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F*ck Konami: MGSV FOBs beyond the first must be bought via macrotransactions

The Argus

With all the GTA inspired features of this game, I wish they copied the Shark Cards: Pay to speed things up a bit for Online, use that revenue to fund free DLC. Instead this affects both online and single player while costing even more than King V.


just like dlc were only horse armor in the beginning
look at it now and maybe we should have stopped thinking about it when it was secondary,before it grew out of proportions
"The industry has changed" MGS4 monologue. Someone do it, please.


With all the GTA inspired features of this game, I wish they copied the Shark Cards: Pay to speed things up a bit for Online, use that revenue to fund free DLC. Instead this affects both online and single player while costing even more than King V.

Watch them ask for money for MGO expansions, too...


I'm probably halfway through the game and the servers aren't even up, so I haven't been able to access an FOB yet.

They don't really seem all that necessary. Yes, some of the "research" times are getting longer in the late game, but I'm pacing my development so that while I'm researching one thing, I'm getting done with another and have a new toy to play with while I do a handful of missions to bide my time.

Is this still a scummy practice? Yes, but it has not presented any huge issues so far in terms of progression.
Yeah, thought as much. It's a scummy practice, but ultimately, hardly a deal breaker.


I'm kind of confused...FOB is the "invasion" system right? So if I don't purchase any microtransactions, I can't invade or be invaded?


I'm kind of confused...FOB is the "invasion" system right? So if I don't purchase any microtransactions, I can't invade or be invaded?

You get one FOB, so you can. More will cost MB coins which can be bought (real money), but I don't know if we know if MB coins are earnable through the game too.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
And it doesn't stop you from completing the SP campaign and having a good time doing so, which is how many people in the OT currently playing the game seem to be experiencing it -- all without any FOB enhancement.

To be honest, with the server's down FOB's were/are kind of annoying busywork.

Additional FOB's give you the ability to send more teams out to do jobs, which yield money and rewards. However neither setting teams on tasks nor collecting rewards is automatic! You need to actually go into the menu's and actively click on them.

Its easy to forget that the whole mother base metagame isn't something everyone is going to want to min/max. Just clicking R3 for auto-assigning recruits is most likely far from optimal, but I suspect most people are just going to do it that way because its a whole lot quicker and easier than micro-managing everyone.
I'm kind of confused...FOB is the "invasion" system right? So if I don't purchase any microtransactions, I can't invade or be invaded?

It is, but you get one for free, so no need to use microtransactions. Just don't build one and you can't be invaded.


How long IRL time are we talking, minutes/hours?

Upgrades range from 0 minutes to 2 hours I believe, with 2 hours being for the final upgrades for Mother Base. There might be more timely ones for weapons, someone else would have to answer.

Can't find a copy of the guide locally otherwise I'd pick that up.


Its seem this FOB thing is only matter if you want hardcore multiplayer experience, which actually turn the game into something else..

I don't even mad if not getting even one tbh, I just want the base game experience

delving into 100+ hour dark souls like PVP set isn't my expectation for the game, which you can bet the game changed into that if you owning these FOB thing furthermore than just one.
It's the viewpoint you have because you don't want to think you're contributing to some thing that's "a bad thing," no matter how minor, just because you're focused solely on the good things about the product. Which is also understandable; we don't like to think of ourselves as doing something bad.

But I think you can wholly enjoy MSGV - think it's one of the greatest games of all time - while also acknowledging your role in perpetuating an odious macrotransaction scheme that has actual effect on the main game and its single player.

Just by saying "it's not even that bad," you acknowledge it exists and you're choosing to ignore it. That's culpability right there.

