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Albert Penello downplays XBO/PS4 difference in Tomb Raider; "we just shipped"

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I don't think they're going to sell them. I asked why these consoles.. PS4 included don't make them where you can add more RAM in future years. They want to be like PC's.. so why not add that option?

Saying "We want to make a more PC like architecture so devs can get their games on our platform easier" is not the same as "We want to re-create the PC model and have multiple SKU's that developers have to program and test for different hardware configurations and limit their potential buyers by which slice they target." Making things easier on developers was the goal this gen, not making things more complicated like you're suggesting.


Come on, you know Sony had foot-in-mouth disease at the beginning of the previous generation as well. As bad if not worse than Microsoft right now.

They said lots of stupid things, yes, but from memory I don't remember them making up excuses for cross-platform games that performed worst on the PS3.


I don't understand why people poke fun at or even care at all about what guys like Penello and Major Nelson have to say. They're microsoft employees, what do you want from them? To say "yeah, the xbox one is less powerful than the ps4 and our multiplatform games are the technically inferior versions"? 'Spinning and tyrying to present things in the most positive light is literally their job, I don't get why some people make such a big deal out of it.

On topic I do think there is a grain of truth to his "we've just come out" defence. PS4 is always going to have an advantage due to its gpu but I would imagine as developers get more experienced at optimising the use of the esram that the gap will narrow a little. I think 1080p vs 900p will eventually become the standard.


I just want to say thank you to everyone that is defending him.

You're like beacons of bullshit that I can just add to my list of who not to listen to.

and Albert knew exactly what he was doing on this forum.

Fuck em all.

I can't wait till you look back one day and realize how ridiculous this post was. Relax! It's just video games :)
It's weird they don't make these consoles with upgradeable RAM. X1 comes out like it is... no problem. Just add more RAM or more powerful RAM. They want these things to be like PC's, so why not just make a slot that opens up and boom... you add more RAM.

Both of them.. PS4 and X1. Is it not as easy as it sounds? I put a RAM expansion pack in my N64 with no problem. Seemed to work on games for that. Why don't these guys make the same type of option available?

Because they want parity. They want these boxes to be powerful, and do a lot of different things, but they want anyone to be able to pick up and play. They don't want consumers to pick up a game, come home, and find out they need the RAM module to play it. They also want developers to know what specs they have to code to in order to get the most out of they system. While these boxes are getting more PC-like, the advantage over PC is still supposed to be ease of use for the less technically savvy consumer, and set specs for developers.
I guess its clear by now that the performance gap between the two consoles is quite noticable.

Of course there are some developers who don't take advantage of the Ps4s superiority and make both versions look the same, but many devs use the power of the Ps4 to increase the resolution or framrate.
Or lets say. The have to decrease the resolution or framerate of the XBoxOne version to get it to run properly.

I guess 1080p/30FPS on Ps4 and 720p/30FPS on XboxOne, or 1080p/60FPS on Ps4 and 1080p/30FPS on XboneOne will be common situations with multiplatform titles in the future.

The question is: Will they get closer or will the gap increase further.
I guess there are points to be made for both scenarios.
XboxOne has a more complicated architecture. Once devs get the hang of it the situation should improve. That would suggest that the gap will get smaller in the future.

Ps4 is just more powerful than the XboxOne and the sPs4 has quite some stuff in it that the XboxOne lacks, thats not beeing used by now. Ps4 seems like it has more potential left than XboxOne. That would suggest that the gap will get bigger in the future.

We just don't know yet. Only thing we know yet is that there is a difference and if you mainly play multiplats and care about resolution and/or FPS the Ps4 is probably the better choice.


Albert Penello is sounding a whole lot like the Iraqi Information Minister during the war.

Well, that's quite a comparison.

I know there's blood in the water, but really, what else is this guy supposed to say?

He could stop talking about resolutions and frame rates. It comes up as a topic? Gloss over it and talk about Kinect, Xbox Live or anything that could actually be viewed as a reason to play games on an Xbox. Like this:

While there might be some technical differences between PS4 and Xbox One versions of multiplattform games, I'd like to stress the fact that these are not the only areas where PS4 and Xbox One versions differ. Xbox One versions offer a deeper experience though force feedback in the triggers that gives the player a new way to feel the action on screen. On top of that the Xbox One controller is built for supreme comfort in gameplay. For most games, Kinect also offers unique functionality that improves the immersion into a game. So I think the question of superiority of different versions of games needs to be answered on a lot of different levels and in many ways, I feel, Xbox One is the better platform to play these multi platform releases on. Our own exclusive content for Xbox One also shows that Xbox One can absolutely shine on a technological level. So, I'd recommend you not just to compare some numbers on a sheet, but to take a look at the whole experience when evaluating the Xbox One experience.


