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Do you get crushes?

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Eggman, my bro. Can you simp any harder?

Or is that drythirst begging? I'm not sure if I will ever get that right.


The relationship I'm in now didn't start off as a crush, but now I crush hard for her. It's weird.

Also never crushed for any other relationship I was in. Makes it even more odd.
Nah, Not really.

I'll talk to anybody but tend to avoid feeling that for ladies unless I know there's a chance of something happening. I'm not shy, and don't avoid talking to them, but like...At this point...I'm alright with just being pals, if something happens cool, if not, I just move on.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
I crush on people everyday, but I usually forget about them the next day.
I experience a really minor form of infatuation with almost everyone, I think a lot of it is the novelty of new people combined with an equally insubstantial attraction. It's pretty meaningless and doesn't last for much longer than a moment but it's basically a constant.

I also experience more substantial infatuations but those are pretty rare, I would say maybe two a year, and those don't really hang around for very long either.


Never as ridiculous as mentioned in the OP but yeah I do. Currently got a pretty big crush on the waitress at the bar I go to all the time (I'v got friends that work there so I go at least once a weekend). We have been flirting for a while and next time I'm there I will just pull the trigger and ask her on a date. My friends are convinced she's a lesbian or at least bi, but I'v got no shame. Never know unless I try.

I don't really get random crushes on girls though, the girl mentioned above and I started flirting and then it developed into a crush.


Since being married, I really don't get "crushes" on people in "real life".

I get crushes on film/movie/music stars or artists, that's about it.

Edit: I take it back, I do have a bit of an open crush on my wife's tattoo artist friend. She's fucking beautiful, has awesome tats and piercings, and some really really nice...assets. Oh and she's British.

T Dollarz

I can't get over a crush on a coworker and I quit the job 3 months ago lol. I still go back to see her like twice a month and we talk over the phone sometimes but I know she'll never see me that way. It sucks and fucks with my head lol


I've never thought that the person I was crushing on was a perfect goddess come down to bless me with her mere presence, but yeah, I've had some.


In the OP, isn't that "bromance"? I don't think I've ever bromanced.

Crushing...yeah. It's not often, but when I do I fall hard at first. I try to reign in my hopeless romantic.

I can't get over a crush on a coworker and I quit the job 3 months ago lol. I still go back to see her like twice a month and we talk over the phone sometimes but I know she'll never see me that way. It sucks and fucks with my head lol

Just propose to her now. Love conquers all. Make sure to do it at a baseball stadium and have the proposal show up on the scoreboard.
I listened to that episode today as well.

And yes you are a robot.

And you forgot to mention that the guy was a mormon too, so there was this whole religious thing with that as well.


I was listening to TAL earlier today and there was a story about this guy who was crushing hard on this other dude. Thought about him all the time, made up excuses to get a shirtless photo of him, was always finding excuses to visit him at work, guy was head over heels. I didn't find it creepy or anything but I did find it unrelatable. Got me to realize that I never get worked up like that. Like, dating for me is "huh I wouldn't mind having sex with her" and then asking the girl in question out and having sex until I get bored of her. But I never even approach the level of "omg this person is the most amazing person ever blah blah blah". Is this just a maturity thing (not that I recall feeling like that when I was younger either) or am I just not as emotional as some people?

If that's your idea of maturity, I don't know what to tell you... I hope you find someone you really connect with on multiple levels. It's good stuff.


i think crushes are all i get. once i get the girl i feel dead inside, or want someone else. i'm 27 and need viagra already ]= without it i want nothing to do with even the hottest/coolest girl
I listened to that episode today as well.

And yes you are a robot.

And you forgot to mention that the guy was a mormon too, so there was this whole religious thing with that as well.

yeah it was a great segment, didn't want to complicate the issue at hand with the religious angle tho and it didn't sound unlike any other intense crushes I've heard of


Not on the level of omg this person is totally the 1 for me 4ever. But I still get crushes, then I get crushed by the power of friendzoning.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
This is too subjectively defined to answer. Do I ever find that I enjoy someone's company and look forward to spending time with them again? Yes. Do I put more significance into it than that? No.
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