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21st Cenutry Holy Bible. A draft-esque alpha version

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I walk into the agent's office. I sit in the leather chair before he can swivel his own chair around to greet me. With a satisfying slap, I drop a thick envelope on the table.

"What is this," he asks. "How did you get in here?"

"Shut up."

He opens the envelope tentatively, no doubt unsure of the treasures within. I attempt to explain what I've just given him.

"It's an alpha version. Draft-esque, if you will."

He flips through the pages. His brow furrows. Oh no.

"This isn't funny."

"Well, what kind of comedy do you like? That might explain it."

He fiddles with his pen. He wants me to leave, but I want his money more. I sit, and I wait. He places my pages down on the desk. My work. My draft-esque alpha and omega. This is the 21st century gospel, and the word - the bird - will be heard.

omg, I just laughed salsa up my nose


Obsidian fan
Sticky this thread. Never ban OP.

It just takes time to reply to everyone.
Its not failure yet. I just need to get attention. Pass out flyers or something at churches. Get some people to raise some awareness.

Do this immediately and film it.


Churches? You can't be serious...

Its all about the guerrilla marketing.

Don't do this.

but i mUST!

Why would people who go to churches want such a profanity laden piece of work?

Guerrilla marketing.

This is horrible. Maybe it was pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-pre-alpha.

Yes. Yes it is.


Understatement of the year, OP.

Ha. Its true tho.

Deer lord I want to know about the types of women that gave both you and the draft the time of day

On the other hand, it did only get $2.00 in backing.

Well I didnt do the okcupid thing at that time.

I guess I don't understand why someone who doesn't want to take criticism would post this for people who are self-admittedly hypercritical.

Again its all about the people who give some real advice. I take it all in and then use it for when I try to improve it.

Hey, he could at the very least have success in Naruto fanfics. You gotta believe it!

Its like Holy Bible fan fiction.


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
It just takes time to reply to everyone.
Its not failure yet. I just need to get attention. Pass out flyers or something at churches. Get some people to raise some awareness.

Um, what?

Bud, you are going to get yourself killed or stoned to death if you do that at the wrong church. Is your insurance paid up? What audience of people do you think is going to like this thing? Churchgoers??? o_O

I'm an aetheist / agnostic and I don't like your book at all. What makes you think religious people will find if amusing in any way? The reaction you will get will be just the opposite I'd wager...
When I first read the title, I thought this was going to be a massive re-translation of the Bible, but then you said it was a parody...

Maybe there is a place in the world for that, but this isn't it. It's childish and offers nothing of worth. No one who finds it funny is going to purchase this or take the time to read it.

Is your parody trying to provide insight into modern use of language/humor (by teenagers only apparently) against the backdrop of a religious text? Or are you making fun of the BIble with a modern spin?

I mean, wouldn't the 21st Century Bible's creation story be some new age, metaphysical sentences followed by a PhD dissertation on evolution?

I think your twitter account COULD be a good idea, if you tried to squeeze each verse to 140 characters without the comedic effort. Just the attempt to do that may often lead to humor.


Well thats my goal with this eventually.

...I have my doubts in you being able to take this rough draft you wrote and make it smart and clever "eventually".

If you're dead set on doing this, my suggestion would be to scrap it entirely and start again.
Thanks for the laughs OP, you make my amateur attempt at a Cyberpunk novel look like Blade Runner in comparison. Feel free to PM me if you want to Beta Read.


I'm just waiting for someone to make such a brilliant post that the thread title gets changed asking people to view post #x.

It's gonna be worth it.
I say this as a writer, it's good that you're reaching out and trying to improve your writing by having other people look at it.

But what you've written here is most charitably described as dreck. It uses shock humor frequently without coming close to actually achieving its end goal of being funny. Moreover, the poor writing and composition from grammatical and stylistic standpoints distract from any attempt at humor you're trying to make. You don't have a firm enough grasp on the rules of the language to be undertaking this sort of project. You need to work on those fundamentals before you even consider it.

In addition, it's been said before, but the feeling I get from reading this is that you're kind of a terrible person. Reading this does not want to make me read more of anything you write because I find your worldview pretty offensive and it conjures up the image of someone who farts in their own hand and brings it to their face to smell it. Except you just shoved it in my face and I'm not super appreciative.

Also, the defensiveness you've shown so far in this thread indicates you were looking for praise and credit rather than constructive criticism and I'm not really willing to offer you either after reading this. Maybe there is a good writer buried under the layers of disposable gunk you've presented here, but I sure haven't seen any proof of that.
I say this as a writer, it's good that you're reaching out and trying to improve your writing by having other people look at it.

But what you've written here is most charitably described as dreck. It uses shock humor frequently without coming close to actually achieving its end goal of being funny. Moreover, the poor writing and composition from grammatical and stylistic standpoints distract from any attempt at humor you're trying to make. You don't have a firm enough grasp on the rules of the language to be undertaking this sort of project. You need to work on those fundamentals before you even consider it.

In addition, it's been said before, but the feeling I get from reading this is that you're kind of a terrible person. Reading this does not want to make me read more of anything you write because I find your worldview pretty offensive and it conjures up the image of someone who farts in their own hand and brings it to their face to smell it. Except you just shoved it in my face and I'm not super appreciative.

Also, the defensiveness you've shown so far in this thread indicates you were looking for praise and credit rather than constructive criticism and I'm not really willing to offer you either after reading this. Maybe there is a good writer buried under the layers of disposable gunk you've presented here, but I sure haven't seen any proof of that.

Must be the South Park influence.
Hey there, as a Catholic, I can't even be offended by this.

