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Cinderella Girls |OT| A perfect fit for anime

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Huge Nickleback Fan
Ep. 8
Cool, Ranko episode. As expected, full of chuuni talk. And of course the little girl (i forgot her name) understand what Ranko saying. Same mental age :)

Next ep going to be snack girl huh?


The subs are quite bad. Hey look I'm Anastasia €^-#€#~€€%!

The cyrillic subtitles they use for Anya in CG are actually part of a secret plot by the Japanese anime industry to determine who is using the Daisuki streams and who is using rips. I'd say expect the Secret Anime Police to be knocking at your door any minute, BGBW, but I gather they have all the presence of Akarin, so it may well be too late already...


Maturity, bitches.

Unicod is serious business. I didn't mean to rub someone's fur the wrong way ~nya!


Maturity, bitches.

If I were a betting man I'd say this is going to be a future unit. Well there's only like five left so there's not much to choose from.


Maturity, bitches.
Well based on this week's episode it looks like my above prediction is even more likely.




Maturity, bitches.
And I win the bet.

Kind of annoying they don't subtitle the songs. The episode is all about writing lyrics and then we don't even learn what said lyrics are basically missing the whole conclusion to the conflict.


N  New Generations
DE DECOration
RE Rosenburg Engel
A  Asterisk

We've cracked the code lol


Maturity, bitches.
N  New Generations
DE DECOration
RE Rosenburg Engel
A  Asterisk
We've cracked the code lol
Shame New Generation and DECOration don't quite work (should be NG and D based on the pattern of the others) otherwise this would have been rather neat.


Just watched episode 10 and 11. I have to admit I like Riina and Miku's pairing a lot.

Edit: Is episode 12 supposed to be the last episode of this cour?


so like, the anime isn't over quite yet but you guys keeping a tier list

everyone's pretty good

and the girls I didn't like at first like Anzu (oh shit, don't hurt me you fucks), Miku, Ranko (fuuuuuckin' don hurt me), etc etc. these girls are cool now

except Mio. she fucking sucks


Maturity, bitches.

This show was always going to struggle with being compared to it's older sibling but I think it's doing a fair job so far. Breaking it into groups, making the producer good at his job but lacking in people skills vs iM@S producer who was good with people but rather incompetent at his job, and in some ways pushing their careers forward at a much quicker pace has meant this doesn't feel like a rehash of what we've already seen.

So we've hit the half way point and they've put on a show much like with the other iM@S show, so we do have the risk that the story could end up following a similar path with their boom in popularity. Luckily we've had the running away idol story so hopefully we won't be having any of that again, though saying that the film managed to creep that in on us so who know. Of course there's an element they've still haven't explored too much and that is all the other Cindy's they've teased throughout. While this isn't a particular element that affects me, I'm sure some have been a bit disappointed with the lack of screen presence of them.

I'll probably have to give the big performance song a listen again but first impressions is that it wasn't quite as exciting as REST@RT. I'll probably surprise some by saying that I don't really care about most iM@S songs, just a select through manage to become favourites and so far Cindy Gals has failed to capture me whereas iM@S at this point had both READY!! and REST@RT (I would then later learn of GO MY WAY and my life would never be the same again). Lets hope OP2 is better.

As for idol rankings I find it funny that one I dismissed as most likely to annoy me ended up being my favourite. Goes to show that a strong personality plus good expressions can overcome a silly cat based gimmick.


Maturity, bitches.
Mayu Sakuma

Her S Rare card illustration shows that she broke into the Producer's car and hid in the backseat. She keeps track of the Producer using GPS and secretly takes daily photos of him. Her S Rare+ card illustration shows her surrounded by photos of the Producer, bottles of hospital medication, heart-shaped pillows, a pair of scissors thrust into one pillow, and the telltale expression of obsession.

She regularly breaks into the Producer's home in the middle of the night to watch him sleep.

One of Mayu's in-game comments has her noticing the Producer with a new necktie, suddenly volunteering to fix it, and then questioning if it was a gift from another woman. The implication is she could easily strangle him if that's the case.