I have nothing against Albert, but he is straight up lying here. You have the weaker machine; downplaying stuff like this gets you nowhere. Make good games that fit the hardware and let them do the talking. No one will care that Titanfall runs at 720p and variable FPS if it begins a rebirth of the shooter genre.

Come on, man.


Gold Member
I know there's blood in the water, but really, what else is this guy supposed to say?

I'm not familiar with Penello at all, but we know any of these company execs are going to do their best to paint their platform in the best light possible.

I have no interest in the Xbox ONE, but it's going to be fine. As a PlayStation fan who was on the receiving end of the absurd framerate/resolution wars of the PS3 and Xbox 360, I'm not about to be a part of this Xbox ONE shit. Turnabout is fair play, sure, but I just find rubbing noses in it that much fun.

The PS4 is a beast. The Xbox ONE isn't the beast the PS4 is, but it's certainly better than the 360, and we'll get some great stuff out of it. My biggest problem with the ONE is that $500 price tag. The system itself seems pretty cool, but I haven't played one.

It's more about what he shouldn't say.


I guess 1080p/30FPS on Ps4 and 720p/30FPS on XboxOne, or 1080p/60FPS on Ps4 and 1080p/30FPS on XboneOne will be common situations with multiplatform titles in the future.

I personally think that 1080p at the same frame rate for both consoles will be the most common situation with multiplats but with the PS4 version having more visual details.


I don't understand why people poke fun at or even care at all about what guys like Penello and Major Nelson have to say. They're microsoft employees, what do you want from them? To say "yeah, the xbox one is less powerful than the ps4 and our multiplatform games are the technically inferior versions"? 'Spinning and tyrying to present things in the most positive light is literally their job, I don't get why some people make such a big deal out of it.
NeoGAF is a discussion forum, not a marketing platform for PR to spout lies and deceive consumers. If you don't find anything wrong with lying and deceiving the consumer base, then... I don't know what to say to you.

On topic I do think there is a grain of truth to his "we've just come out" defence. PS4 is always going to have an advantage due to its gpu but I would imagine as developers get more experienced at optimising the use of the esram that the gap will narrow a little.
And you don't think PS4's 8GB of GDDR5 won't see some optimization? Or a possible boost in clock speed for the CPU? (Microsoft has already done this)


I'm not sure what you guys expect from someone who works at Microsoft to say. He's obviously not going to say "our console is inferior to the competition" anyone who thinks he'll say that publicly is very naive. At least he acknowledges that there are resolution or frame rate differences (albeit he does downplay the info saying only 3 games that are different), but he did point it out to say the least. And one thing that I do agree with Albert is that we should be judging the games by its merits and gameplay, and not so much emphasis by its technical achievements (or shortcomings). Tomb Raider was an awesome game on 360/PS3 and still is an awesome game on XB1/PS4. If you have only one or the other, and never played TR, then you owe yourself a favor and pick it up for your respective console. If you have both consoles, get the PS4 version.

The only way to judge multiplatform games is by the delta in performance/resolution between them. You are not going to get better gameplay from 1 or the other. That debate will exist aslong as there are 3rd party, even more so because people are curious how big the GAP is at any given time.

You are correct, he is not going to sink himself or MS and yes gotta give him a bit of credit for atleast acknowledging a difference exists but as they say horses for courses. He is trying to compete X1 vs PS4 head on, instead of accepting his loses and focusing on X1's strengths, which unfortunately imo they have not justified yet, Cable and Kinnect.

Its been widely accepted to say:

X1 is an entertainment machine that plays games
PS4 is a Games machine that also does entertainment.

Market appropriately and avoid these headbutts and the negativity will slowly fade, potential PR/Fact exaggerations get peoples backs up and they instinctively want to debate it, hence the massive threads.


lmao where do you get these pics from bish!
I don't think they're going to sell them. I asked why these consoles.. PS4 included don't make them where you can add more RAM in future years. They want to be like PC's.. so why not add that option?

