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First Tomb Raider Movie Poster


Yeah, not the most flattering image they could've used for her.

You'd think at least someone in the marketing dept would've saw it & thought something looked "off."


It's not about simply not liking the actress or her portrayal though.. "she's too skinny" and "she doesn't look the part" are weird criticisms that seem to be based upon almost nothing but "she doesn't look as hot/busty as the original"

lol, I knew you were hoping someone would say something like that so you could jump on them.

I've enjoyed Vikander's performances in the couple of movies I've seen her and she's plenty hot. Doesn't change the fact that she's not a good fit for the character.


lol, I knew you were hoping someone would say something like that so you could jump on them.

I've enjoyed Vikander's performances in the couple of movies I've seen her and she's plenty hot. Doesn't change the fact that she's not a good fit for the character.

I'm not "hoping" for anything. A lot of comments from both threads seem to stem from that perspective without actually admitting it though. There was even one dude from the other thread who straight up admitted it.

That's not a "fact", lol.

You're getting super hyped, dude.

Movie looks like it will be terrible. Definitely watching.

I'm not sure what this even means


It's not about simply not liking the actress or her portrayal though.. "she's too skinny" and "she doesn't look the part" are weird criticisms that seem to be based upon almost nothing but "she doesn't look as hot/busty as the original"

That's not ALWAYS the case, but I don't understand why skinny or thin is "not looking the part" when the character from the game looks very similar to that description.

People seem to have very specific criteria for "when the glove fits"

You're getting super hyped, dude.

Movie looks like it will be terrible. Definitely watching.


I'm not "hoping" for anything. A lot of comments from both threads seem to stem from that perspective without actually admitting it though. There was even one dude from the other thread who straight up admitted it.

That's not a "fact", lol.

I'm not sure what this even means

You seem personally upset that people have different opinions, and have asked like 800 questions on "WHY! WHY! WHY!" in the past couple of pages.


Nah, it's pretty obvious what you were fishing for in this thread.

What I am referring to has been a reoccuring theme in almost all the TR threads.

No one is fishing for anything. No one HAS to fish.

You seem personally upset that people have different opinions, and have asked like 800 questions on "WHY! WHY! WHY!" in the past couple of pages.

It's not about differing opinions. It's about bringing up really questionable "criticisms"

I don't care if people just don't like her as an actress or they're just not buying her as a survivalist or action star. The movie is probably going to be bad anyway.

But you're missing my point

Vikander is fine she's young, fit, has a British accent and acting chops, I can't really think of many more fitting actresses in the business right now. That said, most people will be comparing her to the digital version of the character which is obviously idealized so discrepancies will arise.

Anyway, I'd be much more concerned about the footage itself... that last segment was terribad and that slow-mo face was just...nope. What are they even trying to convey? Is she terrified she almost died or is it an "I can't believe I'm so awesome all of a sudden" moment? Anyways I didn't like TR 2013 for its aesthetics or plot whatsoever and this pretty much seems like and adaptation of that so unless this gets rave reviews and moviegoers seem to like itthink I'll pass.

Yeah, will be interesting to see what happens in the trailer tomorrow. I've got a feeling it's gunna be some super video-gamey lame CGI driven action, like most other VG films. But hoping to be pleasantly surprised


Its cropped so that you can't see much of anything, and being a prop weapon the draw weight is probably next to nothing, but what exactly is wrong with this?

So, much of bow-and-arrow work on a movie set now is CG (no matter how soft the rubber tips, it's dangerous firing off projectiles, and you don't want to dry-fire a bow... plus most movies now concentrate on action looking awesome rather than realistic,) and so scrutiny of "realism" isn't always fair. Hawkeye and Legolas look cool firing off arrows, but of course they don't hold up if you look too close. But this is a close-up shot, this is a scene that is only about shooting a bow (or threatening somebody with a bow,) and this bow is central to the character of Lara, so I think it's fair to look at it as indicative of larger issues of how much attention is being paid to Tomb Raider's producers "getting it right".

Compare to Hunger Games:

Lawrence has a good grip on the bow string itself instead of on the arrow (with one finger above the nocked arrow, one or two below,) she's not relying on her thumb and forefinger to pinch the arrow and hold the whole weight of the bow (I'm no bow expert and maybe some people do still grab by the arrow... though if the bow were strung powerful enough to kill, I feel like a 'light touch' is a bad call.) She uses natural elements of her physique to pull (Vikander is being asked to do a "movie bow" stunt where the bow and arrow are always in the camera's eye, but usually if you're pulling a heavy bow, you'd start with it down rather than out because your muscles work better that way pulling across the body.) She has control over the bow and pulls it back smoothly, but you can also see how she handles it as she hits some stress points or tension as it bends back. You only need to be steady and ice-cold when you're actually about to loose your weapon, so if you struggle, just gain it back and lock in by the time you're ready to fire, which she is doing as the GIF comes to an end. She pulls back the complete reach of the bow for full power. And she has her eye on the target the whole time but her aiming is based on the arrow, not her head's line of sight.

