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Albert Penello downplays XBO/PS4 difference in Tomb Raider; "we just shipped"

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Yes, Albert, there is performance parity on titles like just dance, skylanders and Lego. You got Sony right where you want them.

Haha oh my god. They have Sony by the balls

Pong is about to release on the XB1 in beautiful 1080p/60fps. Sony, Where are your gods now?



Funny, I remember Phil Spencer going on TV selling how powerful the emotion engine is and hyping some rubber duck demo with the water physics. PS2 was sold on how much powerful next gen was over it's predecessor.

Yes, "over its predecessor". Not vs. the GameCube or Xbox though.

Also, I said that talking about the Xbox One being far more powerful than its predecessor (and Wii U) is the only thing they should focus on when it comes to making public statements about specs.
How can they lie like that? It's not as though the specs of these boxes are secrets. We know what's in the box, the PS4 has clearly better parts, and performance bears it out accordingly.

It's like me trying to argue that my video card is better than my friend's, when his is the next model in the line, 6 months newer than mine. It's just trying to deny reality. You may as well claim you're taller than someone when you're clearly not.


I didn't read "we just shipped" as a specific excuse for the Tomb Raider difference. The generation "just shipped" - there is a long time for the performance ofthe machines to get closer or blow wide apart.

Okay, I read it again and it does sound like acknowledgement that the system is more difficult or devkits aren't optimal yet.

The power gap on paper is hard to ignore. I just want to continue to have good games. Both will have that, just one will look a bit more nice.
2k14 has better AA on PS4.
Heh, would never say that ROB was more useful as that could only be used for one game.

I like the kinect features on the Xbox One (mainly due to how fast the device makes getting into playing a game). Head tracking implementation in certain games is good too. That's my opinion though.

Ya... I do too. My X1 is on all the time. It's my cable box. I like the head tracking in BF4. Love that leaning it let's you do.


So does having a hard drive come with your console or not. And MS did that last gen. Didn't seem to hurt much.

They're not going to sell RAM expansions, you might as well forget that. Aside from fragmenting the user base, the latency in using external RAM would remove it as being a possibility.


Well what else is he going to say. He has two options, be silent or lie. It must suck to have a job where you need to dishonest everyday.


i have to ask, what does ryse has anything to do with tomb raider being 30 fps vs 60 ?

this guy is just out of touch.

if Ryse came to the PS4, guess what, it will still look better than Xbox one. "end of the story. period"

if this guy is the marketing manager / director for the xbox division " i am not sure if he is or not" then MS is in deep shit.

this is not how you respond to the tomb raider question. if you can't have an intellegent answer, then please. avoid the question. you simply can say " this is what the developers of tomb raider thought its best while they were developing the game and it has nothing to do with the xbox one power" or whatever answer that takes you out spot. not to stir things up.

"we just shipped" really ? really now ?

It has absolutely nothing to do with it. He's just saying ryse because its a good looking game on the system and that the system can produce great looking games. Since its an exclusive, you can't compare it to the ps4 verison and say its looks like ass on the xbone compared to the ps4.


It's amazing to see Panello still try to act like these boxes are the same, especially after we have so much evidence to show the opposite. MS PR needs to just lay low and focus their messaging on Xbox one's strengths.


How can they lie like that? It's not as though the specs of these boxes are secrets. We know what's in the box, the PS4 has clearly better parts, and performance bears it out accordingly.

It's like me trying to argue that my video card is better than my friend's, when his is the next model in the line, 6 months newer than mine. It's just trying to deny reality. You may as well claim you're taller than someone when you're clearly not.

I think a better analogy would be owning a 120hp Mitsubishi Lancer and claiming the difference in power between it and a 180hp Ford Mustand is not all that great.


Whether he is officially PR or not crucial. The crucial point is that his position dictates what he must say about MS and their product.

This means we shouldn't call him a horrible person for not being 100% truthful, but it also means we shouldn't take a single word out of his mouth at face value.

"Also, no PR here. I don’t work in PR. Not trolling for any, either. This is on my personal time."

I have my doubts he was forced to write this while having a gun pointing at his head. He voluntarily did this because he thought appearing as one of us (lol) would make us more susceptible to his messages. A person with higher moral standards wouldn't do something like this. So questioning his personal integrity seems ok to me...


I'm not sure what you guys expect from someone who works at Microsoft to say. He's obviously not going to say "our console is inferior to the competition" anyone who thinks he'll say that publicly is very naive. At least he acknowledges that there are resolution or frame rate differences (albeit he does downplay the info saying only 3 games that are different), but he did point it out to say the least. And one thing that I do agree with Albert is that we should be judging the games by its merits and gameplay, and not so much emphasis by its technical achievements (or shortcomings). Tomb Raider was an awesome game on 360/PS3 and still is an awesome game on XB1/PS4. If you have only one or the other, and never played TR, then you owe yourself a favor and pick it up for your respective console. If you have both consoles, get the PS4 version.


So does having a hard drive come with your console or not. And MS did that last gen. Didn't seem to hurt much.

There's a big difference between the lack of the harddrive and a console with a larger pool of memory or better memory. Devs would need to still build games for systems with lower specs and early adopters end up getting left out in the cold.

