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Clinton has pneumonia

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Pneumonia is no joke. Closest I've come to dying, and it was pretty damn close. The media will eat her alive, but she really should rest up while recovering.
Pneumonia took out Bernie Mac at 50. It's pretty stupid to campaign every day with it as a 68 year old woman. I know it's important if she wants to win but it's a terrible idea.



Trump must have promised to let Julian Assange walk free or something...

Wikileaks is the only time I deemed it necessary back to my facebook account to go unlike them.


Hope she recovers fully.

She needs to rest. Hopefully she's not going to be very active on the campaign trail over the next few days.


I came down with pneumonia in the third grade. It was rough. Hopefully she recovers soon and Republicans don't attack her for coming down with an illness.

Would be a good excuse to give a speech on health care when she's better though.


If Trump was diagnosed with the same thing if he was President he would order the nuking of Russia or something.

I seriously hope that people's voting decision doesn't rest on this sort of stuff.


Unconfirmed Member
Dehydration is a bitch.

it is when you have a serious illness.

I don't think trying to prove how strong she is by listing all the things she did instead of rest is a good look given what happened. If she just look a few days it would've been a nothing story but now there's video of her collapsing that will get rinsed for months.


Question. Is Pneumonia contagious,especially bacterial? Seems kind of dumb to campaign around people if contagious. Doctor said she diagnosed her Friday.

Hope she feels better soon.
So instead of wishing her well people(not necessarily here, but elsewhere) are just going to cry that she isn't fit to be president right?

Love humanity.
Republican Conservatives dwell too much on the physical strength. For being so-called spiritual people(of God, no less), they subscribe more to the whole "survival of the fittest", the "peak rule", the "weak are ruled", we hunt and subjugate to show our dominance type of shit. I always get a kick out of that. It is the god-fearing, fire n' brimstone pushin' pro-life Bible thumpers that are more of the "natural" than the Atheist(some)/Agnostic/religious-but-not-pushy, liberal folk who believe in science, but also care about other human beings and progression through understanding, compassion, diversity and equality. LOL!

As for Clinton's cough. I could tell something was up, but it happens. People get sick. When she was having that coughing fit days ago, I understood how she felt. I'm not as old as her, but I've always suffered from bouts of dry coughing during certain times of the year(mainly around late summer-early winter). My mom also suffers from this, and I've know quite a few people that also, when the time is right, HAVE to carry a bottle of water or else they will be driven to fits of unstoppable coughing that interrupts work or school. It is horrible, and also having pneumonia once, I feel for Hillary.


it is when you have a serious illness.

I don't think trying to prove how strong she is by listing all the things she did instead of rest is a good look given what happened. If she just look a few days it would've been a nothing story but now there's video of her collapsing that will get rinsed for months.

I think it's a great counter to Trump trying to paint her as weak, because it flies in the face of that. I'm not saying it's a great idea for health. But it kills Trump's line of attack.


Yeah, mycoplasma would be contagious if the infected person caused on you.

So, we're back to why is she hugging kids and older people? Isn't this very dangerous for these groups? Is mycoplasma a certainty or just a theory? Am I missing something again?


Yeah that's not a good thing. More toxic American work culture.

She's always been like this, though. It's just catching up to her now.

It's really engrained at this point and she probably has no one telling her to stop since she's an alpha dog.

But yeah, she should learn to ease up on the gas pedal.


I was also told (again, I might be wrong) that after 24 hours on antibiotics you aren't contagious anymore.


Pneumonia is no joke. Closest I've come to dying, and it was pretty damn close. The media will eat her alive, but she really should rest up while recovering.

Yep. I've had it 4 times and while I was too young to remember three of those times, the last time I had it was freshman year and it was hell. Good news is it's just pneumonia, bad news is it's pneumonia.

Every bit of news that comes out makes me feel Trump is going to win tbh ;\


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I already have people on Facebook saying they hope she dies from this.
I just don't understand what these people hate her for. Republicans like Trump I can understand because they actively work to marginalize certain demographics.
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