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Edge #256: Why PS4 is your next console (Shots fired, post-DRM 180)

The amount of butthurt in this thread is amazing.

Despite the 180 flip it's still much weaker console with mandatory kinect.


Good on Edge, I'd rather magazines and sites made their opinions worthwhile like this (as long as it's backed up well, which I'm sure this particular article is) than try to appease everyone with watered down PR shit.


Its more tied to the fact that the competitors are floundering, the Xbox One reveal was a mess, they flip-flopped on some of their policies, they are selling a more expensive console that has weaker performance, their focus is all over the place, they are forcing Kinect on people, their head honcho for the Xbox division just left mere months before Xbox One is released. The Wii U is...the Wii U, nothing else needs to be said how that console is doing, we have come to a period where people are hoping it at least does GameCube levels, that says it all.

Too much uncertainty regarding both of those products and companies, so that just leaves the PS4 standing there.

I am not committed to any of the consoles yet, nor am i buying any of them on launch, taking a wait-and-see approach but it is difficult to deny that the mind share is heavily favored for the PS4. They have had no major or even minor controversies, they have been saying all the right things since February 20th since that initial reveal.

Mind share can and likely will change eventually, but it is not a very controversial thing to say, right now 2nd july of 2013 that yes the PS4 looks like the best purchase for most people. It is the one console that actually has positive buzz going for it.

All this could change, the entire script could be flipped upside down, but so far, EDGE are probably right.


Heh. I don't know. I mean, when it all comes down to games (basically, the most important part of the videogames industry) right now (and I really mean "right now") it does not seem to me that Microsoft is lagging behind Sony in relation to next-gen games.

Seems to me very easy to say now that PS4 is the best choice and so on... yet, are we sure that the 100$ difference (which is the ONLY part of this topic the mainsteam public will be clearly aware of) will kill Xbox One?

Isn't this a too much simplistic thinking?
People should always be aware of the global rules for publications like this;

1) the front cover is supposed to catch your eye

2) controversy sells

3) an exclusive feature rarely has anything new

I've been burned so many times by the 3rd one. Any game I'm hyped for, if a magazine has it on their front page and proffesses to have a world exclusive article on it, I'll catch myself reaching for a £5 note.


I think that they will regret this in the long term. It will come back to bite them. They are doing this as a cheap way to sell more issues this month.


I agree. At least you know where they stand if you choose to read their issues. I definitely prefer publications to just be upfront about where they stand, even though it's extremely rare. Same goes for gamers. But you'll often times see gamers hide behind the "I own all consoles, so I can't be biased!" line.

Yeah, we all have biases. I wouldn't ask them to discard theirs because that's impossible. I might ask them not to be so blatant though. I think the possible perception the cover provides is that EDGE is taking sides and that's one of the main things a good journalist doesn't do.

I suppose that like of thinking is only worth something to you if you believe the gaming industry is capable of good journalism. (I do.)


Junior Member
Went into gamestop today to buy some games and the manager there shared this exact same sentiment as EDGE

OT: Arthur Geis am cry


I have a feeling that EDGE's publication came too late to include the radical shift in policy from MS but I suspect their point of view might take something along those lines into account.

Even without the DRM issue MS are still coming from a weaker position. If it's not the price it's the ludicrous TV centric positioning of the console.

Edge seems a little premature on this one.

Unlike the whole of GAF who were very level headed about the whole affair during E3.


GAF's Bob Woodward
That's probably the most off-the-fence pre-generation stance I've ever seen Edge take.

Even with the PS2 transition, while a certain resignation/inevitability to PS2's dominance permeated Edge's coverage, they never actually advocated for PS2 over Dreamcast like that, for example.

I wonder if it was put together immediately after E3 before the DRM reversal. Still, it goes to show why MS should not have let that issue linger over E3, among other things.


Too early to say something.... better waits for the final hardware, the first wave of multi and exclusive games. Not professional.


This might backfire on them in the future if Xbox One remains competitive sales wise with PS4.

it's an editorial based on the relative showings at E3. I see nothing wrong with it, and if things change after launch they'll report that too

How much was GAF complaining about websites giving MS a pass after E3, and now a publication actually comes out and says it, we're criticising again?

