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DriveClub dev "had confidence" servers would work - compensation possible


Compensation? If Sony wants to compensate me for a 15 hour Tour mode that I'm not even half way done yet because I spent the last week and a half unlocking cars by going through 55 tracks in Time Trials and Single Events with various day/night cycles. Then sure. And that's with me barely touching drift events. A significant portion of the game is working fine.

Bringing up Destiny that has no single player to speak of and doesn't work period with an internet connection or Battlefield 4 which outside of its 6 hour mediocre campaign, has no options besides its multiplayer?

Your right though, never pre order any game again. Wait for impressions, reviews or news about server issues. When that's sorted out and you actually buy the game, that's when you should actually go out of your way to comment on it.

Oh co'mon don't try this. Any racing game with issues with its online side would be fine as long as it's improving and the devs are working on it. This is not just another driving game; it's a game targeting social features and online.

It's called Drive Club! It's online side is supposed to be the USP.

Everyone's right in saying wait for impressions; I only preorder single player stuff with a lot of impressions out there.

Online is just too variable; no matter how hard the Dev works at itm
Video games people. Makes you wish people lost their livelihoods.
Not that Evolution isn't in trouble (I mean, Sony in general is in trouble), but all this hyperbole will look pretty embarrassing in a few weeks.

My theory: it's just misplaced anger from Liverpool's tragic dissolution. I'm still pissed.
Oh co'mon don't try this. Any racing game with issues with its online side would be fine as long as it's improving and the devs are working on it. This is not just another driving game; it's a game targeting social features and online.

It's called Drive Club! It's online side is supposed to be the USP.

Everyone's right in saying wait for impressions; I only preorder single player stuff with a lot of impressions out there.

Online is just too variable; no matter how hard the Dev works at itm

I don't give a shit about online, and I agree with his post. So yeah..
You know what happens to companies keep around people that fail at their job? They end up in the same position as Nintendo.
Should everyone who worked on the project lose their job just by association, like the artists and the course designers and UI designers who had nothing to do with these server issues? Just curious since you and others are out for blood, I wonder how far you think it should go.
Its just a video game, man. I know its annoying, but I'm sure they'll get it sorted and you'll be able to enjoy your game soon enough. No reason to *hate* anybody.

video games are not a cheap investment. you spent almost half a grand for the hardware, and then more then have a block for this piece of software and can't play it properly. everyone's got a right to pissed off and deserve some form of compensation for their fucking product not working properly.
Should everyone who worked on the project lose their job just by association, like the artists and the course designers and UI designers who had nothing to do with these server issues? Just curious since you and others are out for blood, I wonder how far you think it should go.

Hold up, are they actually "out for blood", as in "I hope they lose their jobs", or are they saying "if the launch of your flagship game is a disaster, losing your job isn't surprising"?

Because the two aren't one and the same. The latter is an observation based on closures of past devs, it doesn't necessarily mean they personally want people to lose their jobs.


Should everyone who worked on the project lose their job just by association, like the artists and the course designers and UI designers who had nothing to do with these server issues? Just curious since you and others are out for blood, I wonder how far you think it should go.

Some of these people in here are acting like:


When we have a fully functioning single player unfortunately plagued by MP issues. Sorry, I don't believe that is worth shutting down an entire studio over. Glad some of you don't make such decisions.
Oh co'mon don't try this. Any racing game with issues with its online side would be fine as long as it's improving and the devs are working on it. This is not just another driving game; it's a game targeting social features and online.

It's called Drive Club! It's online side is supposed to be the USP.

Everyone's right in saying wait for impressions; I only preorder single player stuff with a lot of impressions out there.

Online is just too variable; no matter how hard the Dev works at itm

You're focused on the title, I am focused on the content. I actually have the game. There is a long career mode with an usual amount of tracks for a racer. If someone doesn't care about any of the wealth of content offline and is only interested in the multiplayer, that's totally fair, and should be compensated. But let's get rid of this disingenuous comparisons to online only titles like Destiny or critiques by people who never played the game can only go by what it's "targeting" and title on the box instead of the actual game itself

But drive club works fine, I've been playing it since day one. It's just the online that was broken and even that is working now. Some people in this thread make it sound like the game is completely broken and can't be played at all. That's a bold faced lie. And to those who wish other people loose their job over this, you must not be adults yet to realize how disgusting that is.

