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Fall 2013 Anime |OT| When is Crunchyroll coming to GTA Online?

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Beyond Comprehension - 6

this was a great episode, I haven't even watched the last two episodes but this caught my eye earlier and it didn't disappoint. More stupid like this, less crappy dialog like before. Looks like a one off thing though sadly.

With all the recent bad Kyoani shows, looks like there is always something really good about them or something good happens in one episode or so, while as a whole still being garbage...


I don't think it's just being cheap really. In an industry where profit margins can be really slim, it can really make a huge difference owning a successful IP rather than producing something successful for a bigger publisher. I think they're doing what they feel is best for the company. It's just unfortunate that the material is so... awful.

Obviously, and I wasn't really critizing KyoAnis business decisions. Just stating it for what it is. Not all studios can do or want to do things like Bones and Trigger etc (as many duds as Bones has, at least they still try to vary things up a lot; maybe I'm just stuck in the early 00's?). That makes perfect sense, but they are a talented bunch when it comes to the art of animation, and I just wish they'd be as picky with the writing/scenario as everything else. Finanical realities are no fun :(


[Hyouka] 1 - 9

It's pretty crazy to think that KyoAni were making something this good only a year ago. Look at them now...

You rewatching this or something? I kinda remember you not like it too much a year ago.

Well time to start my own rewatch run too.


Kyokai no Kanata ep.6

I'm sure somebody somewhere else already made this joke, but I just realized the episode becomes a lot funnier when
you think of the youmu as the audience, drawn to and transfixed by moe, idols, and dancing, but reacts violently to serious attacks


Kyokai no Kanata ep.6

I'm sure somebody somewhere else already made this joke, but I just realized the episode becomes a lot funnier when
you think of the youmu as the audience, drawn to and transfixed by moe, idols, and dancing, but reacts violently to serious attacks

So what you're saying is...
it's the otaku's fault that KyoAni is smelly and undesirable to common people now? :(

Andrew J.

Kyoukai no Kanata 06

This show is downright good when it's just doing goofy, lewd hijinks.

Ai in her idol costume is legit one of the most :cajun things I've ever seen. HNNNNNNG.
  • Code Geass 06
Finally on my computer again.

I decided to just stick to my guns and watch the dub, even if Nunnally sounds like a 40-year-old trying to sound young

his nickname is orange -- condemned to cultivate oranges
I wonder what that means in the original; do they mean the color orange or the fruit orange?

Nina in the dub sounds just like Nunnally. There is this weird homogeneity (probably not the right word but I can't think of an alternative) in the voices in this show. and Nunnally sounds weirdly sarcastically nice all the time.

"Is that the mask Zero wears? I must be crazy."
>Zero poster right behind them

lol you guys are right, the school is perfect for stupid antics that have nothing to do with the overall story.

Okay, so I have a question, you don't have to answer if it's too spoilery, but there is this "pure blood" thing in the show. If Britannia is America, then what even constitutes a "pure blood?" Surely not everyone is just Anglo-Saxon. I can't really tell, anyway -- everyone just looks plain Japanese. Actually, the Britannians look more Japanese than the Japanese. What

oh hey it's notto disu shitto agen
Magi S2 - Episode 5

I don't have much to say about this episode since it was mostly talking. There was a fight scene in the beginning for Morgiana but that was about it.

Next episode is going to be hype! If Hakuryu
really does fight against Alibaba, Morgiana, and Aladdin then that would be awesome.


  • Code Geass 06
Finally on my computer again.

I decided to just stick to my guns and watch the dub, even if Nunnally sounds like a 40-year-old trying to sound young

his nickname is orange -- condemned to cultivate oranges
I wonder what that means in the original; do they mean the color orange or the fruit orange?

Nina in the dub sounds just like Nunnally. There is this weird homogeneity (probably not the right word but I can't think of an alternative) in the voices in this show. and Nunnally sounds weirdly sarcastically nice all the time.

"Is that the mask Zero wears? I must be crazy."
>Zero poster right behind them

lol you guys are right, the school is perfect for stupid antics that have nothing to do with the overall story.

Okay, so I have a question, you don't have to answer if it's too spoilery, but there is this "pure blood" thing in the show. If Britannia is America, then what even constitutes a "pure blood?" Surely not everyone is just Anglo-Saxon. I can't really tell, anyway -- everyone just looks plain Japanese. Actually, the Britannians look more Japanese than the Japanese. What

oh hey it's notto disu shitto agen



  • Code Geass 06
his nickname is orange -- condemned to cultivate oranges
I wonder what that means in the original; do they mean the color orange or the fruit orange?

If Britannia is America, then what even constitutes a "pure blood?" Surely not everyone is just Anglo-Saxon. I can't really tell, anyway -- everyone just looks plain Japanese. Actually, the Britannians look more Japanese than the Japanese. What

Orange was a term Lelouch threw out to mess with Jeremiah, but the show does end up using both meanings in hilarious ways. I like how far the creators took that joke.