It's beyond terrible. Nobody with any ounce of Religion is going to like it, as you can see, No Atheist enjoys it. Just chuck the project take the L, and probably whatever terrible tag you will get from a mod because of this ill-conceived idea, and move on with your life.


This thread is bordering on being worthy of a Lionel Mandrake summary, but not quite there yet.

I do enjoy how OP is deftly avoiding questions from the mods that will likely determine whether he can continue to post here in the future.
Guys, we're being really unfair here. This is how people reacted to the original Bible. All naysayers are going to hell for this, where we shall all go 'RAWR, MYAK, MYAK, MYAK, and MOO.' DON'T LIKE IT?! EAT A DICK!

Goddamnit, I am so funny, I'll be a hit.


Guys, we're being really unfair here. This is how people reacted to the original Bible. All naysayers are going to hell for this, where we shall all go 'RAWR, MYAK, MYAK, MYAK, and MOO.' DON'T LIKE IT?! EAT A DICK!

Goddamnit, I am so funny, I'll be a hit.

This is by far funnier than anything in the new bible. Have you considered writing a new bible?


When I woke up this morning, I never expected my life to change. I expected, even less, that a work of fiction, loosely based on a religious tome would cause me to reexamine every fiber of my being and existence.

BRAVO OP. These surly crappers don't understand the nuance and prose that is your genius. I feel what someone must have felt when witnessing a preaching Jesus, as he was being dragged away by the Romans for crucifiction

Don't let these people hold you back. They wouldn't know a good piece of writing if a transgendered, Filipina woman shit it out on their face. I will gladly donate my time to operate a phone bank and to pass out pamphlets at bus transfer points in the goal of getting out The Good Word. After all, everyone wants to know the answer to the age old question of "When the suffering ever end?"

The answer is after you are done reading this literary masterpiece.
I'd be all about a Discworld-ish reinterpretation of all sorts of things.

You're about a billion worlds away from Discworld's quality. Like I can see where you're trying jokes, and none are jokes.


I'd be all about a Discworld-ish reinterpretation of all sorts of things.

You're about a billion worlds away from Discworld's quality. Like I can see where you're trying jokes, and none are jokes.

Pratchett and Gaiman should write a new bible interpretation, it would be fantastic. Good Omens proves this.
It's trying too hard and it's too forced and contrived. I found myself cringing at a good majority of it.

Not every single line has to be humorous. If I were to give a suggestion I'd say to make it a LOT more subtle.

An example page:

"Fun water friends" = Not funny.

"Gee, it sure is BORING around here" = Not funny.


"RAR! MYAK! MYAK! MOO!" = Not funny.

"Walking retard fish babies" = Not funny.
OP, I would go with this advice. It is a good idea, but the lack of subtlety bothers me. I like South Park and Family Guy, but even they are a little more subtle than this, also, avoid the N word like the plague. It isn't really funny and won't help at all.


Um, what?

Bud, you are going to get yourself killed or stoned to death if you do that at the wrong church. Is your insurance paid up? What audience of people do you think is going to like this thing? Churchgoers??? o_O

I'm an aetheist / agnostic and I don't like your book at all. What makes you think religious people will find if amusing in any way? The reaction you will get will be just the opposite I'd wager...

You just pass our flyers. Then they look it up and find out about what its about. Then they spread the word and I get backers.

This guy gets comedy.

The issue is that he fixated on something that wasn't really there.

When I first read the title, I thought this was going to be a massive re-translation of the Bible, but then you said it was a parody...

Maybe there is a place in the world for that, but this isn't it. It's childish and offers nothing of worth. No one who finds it funny is going to purchase this or take the time to read it.

Is your parody trying to provide insight into modern use of language/humor (by teenagers only apparently) against the backdrop of a religious text? Or are you making fun of the BIble with a modern spin?

I mean, wouldn't the 21st Century Bible's creation story be some new age, metaphysical sentences followed by a PhD dissertation on evolution?

I think your twitter account COULD be a good idea, if you tried to squeeze each verse to 140 characters without the comedic effort. Just the attempt to do that may often lead to humor.

I am not explicitly making fun of the bible. Nor is that my real intent. My goal is to provide something for people who've never read the entire bible. But want to in a more entertaining way.

As for why it is written how its written. Its rough and raw. But the language used is how the majority of people in this country that are of my generation speak.

...I have my doubts in you being able to take this rough draft you wrote and make it smart and clever "eventually".

If you're dead set on doing this, my suggestion would be to scrap it entirely and start again.

Thats often how it works. But it works by going through and scraping and rewriting little by little.

Thanks for the laughs OP, you make my amateur attempt at a Cyberpunk novel look like Blade Runner in comparison. Feel free to PM me if you want to Beta Read.

Well congrats. I am def open to reading it.

I really really want a Mandrake recap for this thread at some point.

People don't like it. People think its racist or sexist. People dont like it.
Thats been about it.
This is by far funnier than anything in the new bible. Have you considered writing a new bible?

Masquerader said:
As a normal person, this is rough. Very rough. Awfully juvenile, and would require tons of visual gags in order for it to work properly. Trust me, I had a snap at writing one a few years back. I called it 'The Bible: Reloaded', and it starred Dick Van Dyke in a journey across the Andes with Nicolas Cage as his trusty gerbil.

I lost it... But even then, mine was somehow wittier, in spite of me being about 15 when I wrote it. :c

I actually feel pride in not writing what the OP wrote, even when my age dictated that I should have. I just drew a bit of inspiration from the writing style of Douglas Adams and went from there.

... Maybe I'll rewrite it soon. Maybe.
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