Personally I think this is refreshing and welcome.


Dunno, nothing Sony has done so far game-wise looks that appealing. Can see how people would be put off by some of the decisions Microsoft made (and Nintendo at this point is a non-factor)... but none of that makes the PS4 look good.

If you want power you'll join us in PC land. If you're after the games then I don't see any metric by which you'd consistently opt for PS4 over XB1.
That's a column.

Nevertheless, it's a poorly written and barely funny piece they would not care about publishing a few years earlier. It was also just an illustration of how dire things have gotten, there's a lot more uninspired and poorly conceived content in every recent issue I've gotten my hands on (I wouldn't give any more of my money to Future, but I borrow an issue occasionally - thankfully, it's my god-given consumer right - to see if things have gotten better again, since I really miss the old Edge; alas, no, they haven't).
Big headline from Edge. Champagne corks are probably popping on Great Marlborough Street right now. Massive coup for Sony to get the highest circulation magazine behind them just 12-14 weeks out from launch just when pre-orders have probably started to slow down a bit as well.
Someone should find the famous cover Edge did with the cracked Mario face saying "Is Nintendo Breaking Up?" during the N64 vs. PS1 era.

Actually, wasn't that Next Generation magazine?

Next-Gen - it was awful - they had a special deal where Sony included subscription cards for the magazine in every console of the PSX and the magazine really pandered to Playstation fans. They resorted to weird tactics like reducing the ratings on N64 games (Pilotwings for example) months after they originally awarded higher ratings. Lots of ridiculous one-sided articles. But at least the magazine's heavy-paper stock cover was kinda cool :)

The PSX era was one where Sony really, really courted journalists at gaming magazines and set itself apart from Nintendo. Even online websites were getting free PSX games because of the CD format. Nintendo never saw the need and basically just ignored the larger gaming press - focused almost completely on Nintendo Power, AOL keyword Nintendo, and later Nintendo.com.

The only pro-Nintendo magazine I can think of was GameFan - but then again - they were kinda pro-every system - I loved their coverage of Japan - rarely heard negativity from them - but I do remember some weird incident where they published some racist anti-Japanese filler text and had to apologize.


Dunno, nothing Sony has done so far game-wise looks that appealing. Can see how people would be put off by some of the decisions Microsoft made (and Nintendo at this point is a non-factor)... but none of that makes the PS4 look good.

If you want power you'll join us in PC land. If you're after the games then I don't see any metric by which you'd consistently opt for PS4 over XB1.

Yah. Can't wait for a summarize of that article, or when it's going online (if it does?). Games are a huge factor for me personally so I am curious how they weigth them.


The amount of butthurt in this thread is amazing.

Despite the 180 flip it's still much weaker console with mandatory kinect.

As usual here on NeoGaf, people adopts a meme and continues to repeat it obsessively. Now it is time for "mandatory kinect". Which, at some point, sounds like "mandatory gamepad" or "mandatory wiimote".

If Microsoft decided to add a Kinect in every Xbox One box it is because it is making this peripheral a distinctive feature of the console. Xbox One comes with a Kinect. That's it.

Requesting them to remove the new Kinect sensor to lower the price of the console is just plain stupid and does not take into account their will to differentiate the console through the addition of the Kinect itself. Maybe they are aware of the discussions about "two almost identical consoles" which were quite frequent in the last years?

Xbox One is not a more powerful Xbox 360. It is a more powerful Xbox 360 with a Kinect (your "mandatory Kinect"), and that's it.

If the peripheral is included in every console and the console sells well, then developers may always rely on it because every console owner has one. They can integrate it in every game and so on. More on, they could actually create Kinect-based games without being worried about the fact that the Kinect owners are just a fraction of the user base for Xbox One.

That's not a wrong choice. It is a bet, and an important one.

Maybe this will crush Xbox One sales. Maybe the "mandatory Kinect" will be an important selling point of the console. Right now I don't know. What I know is that I'd rather have PlayStation 4 and Xbox One with two different base philosophies instead of two similar console with just a bunch of exclusives to differentiate them.
Time to get out of the console business for me. The fanboyism is just out of control. Edge should be very happy with a balanced future.... a one console future is the end.