The only way they could bump the ram what was done in the past, which was ram carts, though that would end up being another pool of ram developers would need to utilize and requiring it to play certain games means you instantly are catering to a smaller audience as sales won't be 1:1 with consoles.
Penello said:
“Look, I had a lot of time to think about this and I believe in what I said. I believe that the differences between the boxes [PS4 and Xbox One] is not all that great and I know what is going behind the scenes and I have access to more information about some of this thing than a lot of people. Sometimes people tend to neglect the points that are in my favor and they like to highlight the points that tell me I am wrong. I still think Ryse is still the best looking game on any platform. Period. End of story,” he said.

Ha ha, brilliant! This is so perfect.
They're not going to sell RAM expansions, you might as well forget that. Aside from fragmenting the user base, the latency in using external RAM would remove it as being a possibility.

I don't think they're going to sell them. I asked why these consoles.. PS4 included don't make them where you can add more RAM in future years. They want to be like PC's.. so why not add that option?

There's a big difference between the lack of the harddrive and a console with a larger pool of memory or better memory. Devs would need to still build games for systems with lower specs and early adopters end up getting left out in the cold.

The only way they could bump the ram what was done in the past, which was ram carts, though that would end up being another pool of ram developers would need to utilize and requiring it to play certain games means you instantly are catering to a smaller audience as sales won't be 1:1 with consoles.

Thanks for the post. Well damn. I bought one for my Nintendo years back. I think it would be a great option to have. Screw those who wouldn't buy the expansion pack!


Gold Member
I just want to say thank you to everyone that is defending him.

You're like beacons of bullshit that I can just add to my list of who not to listen to.

and Albert knew exactly what he was doing on this forum.

Fuck em all.


Clearly magic* will make the Xbone GPU make up for having 2/3 of the shaders and 1/2 of the ROPs, along with less than half of the bandwidth.



benevolent sexism
So does having a hard drive come with your console or not. And MS did that last gen. Didn't seem to hurt much.

It meant many, many games had their development limited by that minimum spec product. Towards the end of the generation, devs were more willing to require a hard drive, but early on it probably significantly affected some design decisions.

The same would happen with RAM. If devs don't know how much RAM the user has, that presents developers with some difficult choices and limitations that really shouldn't be there in the console space. That's like the essential benefit of consoles over other hardware. They provide a stable platform for developers to work with at the cost of not being the highest performing machines out there.


Well what else is he going to say. He has two options, be silent or lie. It must suck to have a job where you need to dishonest everyday.

There's also vague deflection:

"Multiplatform titles have always been slightly different across consoles, what's important is the XB1 is much more powerful than the previous generation of consoles annd privides a great gaming experience, it has plenty of great exclusive games and offers an experience that's wider than just games."


Just get Titanfall out the door at 1080p 60fps and people might shut up about this. Lead by example.

Greatly looking forward to the game but all signs are pointing to it being 720p/60 FPS.

They would have said it was 1080p by now I think -- especially since it would have added on to the hype for the game.


I don't think they're going to sell them. I asked why these consoles.. PS4 included don't make them where you can add more RAM in future years. They want to be like PC's.. so why not add that option?

Because the design of the console becomes more complex, it's no longer a closed SoC, costlier manufacturering, split audience, more complex games development and so on and so on. One of the main advantages of consoles from a manufacturing and development perspective is that it's a closed platform.


Albert Penello is sounding a whole lot like the Iraqi Information Minister during the war.


I realize it's his job to spin this shit, but how stupid does he think we are, and at what point does he look in the mirror and notice how ridiculous his statements are?
I guess its clear by now that the performance gap between the two consoles is quite noticable.

Of course there are some developers who don't take advantage of the Ps4s superiority and make both versions look the same, but many devs use the power of the Ps4 to increase the resolution or framrate.
Or lets say. The have to decrease the resolution or framerate of the XBoxOne version to get it to run properly.

I guess 1080p/30FPS on Ps4 and 720p/30FPS on XboxOne, or 1080p/60FPS on Ps4 and 1080p/30FPS on XboneOne will be common situations with multiplatform titles in the future.

The question is: Will they get closer or will the gap increase further.
I guess there are points to be made for both scenarios.
XboxOne has a more complicated architecture. Once devs get the hang of it the situation should improve. That would suggest that the gap will get smaller in the future.

Ps4 is just more powerful than the XboxOne and the sPs4 has quite some stuff in it that the XboxOne lacks, thats not beeing used by now. Ps4 seems like it has more potential left than XboxOne. That would suggest that the gap will get bigger in the future.

We just don't know yet. Only thing we know yet is that there is a difference and if you mainly play multiplats and care about resolution and/or


Aftershock LA
I know there's blood in the water, but really, what else is this guy supposed to say?

I'm not familiar with Penello at all, but we know any of these company execs are going to do their best to paint their platform in the best light possible.

I have no interest in the Xbox ONE, but it's going to be fine. As a PlayStation fan who was on the receiving end of the absurd framerate/resolution wars of the PS3 and Xbox 360, I'm not about to be a part of this Xbox ONE shit. Turnabout is fair play, sure, but I just find rubbing noses in it that much fun.

The PS4 is a beast. The Xbox ONE isn't the beast the PS4 is, but it's certainly better than the 360, and we'll get some great stuff out of it. My biggest problem with the ONE is that $500 price tag. The system itself seems pretty cool, but I haven't played one.
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