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DOOM: Switch Edition |OT|- Rip & tear anytime, anywhere



 Publisher | Bethesda Softworks
Developer | id Software
Platform | Nintendo Switch
Release Date | Nov 10th, 2017
 No. Of Players | up to 12 players
Category | First Person Shooter/Action
Cart Size| 16GB (Singleplayer only, Multiplayer requires 9 GB download)

Single Player Campaign |

You've come here for a reason. The Union Aerospace Corporation's massive research facility
on Mars is overwhelmed by fierce and powerful demons, and only one person stands between their
world and ours. As the lone DOOM Marine, you've been activated to do one thing - kill them all. There
is no taking cover or stopping to regenerate health as you beat back Hell's raging demon hordes.
Combine your arsenal of futuristic and iconic guns, upgrades, movement,and an advanced melee
system to knock-down, slash, stomp, crush, and blow apart demons in creative and violent ways.


MULTIPLAYER/MODES | Dominate your opponents in DOOM's signature, fast-paced arena-style combat. In both
classic and all-new game modes, annihilate your enemies utilizing your personal blend of
skill, powerful weapons, vertical movement, and unique power-ups that allow you to play as a
demon. Note: ALL DLC and all Multiplayer modes will be available for SWITCH as day one patch/download.

(Taken from Original DOOM thread as it applies here)
  • Soul Harvest - Because sometimes just killing your enemies isn’t enough…
    Soul Harvest is similar to Team Deathmatch (see below), but instead of racking up points with every kill, players
    need to collect the souls of their fallen foes. Each soul will remain in the world for a limited time. These souls can be
    scooped up by anyone on either team. The catch? Only the opposing team earns points for grabbing a soul – but the teammates
    of the vanquished can play spoiler by seizing an ally’s soul to prevent their foes from gaining a soul point.
  • Freeze Tag - Freeze Tag plays out a lot like the real-world equivalent (minus the heavy weaponry and hellish backdrop).
    Rather than killing your foes, opponents are instead frozen in place –immobilized in a block of ice. Teammates can thaw their allies by
    standing nearby for a set amount of time.
  • Warpath - King of the Hill gets even crazier in Warpath, where a single capture point moves around the map along a
    set (and clearly marked) pathway. And if that’s not enough, a demon rune marches along in lockstep – but on the opposite side of the path.
  • Domination - Domination includes up to three static capture points that are spread out across a map.
    Players spawn on different sides of the map, and can control the capture points by clearing out any enemies and
    standing within the designated zone. Points are earned based on how long you control a capture point.
  • Team Deathmatch - One of the two purest takes on classic modes in DOOM multiplayer, Team Deathmatch pits
    two teams against each other in a straight-up kill-fest. Players can choose their loadouts, customize their marine and become
    the demon if they grab the rune while it’s in play. (Demon kills are scored the same as regular kills.) Power-ups and power weapons
    also play a key role here.
  • Clan Arena - The other pure take on a classic mode, Clan Arena is a game of elimination: the last team standing wins.
    All pick-ups are removed from the map, and players won’t be able to restore their health or armor. Once you’re dead, you’re dead – no respawning.
    And demons aren’t available during this mode. Victory is earned by the team that fully eliminates all its foes – or by the team with the most
    remaining players when time runs out.

Video Comparison



DOOM for Nintendo Switch review: not a perfect port, but slaughtering demons still rocks


DOOM was definitely made with portable mode as the primary focus. Whether docked or not, it runs at 720p, the native resolution of the Switch's display. That means it looks really great in handheld mode, but when docked things start to look a bit muddy and blurry. We didn't find that this caused issues for us with the game, but it was noticeable. What did cause some problems were the frame rate and the audio. DOOM is a beautiful game, but that beauty comes with a price tag.

The Verge: https://www.theverge.com/2017/11/9/1...-switch-review
Metro GameCentral: http://metro.co.uk/2017/11/09/doom-o...-hell-7066881/




Just waiting for the physical release. If I don’t see one this weekend, I’m gonna get it on the eShop. Storage space be damned.


The blur is looking strong in the Switch version. I have some credit I want to use towards this version, but if its going to be Snake Pass levels of blurry I may pass. I already read an article where Panic Button was saying that gamers are harping too much on resolution and framerate, so thats already scary.

I get that they want to make the game fun like the PC and console versions, but if its going to be blurry as shit, thats going to hamper the fun for me more than the 30fps drop.


The ps4 version is currently almost half the price of the Switch one at the moment but I'm still considering it for Switch. It just looks great fun to play on my breaks at work,


The ps4 version is currently almost half the price of the Switch one at the moment but I'm still considering it for Switch. It just looks great fun to play on my breaks at work,

Just yesterday I bought the PC version for $10.71 (Steam version via cdkeys.com). I've held off on the game, but wow, it's fantastic.

