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#GamerGate thread 2: it's about feminism in games journalism

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You know, you're totally right and I feel stupider than I have in a long time. I was not in any way saying that death threats shouldn't be taken seriously.

I was just hung up on the notion police/FBI deeming something "non-viable". As in, to me that kind of assessment means they've examined the issue and found it to be fraudulent somehow (I dunno, IP being in India or some other evidence which proves it lacked intent/ability). Because otherwise I would have expected them to use language like "low-risk" or "unlikely" or whatever, "non-viable" to me seemed more certain. And with the press release stating that there was no risk to students and so on it seemed somewhat contradictory. But of course you guys are right, it's not exactly complicated.

There's no need to feel stupid. The authorities made an assessment, namely that there was no viable threat to anyone (based on that single threat), but took extra safety precautions just in case, as assessments can be wrong and you never know if other, not-so-vocal (and genuinely dangerous) unstable people feel inspired by the violent rhetoric that resides in various parts of the GamerGate movement.

The public statement should have been clearer in its language. I can easily see how one can be confused by that.


I do have to agree with TB to a certain extent. The threats sent to the university where Anita was going to speak were not credible. They were simply the work of an online troll looking to get a rise out of people. Ignore the trolls and they will go away!

-- Elliot Rodger

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I do have to agree with TB to a certain extent. The threats sent to the university where Anita was going to speak were not credible. They were simply the work of an online troll looking to get a rise out of people. Ignore the trolls and they will go away!

-- Elliot Rodger

That seems tasteless.
I do have to agree with TB to a certain extent. The threats sent to the university where Anita was going to speak were not credible. They were simply the work of an online troll looking to get a rise out of people. Ignore the trolls and they will go away!

-- Elliot Rodger
Haha exactly, it sounds so ridiculous when you put it like that. "Just ignore the trolls guys! Sticks and stones! They want you to try to raise security when they threaten to kill you, you're just giving them what they want! Just ignore everything.

If we want to talk about real threats, let's talk about how SJWs are trying to kill gamers!"
That TB tweet is especially funny now because of the few who actually know who is is, most just know him as "That crazy #GamerGate guy who thinks he is the internet in its entirety."

Now we have:
Skull-loving Nazi guy
Fat couch philosopher guy
Sociopathic law guy
Ego trip guy

Any others?

The guy who tattles to your employer if you say something mean about him?
That TB tweet is especially funny now because of the few who actually know who is is, most just know him as "That crazy #GamerGate guy who thinks he is the internet in its entirety."

Now we have:
Skull-loving Nazi guy
Fat couch philosopher guy
Sociopathic law guy
Ego trip guy

Any others?

C-tier right wing "actor" guy
He never claimed that Anita didn't receive death threats, if you actually listened to the soundcloud he directly stated that "I have no doubt that these threats exist" moments before. What he meant when he said they weren't "credible" was that nobody was actually seriously making an attempt at Anita's life.

Poor choice of words? Yes. But you shouldn't take stuff out of context like that.

Maybe I don't need to respond since other have responded but since you quoted me on it, I'd like to give my view why I took the quote.

It's not that I think he thinks the threats didn't happen (cause as you said, he said they did just before), and its not even that he didn't think that they were credible (even though I think that is none of his business to tell others how to react to death threats).
It's that the fact that he chose to say those words that (to me) shows a real lack of empathy, and it was seriously a disgusting thing to say, especially from someone I used to respect.

Poor choice of words... Probably. But the fact that sentence was formed in his brain, then written on his computer, then read to a audio file and still he didn't think/see that those words were seriously disgusting, kinda blew my mind, and kinda shows how he sees things.


Bish loves my games!
The guy who tattles to your employer if you say something mean about him?

How would that even work? Wouldn't that fly in the face of the rebel voice/independent tough-guy stance he claims to represent? It would publicly advertise the most blatant form of hypocrishilling (yes I just made that word up) in existence.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
That TB tweet is especially funny now because of the few who actually know who is is, most just know him as "That crazy #GamerGate guy who thinks he is the internet in its entirety."

Now we have:
Skull-loving Nazi guy
Fat couch philosopher guy
Sociopathic law guy
Ego trip guy

Any others?

That Breitbart guy. I can't come up with a name for him since I know nothing about him.


While a good point, perhaps not the best thing to bring up formulated as a joke?

Seems kind of in bad taste to me, imo.

Sorry if it offends. He just seems like the perfect example of how "online trolls" really can be extremely dangerous people. Dismissing the threats as the work of merely online trolls doesn't sit well with me.

And it isn't meant to read as a joke, FWIW.


