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Digital Foundry: Nintendo Switch CPU and GPU clock speeds revealed

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hope this is false ...
if this is true then the gimmick of this handled is : pretend to be home console too.

I don't understand why people thought otherwise. Being able to do both only could have dragged console mode down, and being able to do both always meant a beefed up handheld rather than a true home console.


Yeah I'm gonna be skeptical until we see the full extent of customizations. If this has 3SMs then it will be about where we expected even at these clock speeds.

But this a nice reminder to keep expectations in the gutter *with Nintendo*.

Corrected that for you.
I wonder then why many 3rd parties, some of which that have not traditionally supported Nintendo (like Bethesda), have been eager to support the Switch? And rumors of From Software testing and making it run on the device?

Rumors are rumors.

And the fact that third parties didn't realy want to confirm Sykrim and NBA2K17 for Switch after the announcement trailer is quite telling in several ways.


This confirm 2 things: it's a 720p->1080p console (exactly 2.25x jump in gpu clock and higher memory clocks), and it's weaker than a stock X1, which make little sense to me. Why use fans then? Pixel C at 820 Mhz never needed a fan to cool. This has a fan in the handheld AND the dock? Seriously? Lol.

Maybe the smaller chassis would have led to a higher than allowable skin surface temperature. Or maybe it's just that Android tablets don't really care about perfect game framerate consistency and the fans are to make sure the clock doesn't falter a bit.


The Birthday Skeleton
So there is a significant difference between portable-mode and console-mode. Even more than I expected: 2.5x. That would give devs the power to go from 720p to 1080p.

I wonder if it is 3 SMs in the GPU to get the system closer to the base TX1. Anyway, worse case scenario, this seems to only be littlr below people's general expectations. There are also a few details that we don't know that can make a difference.

It's not just a little below. CPUs are at half clocks and GPU is at 76.8% while docked compared to TX1. That's quite a lot.

Unless there is something unknown about the no. of CPU cores and SMs. But with it rumoured to be Maxwell based thus maybe 20nm I very much doubt they could add more.


Can't be disappointed when you expect nothing at all...

Third party development was always a shaky hope at best, and now there is officially no good reason for developers to spend time crippling their games for this thing.

The only draw it seems for now is that atleast you only have to own one Nintendo-made device to get their software instead of two...

That's pretty much what it comes down to. At this point, I'm wondering what third parties are even gonna do with this thing, if anything at all.


The only disappointing thing is a gaffer s rumor that Switch CPU is more powerful than PS4/XOne, this seems now impossible.

Looking on the bright side it seems games optimised for the 720p screen could easily be 1080p docked and have still some GPU power available.

When docked Switch is much more powerful than WiiU, and much much more powerful than 3DS when in handheld mode. So a worthy successor for both.

I am very curious about the price. Perhaps the rumor from month ago that it is lower than most expected comes true.

Anyone honestly thinking that Nintendo was going to release a console with a more powerful CPU than either the PS4 or the Xbone hasn't been paying attention the last 10 years. It was never, ever going to happen.
I can't understand gaf sometimes. "This is Nintendo, they always make weak hardware, I'm fine with that", "Third party is irrelevant on Nintendo", "It will be a secondary console for me anyway."

You might be fine with this but Nintendo can't afford another fuckup. Wii U has hurt them really bad they need to go back Wii numbers asap. There is no casual audience to attract anymore so they need to get every bit of support they need. Otherwise, only platforms you will ever see Nintendo games will be iPhones.

Yeah, seriously. If accurate, this is somewhat worrying. A console hybrid that's too weak to basically be guaranteed third party ports feels to me like it should have just gone all in and stuck to being a handheld, and keep that market happy. It now feels to me like a step down in both cases from what I want: I like the dual screen setup for handhelds, and I like a powerful* console for plugging in my tv. This has neither

*at least relatively. Obviously a console is never going to be both affordable and capable of a fraction of what a good PC can do.


Gold Member
I can't understand gaf sometimes. "This is Nintendo, they always make weak hardware, I'm fine with that", "Third party is irrelevant on Nintendo", "It will be a secondary console for me anyway."

You might be fine with this but Nintendo can't afford another fuckup. Wii U has hurt them really bad they need to go back Wii numbers asap. There is no casual audience to attract anymore so they need to get every bit of support they need. Otherwise, only platforms you will ever see Nintendo games will be iPhones.