Seriously? I can say it's not as bad as you all are making it because I've played the frickin game. You think you're talking objectively because you haven't? How can we support a problem that we weren't aware of when we paid for the game. The game is much more than building bases, so yes I can say it's great.
Nobody's saying it's not an issue, but stigmatising people over such a minor part of the game isn't right or correct. This isn't belittling the issue, it's simply stating a fact, the fob system doesn't have a huge impact on the single player game. Locking out characters, weapons, story with day one dlc does, making people pay to win does. This isn't either of those. Honestly I don't understand where you people get your ideologies from, people aren't as simplistic as you think and it's not as simple as' you're either with us or you're not '.
Anyways it's almost 2am where I live and I doubt I can make any more arguments which will me anybody change their mind over what has already been echoed in this thread.
I'm gonna buy it and not buy any MBs or whatever. If it makes me literally worse than Hitler so be it. I don't really care about FOBs.

Do I feel I'm getting value for the $x I'm paying? Yes? Then I'm getting it. It's that simple.


If it's anything like MGS4, I won't use 60% of the available weapons/items anyway. Not out of spite, just because there's so many tools that accomplish the same job. MGS4 was kind of bloated in that way, but it was nice to have that many options!

Yeah, also a lot of the stuff that is expensive is upgrades of a weapon, so I'll probably skip upgrades for tools that I don't like.

But that's me, I usually play MGS with my tranq gun, sniper and a heavy weapon for going against tanks.


just like dlc were only horse armor in the beginning
look at it now and maybe we should have stopped thinking about it when it was secondary,before it grew out of proportions
Don't you think you're being a tiny bit dramatic?
Microtransactions affecting SP parts of a game aren't exactly a common practice and even in cases like this when we have them, at worst they're a slight inconvenience.

The Argus

Upgrades range from 0 minutes to 2 hours I believe, with 2 hours being for the final upgrades for Mother Base. There might be more timely ones for weapons, someone else would have to answer.

Can't find a copy of the guide locally otherwise I'd pick that up.

Do these upgrades happen while in game only? Or can I turn the console off and come back later to the unlocks like the trading minigame in Black Flag?


Yeah, also a lot of the stuff that is expensive is upgrades of a weapon, so I'll probably skip upgrades for tools that I don't like.

But that's me, I usually play MGS with my tranq gun, sniper and a heavy weapon for going against tanks.
Marry me. Tranq playthroughs forever. (Boss fights against vehicles or big robots aside.)


"The industry has changed" MGS4 monologue. Someone do it, please.

ElTorro has got you covered:
MGS has changed. It's no longer about stealth, bosses with wrestler names or crazy twists. It's an endless series of open world missions, fought by always-online customers with credit cards on their accounts. MGS, and its consumption of player time, has become a well-oiled money printing machine. MGS has changed. In-game currency buys exclusive perks and gameplay accelerators for real-world money. Nanomachines inside the game code analyze and regulate the price. Playtime control. Game control, Emotion control. Money control. Everything is monitored, and kept under control. MGS has changed. The age of Kojima has become the age of exploitation. All in the name of averting financial catastrophe from stake holders. And he who controls the micro-transactions, controls the player. MGS has changed. When the game is under total control, MGS... becomes expensive.


not me
just like dlc were only horse armor in the beginning
look at it now and maybe we should have stopped thinking about it when it was secondary,before it grew out of proportions

I have no problem with the current DLC model, at least in the games for which I buy DLC. Do you have something specific in mind?


Do these upgrades happen while in game only? Or can I turn the console off and come back later to the unlocks like the trading minigame in Black Flag?

The single player/mother base upgrades happen in game only. Very similar to Peace Walker. The general consensus from people who have the game and reviews is that the timers are reasonably balanced and the game itself has a lot to do within those hours.

FOB upgrades (which can take up to 120 hours) continue outside of the game as FOBs are persistent elements.


How long IRL time are we talking, minutes/hours?

Initially, I could get the initial versions of weapons instantly developed. Now, later in the game, in order to get the higher level, upgraded stuff, it's now like 18-30 minutes in real-world time. And you can research multiple items all at once, so every 20-30 minutes I'm getting new items, while starting on other research (if I can actually manage to pull myself away from playing the game to managing research and MB).

And for the combat deployment stuff where you send your teams out on missions, I'm still managing to get resources/rewards every 15-30 minutes, with two teams running at once.

The Argus



Edit: whoops didn't see Zero's post. Phew, not as bad as I thought.