This show was always going to struggle with being compared to it's older sibling but I think it's doing a fair job so far. Breaking it into groups, making the producer good at his job but lacking in people skills vs iM@S producer who was good with people but rather incompetent at his job, and in some ways pushing their careers forward at a much quicker pace has meant this doesn't feel like a rehash of what we've already seen.

So we've hit the half way point and they've put on a show much like with the other iM@S show, so we do have the risk that the story could end up following a similar path with their boom in popularity. Luckily we've had the running away idol story so hopefully we won't be having any of that again, though saying that the film managed to creep that in on us so who know. Of course there's an element they've still haven't explored too much and that is all the other Cindy's they've teased throughout. While this isn't a particular element that affects me, I'm sure some have been a bit disappointed with the lack of screen presence of them.

I'll probably have to give the big performance song a listen again but first impressions is that it wasn't quite as exciting as REST@RT. I'll probably surprise some by saying that I don't really care about most iM@S songs, just a select through manage to become favourites and so far Cindy Gals has failed to capture me whereas iM@S at this point had both READY!! and REST@RT (I would then later learn of GO MY WAY and my life would never be the same again). Lets hope OP2 is better.

As for idol rankings I find it funny that one I dismissed as most likely to annoy me ended up being my favourite. Goes to show that a strong personality plus good expressions can overcome a silly cat based gimmick.

This may be the longest, meatiest anime-related review I've seen you post in my life.
Episode 20

Welp, I was finally able to catch up to the shows of last week,

This episode was really good, season 2 has been such an improvement compared to the first season,, this episode is one of the few that isn't self-contained so I'm excited to see how it's going to end.

Mio always overreacts tho.
And to think I thought she had the potential to be a favourite when this started.

Fall from grace.

Yeah totally, I was actually rooting for her at the start but after all those fits she threw she's now bottom tier, I hope that solo thing she does just fails.
(Posting this here so we won't spam the Love Live! thread)

So today a new IM@S mobile game came out, it's only available on Android and there isn't a English version yet.

If you're interested you can download the .apk here

Starlight Stage is out. apk here.

Maybe I'll actually watch some idolmaster now. After all, it took SIF to get me to watch LL.

Anyhow, the gameplay is mostly the same as Love Live! School Idol Festival, which some of you guys may already know, notes come from the top and you have to tap on them at the right moment, compared to SIF there are some small differences and new mechanics like notes that you have to swipe but the core is still the same.

The little cinematics that are played in the background while playing the game are really cute and fun, it's worth checking out the game just to see them in motion

If you don't dig the 3d dancing there's also a 2d version, it's also really cute.

So because this game has just been released we're all trying to find out how everything works, you are able to reroll by erasing your data in the Android App menu so if you have the time you can go for a SSR, rates are still unkown though.


If you have any questions or found something interesting in the game don't hesitate to post them, we'll explore this together!

A translator would be appreciated though :p


What bug? I haven't noticed anything wrong.

I actually got a SR on my second roll, they have a gold slip instead of the coloured one when you aqquire their file.
Nice, who was it?

Multiple people have said it crashes the game. But at least there is a seperate straight-up skip button to bypass tutorials.
Nice, who was it?

Multiple people have said it crashes the game. But at least there is a seperate straight-up skip button to bypass tutorials.

Some random girl, artworks looks pretty cute tho.

Also, all the cool kids place the jukebox behind her chair.



How to play the game

1) After you start up the game you need to tap the menu to start.

2) Press the left button, the right one is about data transfer or something

3) For me the game tries to connect to Google Play after that, just cancel it to be safe.

4) From now on you can just press all the buttons on the right and go through the little story and tutorial, there is a lot of downloading and stuff so this will take a while

5) All the gameplay sections can be skipped, just press the button on the top right corner, you can also do it at the calibration part and the "real" concert.

6) After that you will be thrown into the normal menu, claim the 250 gems in your giftbox and press the crown use all those gems on a roll, then let despair overcome you since it's just another rare.


Some random girl, artworks looks pretty cute tho.
Some random girl
I quite like her song Naked Romance. A jp twitter user claims to have unlocked Miria's character song so at least solo songs are in the game.

Congrats on the Ranko!


Anyways I don't really post here, thought the anime was quite disappointing, but I like the girls and (mostly solo) songs of im@s enough. Second cour has had some stronger eps so far, the Decoration one in particular managed to develop several characters nicely.