I wasn't saying the British in general were pro-GG, there's obviously examples like Matt Lees and Jim Sterling that are not. I just meant that I had listened to a few things recently (Sargon, TB, Milo) and it amused me that GG seemed so British.
Sorry if it offends. He just seems like the perfect example of how "online trolls" really can be extremely dangerous people. Dismissing the threats as the work of merely online trolls doesn't sit well with me.

And it isn't meant to read as a joke, FWIW.

Oh he's a perfect example. I've known about similar cases in the past where known and vocal internet "trolls" ended up murdering people when I was still active in the atheist community.

There was a dude called "naturalselector" who kept talking about social darwinism & some christian dude who got really REALLY angry at atheists and went on completely unhinged rants every single time.

Natural selector ended up going on a school shooting. (In Finland if I recall).
The Christian dude ended up murdering a girl who refused to date him or something.

Just like Elliot Rodger there was a ton of evidence online that these guys might be dangerous (or were at least not entirely stable); but they were generally seen as "trolls" by many before they ended up actually acting on stuff.

I wouldn't be surprised if there's more cases like this.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
Oh he's a perfect example. I've known about similar cases in the past where known and vocal internet "trolls" ended up murdering people when I was still active in the atheist community.

There was a dude called "naturalselector" who kept talking about social darwinism & some christian dude who got really REALLY angry at atheists and went on completely unhinged rants every single time.

Natural selector ended up going on a school shooting. (In Finland if I recall).
The Christian dude ended up murdering a girl who refused to date him or something.

Just like Elliot Rodger there was a ton of evidence online that these guys might be dangerous (or were at least not entirely stable); but they were generally seen as "trolls" by many before they ended up actually acting on stuff.

I wouldn't be surprised if there's more cases like this.

Yeah, that's the thing: They are only trolls as long as they don't act. And then it's too late.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
That TB tweet is especially funny now because of the few who actually know who is is, most just know him as "That crazy #GamerGate guy who thinks he is the internet in its entirety."

Now we have:
Skull-loving Nazi guy
Fat couch philosopher guy
Sociopathic law guy
Ego trip guy

Any others?

Men's rights supporting woman who works for the American Enterprise Institute, but she labels herself a feminist so therefore feminists are on their side.

And they call her mom.


Oh he's a perfect example. I've known about similar cases in the past where known and vocal internet "trolls" ended up murdering people when I was still active in the atheist community.

There was a dude called "naturalselector" who kept talking about social darwinism & some christian dude who got really REALLY angry at atheists and went on completely unhinged rants every single time.

Natural selector ended up going on a school shooting. (In Finland if I recall).
The Christian dude ended up murdering a girl who refused to date him or something.

Just like Elliot Rodger there was a ton of evidence online that these guys might be dangerous (or were at least not entirely stable); but they were generally seen as "trolls" by many before they ended up actually acting on stuff.

I wouldn't be surprised if there's more cases like this.

Yeah, "Natural selector" did the Jokela school shooting in Finland, killing eight people.

Men's rights supporting woman who works for the American Enterprise Institute, but she labels herself a feminist so therefore feminists are on their side.

And they call her mom.

Christina H. Sommers aka. "Based Mom". It's such a creepy nickname, haha.


How would that even work? Wouldn't that fly in the face of the rebel voice/independent tough-guy stance he claims to represent? It would publicly advertise the most blatant form of hypocrishilling (yes I just made that word up) in existence.

And yet, he did it to Shawn Elliot which effective silenced him from critiquing anything publicly. The guy is a scumbag.


It's not that I think he thinks the threats didn't happen (cause as you said, he said they did just before), and its not even that he didn't think that they were credible (even though I think that is none of his business to tell others how to react to death threats).
It's that the fact that he chose to say those words that (to me) shows a real lack of empathy
, and it was seriously a disgusting thing to say, especially from someone I used to respect.

That's what really does it for me. The complete lack of empathy that allows this to keep going.

Wtf. Do people really think petty bull crap is more important than someone's mortality? Even the life of someone you don't like, is way more important than some stupid he said she said.


Wrong about commas, wrong about everything
I'll admit that I phrased what I said poorly though. My frustration got to me I think. Still learning, sorry.

Welp, give him SOME credit, at least he realised that saying "Eh death-threats schmeath-threats she's still alive, isn't she?" wasn't the smartest way to say. In that, he should have phrased if differently. Not in that it was horrible and wrong. I guess what that means is that it was too obvious and not nebulous enough.
Or maybe I'm the asshole now, whatever. Still learning how humans work, sorry.

Also, some choice replies, just for fun

I'm sure whatever it was people got trigger happy about taking it out of context anyway.

Poorly phrased yes, but how else could they try and discredit you and what you said overall? It's what its about

You phrased it perfectly fine, dont let them bully you into admiting that you did something wrong.