I guess America in this series is mostly made up of Anglo-Saxon plus miscellaneous European. Nothing too special about it.

"Pure blood" refers to being of Britannian lineage instead of naturalized or "honorary" in this case. As for the looks...well, that's anime character designs for you.


So, in essence, they are just being cheap? Well, I guess I knew that to be the case, but It's weird that a studio so prolific when it comes to the technical stuff seems to have so little actual ambition. A true dead end for creativity. I wonder what the workplace atmosphere is over there.

Pretty good, probably, based on the liveliness of their work.


FIlterppelion Episode 6:

I don't think I have ever seen an anime look this purple ever before. Also, I really, really, really fucking hate Aoi just an overall whiny waste of space. Still enjoying the show otherwise and I am glad they ditched the episodic format since there is really only so much you can tell about the day to day lives of a contamination zone.
  • Code Geass 07
So Lelouch has serious daddy issues, huh. When did I start watching a Spielberg production?


Hahaha Shirley is so oblivious. CHEESE-KUN

So a fake name he uses is "Dario Torres" here. I don't know if that implies that the name is only for an honorary Britannian, or if Spaniards/Latinos would be considered pure blood.

Clearly Lelouch needs to play Total War. Soldier morale becomes a factor, man.

C.C. didn't have those ridiculously long legs before she put on the Zero outfit. They must be stilts.
  • Code Geass 07
So Lelouch has serious daddy issues, huh. When did I start watching a Spielberg production?


Hahaha Shirley is so oblivious. CHEESE-KUN

So a fake name he uses is "Dario Torres" here. I don't know if that implies that the name is only for an honorary Britannian, or if Spaniards/Latinos would be considered pure blood.

Clearly Lelouch needs to play Total War. Soldier morale becomes a factor, man.

[B]C.C. didn't have those ridiculously long legs before she put on the Zero outfit. They must be stilts.[/B][/QUOTE]

I didn't budge on that thread. Seemed to good to be true, and they didn't have the Wii U version of Sonic Lost World getting fucked by the error. No need for inferior 3DS version.
  • Code Geass 08
"Their destinies predetermined with inevitable outcomes." Well, I can figure what would happen if this was a predictable show, but from what I hear it's not exactly that straightforward. Or is it? I'm glad I'm going into this clean, I don't have that luxury for most shows.

loool if that isn't the most stock audio for a baby crying I don't know what is

"It's even got a TV!" So you have the technology to make Mt. Fuji into a robo-fortress and make mechas, but TVs in a mobile base is something to be astounded by. Yeah, okay

ahahahahahaha I had to watch that a few times

Lelouch finally got some kind of vocal adjustment to his voice in the Zero suit. there you go, thinking for once

Suzaku screwing everything up again. For the greater good.


thurr ded i phailed not agen

nice boat


Man it's so sad when you finish a 20+ episode anime and only realize you won't have anymore to look forward to for that.

Recently it was Zetsubou Sensei for me. But I remember feeling this sad with FMA: B.

Sure her new manga is charming and all, but it's no Furr Metar Arrrchemist.

I know that feeling all too well. Especially since its rare that I finish a long series quickly. I feel like "well that was fuckin amazing. how do I possibly follow it up?"
Its usually when I just stop watching everything for a bit.

Man you know an anime is hilarious when you look at a GIF from it, and just remembering the whole scene makes you burst out in laughter.



Detroit Metal City is an underrated classic. One of the funniest animes in existence.

Sora no Woto 8


Oh no, I'm running out of episodes. Kana don't goooooo

Noel and Kanata are a formidable team of moe. You will miss them terribly.

Code Geass 01
I can't even


So basically every other country is inexplicably evil now. Except Japan. Alrighty

This is awesome.

Yeah. You just started one of most batshit insane, awesome shows ever. You are now priveleged. Enjoy this time in your life!

Probably because Yes is awesome and Araki knows it.

Indeed they are. I love prog rock.

That's why I love anime that break out of the mold and admit that Japan isn't the most interesting place in this world.

Same with western tv when it's not set in their country of residence. Unless it's the USA.

Because 'Murica!

I love shows such as Noir and ROD TV for this reason. a more European feel is a welcome change of pace.

An infinite supply of cute. Weaponized cute.

Also: I don't think anyone ever puts the two voices together. Just roll with it I guess.

Weaponized Cute. Thats the stuff right there.

Code Geass 03
Just in case you forgot you were watching anime....
We're back in High School.

"Wow, the Japanese are so amazing!"

The circlejerk is too much for me ahahah

A shower scene. I've seen enough anime to know where this is going

Once again, nobody can recognize Lelouch's voice even when right in front of them. He should be a spy or something.

also their legs will never stop bothering me with how long they are
I'm just jealous

Long legs are practically synonymous with anime females at this point. I first noticed it in Sailor Moon :p
Whenever I draw anime girls they usually have long legs too.
To accent them better the usage of thigh highs is strongly encouraged.