Consoles do not want to be like PC's. I'm not sure where you are getting that from. The entire point of a console is that you can play every game released on said console. Could you imagine a scenario where you are browsing video-games at Best Buy or w/e and they have sections that are partitioned? Do you have a PS4 1.0? PS4 1.5? PS4 2.0? Upgrade now! Install additional RAM, but install enough or you will not be able to play PS4 2.0 games.

If you want a Steam machine, buy one; consoles are not going to do that for you.


benevolent sexism

"Also, no PR here. I don’t work in PR. Not trolling for any, either. This is on my personal time."

I have my doubts he was forced to write this while having a gun pointing at his head. He voluntarily did this because he thought appearing as one of us (lol) would make us more susceptible to his messages. A person with higher moral standards wouldn't do something like this. So questioning his personal integrity seems ok to me...

He's posting under his real name and being fully transparent about his position. He can not say things that don't reflect on MS in the best possible way.

All that "I'm not working in PR, this is my personal time" is just rhetoric meant to increase his perceived credibility, but he absolutely cannot speak without concern for MS's interests and therefore his statements cannot be 100% attributed to his true beliefs.

But you know what, if he's doing that kind of shit, then maybe I agree with you. Maybe he is a slightly bad person. He posted here trying to be all buddy-buddy with GAF and then stopped as soon as his purpose was served.

However, in general, based on these new quotes for example, I am going to refrain from making personal judgments about him.


If he talked any more bull, it would be bull.

Nah, it would be more like we were running from the bull because we would be in Pamplona during the encierro and big Al is just unleashing it upon us with all the world able to see it on TV.
Because they want parity. They want these boxes to be powerful, and do a lot of different things, but they want anyone to be able to pick up and play. They don't want consumers to pick up a game, come home, and find out they need the RAM module to play it. They also want developers to know what specs they have to code to in order to get the most out of they system. While these boxes are getting more PC-like, the advantage over PC is still supposed to be ease of use for the less technically savvy consumer, and set specs for developers.

Meh.. well maybe they could of done with just their own exclusive games. I digress.
While there might be some technical differences between PS4 and Xbox One versions of multiplattform games, I'd like to stress the fact that these are not the only areas where PS4 and Xbox One versions differ. Xbox One versions offer a deeper experience though force feedback in the triggers that gives the player a new way to feel the action on screen. On top of that the Xbox One controller is built for supreme comfort in gameplay. For most games, Kinect also offers unique functionality that improves the immersion into a game. So I think the question of superiority of different versions of games needs to be answered on a lot of different levels and in many ways, I feel, Xbox One is the better platform to play these multi platform releases on. Our own exclusive content for Xbox One also shows that Xbox One can absolutely shine on a technological level. So, I'd recommend you not just to compare some numbers on a sheet, but to take a look at the whole experience when evaluating the Xbox One experience.
I just want to re-qoute this to give it maximum exposure. How the conversation from MS should be looking like.
So you want to crucify the man because he made a mistake? It's just video games man, he's not the first or last executive to do this kind of thing. I guess I just don't care as much as some people here.

If he lost your trust, buy the competitors product. The constant PR bash threads get old, what do you expect him to say? 'Hey guys I fucked up and games will look better on our competitions hardware lol'

See now you're spinning. You think Albert made a "mistake"? The man works for MS in a PR capacity closely associated with the hardware aspect of it. He knows the MS specs, he knows the PS4 specs, he's seen the real-world performance differences between games. He clearly very purposely tried to obfuscate the truth in his previous posts here on GAF to make posters feel better about buying an XB1 even though it was clearly a weaker console, so he did in fact purposely lie to us in perhaps the most condescending tone I have ever seen a MS employee use short of maybe Orth himself.

It's insanity that you can't see the very legitimate reasons why he is a joke around here and why he stirs up such bitterness. That reaction has been earned


benevolent sexism
I don't understand why people poke fun at or even care at all about what guys like Penello and Major Nelson have to say. They're microsoft employees, what do you want from them?

It should be expected, but it should also be treated skeptically and unspun where appropriate every single time.


This is his problem to solve. I'm not expecting anything. If they want to play the power game they have to prove they can. To this end I would hope they would have engineers living at Respawn.

They really isn't much you can do when in terms of raw power you are behind 40-50%. At this point they should just never make a single comment about multiplat games again.