Does make $60 for the Switch version harder to swallow. Well, $48 with GCU, but still.
Where/when are the reviews??

In another thread people called into question the comparison video in the OP. Saying the framerates don't match up and this channel has made fake comparison videos before. I would remove it from OP unless verified it's legit.
I received my copy early and posted impressions in the other thread:

I received my copy early and have played a couple of hours. It's a really impressive technical feat to play this in handheld mode, and I think the Joy-Con both offer good enough controls to make aiming work. I haven't had any trouble taking down groups of enemies competently, deftly jumping around and utilising melee attacks where necessary.

The game does indeed utilise the docked GPU clocks. Comparing two screenshots reveals a noticeable bump in resolution. I suspect when docked the game is either locked at 720p or is closer to 720p. The actual HUD isn't scaled beyond the same 720p found in handheld mode however, which is disappointing. Text is crisp on the Switch's display but blurry upscaled to a higher resolution TV.

Pixel counting one handheld mode screenshot that I took, where stair-stepping around the edge of this one texture is obvious, netted 540p. But note that the game could be utilising dynamic resolution scaling. I haven't found enough easy edges to do any more reliable pixel counting.

It's impressive, and I find it plays well, but I also notice that when docked the game isn't really pushing the Switch. Putting my face next to the dock after ten minutes of play, the fans spin at a much quieter and slower rate than I was expecting. By comparison, Super Mario Odyssey pushes the Switch hard and the fans tend to spin at their maximum rate, also producing audible noise near the system.

I've since played more, and yes, it still works incredibly well as a game to play in portable mode. The immediacy of exploration and play, and the pacing, make for an irresistible game that's just a great fit for the Switch.

I tried multiplayer in both portable and docked mode and the resolution in portable mode can be pretty grim on some maps. The same maps in docked mode look notably sharper relative to the display size, so the game is indeed hitting its 720p target more often, while also rendering a higher resolution at all times.

Also worth noting that I did finally hear fan noise from my Switch when playing in multiplayer docked, so that mode - or its maps - seems to be stressing the hardware more.


What's the deal with that halo-ass plasma grenade throw gif in the OP?

I don't remember that from when I played the MP on PC at all.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
I received my copy early and posted impressions in the other thread:

I've since played more, and yes, it still works incredibly well as a game to play in portable mode. The immediacy of exploration and play, and the pacing, make for an irresistible game that's just a great fit for the Switch.

I tried multiplayer in both portable and docked mode and the resolution in portable mode can be pretty grim on some maps. The same maps in docked mode look notably sharper relative to the display size, so the game is indeed hitting its 720p target more often, while also rendering a higher resolution at all times.

Also worth noting that I did finally hear fan noise from my Switch when playing in multiplayer docked, so that mode - or its maps - seems to be stressing the hardware more.

Do you feel 60 FPS in the other versions was unnecessary/overplayed when playing the same game at 30 FPS? How much is the gameplay which encourages you to be always on the move and jumping around by this in your opinion?
Do you feel 60 FPS in the other versions was unnecessary/overplayed when playing the same game at 30 FPS? How much is the gameplay which encourages you to be always on the move and jumping around by this in your opinion?

I wouldn't say you absolutely need 60fps to play the game proficiently, but the difference is of course welcome and noticeable given the game's fast pace.

I haven't had any trouble adapting to 30fps and while we'll have to wait for DF's framerate analysis, I haven't noticed any framerate drops that led to me struggling to shoot at enemies.

It may also depend on what weapon you're using - a lot of the weapons either fire quickly or have a large radius, and there's a large emphasis on melee attacks to finish the demons off.


Do we know if review copies have been sent out or are we looking at post release review as normal for Bethesda games?


Gold Member
Great OP. Wondering how it would feel playing an FPS on those tiny sticks.

I never finished it on PC but enjoyed it up to the early point I got to. Just never been back. Maybe an excuse to buy at Christmas.....


So it definitely looks smooth. I assume they're doing something to the frames to get the 30fps looking like it does here. It's not the same kind of 30fps as, say, Sonic Force, as weird as that sounds to say.
VG24/7's review largely echoes my experience playing the game: https://www.vg247.com/2017/11/09/doom-nintendo-switch-review-a-solid-port-of-a-modern-classic/

Infrequent frame rate issues and the occasional bug can’t really drag this down. For its stated purpose, a bit of Doom on the go, this is a perfect, impressive port – and aside from the SnapMap map-editing feature it’s also entirely feature complete.

