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George Lucas Making Changes to Star Wars Saga... Again

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Count of Monte Sawed-Off said:
Was tempted to pick this up this morning. But I've managed to stay strong. Like the LOTR EE blu-rays (and the green Fellowship, which may have been blown out of proportion but will annoy me nonetheless) the temptation will subside next week when something else comes along (New Vegas DLC) and I'll bide my time until Amazon has a sale.

I got the complete saga for half-price at Barnes and Noble, which is another reason why I have no problems picking up this set. Just wish it would get here. Probably won't arrive at my place until Tuesday now.
Aotc looks strange because it looks like all the dialogue scenes are shot like a stage play or a 50s serial. There are very few insert shots of looks or small actions and there is hardly any photographic coverage. I chalk this up to them having a very limited number of digital cameras on the various sets or with the Units.

With film they could have brought 5 cameras in and did 5 takes to get a load of coverage. With digital of the era they probably had 2 and didn't want to do 13 takes to get all the parts with a full cast. The camera tech probably slowed them down so he shot it ultra conservatively. The diff between phantom and aotc in the regard is amazing.

As soon as a action scene happens in aotc and the cgi takes over the cameras and editing suddenly opens up.
Kung Fu Jedi said:
I got the complete saga for half-price at Barnes and Noble, which is another reason why I have no problems picking up this set. Just wish it would get here. Probably won't arrive at my place until Tuesday now.



was weak and picked it up this morning. We're watching ROTS tomorrow (last one in the series) and I wanted it in good quality. Plus I'm too curious about the extras.


Marty Chinn said:
Well the dialog mentions Greedo so the audience won't be confused. Plus given that both sequences existed for the movie and the radio drama, I don't think you're correct that only one was intended to be used. They're meant to co-exist. That doesn't mean you have to have both, but I don't think having both is the biggest sin either. It's pretty much Han kills one of Jabba's men, and then Han cuts a deal and smooth things over with Jabba over killing his guy and the money he owes. It's not a totally redundant scene. It's different if you kill his guy and bolt. It makes it look like you're screwing him over. Give the link a try. It fleshes it out pretty well I think.

so Han smooths it out with Jabba. So why is he then caught in the very next episode? Works better if we think he's had no contact with Jabba IMO


Marty Chinn said:
I'm probably going to start another thread on this, but not all changes are bad IMO. I don't mind him cleaning stuff up or making something look better that he couldn't before. What I mind is when he changes the content to change the meaning of a scene. For example:


Falcon taking off from Mos Eisley
New X-Wing CGI panning at the Battle of Yavin


Greedo shooting first
Vader yelling "Noooooooo"

yep. I still think we should do a simple Neogaf edit from the blurays - the despecialiseds are nice but take out too much stuff. Most of the really horrible parts (Han & Jabba, Nooooo, ROTJ club scene, Hayden ghost) could be removed I think fairly simply by anyone with a decent set of edit tools, a bluray rip and a copy of an older version of the movie in HD and DVD for audio replacement (noooo) and a bit of touchup here and there.
mrklaw said:
so Han smooths it out with Jabba. So why is he then caught in the very next episode? Works better if we think he's had no contact with Jabba IMO

Well the very next ep is years later, so not surprised Jabba's pissed when he told him he'd be back in a couple of days. So heh it can work better that he's pissed him off even more now because he tried to smooth it out. =)

mrklaw said:
yep. I still think we should do a simple Neogaf edit from the blurays - the despecialiseds are nice but take out too much stuff. Most of the really horrible parts (Han & Jabba, Nooooo, ROTJ club scene, Hayden ghost) could be removed I think fairly simply by anyone with a decent set of edit tools, a bluray rip and a copy of an older version of the movie in HD and DVD for audio replacement (noooo) and a bit of touchup here and there.

Syncing the audio will probably be the hardest part, but ya, we could probably put together a good edit fairly easily. It's probably been done already though.


MNC said:
KittenMaster said:
This was amazing, and made me wish the real George Lucas was still out there.
I swear that pre-90s George Lucas was a completely different person. He really was an ambitious, hard-working auteur back then.

I hate to see him get so much hate and ridicule these days (including some insinuating that he never had any real talent to begin with), but he does deserve some of it.

This was linked to earlier in the thread, for anyone who wants to read about George's life during the creation of his praised films, though it centers on his wife, who worked as editor on many of his films. It's an excellent read. I like the parallels they draw between Lucas and Anakin at the end (he may have based Anakin's relationship in the prequels on his own). Lucas got so caught up in his work, and in the end his wife left him. He was a timid man and his divorce really seemed to have destroyed him. That's probably what changed him so much. He finally took a break from non-stop work after the divorce, but it was too late. A few years later, he took his final bow with The Last Crusade, before disappearing from the public eye.


kIdMuScLe said:
I enjoyed The Phantom Menace... Just wished that Anakin was about 13-15yrs old so the plot would make more sense. Plus i can't believe how arrogant the Jedi council, especially Windu, are. The only knock on the movie for image quality is that some of the SFX look really dated while some others look impressive!
I think the 'arrogance' of mace wind and the Jedi is relevant to the series. Yoda mentions something similar in aotc I think. Maybe the prophecy of the one, which they say will bring balance to the force, is *meant* to first destroy the Jedi, who have become complacent and arrogant, before it can be balanced?