I mean, I'm kind of making up terms (I've not shot a bow competitively since I was in scouts,) but "prop weapon" or not, I absolutely believe every aspect of this motion in Hunger Games. Plus, she looks bad-ass and menacing doing it. Win-win for reality.
Vikander is fine she's young, fit, has a British accent and acting chops, I can't really think of many more fitting actresses in the business right now. That said, most people will be comparing her to the digital version of the character which is obviously idealized so discrepancies will arise.

Anyway, I'd be much more concerned about the footage itself... that last segment was terribad and that slow-mo face was just...nope. What are they even trying to convey? Is she terrified she almost died or is it an "I can't believe I'm so awesome all of a sudden" moment? Anyways I didn't like TR 2013 for its aesthetics or plot whatsoever and this pretty much seems like and adaptation of that so unless it gets rave reviews and moviegoers seem to like it I think I'll pass.
Well not only does her neck look straight out of some Alien movie, that teaser was absolutely terrible. This will be good for some laughs.
Looks about as interesting as the Assassins Creed movie... was that out already? (not that I'd be interested in watching these)


That head nod looked like it was directed at GAF ;)

I'm still trying to figure out what was happening in that scene with the tree. She was tied up and jumped into the water and just happened to hit it? heh

Looks about as interesting as the Assassins Creed movie... was that out already? (not that I'd be interested in watching these)

i'm sure her and her bf will be arguing over who made the better video game movie ;)


So, much of bow-and-arrow work on a movie set now is CG (no matter how soft the rubber tips, it's dangerous firing off projectiles, and you don't want to dry-fire a bow... plus most movies now concentrate on action looking awesome rather than realistic,) and so scrutiny of "realism" isn't always fair. Hawkeye and Legolas look cool firing off arrows, but of course they don't hold up if you look too close. But this is a close-up shot, this is a scene that is only about shooting a bow (or threatening somebody with a bow,) and this bow is central to the character of Lara, so I think it's fair to look at it as indicative of larger issues of how much attention is being paid to Tomb Raider's producers "getting it right".

Compare to Hunger Games:

Lawrence has a good grip on the bow string itself instead of on the arrow (with one finger above the nocked arrow, one or two below,) she's not relying on her thumb and forefinger to pinch the arrow and hold the whole weight of the bow (I'm no bow expert and maybe some people do still grab by the arrow... though if the bow were strung powerful enough to kill, I feel like a 'light touch' is a bad call.) She uses natural elements of her physique to pull (Vikander is being asked to do a "movie bow" stunt where the bow and arrow are always in the camera's eye, but usually if you're pulling a heavy bow, you'd start with it down rather than out because your muscles work better that way pulling across the body.) She has control over the bow and pulls it back smoothly, but you can also see how she handles it as she hits some stress points or tension as it bends back. You only need to be steady and ice-cold when you're actually about to loose your weapon, so if you struggle, just gain it back and lock in by the time you're ready to fire, which she is doing as the GIF comes to an end. She pulls back the complete reach of the bow for full power. And she has her eye on the target the whole time but her aiming is based on the arrow, not her head's line of sight.

I mean, I'm kind of making up terms (I've not shot a bow competitively since I was in scouts,) but "prop weapon" or not, I absolutely believe every aspect of this motion in Hunger Games. Plus, she looks bad-ass and menacing doing it. Win-win for reality.
Lawrence's draw technique actually looks noticeably bad there. Her elbow is jutting out at an angle, when it should be pulled straight back perpedicular to the bow.

But then, I haven't shot a bow since my Christian camp days as a kid either.

In that gif we don't actually see Vikander finish the draw, so it's hard to make an one to one comparison.


What in the world is up with her proportions

Daisy Ridley knew what she was doing dodging this one

dodging it? did she audition and get the role or did she audition and they went with someone else? cuz in the interview i saw she sounded like she would definitely have jumped on board if the role were offered.


So, much of bow-and-arrow work on a movie set now is CG (no matter how soft the rubber tips, it's dangerous firing off projectiles, and you don't want to dry-fire a bow... plus most movies now concentrate on action looking awesome rather than realistic,) and so scrutiny of "realism" isn't always fair. Hawkeye and Legolas look cool firing off arrows, but of course they don't hold up if you look too close. But this is a close-up shot, this is a scene that is only about shooting a bow (or threatening somebody with a bow,) and this bow is central to the character of Lara, so I think it's fair to look at it as indicative of larger issues of how much attention is being paid to Tomb Raider's producers "getting it right".