<goes back to enjoy drive club>

There are a lot of people who are frustrated including the ones who bought the game, and I don't blame them. But it's very easy to tell the people who actually bought the game vs those who haven't.
It says here that they did large scale server tests. Doesn't really make sense that no problems showed up at all.
The testing plan must have missed some core components. Sounds like validity was a problem with the tests. It happens from time to time with synthetic transactions and often has devastating effects.

The issue here is recovery time. The recovery time is wholly unacceptable but points to something that's core to database competency. One in one out means they are most likely hitting capacity constraints.

The time it is taking to recover tells me they are unwilling to architect horizontally or they can't. If they can't that means database. Makes me wonder if their code can utilize clustering.

Feel bad for the guys as I have been there before when implementing brand new solutions.


But drive club works fine, I've been playing it since day one. It's just the online that was broken and even that is working now. Some people in this thread make it sound like the game is completely broken and can't be played at all. That's a bold faced lie. And to those who wish other people loose their job over this, you must not be adults yet to realize how disgusting that is.

<goes back to enjoy drive club>

Online hasn't been working for everyone like that and the game is plagued with disconnects in the middle of the race. I love the game too but the game has alot of issues it's still trying to overcome and they aren't small at all. I don't care all that much about playing online, but I know many people that strictly play online. Also I don't wish anyone to lose their job over this, and I hope EVO gets everything up and working soon because this is a great racing game and it's being hurt by the negativity built upon many of the huge bugs (Drift Face/Off speed thing showing up on Average Speed Face Off) as well as the online issues. All I'm saying is I wouldn't fault people that actually bought the game and getting upset with how the online is going, and you can usually tell those who played the game apart for those who can't pretty easily lol.

It's been fun following along with the community and seeing many people overcome the Vemon Hot Lap these last few days, brings alot of hope for how much fun the challenges are gonna be once they are truly up and running.
Maybe the PR team thought the Forza killing will come in stages.

First free cars, then weather, soon online, by those powers combined...


Neo Member
You know I think an aspect of the beta test, load test might not have scaled well to include the real games scope of all challenges, face offs, car leader boards, club and friend interactions across every event and track. There's so many tracks, and it would be alot of metadata being saved and sent all the time.

I hope they have a postmortem explanation


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
To be fair gutted doesn't mean everyone being fired but more along the lines of displaced to other development studios at Sony. Not that I think Evolution should be gutted personally, honestly I don't know what to think of the subject without some more insider information into the studio.

What is this "to be fair" stuff? That's hardly fair. If you close the studio, the people have to find new jobs at other studios. Do you think there won't be significant layoffs in this situation? Do you think they'll all just find happy homes at other studios that aren't already staffed with artists, designers, musicians, programmers, etc?

Why is everyone so nasty about everything? Just vote with your wallet and move on.

I think the following happened: Sony expected sales of X and budgeted servers for sales of X. The game might have done moderately better than that or Sony budgeted for medium-term demand rather than launch day. Racing games are not huge, it's not unrealistic. They are rearranging the deck chairs, so to speak, to make the game lighter on sever queries or what have you, but the long term solution is that people will stop playing and the servers will become responsive. That's my two cents. It's a real shame it isn't working 100% yet but I find the reactions here to be pretty callous.


What is this "to be fair" stuff? That's hardly fair. If you close the studio, the people have to find new jobs at other studios. Do you think there won't be significant layoffs in this situation? Do you think they'll all just find happy homes at other studios that aren't already staffed with artists, designers, musicians, programmers, etc?

Why is everyone so nasty about everything? Just vote with your wallet and move on.

While I unequivocally disagree with him (his post history speaks volumes), the ones who get to vote with their wallets are the ones who have yet to buy the game unlike folks like myself who had it preordered.

On the bright side, things are better than what they were a few days ago; more work is undoubtedly needed before I can call the game "functional as advertised" however.


Junior Member
The game couldn't have been a bargain to make. It got delayed a year, which only made it more expensive. The reviews were hot and cold and online has been broke for going on two weeks. People will lose their jobs and rightfully so that's how the world works. You fail, you get the axe.

I'm not trying to burn the building down about it being broken, but it's soured me a little. I've missed out on a ton of club points and I was really jonesing to try out challenges. A.I stuff and terrible livery designs are more annoying to me though.