NO. Dont apologize! People need to stop being special snowflakes. Reality hits hard, they are better off learning it now.


Welp, give him SOME credit, at least he realised that saying "Eh death-threats schmeath-threats she's still alive, isn't she?" wasn't the smartest way to say. In that, he should have phrased if differently. Not in that it was horrible and wrong. I guess what that means is that it was too obvious and not nebulous enough.
Or maybe I'm the asshole now, whatever. Still learning how humans work, sorry.

Also, some choice replies, just for fun

I like how he says that's the only thing people are finding worth attacking as well as though the rest of what he said was indisputable. No, it was all complete bullshit, but the comment on death threats just turned the idiocy up to 11.


Lol, I dont care about posting twitter bullshit since Boogie went nuts, but this made me laugh:
And yes, most of them are retweeting posts from heroes like Baldwin and that rapey lawyer.
He did respond, not to SwissLion's rebuttal though. But this one.

Text version.
I've only listen to 2 minutes and it makes his last post about the history of GG seem rational by comparison. He argued that if people in GamerGate don't know the Zoe Quinn connection, then it can't be about harassment. He said that the it couldn't be about Quinn since there was misinformation spread at the beginning due to the mass censorship about the subject at the time.

Yeah. That was why there was misinformation spread to suggest that a writer accepted sex for a review he never wrote and all of the hate went to the dev instead of the writer.

That's a weird thing for him to say. He usually argues in favor of not feeding the trolls, starving them of oxygen. But here he's framing that tactic as a bad thing, as censorship? Is he then suggesting that there was merit to the initial argument of Quinnspiracy/proto-Gamergate? That that discussion was worth having? Does he not know what stupid, baseless, gross, embarrassing, unjustified, false, petty bullshit that farce was?

Not gonna bother reading the rest of that post. He might have valid points here and there, but the gist of what he's doing is just ugggghh...


TotalBiscuit said:
Many believe "Gamergate" irredeemably tainted. I honestly do not agree and believe that any efforts to talk about journalistic ethics in any context will be tarnished with the same brush.

No. Why would any consumer do that? I would understand it if it was just "Journalists against consumers" or whatever, but obviously a lot of consumers are anti-gg and ergh just forget about it. Doesn't matter anyway. GG is on it's way out. It'll live on on reddit and 8chan but it's barley relevant anymore. Farewell GG you did good in throwing gaming back to the stoneage.
That is the worst logic I've seen since that other thing he said. Did he miss the whole Doritogate event? We were doing fine with our ethics discussions until Gamergate came and fucked everything up. And we'll be doing fine again once Gamergate has been thoroughly ejected into space.

To clamber onto it as if it's the last bastion of ethics in media discussion is just clown-ass absurd. It's the obstacle we need to get past. This has always been the case. And fuck TotalBiscuit for wanting to prolong it. It's been three months. You asshole.
That Breitbart guy. I can't come up with a name for him since I know nothing about him.

Transphobic sexist blackmailing gamerhating opportunist Breitbart guy?
It's not terribly catchy, but...


what happened to Boogie?

He had a long track record of disingenuous arguments in favor of GG and treated any form of criticism as a baseless personal attack. Culminated with his "last stand" where he made some statements alluding to self-harm and seemingly blamed his "attackers" on GAF for anything that might happen to him. It was a really shitty protracted meltdown.
I like how he says that's the only thing people are finding worth attacking as well as though the rest of what he said was indisputable. No, it was all complete bullshit, but the comment on death threats just turned the idiocy up to 11.

Interesting rhetorical stratagem. Say something incredibly stupid so that when people criticize you for it, you can say "If that's the only thing people found wrong with my argument, it must be airtight!"


Lol, I dont care about posting twitter bullshit since Boogie went nuts, but this made me laugh:
And yes, most of them are retweeting posts from heroes like Baldwin and that rapey lawyer.

I'd love Nintendo to auto-install Gone Home on everyone's Wii U for free, like U2 on iTunes, just to see heads explode.


Lol, I dont care about posting twitter bullshit since Boogie went nuts, but this made me laugh:

there's some Irony in GGers wanting less games to come out based on the content in those games. I just..... these idiots need a goddamned mirror that they can look hard and long into.

Van Owen

Brianna Wu sure knows how to insert herself into an horrible unrelated situation and make it about herself.

EDIT: oh, Quinn did the same thing too. Not surprising.
He had a long track record of disingenuous arguments in favor of GG and treated any form of criticism as a baseless personal attack. Culminated with his "last stand" where he made some statements alluding to self-harm and seemingly blamed his "attackers" on GAF for anything that might happen to him. It was a really shitty protracted meltdown.

Couldn't have summed it up more concisely.
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