Compare to Hunger Games:

Lawrence has a good grip on the bow string itself instead of on the arrow (with one finger above the nocked arrow, one or two below,) she's not relying on her thumb and forefinger to pinch the arrow and hold the whole weight of the bow (I'm no bow expert and maybe some people do still grab by the arrow... though if the bow were strung powerful enough to kill, I feel like a 'light touch' is a bad call.) She uses natural elements of her physique to pull (Vikander is being asked to do a "movie bow" stunt where the bow and arrow are always in the camera's eye, but usually if you're pulling a heavy bow, you'd start with it down rather than out because your muscles work better that way pulling across the body.) She has control over the bow and pulls it back smoothly, but you can also see how she handles it as she hits some stress points or tension as it bends back. You only need to be steady and ice-cold when you're actually about to loose your weapon, so if you struggle, just gain it back and lock in by the time you're ready to fire, which she is doing as the GIF comes to an end. She pulls back the complete reach of the bow for full power. And she has her eye on the target the whole time but her aiming is based on the arrow, not her head's line of sight.

I mean, I'm kind of making up terms (I've not shot a bow competitively since I was in scouts,) but "prop weapon" or not, I absolutely believe every aspect of this motion in Hunger Games. Plus, she looks bad-ass and menacing doing it. Win-win for reality.

Eh. There's problems with both of these draws. Lawrence's fingers are way too far around the string to have any sort of accuracy during release. Vikander is better positioned for an accraute shot by drawing with her index, middle and ring finder tips, but I learned by nocking the arrow between my index and middle finger. Could be techniques tho.

The gif seems to cut be she reaches her full draw so maybe the whole clip is better. I will concede that Vikander's pull look crazy light.

I will wait to see more.


The only prerequisite is young and female. That's it. This isn't the 90's-aimed-at-horny-teen-boys Lara Croft. It hasn't been that way for a long time my friend.

It's amazing how much reducing a characters cup size can buy you in some people's mind.

It's still a super model running around in the woods but since she has an average bust she's not meant to appeal to young males? Sure.

The prerequisite is young, female and attractive. You missed one.



Ok, the arrow grip is totally wrong. But looking at it, it seems that the actress had some kind of accident in their fingers. It seems that two first fingers are false (like a plastic finger hiding the injury) and the fingernail is made of plastic and stuck on top of the false finger. Maybe that's why she can grip the arrow in a stronger way.

Or maybe is the gif quality and my bad eyes :p


It's amazing how much reducing a characters cup size can buy you in some people's mind.

It's still a super model running around in the woods but since she has an average bust she's not meant to appeal to young males? Sure.

The prerequisite is young, female and attractive. You missed one.

other gaf thread was telling me that she's not attractive tho


other gaf thread was telling me that she's not attractive tho

Vikander was in a movie specifically playing a character literally built to appeal to a young male. Knuckleheaded gaffers don't matter.

And the reboot Lara is modeled after... well a model


Lawrence's draw technique actually looks noticeably bad there. Her elbow is jutting out at an angle, when it should be pulled straight back perpedicular to the bow ... In that gif we don't actually see Vikander finish the draw, so it's hard to make an one to one comparison.
The gif seems to cut be she reaches her full draw so maybe the whole clip is better. I will concede that Vikander's pull look crazy light. .

Heh, and you're both right, it's unfair to go too deep just from a 2-second GIF, to be sure. (Lara could be learning to shoot a bow for the first time in that one clip... though that seems a poor choice then to include as a "whoa" clip in a teaser; whereas Katniss was supposed to be an ace shot already by this point in HG I believe?)

But to my eyes, the TR bow handling is indicative of my worry over this movie, which had already set off a few red flags along the way in the news (about timelines and staffing) that have only been knocked back down so far by the announcement of Vikander as Lara. Either way, I'll be happy to have my mind changed as we see more of it.


The only prerequisite is young and female. That's it. This isn't the 90's-aimed-at-horny-teen-boys Lara Croft. It hasn't been that way for a long time my friend.

To be fair, there are a few more than that. She should be able to do a good posh British accent (which Vikander is), look Caucasian (which Vikander does), be physically fit (which Vikander got specifically for the part) and preferably be brown-eyed (which Vikander is - of course, you can wear coloured contacts but as we've seen with AJ, they won't necessarily bother with that). And her facial features should have some general similarities to some iteration of Lara Croft. Though, of course whether someone does or doesn't have that "Lara look" is quite subjective. I for one think that Vikander has definitely got it but plenty of people in this thread seem to disagree (unless all of them were specifically talking about her body, not her face).


I still think this could be pretty good though. I like Alicia Vikander as an actress and Walton Goggins is the villain. It'll at least be entertaining.


A company being excited for their new game is a huge slap in the face to all the fans that liked their old games.
Holy shit.

That just reads minimal effort.

It's like the set dressing of Lost collided with the wardrobe of Walking Dead and shot through the Netflix Title Generator.
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