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could Metroid work as a cover shooter?

It could work on its own, but I don't want that from a Metroid game.

Makes as much sense as a F-Zero Platinum Games stylish action game.


Metroid would work as the new Doom format I think. Just with bit more back tracking, but the same pace in fights.

Of everything in Metroid, fighting is probably the least important part. So this to me is a bit like saying "let's make the next mainline Mario game focus on exploration". Sue you could do that, and it might even turn out okay. But that's one of the least important aspects of Mario. It's just a strange and needless thing to do when there are so many other franchises that focus on this and do it much better.

Let Metroid do what it does best, and really take ownership of that. Metroid already figured it out. Figured it out twice actually. I don't get the fascination with throwing that away.


Maybe a third person action adventure game. Not over the shoulder but further out, more like the camera in Ratchet & Clank that puts the player in the middle. That way it feels more about navigation and platforming rather than close third person shooting.


Maybe a third person action adventure game. Not over the shoulder but further out, more like the camera in Ratchet& Clank that puts the player in the middle. That way it feels more about navigation and platforming rather than close third person shooting.

A big part of Metroid is the claustrophobia. The camera would be very difficult to deal with from that perspective.


Cover shooters are good when all your enemies are "intelligent beings using guns" or whatever weapon that can be used from far.

This is definitely not the case of the enemies of a Metroid game, with the exception of the space pirates.

You spend a lot of time fighting all kinds of bizarre creatures or animals, so I don't see how "cover" would work with them.

Justin Bailey

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I think the majority of fans are thirsty for another 2d entry but sadly I think to expect that from a AAA game at this point is a bit unrealistic.

Why would it have to be a AAA game?

I think what a lot of fans want at this point is something that is to Super Metroid as A Link Between Worlds was to A Link to the Past.

It's explicitly not a AAA title, but it goes back to the kind of thing that made fans love the series in the first place - which is exactly what the series needs right now.


Why would it have to be a AAA game?

I think what a lot of fans want at this point is something that is to Super Metroid as A Link Between Worlds was to A Link to the Past.

It's explicitly not a AAA title, but it goes back to the kind of thing that made fans love the series in the first place - which is exactly what the series needs right now.

Yeah, I actually really fear the idea of Metroid being given the AAA treatment. I'm all for giving it a big budget to work with, but the state of AAA games today is very much not want what I want to see Metroid turn into. It already started to happen a bit with MP3.
Hell the fuck no. Metroid is about exploration, opening new areas and fighting aliens second. I don't want no lame ass, busted up cover shooter. So once again, hell the fuck no.


A couple of people have mentioned it already, but the reason it can't work as a cover shooter is because the enemies don't use guns. It could work as a third person shooter the same way it worked as a first person shooter, but a cover system probably wouldn't be appropriate.

That being said, I wonder how most of the people being dismissive in here would have reacted to the idea of an fps Metroid.


Absolutely. You should shop it to Nintendo, tell them it can be a sequel to Prime Federation Force. It needs to be gritty and have grappling hooks, obviously.



Metroid isn't a shooter, it is an adventure game. Just make a 2D Metroid game like Super or Zero Mission or a First Person Adventure like Prime.


Cover would definitely work as a mechanic in a 3D third-person Metroid. Dodging shots by moving vertically is a part of 2D Metroid and jumping over shots doesn't usually have the same feel as in 3D. Would add some variety to the overused 'jump over shockwave' in boss fights.

Definitely a solid 'no' to making it a clone of other 'cover shooters' though.


A couple of people have mentioned it already, but the reason it can't work as a cover shooter is because the enemies don't use guns. It could work as a third person shooter the same way it worked as a first person shooter, but a cover system probably wouldn't be appropriate.

That being said, I wonder how most of the people being dismissive in here would have reacted to the idea of an fps Metroid.

Metroid Prime released along side Fusion

If Prime was bad it didn't matter, the 2D game was still there

If Nintendo were to do that again, release the cover shooter along side the traditional 2D game, then yeah sure whatever.


I think any style of play would work as long as it has the exploration elements like a Metroid game. Like if I had the entire map of Metroid Prime, but it controls like RE4 or something like that (with obvious enemy balancing) I think that would be cool.

If it was just a Gears of War game reskinned with Samus, absolutely not.
Could it work? Yeah.

But would Nintendo do it? Not likely. They're all about *new* and *different* genres...unique twists on familiar gameplay.

Third-person shooter is too straight forward and common.


When Nintendo is refusing to advance its IPs because they can't think of good ways to innovate with them, the idea that they'd contribute to the most grotesquely over-saturated genre in today's games industry doesn't sound quite right.


When Nintendo is refusing to advance its IPs because they can't think of good ways to innovate with them, the idea that they'd contribute to the most grotesquely over-saturated genre in today's games industry doesn't sound quite right.

Is it really though? Maybe during the 360/PS3 gen. But right now? I can't think of too many off the top of my head. While there's a ton of First Person games still.


How do you people come up with these random ideas?


Shooting is just one small part about Metroid. it's not the main theme. Game design shouldn't be built around shooting. that's for action/shooting games.

I mean sure, you can slap a Metroid skin on Tomb Raider. What's the fucking point of that though. Metroid could also be a kart racer. Or an RTS. Or a MOBA.

Or Metroid could be Metroid.
This. There are a ton of cover shooters to choose from. No reason to make Metroid into another one. What Metroid needs to be is Metroid.


Metroid can have cover mechanics in a 3d third person game. But it cannot be a Cover Based Shooter as a genre

Like how Prime are first person that you shoot things but it is not an FPS
ITT people dismiss the exciting gunplay and shooting of Metroid games to convey the idea that it's also about exploration.

They are not mutually exclusive things, people! And while I agree that it would be a poor idea to make it a cover-based shooter, to say it has never been about shooting is terribly disingenuous lol. Shooting isn't a "small part" of Metroid games.. It's a significant part of them! That's a large part of what makes it exciting, the dynamic between shooting enemies and traversing the environment.


ITT people dismiss the exciting gunplay and shooting of Metroid games to convey the idea that it's also about exploration.

They are not mutually exclusive things, people! And while I agree that it would be a poor idea to make it a cover-based shooter, to say it has never been about shooting is terribly disingenuous lol.
Metroid was never that much about shooting though, except maybe Metroid Prime 3.
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