and the nature is also gendered.

Hope that clears it up for you, if you care to understand that is.

I think it's more that rape against men isn't perceived as being as much of an atrocity as rape against women. Prison rape, men scoring, etc. etc.

Like, I don't think someone telling a male developer "I'll cut your balls and dick off" as sexist.


Ok so let me get this straight. Some pieces of shit decided to harass this chick just because of the game she put in Steam Greenlight? From what I'm seeing that's it. The game doesn't seem like it's something that should piss people off from what I'm seeing. It's highlighting a real issue a lot of people deal with.

So am I missing something or are these people just grade A pieces of shit?
Is it possible to update the
.thread topic?
.thread's first post?

.everyone is just reading the first uninformative post?
Probably won't stop the drive-by posting. :\

Wish I capped the 4chan OP. It a pretty concise summary with blame going exactly where it needed to go.


Ok so let me get this straight. Some pieces of shit decided to harass this chick just because of the game she put in Steam Greenlight? From what I'm seeing that's it. The game doesn't seem like it's something that should piss people off from what I'm seeing. It's highlighting a real issue a lot of people deal with.

So am I missing something or are these people just grade A pieces of shit?

Just an indie dev blowing off steam about the normal internet misogyny.

Then it gets blow up and people respond with 'She just wants attention!!!'

I don't think that's ironic, but it's a damn shame that's for sure.
Ok so let me get this straight. Some pieces of shit decided to harass this chick just because of the game she put in Steam Greenlight? From what I'm seeing that's it. The game doesn't seem like it's something that should piss people off from what I'm seeing. It's highlighting a real issue a lot of people deal with.

So am I missing something or are these people just grade A pieces of shit?

The second one.
So am I missing something or are these people just grade A pieces of shit?

Even if there is something extra to the story we don't know about, they'd be pieces of shit regardless. I can't think of anything that justifies calling someone and jacking off next to the mic so they can hear it, especially when it comes to video games.
There's the problem with anonymous forums. One thing though... why exactly would they want her game removed? I've never heard of this game either...

BTW it was Wizardchan, not 4chan, in a forum called Virgin 9000... In which it's now forbidden to talk about women.

I... I just don't know... I mean... what?


People still thinking its 4chan just because of the look of the images. It's like forum racism! Forucsm!

If forum racism was a thing, then yeah i'd totally be a forum racist to things like 4chan and it's subsequent spin-offs.

Anonymity is like a cyst.


Even if there is something extra to the story we don't know about, they'd be pieces of shit regardless. I can't think of anything that justifies calling someone and jacking off next to the mic so they can hear it, especially when it comes to video games.

Oh I agree with you there. It's crazy for people to get so hateful and vile with each other. Even if she had done something screwed up they're going over board. But it just makes it so much worse when she did nothing to set them off.


Maturity, bitches.
Wish I capped the 4chan OP. It a pretty concise summary with blame going exactly where it needed to go.


Thank you! That's perfect.

The next step is getting everyone to glance at it before throwing 4chan under the bus on this specific instance.

Yes, that's a great example of how progressive and understanding /v/ is.

Especially the part where they use the word faggot.


It must be so immensely frustrating to be in a situation like Zoe's where you can't even expose the disgusting and illegal harassment you're receiving without someone saying you shouldn't talk about it and you're just doing it "for attention".

I would answer that with: This is something worth bringing to peoples' attention. The problem is, it's tricky for the victim to do that; it's better if it's a third party, because then it's about the actions, not the person recieving that.
Am I missing something here ?

Soe makes a game about depression/dealing with depression,

Puts it on greenlight and some people start attacking her and talk about women not beeing able to feel emotions and some other vile shit ?

Huh ?

Why ? I mean.....why would anyone do that ?


Ok so let me get this straight. Some pieces of shit decided to harass this chick just because of the game she put in Steam Greenlight? From what I'm seeing that's it. The game doesn't seem like it's something that should piss people off from what I'm seeing. It's highlighting a real issue a lot of people deal with.

So am I missing something or are these people just grade A pieces of shit?

There is one small aspect you're missing: The people doing the harrassment feel that they suffer from said real issue, and in turn do not feel that Quinn is entitled to make observations about it.

This forgives nothing, just establishing a bit more context.


I would answer that with: This is something worth bringing to peoples' attention. The problem is, it's tricky for the victim to do that; it's better if it's a third party, because then it's about the actions, not the person recieving that.

it's worth posting about but it doesn't really matter whether the victim does so personally. i've seen it happen on gaf plenty, the victim is always blamed by someone.


so I played Depression Quest.

I thought it was good the game is achives what it sets out to do, it genunely made me feel a bit down, especially when I found I could relate to many of the things going off in the story from my own past.
I wish her luck in getting this on steam, honestly.
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