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Babysitter who had sex with 11-year-old boy gets suspended sentence

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a mature 11 year old!? He's in elementary. Who wants to bet this judge is secretly an exalted Cyclops of NAMBLA?
Hopefully theres a campaign to get this piece of shit fired. He's obviously mentally handicapped in some way to do something like this.


For you.
Seems like even in this thread so far the piece of shit babysitter is getting the least amount of blame. :-\

She's a absolute piece of shit, and she doesn't seem to be "getting the least amount of blame", just that people are centring more on the judge and the father for obvious and understandable reasons. The judge, which is representative of the legal system and is sworn to uphold justice lets her go basically scott-free with one of the most terrible arguments that could be made. The father is also a disgusting piece of shit. A father should protect his child and make sure no harm comes to it. Instead, the fucker insists the kid liked it even after the kid saying he didn't.


Online Ho Champ
people do actual time for marijuana and for fucking RAPE she does nothing? That judge wants a piece too or something? What kind of crooked reasoning is that?


I have to qualify my post by saying, women face discrimination because of their gender in society as a whole, still, in 2015.

That said, what the literal fuck? This isn't an isolated occurrence, either. Consistently in these cases of adult female/juvenile male sex abuse, you see shocking victim-blaming and the sentencing is grotesquely lenient. Society has a clear double standard here which favors women.

This is injustice and inequality in raw form.


He said: “Having read everything before me, it was quite clear he was a mature 11-year-old and you were an immature 20-year-old so that narrows the arithmetic age gap between you.”

They really need to apply mandatory minimums to all crimes.

I would think that's what the judge was trying to avoid in this case. Everybody knows that what happened was wrong (vic and perp I mean), and at that point saying 'well, too bad, here's a decade in jail' is not the correct answer to that situation.

In particular because the dad sounds like... well, scum basically. I mean, I sincerely doubt that this was a white suburban middle-class type situation.


What I can't get my head around in this case is the apparent weight the judge has given to the scumbag father's testimony. Since when is the judgement that "he would have been totally up for it", from a third party in a child sex abuse case, deemed a valid part of the defence. It's not even a witness statement, it's an assumption by someone who wasn't there.


For people saying that this would not happen if the genders were reversed, I just wanted to point out that's a false assumption:




Anyway, it's just disgusting that people like this get to be a judge. Such a fucked up thing, poor kid :-( The dad should lose custody and the judge should be investigated. How does a "he was asking for it" defence get used by a lawyer against an 11 year old, and how the fuck is it actually successful??
She raped that boy and then in court they still found a way to turn it around and make it sound like the 11 year old boy was more in control/the problem than the 20 year old woman and they barely punished her.


All of those fucks need their god damn heads examined.


That fucking reasoning should put the judge under goddamn investigation. That's how that gas bag has been conceptualizing sexual relations and their boundaries his whole life. As a person of power that should raise flags about what he himself has done not thinking it was wrong. But really that's only to be expected in a reality where people give a shit about little boys in the first place so any critical thought is an isolated fish out of water anyways.


I feel incredibly sorry for this poor kid. Not only was he a victim of sexual assault but he had to listen to his own father and the judge say it was no big deal and he wanted it anyway (despite him saying that's complete bollocks ). His trust in his dad is probably dead and buried now.


Dad had fucked the babysitter so obviously he was going to bat for her. Probably plans to hold this over her for more

Kid says it was wrong and that he did not enjoy it but who cares the Dad says it was awesome. So fucked up on so many levels

This is probably how it went down.


What the shit does a 21 year old see in an 11 year old??

Easy target. That's a lot of it anyway. Also why a lot of molestation happens within families. They have difficulties finding somebody their own age so they prey on the kids they do have access to and that are helpless and maybe even curious.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Yeah. 20? Nope. Guilty as fuck.

I am sympathetic towards edge case scenarios. This isn't an edge case.


I can understand people who argue that some cases of underage consenting intercourse is relatively harmless, but damn. 11? That's waaaay to fucking young, if he was 15+ I'd understand the judge, but 11? FUCK NO!
How the fuck is the father's testimony even worth a damn here.

Your child just got taken advantage of, and he's all "That's my boy!"


Reverse the genders and they'd have thrown the babysitter under the prison.


Actually some stuff was linked in a previous post that says otherwise. Like in one case, there was an 11 year old girl exchanging hundreds of sexual text messages pretending to be a 12 year old pretending to be 20 on a dating site, so that guy was somewhat left off the hook.


This is disturbing as heck. Somehow the kid is the only sane one...

Let's hope. An 11 year old child being raised by a father that appears to be proud of his son for being raped by an older woman he himself had sexual relations with. Let's hope.

Who the hell knows what else goes on in that home.


Incredibly Naive
The father should absolutely be investigated. The way he's treating this and his involvement with the sitter are extremely questionable at the very least.


I know nothing about UK law, can this not be appealed by the prosecuting lawyers to some higher court where hopefully a judge who is not a moron does not let the babysitter get away with this?


Said many times but bears repeating: What the fuck?

And the kid has to live with the scum that is his dad? Fuck!


Gold Member
I'm under the impression that it deserves jail time. And they talk about the other way around. What if he had gotten her pregnant by some chance? What happens when a guy gets a 10 or 12 year old pregnant?

I for one think he's going to the peak of puberty and be fine by all this. He wasn't groomed by a monster. He was groomed in the Weird Science way that a lot of us males felt at that age.

It may seem wrong to do it, but it's not wrong in the mind.


Yo, what?

How could the dad say this?
Considering he was also banging the babysitter he seems to be projecting somewhat

It's really hard trying to figure out who to get the maddest at here

- The rapist babysitter
- The father who covers for her in spite of his son's protests
- The judge who just accepts the whole thing and lets it slide

EDIT: Obviously the rape is the worst thing, but the people trying to bury this really should know better
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