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Apple pulls everything w/ Confederate Flag from App Store including Civil War games


Not accurate. It was the Army of Northern Virginia battle flag during the Civil War, and relegated to history until those opposed to desegregation brought the flag back as a symbol to represent their opposition to the civil rights movement.
Thanks for the correction, I'm more of a biology/genetics person myself so it's not surprising that I was off by a bit.


They'll correct the issue and put the historical stuff back.

My guess is this was necessary for expediency. They wanted to get the bad stuff off the store ASAP, and figured it would be better to nuke everything and sort it out later than risk leaving something offensive up.


I just want to say to the people that say "no one cared about the flag until the shooting", you might not have. But having lived my whole life in the south I can tell you folks been working for forever trying to get it out of the government space.


The state of Georgia changed theirs in 2003 to get rid of all traces of it.

But maybe it is too much to ask people to educate themselves on a topic first.
Dude's white, so he's not allowed an opinion?


Everyone's entitled to an opinion, but when you're someone who has never had to deal with racism, sexism, homophobism, or other severe forms of prejudice, it makes you look like a tool for telling others to stop whining about it.


Apple is such an out of touch company that their atempts to be human-like fail harder than when terrius tries to do the same.

Im glad they are paying some mind to remove the racist ass flag in context that ccelebrates it.


Did I say they were? This has nothing to do with what I wrote. I said the notion that white males can't have racism towards them or that they can't be offended needs to stop.

Again, the flag has no place on public buildings but, IMO, being offended by it to the point of wanting banned or removed from sale is going to far.

You are literally one of the worst type of people in this day and age. You're hopelessly oblivious.


People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
i see people in here dont care how it makes some blacks feel......
Sorry but for some of us (including myself) it's kinda hard to have sympathy towards complete strangers regardless of skin color.

I view this issue the same way the journalist who was covering Mahatma Gandhi did when they were protesting.

An average American may look at this in the news while eating dinner and probably say something among the lines of "OMG that's horrible" but our apathy would simply kick in afterwards and move on with our lives not caring enough to ever do something about it.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
I bet that the some people who are here criticizing this act, cheered when the companies followed other "political correctness" movements.

Next one: Ban everything WW2 related because it reminds people about the holocaust.

Because all actions are equavilent.

You sound as dumb as Apple.


I was about to say what idiotic 'Me Too!' political bullcrap this is from a company but then I remembered this is Apple we're talking about.

You are literally one of the worst type of people in this day and age. You're hopelessly oblivious.

You look foolish either since you don't understand what the word 'literally' means or you actually do mean the word literally and you're just talking about of your rear end.


I mourn all of those Dukes of Hazzard games that we can no longer purchase unless the General Lee is defaced. (Oh wait, that's a thing that's happening too.)
Good on Apple. The Civil War sim menace has been defeated. Sure most of their products are made in sweatshops in an oppressive country that constantly violates human and civil rights. But doing something about that might actually cost them money, can't have that. On second thought fuck Apple.


Racism will never go away just as any form of hate never will. That's just human kind. People can, however, choose to move on an not be offended by a flag that the overwhelming majority of flyers don't mean to be racist.

The overwhelming majority? Where do you live, man? Got any research data? Or is it conjecture to make your point more relevant?

You're right - hate and anger are human emotions. But so is sadness and grief, something many people feel when they see a flag which does nothing in 2015 but support a false sense of "Southern Pride", which means what, exactly? Flying a flag that the "overwhelming majority" feels is racist does nothing positive for the image of the South, the US, or people in general. It's removal shouldn't be upsetting in the least bit, especially with the amount of people who are happy about this change. Forward thinking is a good thing.


Apple is such an out of touch company that their atempts to be human-like fail harder than when terrius tries to do the same.

I'm willing to bet this will be rectified. I think it's okay if they want to remove content that glorifies the flag. Obviously, they need to re-calibrate their measure to do what it was actually intended to do and not remove content that is there simply to reflect the civil war in a historically accurate way.


I'm so old I remember when Americans believed in the adage, "I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." The idea was that even reprehensible speech shouldn't be shut down or blocked. It's depressing as hell to see how far we've gotten away from that in such a short time.

That's dangerous ideology. Stop it.
This is political correctness run amok. Honestly, this makes no sense whatsoever. Does this mean that Apple will also be pulling World War II games that reference Nazis and have swastikas?

EDIT: And, before anyone jumps on my statement, I am referring to Apple's position on removing ANYTHING with a Confederate flag, regardless of context... I am offended by the Confederate flag, but even more offended by overreaching political correctness to the point of stifling speech.

"I do not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." - Voltaire (at least attributed to Voltaire, although I don't believe that it actually was by him!)