Having an exclusive at 1080P doesn't prove anything really when a majority of third party games are lacking in some form or another. See Forza, does it being at 1080P prove anything? Not really. Doesn't change the fact that Tomb Raider is running at half the performance on the Xbox.


Biggest joke in the entire industry right now. An empty suit, just spouting complete gibberish to try and douse the flames.

Almost insulting, in a way.


In my experience when someone's answer to a difficult question begins with "Look, ..." the rest of the statement is usually bullshit.
Consoles do not want to be like PC's. I'm not sure where you are getting that from. The entire point of a console is that you can play every game released on said console. Could you imagine a scenario where you are browsing video-games at Best Buy or w/e and they have sections that are partitioned? Do you have a PS4 1.0? PS4 1.5? PS4 2.0? Upgrade now! Install additional RAM, but install enough or you will not be able to play PS4 2.0 games.

If you want a Steam machine, buy one; consoles are not going to do that for you.

Consoles want to be more like PC's. It's already happening. Game installs anyone? Updates and patches all over the place. Web browsing, looking at your photos and videos, the list goes on. Come on now.

And yes a console already did that for me. The N64 did that for me. And I bought excite bike and star wars that took advantage of it.


They really isn't much you can do when in terms of raw power you are behind 40-50%. At this point they should just never make a single comment about multiplat games again.

This is why they really don't have a choice but to moneyhat games. Ryse and Dead Rising for example, third party exclusives, TITANFALL moenyhatted to not appear on PlayStation. This is the only way they can claim "Best looking ________ (opinion)" since there is no comparison.
X1 has it's advantages, but you're on a gaming forum. I doubt many people here care about TV and Fitness apps. Those who do, great, but again, it's a gaming forum. That is irrelevent. The X1 is overpriced for what it is. It should be $300-$350 without Kinect, or $399 with Kinect included. Anything else is MS trying to rip us off.

You're untitled to your opinion on the console's value to you. I have no issue with that.
But......On this very "gaming forum" we often discuss apps, browsers, and various non gaming OS features of our consoles so please don't be so dismissive about what is done on this "gaming forum". Those comments come off as being willfully ignorant or obtuse.


I guess its clear by now that the performance gap between the two consoles is quite noticable.

Of course there are some developers who don't take advantage of the Ps4s superiority and make both versions look the same, but many devs use the power of the Ps4 to increase the resolution or framrate.
Or lets say. The have to decrease the resolution or framerate of the XBoxOne version to get it to run properly.

I guess 1080p/30FPS on Ps4 and 720p/30FPS on XboxOne, or 1080p/60FPS on Ps4 and 1080p/30FPS on XboneOne will be common situations with multiplatform titles in the future.

The question is: Will they get closer or will the gap increase further.
I guess there are points to be made for both scenarios.
XboxOne has a more complicated architecture. Once devs get the hang of it the situation should improve. That would suggest that the gap will get smaller in the future.

Ps4 is just more powerful than the XboxOne and the sPs4 has quite some stuff in it that the XboxOne lacks, thats not beeing used by now. Ps4 seems like it has more potential left than XboxOne. That would suggest that the gap will get bigger in the future.

We just don't know yet. Only thing we know yet is that there is a difference and if you mainly play multiplats and care about resolution and/or FPS the Ps4 is probably the better choice.

I just think if we are having a discussion, we shouldn't pretend what the facts aren't. Look, I totally get that a consumer can accept the weaker performance of third party titles because they love MS first party titles, the controller, or even the OS more. But it's time to stop arguing there is no difference and that it doesn't matter.

It's inevitable that eventually 1080p and 60fps will be a standard, because just like other mediums when a higher standard can be achieved, it will (only in certain cases adoption can be slow due to low consumer demand, or the market not being ready to trade up).

I'm fortunate to own all systems this gen, and I think it's ludicrous how some can't accept things for what they are. It doesn't help anyone, and this train of thought only holds back the industries potential. This doesn't mean you can't still enjoy a game at lower specs/technical performance. Absolutely not, you can. But we should still acknowledge the facts.

God imagine if people fiercely defended 480p. Or standard def vs high def in TV broadcast. If there was those arguing there isn't a difference.


Not everyone will buy the hardware expansion. So a game comes out that requires that expansion, guess what happens to its sells potential...

Enable/Disable stuff under the option menus. Things like that shouldn't fragment the install base.
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