If you really believe this, you're a shitty person. These people have families to support, you want them all to lose their jobs because their game didn't work right at launch?
Just to clarify my earlier comment, I'm not saying this is something I want/wish to see happen. I'm saying this is something I EXPECT to see happen. I'm a realist. You can't drop the ball this much and expect to stay employed. Period. Anyone that has talent (and there is plenty of talent behind this game) will find work elsewhere. That's just the way the world works. If you fuck up you don't get a pat on the back and an "aw shucks, better luck next game".


Not that Evolution isn't in trouble (I mean, Sony in general is in trouble), but all this hyperbole will look pretty embarrassing in a few weeks.

My theory: it's just misplaced anger from Liverpool's tragic dissolution. I'm still pissed.

Sony's video game division is hardly in trouble at all


the Vemon Hot Lap these
That was pretty great to watch to be honest.

When we have a fully functioning single player unfortunately plagued by MP issues. Sorry, I don't believe that is worth shutting down an entire studio over. Glad some of you don't make such decisions.
Of course if it were a game of another console...I'd expect the same rational responses =P

FFS you learn from mistakes like this so it doesn't happen again.
Sony doesn't learn when it comes to online stuff though.


Just to clarify my earlier comment, I'm not saying this is something I want/wish to see happen. I'm saying this is something I EXPECT to see happen. I'm a realist. You can't drop the ball this much and expect to stay employed. Period. Anyone that has talent (and there is plenty of talent behind this game) will find work elsewhere. That's just the way the world works. If you fuck up you don't get a pat on the back and an "aw shucks, better luck next game".
So a whole studio deserves to be disbanded because 1 part of a game wasn't up to snuff at release? What about all the artists and engine programmers who did their job just fine? FFS you learn from mistakes like this so it doesn't happen again. Throwing the baby out with the bath water is an incredibly short sighted and childish way of dealing with this sort of problem.



not sure if this is news but the online stuff seems to be ok, at least the last few times I played. Club is active, there's progression
etc. some of the leaderboards are slow.


Just to clarify my earlier comment, I'm not saying this is something I want/wish to see happen. I'm saying this is something I EXPECT to see happen. I'm a realist. You can't drop the ball this much and expect to stay employed. Period. Anyone that has talent (and there is plenty of talent behind this game) will find work elsewhere. That's just the way the world works. If you fuck up you don't get a pat on the back and an "aw shucks, better luck next game".

Plenty of studios have made mistakes and stayed in business. Evolution will as well.


Like who?

Every studio that has ever made a videogame? We're all the FF games flawless? No. Did SE close down? No. I wish a select few people on this forum would stop acting like evolution fucked their mothers or something. They made a mistake. It will hurt sales. It will hurt their reputation. They should not close their doors.


Every studio that has ever made a videogame? We're all the FF games flawless? No. Did SE close down? No. I wish a select few people on this forum would stop acting like evolution fucked their mothers or something. They made a mistake. It will hurt sales. It will hurt their reputation. They should not close their doors.

Their last game bomb and this game poor launch ruin their reputation , I doubt they will be able to bounce back.


Their last game bomb and this game poor launch ruin their reputation , I doubt they will be able to bounce back.

Their last game did not bomb. It might not have set sales on fire, but it did not bomb. As for your last statement: DICE, Maxis and Blizzard say hello.
What is this "to be fair" stuff? That's hardly fair. If you close the studio, the people have to find new jobs at other studios. Do you think there won't be significant layoffs in this situation? Do you think they'll all just find happy homes at other studios that aren't already staffed with artists, designers, musicians, programmers, etc?

Why is everyone so nasty about everything? Just vote with your wallet and move on.

I think the following happened: Sony expected sales of X and budgeted servers for sales of X. The game might have done moderately better than that or Sony budgeted for medium-term demand rather than launch day. Racing games are not huge, it's not unrealistic. They are rearranging the deck chairs, so to speak, to make the game lighter on sever queries or what have you, but the long term solution is that people will stop playing and the servers will become responsive. That's my two cents. It's a real shame it isn't working 100% yet but I find the reactions here to be pretty callous.
Racers may not be #1 but arent they close? Serious question....
Also waiting for people to quit playing and say the servers are good is a chicken shit way out of an IT problem. That is limiting the user base by force and not by quality. Hopefully thats not the way sony works but if it is they dont deserve the sales.