Because there are no racial slurs towards whites, right. This shit about white males being nothing but insensitive, non-offendable racists that aren't allowed to have an opinion on anything needs to end.

It's not just Apple. This is a rapidly slippery slope where everything either racist or offends someone and thus needs to be banned or removed. It's not even a slippery slope anymore...it's a fucking landslide. People need to learn to just fucking get over things and not get offended by stupid shit like inanimate objects such as flags (though of course it shouldn't be on government buildings) or even more ridiculous, "offensive" words.

Didn't you just write that people should get over shit? I bet you weren't talking about white people though.


You are literally one of the worst type of people in this day and age. You're hopelessly oblivious.

Edit** The following isn't necessarily tied to your post..I'm just curious about your thoughts on the below.

How do you feel about black Americans that don't care if the flag comes down?

How about the ones that openly appose it coming down?

I see both of these (living in SC) and even have an old high-school friend that thinks the flag is fine where it is and that it's just a diversion/media push.

I don't agree or disagree with his opinion...I just find his position interesting, and it's something I don't know much about.


This is political correctness run amok. Honestly, this makes no sense whatsoever. Does this mean that Apple will also be pulling World War II games that reference Nazis and have swastikas?

They're going to put back the stuff that's historical, relax.

They have a lot of stuff to sort through. What's easier and smarter, pulling it all and putting back the ok stuff, or pulling content one by one and risk leaving something offensive up?


Gold Member
Because there are no racial slurs towards whites, right. This shit about white males being nothing but insensitive, non-offendable racists that aren't allowed to have an opinion on anything needs to end.

As a white male, I've been told to be a real man or grow a pair and although I felt offended by that (because I have no choice in being a white male), it's not remotely comparable to racism. You are right that people who say that white men cannot be offended or are insensitive are wrong, but some acts are not like others.
How many people here who are pissing their pants over this ("oh censorship! Boo hoo!") are equally angry about Amazon pulling all confederate flag merchandise (as in shirts, hats, mugs, flags, etc) from their store?

Apple does it and it's the end of the fucking world. Nevermind searching the App Store and finding there are plenty of apps left that display the flag within the app itself (if it's in an historical context). It seems it's just a wipe of apps displaying the flag on the app symbol itself. This should be a quick and easy fix for any dev and really doesn't deserve all the vitriol here.

Oops, sorry. I meant to say: Apple is stupid! Fuck those over-reacting assholes! RAWR!!!


In the future kids will learn that the American Civil War was a battle between Iron Man and Captain America.


Thanks for the correction, I'm more of a biology/genetics person myself so it's not surprising that I was off by a bit.
As a genetics/biology person myself, it's always funny to see how little I know about other areas and how little people who study those areas know about biology.

We're a society of specialists, geniuses at one thing yet completely ignorant at everything else. Even skills that would be useful to most people like auto repair tend to be limited to a few dedicated.
Apple is such an out of touch company that their atempts to be human-like fail harder than when terrius tries to do the same.
Unfortunately, it seemed like they managed to nail it in the late 2000s, and now there are a ton of people who think the billion dollar corporation is their amiable buddy. LOL
No, but "bothered" isn't what's going on here. As a straight cis white guy you never have to deal with things like this, and then to go around people that do to get over it, or they're too "PC" is a really shitty thing to do.

this. as it turns out, through no fault of your own, you "won the lottery" by being born a straight white male in the first world (if you're an American SWM, you won the lottery twice over). You've never been challenged by your surroundings and the historical institutions that make up modern life as women, gays, and people of color are. You don't need to apologize for stuff you didn't do that happened in the past (slavery, violence, etc), but you should be aware that not everyone has the same privilege as you. I type this as an American SWM.

Tim Wise - On White Privilege


How many people here who are pissing their pants over this ("oh censorship! Boo hoo!") are equally angry about Amazon pulling all confederate flag merchandise (as in shirts, hats, mugs, flags, etc) from their store?

Apple does it and it's the end of the fucking world. Nevermind searching the App Store and finding there are plenty of apps left that display the flag within the app itself (if it's in an historical context). It seems it's just a wipe of apps displaying the flag on the app symbol itself. This should be a quick and easy fix for any dev and really doesn't deserve all the vitriol here.

Oops, sorry. I meant to say: Apple is stupid! Fuck those over-reacting assholes! RAWR!!!

How many historically accurate/historically based items in good taste did Amazon remove?


So this is a fun thread.
Seems like we got sidetracked by the same discussion as always when this kind of topic pops up. We should make an adaption of Godwin's Law for this and count how long it takes on average for a thread to get derailed like that.
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