Haven't noticed any framerate issues in the first three missions. One review noted "slowdown" which made me wince a little - the game's speed isn't tied to framerate!

So it definitely looks smooth. I assume they're doing something to the frames to get the 30fps looking like it does here. It's not the same kind of 30fps as, say, Sonic Force, as weird as that sounds to say.

Probably the motion blur. It's set to "high" by default and can be adjusted in the settings.


Looks great, though it makes me hope they'll port Wolfenstein TNO and Rage over. They could run at 60fps on the PS3 and 360, so they'd certainly be awesome on Switch.


Looks great, though it makes me how they'll port Wolfenstein TNO and Rage over. They could run at 60fps on the PS3 and 360, so they'd certainly be awesome on Switch.
TNO and Rage are based on the old idTech5, they would run flawlessly without any compromise.

Doom and The New Colossus are idTech6 and it's a pretty damn heavy engine to handle.
I don't think Switch can do better than this.

Regarding the Nintendolife review, they are addressing some audio problems too.


An actual comparison video up from Nintendo Life.

I can see the slow down but it still looks fun non-the-less.

TNO and Rage are based on the old idTech5, they would run flawlessly without any compromise.

Doom and The New Colossus are idTech6 and it's a pretty damn heavy engine to handle.
I don't think Switch can do better than this.

Regarding the Nintendolife review, they are addressing some audio problems too.

Isn't The New Colossus supposed to take advantage of fp16 tech?
I might not get this as I own PC version but I am glad the Switch is getting great 3rd Party games. I will probably get Skyrim for Switch though.


TNO and Rage are based on the old idTech5, they would run flawlessly without any compromise.

Bingo, and that would be wonderful. As impressive and 'good enough' as DOOM Switch seems to be, having some proper 60fps shooters on the platform would be sweet.

Also, these sub-native games are really making me wish that devs could use checkerboard rendering on the Switch. I feel like if DOOM's handheld mode targeted checkerboard 720p and stuck to it - maybe falling to checkerboard 540p at worst - it would look a lot better. Artifacts would be virtually impossible to see on the small screen. Checkerboard 1080p60 seems like a good target for the Switch's successor, too.


Gold Member
Hi, Gaf. This is my first post. As far as DOOM for Switch goes?

My body is Reggie.

Underrated post. Would quote again.


Saw some comparison pics, switch doom looked a bit blurry, but tbh i need to see it in action first hand. Gope it does well though, game was really fun on ps4


This may sound dumb, but for a person that sucks at shooters (analog style, motion control I can do alright), is there an easy mode for this game in which I won't die all the time? :p


This may sound dumb, but for a person that sucks at shooters (analog style, motion control I can do alright), is there an easy mode for this game in which I won't die all the time? :p

The easiest mode is very easy.

But, I mean, you are the Doomguy, a fucking armored killer dude: don't be afraid to play at least at Normal difficulty and enjoy the hellish slaughter.

The menace here isn't a demon horde: you are the menace in Doom. Embrace this concept, my friend.


This may sound dumb, but for a person that sucks at shooters (analog style, motion control I can do alright), is there an easy mode for this game in which I won't die all the time? :p

I believe there is, but even so this game is mostly run and gun, so even if you aren't good at aiming, running up to their faces and melee-ing them is rewarded in the game.


I believe there is, but even so this game is mostly run and gun, so even if you aren't good at aiming, running up to their faces and melee-ing them is rewarded in the game.

Heck yeah, always wanted to give the DOOM games a shot, looks like this will be my first one! Thanks for the info!


always chasing the next thrill
I own the game on pc max on 1440p
Own the game on ps4
Thinking about getting it on the switch for handheld only.

Is the RIP AND TEAR factor stil ok in 30fps? And are the josticks good enough?
Can you still RIP AND TEAR with ease?
🤔🤔 and ofc is it worth 60 bucks?


This is a great title for the Switch even for its multiplayer in addition to the single player campaign. Hope Switch owners support it and buy it.
Just too many good Switch games in November.

I'm still working on Mario. DOOM, LA Noire, Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2, Rocket League, Rime, Skyrim, Tiny Metal and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 to start December.

RIP my wallet.
Just too many good Switch games in November.

I'm still working on Mario. DOOM, LA Noire, Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2, Rocket League, Rime, Skyrim, Tiny Metal and Xenoblade Chronicles 2 to start December.

RIP my wallet.

Far too many good games, consumers will have hard times to decide what to play next and as a result sell their Switch. Nintendo is doomed.

Alone Super Mario Odyssey and Skyrim will keep me busy till the end of the year.
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