While I unequivocally disagree with him (his post history speaks volumes), the ones who get to vote with their wallets are the ones who have yet to buy the game unlike folks like myself who had it preordered.

There's yer problem. There's a lesson to be learned here.

Don't preorder video games if you want to vote with your wallet based on the actual video game and its supporting infrastructure, rather than just what the developer and publisher promised would be in the game and the infrastructure.

You could probably shorten it to "don't preorder video games" for brevity's sake.
Should everyone who worked on the project lose their job just by association, like the artists and the course designers and UI designers who had nothing to do with these server issues? Just curious since you and others are out for blood, I wonder how far you think it should go.

No but they often do by default. Its an artists plight.


That may be but Evo will survive this game. Another game like the issues we are seeing? Who knows but they should survive this game unless their is an internal struggle I dont know about.

I wouldn't mind a PS4 Motorstorm, never tried the originals but saw some .gifs today that looked pretty cool.
While I unequivocally disagree with him (his post history speaks volumes), the ones who get to vote with their wallets are the ones who have yet to buy the game unlike folks like myself who had it preordered.

On the bright side, things are better than what they were a few days ago; more work is undoubtedly needed before I can call the game "functional as advertised" however.

so you voted with your wallet by trust... if you feel wronged I wouldnt do it again.


Lol you cant compare evolution to those studio, and yes their last game did bomb.

Dude their average prior to driveclub is above 80 on metacritic. Driveclub looks gorgeous and handles really well. The server shit is on Sony too. Why do you want evolution to close, I'm so confused. If you don't want to play drive club don't play it. The more studios we have making games the better for gamers.


Dude their average prior to driveclub is above 80 on metacritic. Driveclub looks gorgeous and handles really well. The server shit is on Sony too. Why do you want evolution to close, I'm so confused. If you don't want to play drive club don't play it. The more studios we have making games the better for gamers.

Who cares about reviews, I talking games sales and there last retail game bombed, Who said I want evolution close I just saying what has been happening to Sony studios.

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
As a 40+yo gamer I've seen games progress from one-two man teams where they did everything from programming, music, testing etc to what we have today with teams of hundreds and can appreciate the work gone into DC. Yes, the online side is frustrating, but the core game is of a very high calibre and to hear people moan and cry that Evo are shit devs? Pretty sad really when they, like many companies, put their heart and sole into a product they love only to get boo'd and hissed at.

I am sure Evolution are just as frustrated if not more at the current situation and would love nothing more than for us as a community to enjoy the game as intended. That time will come.
I wouldn't mind a PS4 Motorstorm, never tried the originals but saw some .gifs today that looked pretty cool.

If you like arcade racers you cant go wrong with motorstorm.

I am not even a racing fan- nor am I an arcade racing fan. The last game I enjoyed was Burnout because of the awesomeness that ensued crashes.


As a 40+yo gamer I've seen games progress from one-two man teams where they did everything from programming, music, testing etc to what we have today with teams of hundreds and can appreciate the work gone into DC. Yes, the online side is frustrating, but the core game is of a very high calibre and to hear people moan and cry that Evo are shit devs? Pretty sad really when they, like many companies, put their heart and sole into a product they love only to get boo'd and hissed at.

No one cares If you put a lots of heart in a game, If a major part of your game is broken than people will call you out for it.
As a 40+yo gamer I've seen games progress from one-two man teams where they did everything from programming, music, testing etc to what we have today with teams of hundreds and can appreciate the work gone into DC. Yes, the online side is frustrating, but the core game is of a very high calibre and to hear people moan and cry that Evo are shit devs? Pretty sad really when they, like many companies, put their heart and sole into a product they love only to get boo'd and hissed at.

I agree with everything you say. To play devils advocate here though- they screwed up. Do they deserve the pass? Thats for individuals to say. Did they fail as a company? Sure they did as we are having this convo right now. If you want to succeed you dont make mistakes like this and if you do you make it right- end of story.
I think DC is a good game but you that being a brilliant game means noting if sales are bad.
As somebody that likes to play great games, a particular title being a great game or not means everything.

I'm not a bean counter at Sony, or a shareholder, so unrealistic as it may be the business realities are of secondary concern to me. I am a stakeholder though, and I would only feel wronged here, at the game's launch, if I wanted a refund and wasn't able to get one.

I'm not at that point though, so I think Evo working every day on fixes is the right course, for me. Everybody else can judge their own line in the sand.
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