Is there a name for the characteristic of a character having beady/smaller eyes in comparison to all the other characters in their universe? It seems to always be used to give a feeling of intimidation, regardless of whether or not the character wants to be intimidating. Like these guys:


(Girge might be a bit of a stretch, but I hope you see what I'm trying to ask about.)

Like Seiji from Midori Days? a lot of these guys are supposed to be misunderstood and thought to be troublemakers, with scary appearances, but a good heart.
Hopefully Space Dandy is successful so we can get more anime co-financed and simulcast on TV in the west. Although it seems unlikely they'd even think about that for a lot of directors not named Watanabe.

They did it with Afro Samurai. Well, that was a time before simulcast, but same idea.


Like Seiji from Midori Days? a lot of these guys are supposed to be misunderstood and thought to be troublemakers, with scary appearances, but a good heart.

Hey, that's exactly the same character I thought of when I read that post.

High five for great minds thinking alike or something.



It's never too early to wish for a 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and an 8th season.
But, Shin Itagaki there praying for that too? Doesn't he wants to work on anything else ever? Come on, man... KILL la KILL is waiting for you to show up already! :)

Better than background animation city? I don't think so.
Yeah, solely by grace of having a solo effort by Yasuhiro "Buonasera signorina" Irie it should count as win by default.

Major production part from one of the two most important Japanese 3DCGI animation studios (enough to warrant posts about it in here), it wasn't that much of a break after all!


The only credits which matter:

Action Animation Director: Nozomi Abe
Effects Animation Director: Takashi Hashimoto
Oh, my... this is really his TRUE personal project! Waiting now for more close friends (like Mr. Utsunomiya) to show up on this one. Or maybe for KISS & CRY, eventually... :-(


hey its that game series for pedophiles

I have an artbook of Atelier. So good!

Internet Explorer: The Anime -- feat Inori Aizawa


... what are you spending your money on Microsoft? Also lol at linking ANN when they're reporting 2nd hand news the same in the two links above.

I approve of this!

I am afraid GAF hold my hand, I'll try it out later:


Also welp, as if a new Kiss x Sis ep bundled with the volume 12 manga wasn't enough, they announced another DVD bundled with the next volume in August.

http://kc.kodansha.co.jp/kiss_sis/ ...just make it stop.

She's a cute design. Nanami is cuter though.


komari = fang of the year

Hell yes. NNB is hnnngh central.
  • Code Jeez 09
WELL THAT SURE IS A WAY TO START THE EPISODE why did they decide to make Kallen the go-to fanservice girl lol

nyan passu good meowning

"Even in the bath!" thanks anime


I haven't had Ice Cream at a hotdog parlor since I was in the Philippines! It's awesome, trust me.

Kallen is the best character in this show so far. Nia Teppelin is a close second.


  • Code Jeez 09
WELL THAT SURE IS A WAY TO START THE EPISODE why did they decide to make Kallen the go-to fanservice girl lol

nyan passu good meowning

"Even in the bath!" thanks anime


I haven't had Ice Cream at a hotdog parlor since I was in the Philippines! It's awesome, trust me.

Kallen is the best character in this show so far. Nia Teppelin is a close second.

Get used to it. Kallen is the go to fan service girl.

Suzaku is still the best guy. #TeamSuzaku
I don't think it's just being cheap really. In an industry where profit margins can be really slim, it can really make a huge difference owning a successful IP rather than producing something successful for a bigger publisher. I think they're doing what they feel is best for the company. It's just unfortunate that the material is so... awful.

Well, the lecture one can do is they feel script is not important in their anime, they can do profit thanks to their high points (visuals, character interaction?). Given the last seven kyoani series... mmm yep.


Get used to it. Kallen is the go to fan service girl.

Suzaku is still the best guy. #TeamSuzaku

Hey Corvo...if you want to laugh for a little bit, maybe you should watch Nunnally in Wonderland sometime in the future. It's pretty hilarious.

I was on #TeamLelouch during the broadcast, but started appreciating Suzaku more in retrospect.
So much that I'd argue he got the best deal at the end of Geass R2, heh.


Hopefully Space Dandy is successful so we can get more anime co-financed and simulcast on TV in the west. Although it seems unlikely they'd even think about that for a lot of directors not named Watanabe.

I think that anime would be in a pretty interesting position nowadays if Big O 2 (probably due to how confusing in can be - especially if you didn't see Season 1) and IGPX (probably because it was boring as fuck for like the first half of the show) hadn't flopped and more American intuitions put in money into Japanese animation. I know Afro Samurai was a thing that happened but had Big O 2 and IGPX worked out for CN, I think we could have expected a consistent influx of money and cool projects from them.
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