You get one FOB, so you can. More will cost MB coins which can be bought (real money), but I don't know if we know if MB coins are earnable through the game too.

Thers already some tweets from konami saying MB Coins are purchased only. So for free you only get one FOB, to have more to acelerate your resorces gathering, you need to pay real money.

Im lazy to look, but they have been posted in this thread.
ElTorro said:
MGS has changed. It's no longer about stealth, bosses with wrestler names or crazy twists. It's an endless series of open world missions, fought by always-online customers with credit cards on their accounts. MGS, and its consumption of player time, has become a well-oiled money printing machine. MGS has changed. In-game currency buys exclusive perks and gameplay accelerators for real-world money. Nanomachines inside the game code analyze and regulate the price. Playtime control. Game control, Emotion control. Money control. Everything is monitored, and kept under control. MGS has changed. The age of Kojima has become the age of exploitation. All in the name of averting financial catastrophe from stake holders. And he who controls the micro-transactions, controls the player. MGS has changed. When the game is under total control, MGS... becomes expensive.



I'm probably halfway through the game and the servers aren't even up, so I haven't been able to access an FOB yet.

They don't really seem all that necessary. Yes, some of the "research" times are getting longer in the late game, but I'm pacing my development so that while I'm researching one thing, I'm getting done with another and have a new toy to play with while I do a handful of missions to bide my time.

Is this still a scummy practice? Yes, but it has not presented any huge issues so far in terms of progression.

Thank you for this. Was wondering how people felt who had the game without servers felt about this and I figured as much.

Single player campaign is beatable and not many people mention an issue.

I would assume end game/maxing out everything would be dampened by this though.


yes,by supporting such practice,you are screwing all us gamers over

you are expressing a vote,a vote that will matter for us all in the future

Yeah, that needle in the worldwide haystack is sure hurting us all. Get yourself together and quit trying to publicly shame people that are guilty of nothing more than being excited about a game, despite the shitty decisions of the publisher.

you are right,we should just accept everything they throw at us.


"My mind is made up and your attempt to reason with me has fallen on deaf ears. Now watch me misrepresent your argument."


just like dlc were only horse armor in the beginning
look at it now and maybe we should have stopped thinking about it when it was secondary,before it grew out of proportions

I hate how this is the stereotype when Shivering Isles, for the exact same game and development cycle, is an example of one of the greatest DLCs ever created.

As for the subject at hand this is disgusting. Such a high price what? Faster research bars? Quicker outer-ops missions? More ops? Whatever? Just because there are vague online implications? For a mode that won't be available until next year?

Man. Fuck Konami for real. Kojima never asked for this.


Thank you for this. Was wondering how people felt who had the game without servers felt about this and I figured as much.

Single player campaign is beatable and not many people mention an issue.

I would assume end game/maxing out everything would be dampened by this though.

Yeah, I'm not going to speak for the people going for 100%, but I don't feel like I've been severely disadvantaged by not having an FOB so far.

Can you build a FOB but elect not to partake in the invasion side of things?

I don't think so. It's part of the risk/reward of having an FOB.
They should have sold this within collectible figures.

Or they should have said that they planned a 10 year plan of content with MB Coins and FOB.

Jokes aside, this is pretty bullshit, specially with a game this great. Will not buy any MB Coins.


Purchased copy of mgsv ≠ purchasing micro transactions.

No, but it means that them putting in microtransactions is a no risk proposition to them. If you buy the game regardless and just don't pay microtransactions, well, ok, worse case scenario for them is no one pays for the MTs. They lose nothing. Why not put them in and maybe get some money? I mean I don't see why in that scenario from their POV they shouldn't put them in, there's no risk to them at all and it could net them more money.

Now if people get offended enough to not buy the game... well, they'll think about whether they want to lose sales by putting those MTs in. Maybe it's not worth the risk that too many people will get offended and they'll lose a chunk of sales.

This is why it's not enough to just not buy the MTs. At least don't fool yourself into thinking that you're helping solve the problem by buying the game but just not buying MTs.
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