PC all the way.


Too early to say something.... better waits for the final hardware, the first wave of multi and exclusive games. Not professional.

What?! Having an opinion is not professional? What utter nonsense. Are you seriously telling me that we, and the writers at EDGE, can't make a decision about which console we, as consumers, think is better based on the information (provided by the manufacturers themselves no less) we already have?

I'm hoping you feel this way because you are an Xbox fan and not because you are so used to being spoon fed inoffensive, middle of the road, spun PR bullshit about the video game industry that when someone or something comes along with an actual reasoned point of view contrary to your own it shakes your sensitive disposition.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Man, looking back at old covers just brings home back how unremarkable this is even for EDGE.



If this is written before MS's u-turn then it'll only serve as an embarrassing highlight as to why print magazines are dying.

Sony crushed MS @ E3?


Yes? Every hardcore site, mainstream outlet and user poll agreed on it.
Big headline from Edge. Champagne corks are probably popping on Great Marlborough Street right now. Massive coup for Sony to get the highest circulation magazine behind them just 12-14 weeks out from launch just when pre-orders have probably started to slow down a bit as well.

"It's The Edge Wot Won It."


The amount of butthurt in this thread is amazing.

Despite the 180 flip it's still much weaker console with mandatory kinect.

With much more exclusives looking better and running at both 1080p and 60 fps. What did Sony show? Sub-1080p right out of the gate (The Order), lots of games struggling with even 30 fps (Drive Club, Killzone, Knack). Considering 180 is 6 months behind in first party development and their tools are worse than Sonys I think the true performance might be different than what Teraflops suggest.


If this is written before MS's u-turn then it'll only serve as an embarrassing highlight as to why print magazines are dying.

Yes. It'll be EDGE who are embarrassed by MS's unprecedented and humiliating turn around and them only.

And the DRM issue clearly isn't the only problem with the Xbone. It was certainly the biggest but other issues for gamers and potential future costumers remain.

Xbox One is not a more powerful Xbox 360. It is a more powerful Xbox 360 with a Kinect (your "mandatory Kinect"), and that's it.


I've read this sentence three times and I can't understand it at all.

I'll say this for you Castef. No one can accuse of you being secretly in the employ of MS.


If this is written before MS's u-turn then it'll only serve as an embarrassing highlight as to why print magazines are dying.

Yes? Every hardcore site, mainstream outlet and user poll agreed on it.


I wouldn't worry about EDGE'S title lads.....just some of that "marching powder" talking.
Exactly, looks like Edge may end up regretting these kinds of publications.

Why? I think it is not unlikely that the PS4 can be the next PS2. It's cheaper than the competition. It has much better hardware than the competition. It has very strong first party titles and every possible third party support including indie titles. It has improvements in all important areas (controller, online, development ease, ...). The PS4 will be a big success for Sony and certainly much more successful than the PS3.
If this is written before MS's u-turn then it'll only serve as an embarrassing highlight as to why print magazines are dying.

Seems unlikely, it wouldn't take more than two weeks to print, the editorial deadline was probably just after the announcement, maybe a few days.

My guess is that they will say that the intent to devalue physical games means we can no longer trust MS as being on the side of gamers, they may also have sources who have independently confirmed the 60 min family plan fiasco. I think another point they will raise is that no one at MS has denied or clarified the position going forwards with regard to bringing back the DRM, clearly since it is being patched out it can be patched back in, so that might come up.

Other than that they will probably shit on the exorbitant UK price, Kinect, the TV shit that won't work here anyway and the general lack of focus from the division.


Isn't the fact that MS had to completely change their policies all the proof you need that they did in fact crush them at E3?

I think most people would agree that Microsoft decimated Sony's E3 game showing. Barely even a contest.

Their respective console reveals, however...


I've read this sentence three times and I can't understand it at all.

I'll retry:
Xbox One is not just a "new Xbox more powerful than the previous one".
Xbox One is a "new Xbox more power than the previous one AND with a "mandatory Kinect".

Clear now?


GAF's Bob Woodward
Apparently this issue went to print after Microsoft's DRM reversal, the article reflects it. That's according to Edge's news editor on Twitter.
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