It's the part in bold that makes me laugh the most because I remember reading threads here (and elsewhere) after the official Switch reveal and people were losing their MINDS over the brief glimpses of Skyrim. The hyperbole was high, Nintendo was going to be saved and third parties were back, baby! Switch was going to be at least close to the current gen and all would be right with the world.

Anyone (myself included) who mentioned that there had to be some serious technological limits to make the Switch function in that form factor with all of it's announced features, or who mentioned that Nintendo did the exact same third party dog and pony show with Mass Effect 3 for Wii U, were pretty much scoffed at and dismissed as haters.
Nintendo should still be courting 3rd party PC developers and having them target Low Preset versions of their games. I'm sure they could get them to run at 30 FPS if Nintendo works with them. I think most hardcore gamers will understand this system to be truly a portable device and the people that see it as a home console won't really care about the lesser graphics.
Again this article is not confirming anything beyond clock speeds. It says explicitly that SM count and CPU core count/type are still unknown.
Right. The most we got from the clockspeed alone that it is a close to the Wii U in GPU power with a more powerful CPU and much more RAM in portable mode, and the GPU is boosted by a crazy 2.5x when docked.

So, it is probably at least 3x in actual performance while docked, That doesn't include using fp16 and the CPU could be A72s instead of A57 which wouldn't need to be clocked as high.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
I wonder then why many 3rd parties, some of which that have not traditionally supported Nintendo (like Bethesda), have been eager to support the Switch? And rumors of From Software testing and making it run on the device?

Wii U was gimped because of IB PowerPC and Wii architecture built-in. The Switch is using newer architecture no longer tied with the previous console.
It always kind of feels like that at launch. Remember the unprecedented partnership with EA? We'll have to wait and see.

I'm just saying that, when a new Mass Effect is released or some other big third party title, you probably shouldn't expect it on Switch.

Do you guys know how many cores will the GPU have? 256 like the TX1 or 384? If it's the latter the downlock compared to stock TX1 would actually make sense as we'd still see better performances in dock mode (~600gflops) and better battery in portable mode compared to less cores and a higher clock.
Still unknown.


Jesus, that's a surprise. Raw power isn't everything but it can certainly be an enabler in hardware like this.

I'm still annoyed about this including a screen. For me, the Gamepad is by far the worst first party controller the console manufacturers have released and it's annoying that Nintendo are following that model again as the screen is an additional expense for something that I have no interest in using.

I'd much rather be giving Nintendo the same money for increased specs and no screen.

Maybe the Switch will only be £100 to £150 range though? I'd feel far more tempted to hand over money the console at that price point and buy one of the Pro controllers.


Man, it's going to be interesting to see how Switch does in the current market. The handheld aspect might keep it afloat in Japan but portables don't really have a leg to stand on in the west and the console aspect may be too weak to really be competitive.

The excuse of people buying Nintendo hardware for Nintendo games isn't even a safe bet anymore as evidenced by how the Wii U has performed. It'll be fascinating to see how this does for Nintendo.

I was considering buying one at launch which would have been a first in a long time for me as far as Nintendo HW goes but I think I'll wait to see what kind of support it gets.


People expecting 199$ price point forget two things:

-Nintendo is known to overprice their hardware to sell their console on a profit.
-With a hybrid/handheld console, you have to pay for battery and most importantly the screen.

This will be 249$ at the very least, with that cheap ass hardware inside.

Yup, Nintendo would rather tank their launch and handicap their momentum out of the gate than not get their cut., When this thing launches at 250 or 300 and hits that post-launch drought, it's going to be fucking grim.


Whilst I know we're going to be getting a lot of great Nintendo games from the thing it's so disappointing that we're in for another 4 years of just those and little else. Goddammit Nintendo.


Lol if these stats turn out to be true. Very close to WiiU territory with newer architecture. Wth are they doing with this thing that they need fans when it's that downclocked.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
I wonder then why many 3rd parties, some of which that have not traditionally supported Nintendo (like Bethesda), have been eager to support the Switch? And rumors of From Software testing and making it run on the device?

