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DF: PS4 COD frame judder caused by frame rate HIGHER than 60fps


On a side note, this means the PC port really is shitty though. If the PS4 version runs in 1080p at 60fps and beyond, it makes it even more embarrassing that the PC version can't hold this frame rate even with SLI'd Titans lol.
Yeah, the reviews make it seem that the game goes down by at least 10fps. Reviewers just don't know what they are talking about at all.

Do we even know what hardware, is, TV's most reviewers are using? With Blu-rayand a lot of DVD reviewers back in the day, they listed their review hardware and essentially what their test environment was like. At some point I think it's important to know what TV and audio setup these reviewers are using if PQ and AQ are something they want to hang their hat on.


There are real issues with the game, but the funny part is, most of the "stuttering" seen in the game is the result of the framerate actually exceeding 60fps, which makes things look uneven.

Did anyone ever suggest that too many frames moght be the problem?

I think they would have been dismissed as a crazy Sony fanboy. This has been the craziest rollercoaster ride.


Did anyone ever suggest that too many frames moght be the problem?

I think they would have been dismissed as a crazy Sony fanboy. This has been the craziest rollercoaster ride.

But they probably would be anyway. Why would you suggest that without playing? If people say framerate drops, why would you think the problem is that the framerate is too high?

If at least they were saying something generic like "it's janky", but they just said it drops.

They could end up being right, but they would still be crazy Sony fanboys.

Doc Evils

Never forget:


Looks ever sillier now.
Did anyone ever suggest that too many frames moght be the problem?

I think they would have been dismissed as a crazy Sony fanboy. This has been the craziest rollercoaster ride.
Seriously though, this is crazy.

Surely IW could have avoided all of this if they had just capped the framerate.
Did anyone ever suggest that too many frames moght be the problem?

I think they would have been dismissed as a crazy Sony fanboy. This has been the craziest rollercoaster ride.

That's a pretty rare problem, so it's easy to see why almost no one would think that.

This news almost makes me want to slap Infinity Ward even harder now, seeing as they couldn't just limit the framerate at 60. What is this amateur hour? They had better fix this in a patch.
At this point it's hard not to call them clowns.

While I agree they're clowns, in this case you can't really blame them all that much. I don't think it's easy to tell the difference between the judder from dropped frames than from higher than 60 frames. DF had to use special equipment to reach that conclusion.

What we should all agree however is that IW are just the laziest dev around.


Shit that's crazy. Makes sense since the "frame drops" that I saw happened randomly. Hopefully IW gets a patch out there to lock it at 60fps. What a weird oversight.

Also PS4 is a beast confirmed.


So frame rises over 60fps are bad now?
When it's a console game aimed towards people playing on TVs that are mostly 60hz yeah.. It's bad.

I know some people have TVs that are higher in that regard but a lot of people don't and a lot of people that have 120hz TV's aren't really 120hz. It's 60hz, 120hz with gimmick modes like natural motion.


Not many people believed it at the time (early Sept.), but in hindsight, this post is far more believable.


This is anecdotal from E3, but...

I've heard the architecture with the ESRAM is actually a major hurdle in development because you need to manually fill and flush it.

So unless MS's APIs have improved to the point that this is essentially automatic, the bandwidth and hardware speed are probably irrelevant.

For reference, the story going around E3 went something like this:

"ATVI was doing the CoD: Ghosts port to nextgen. It took three weeks for PS4 and came out at 90 FPS unoptimized, and four months on Xbone and came out at 15 FPS."

We now know that Infinity Ward ended up reducing the resolution of the Xbone version from 1080p all the way down to 720p to get the performance up to 60fps. (I'm sure they did other optimizations too).

While the PS4 version is full 1080p and still runs at greater than 60 fps at times!



hide your water-based mammals
While I agree they're clowns, in this case you can't really blame them all that much. I don't think it's easy to tell the difference between the judder from dropped frames than from higher than 60 frames. DF had to use special equipment to reach that conclusion.

What we should all agree however is that IW are just the laziest dev around.

Even with this I wouldn't call them the laziest but it's quite inept for a dev which has been the responsibility for developing one of the premiere AAA games (in terms of sales). I said it before but it almost makes me sick seeing how well this has sold considering it's not even a good CoD game compared to past iterations. Then you have all the technical issues across the board but this takes the cake. So much that the PS4 version gets knocked down a peg from sites like Polygon when it's actually rendering even higher than 60fps compared to the 720p Xbone version.


bish gets all the credit :)
Are there any competent engineers left at IW? With this plus the horrendous PC port, it seems no.


I wonder at what point did MS realize they were beat in the hardware spec dept?

20th February.

Remember the picture with them watching the reveal with the popcorn? they put the popcorn away and got the whiskey out when they heard 8gb GDDR5 and 1.84 Tflop.
Yes, this is what introduced judder and screen tearing.

For a 60hz display, you still want to maintain over 60 fps so you ALWAYS stay at 60 fps even when there's shit going on. That's why you blow big bucks on stupidly expensive hardware if you want the absolute best experience.

Instead of spending $600 for your PC just lower graphical effect settings.
to be fair to polygon (cant believe im saying this) the reviewer can only comment on the performance they experience, it doesnt matter if in this case the ps4 is "too good". If the game judders it judders and that is no bueno.
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