Only just realised you can actually buy extra songs from the jukebox, but at 5000 coin a shot, I can only afford one! What to go for, eh? Tough choice...


I have no idea what is going on

So the way the story works is pretty much the same as SIF, it is worth noting that like Love Live! these bits are also fully voice-acted, it's nice because you can at least deduce what's going on on a super basic level, I just skipped through everything though.

What I didn't expect is how long it took to skip, there's a lot of dialogue in one story, maybe this was just the case since it's the first but I was still pleasantly suprised, I kinda want to replay it in English just to see what is actually happening.


There are even dialogue options!

So after that you have this scripted level, your team is also fixed which is cool, that way you'll see more of the characters you don't own

After completing the story you'll be able to play the song anytime with your own team.

(I didn't check out the bonding conversations though, all of my units seemed to have one already


So after completing the first song on hard I unlocked the "master" version, adventurous as I am I gave it a shot,
I got destroyed :(

I quite like her song Naked Romance. A jp twitter user claims to have unlocked Miria's character song so at least solo songs are in the game.

Congrats on the Ranko!


Anyways I don't really post here, thought the anime was quite disappointing, but I like the girls and (mostly solo) songs of im@s enough. Second cour has had some stronger eps so far, the Decoration one in particular managed to develop several characters nicely.

Is that SR I got from the anime? I can't really remember her.

As for me, I'm not a really big Idolm@ster fan, I caught up to Cinderella Girls when I heard that there was a new season coming out and I'm now up to date with the show, that's about it. Haven't even seen the original Idolmaster, definitely planning to watch it though.


If you preregistered for Starlight Stage, you get 1000 Star Jewels! And you want them! But everything is written in Cyrillic for some reason! I am here to help.

You need your player ID and your prereg serial code.

For the first, open the game and go to Menu (yellow) and click on Profile (red). Your ID is displayed on your card (red).

For the second, open the email you should have gotten (I got mine about a half day ago; some have reported not getting it, perhaps due to unsubscribing to that annoying newsletter or to being iOS users). It's the alphanumeric code I've circled in green (I've already used mine, so don't bother trying to be a dirty thief).

Now, click on the second link (purple).

Scroll down a bit and click the image with 1000ЊGET, circled in yellow.

Put your ID in the upper field (red star) and your prereg code in the lower (green), and hit the big ol' pink DO button. If you entered everything correctly, it'll take you to some other page, and your done! Your jewels will be in your present box. I had an issue where I double clicked my code to highlight it so I could c/p it, and it also grabbed an eol character or something, so if it doesn't work, make certain you've c/p'd only the code!
Eh, I'll wait a few days before I'm going to start worrying about the fact that I have no code, 1000 gems isn't that much though, one roll is already 250.

I'm a fan of the OP for the CG thread over on SA.

The fun never ends.

are these your first posts that are not in the Love Live OT?

Edit: Oh lol you answered that already in the Love Live OT


Wait, there's also a general Idolmaster OT? Where do we post about the game, here?
Woah why did this thread suddenly become active

Everyone knows that mobage is the stuff that really makes an OT active.

Try it for your own OT!

It sucks

An android game based on this show came out today.

So what was this initial draw people were talking about?

You can find 250 gems in your gift box and then use it for a single pull (press the crown on the menu)

I guess it's best to reroll for an SSR and then use that 1000 gem code to at least guarantee one good unit, I've already got my SSR so I'm going to test out how the game works.
Wow the Star!! level is really great, it's pretty accurate to the first OP of the show.

Good stuff!

Also, my producer rank increased! I have no idea what that means though.

I also found a peculiar gem/card in my gift box, the same as in the tutorial, can anyone translate this?



Any idea when the IOS version is going to be out? On the website clicking on app store brings me to the pre reg page, which I already filled out.


Any idea when the IOS version is going to be out? On the website clicking on app store brings me to the pre reg page, which I already filled out.

Nope, been looking for such info but nothing has been said.
My guess is that the wait is on Apple to put it on there. I doubt they would've released the game if they knew one version was going to be delayed for a significant amount of time.
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