Isn't it obvious? Moneyhats. Once those run out, they'll bail without a second thought.
How legit are CPU benchmarks like this? https://browser.primatelabs.com/android-benchmarks

If the Shield at 1.9GHz is 876 points and already middle of the list, dividing by 2 would make it be near the bottom.

Just how bad would 4 A57 at 1GHz be for running something like Witcher 3, a new Assassin's Creed or Fallout 4?

That's without accounting for any OS reservations, taking 1 core or something.
Wii U was outdated at launch and made it difficult to translate games being made for more powerful machines. Nintendo lost out on support from third parties since Wii U conversions would always require a ton of work and ultimately look and run worse. The Switch being underpowered suggests once again that we may not see big third party titles on Switch.

It needs to be successful enough to pull in support. That should yield games specifically made for Switch.

My guess is that Nintendo is trying to get specs to a minimum to avoid the inevitable raise of software costs. At this point it must be intentional, since the power draw dosn't make sense anymore.

This is done at the expense of third party support, which they clearly don't care anymore.
We are of course going to jump to conclusions instantly so no hope there.

It does seem worrying though.

Maybe Nintendo is going to double down on cheap this round?
What about new third-party games that aren't last-gen ports? Can the Switch run modern games with those portable baseline specs?

You have to go back to the Gamecube gen to find a Nintendo console that does that.
This is a new handheld, multiple times more powerful than the Vita, that can be docked for full HD gameplay on your TV, where it becomes multiple times more powerful than the Wii U.

If you were looking forward to a new Nintendo handheld, this should be really exciting news.

If you were looking forward to a new Nintendo home console, and expecting it to compete with the PS4/XB1... well then history has taught you nothing.


soo..another console with no third party support and doomed to die after a couple of years because of that,got it

make the same mistake a third time is criminal, seems like they don't want to succeed
A little disappointing but not surprising. I don't know who is still buying Nintendo hardware for multiplats.
soo..another console with no third party support and doomed to die after a couple of years because of that,got it

make the same mistake a third time is criminal, seems like they don't want to succeed
Like the 3DS?

It's not going to be playing call of duty black ops 6 but the 3DS had plenty of third party support.
I'm guessing you can't plug an ac adapter while undocked for it to run like it is. Would like to play that way in bed or on the couch.
Yeah, seriously. If accurate, this is somewhat worrying. A console hybrid that's too weak to basically be guaranteed third party ports feels to me like it should have just gone all in and stuck to being a handheld, and keep that market happy. It now feels to me like a step down in both cases from what I want: I like the dual screen setup for handhelds, and I like a powerful* console for plugging in my tv. This has neither

*at least relatively. Obviously a console is never going to be both affordable and capable of a fraction of what a good PC can do.

The thing is, playing third party games like GTA 6 or Battlefield 1 on the go could be a HUGE selling point to many, many people. With specs like that however, that huge marketing opportunity is gone.

So yeah, this is indeed very worrying.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
I think if Nintendo wants this to be seen as a home console they really arent trying to compete with Sony and MS. I think they want to be seen as a secondary home console company. Like how some companies in smartphone land were always seen as making low, mid range phones. Some recently started trying to get into the high end side but still...

But handhelds, they remain king.

Nintendo, might be time to focus on your hardware strengths. Handhelds. No shame in leaving the home console market.


The dream is dead, damn.

I never expected it to be Xbox One level..Even when docked, the entire console fits inside the tablet so that was never happening.

But I did expect it to be atleast half of Xbox One when docked and then perhaps half of that while portable. Right now this isn't even 1/3 of Xbox One when docked.

Still it's better than Wii U when docked and I guess that's what it's all about. This can never be a primary console of anyone who is even remotely serious about gaming.

The downclock is too aggressive. I'd much rather a handheld with less battery life (but then rechargeable with a battery pack) than constrained to Wii U levels. Ugh.

Nintendo gonna Nintendo alright.

Here's hoping it was all due to Nintendo being able to get a tonne of Tegra X1s dirt cheap, and they can reach a RRP close to €200.


Please help me with my bad english
I don't know what any of this means.

So it's not that powerful...? I mean, I kind of expected that considering Nintendo's past few consoles and handhelds. It doesn't make a huge different to me.
Probably still can handle most titles seen on other platforms. The clock speeds are lower than excepted though.
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