Marty Chinn said:
Syncing the audio will probably be the hardest part, but ya, we could probably put together a good edit fairly easily. It's probably been done already though.
I don't know, all the fan edits can't resist fiddling with it more than needed.
mrklaw said:
I don't know, all the fan edits can't resist fiddling with it more than needed.

Someone really just needs to build a branching version that lets you just select which parts you want in and what parts you want out. That would be the ultimate version. The Blu Ray would be a good starting point though I'd imagine. I think I'm going to see if the edit I'd like is out there though otherwise maybe start a new thread about it.
Oh ya, on an older note, I just remembered something else I hated in Adywan's Star Wars Revisited. The stupid new Death Star intro. Like seriously? Another example of going too far.


I finished watching all the Prequel blu-rays last night

Today I am on the Original Trilogy, nearing the end of A New Hope at the "Don't Get Cocky" scene

THe video and sound quality is jarring different to me enough to make things very apparent.

I barely noticed the rock CG for R2, but the Krayt Dragon yell was a bit silly but not a deal breaker

Just enjoy the classics


Marty Chinn said:
I'm probably going to start another thread on this, but not all changes are bad IMO. I don't mind him cleaning stuff up or making something look better that he couldn't before. What I mind is when he changes the content to change the meaning of a scene. For example:


Falcon taking off from Mos Eisley
New X-Wing CGI panning at the Battle of Yavin


Greedo shooting first
Vader yelling "Noooooooo"

Even the additions that seem to be positive, such as the Battle of Yavin, are just more evidence of the lazy, non-artistically motivated lassitude that lies at the heart of the Special Editions and everything post Return of the Jedi.

In the original version the technology was absolutely cutting edge, and a revolution for cinema. The CG in the Special Editions was bargain basement run-of-the-mill stuff, some of it even repurposed from previous movies such as Jurassic Park.

In the original movies every X-wing had its own insgnia on its wing (two stripes for Red Two, etc.) in the Special Edition every one is the same thanks to copy and paste.

Obviously this doesn't affect the enjoyment of the film but it does speak volumes to the amount of tender loving care that went into them.


I am still somewhat bothered by the very lazy ability of ILM to address all the bits that need recoloring of lasers and lightsabers that are just blank white lasers instead of blue or green for example


Furret said:
Even the additions that seem to be positive, such as the Battle of Yavin, are just more evidence of the lazy, non-artistically motivated lassitude that lies at the heart of the Special Editions and everything post Return of the Jedi.

In the original version the technology was absolutely cutting edge, and a revolution for cinema. The CG in the Special Editions was bargain basement run-of-the-mill stuff, some of it even repurposed from previous movies such as Jurassic Park.

In the original movies every X-wing had its own insgnia on its wing (two stripes for Red Two, etc.) in the Special Edition every one is the same thanks to copy and paste.

Obviously this doesn't affect the enjoyment of the film but it does speak volumes to the amount of tender loving care that went into them.

there are clearly parts that are worth keeping in, that the despecialised editions (best I've found so far) still remove. Like the X-wing beauty pass before the Death Star attack in ANH, and the addition of the Falcon arriving, where originally you just got a guy pointing a radar gun at some trees for no apparent reason


Was just in Best Buy and they had ANH climax playing in their theater room. The sound was amazing. I am of the opinion that most of the ANH changes, with the except of Hans shooting first, are quite good. I like the CG X-wing scenes during Death Star assault, for example. And I like the establishing shots on Tattooine and Sandcrawler enhancement. I can live with the ESB changes, some of which I actually do like. ROTJ, unfortunately, really got the shaft.


Medalion said:
I finished watching all the Prequel blu-rays last night

Today I am on the Original Trilogy, nearing the end of A New Hope at the "Don't Get Cocky" scene

THe video and sound quality is jarring different to me enough to make things very apparent.

I barely noticed the rock CG for R2, but the Krayt Dragon yell was a bit silly but not a deal breaker

Just enjoy the classics

The changes that George Lucas has made over the years to Star Wars is the equivalent of someone keying your car. On an intellectual level, you know that the car still works, and its only marred a fraction of a percent of the paintjob. On an emotional level, every time you see it, it's all you can focus on, and it makes you want to rip someone's face off.


Honestly, it's the insipid overanalysing and frame by frame analyses that overzealous fans that make some things stand out more than they should.

Other than key scenes being fucked around with, I don't give a huge shit about some CG texture over where there used to be none

Right now I am on ESB, as I understnad the least fucked around with overall from the 2004 version

But my heart will definetly hurt when I get to ROTJ cuz that used to be my fave for a long time


Discovered I have 4 different versions of each of the laserdisk versions of the original trilogy. Only one set of the widescreen, but thats okay. I knew I had at least 2, but 4 was a nice discovery.


Anth0ny said:
Awesome. I'd love to see People vs. George Lucas.
I saw the DVD on sale earlier this week, was tempted to buy it but I already saw it awhile ago, it was what you'd expect, lots of love and hatorade


I'm going to post a radical opinion here that people may consider crazy. After my recent re-watching of all titles. I would rank them as follows.

V >>> VI = III >>> IV >>> II >>>>>> I

I really like Episode 3. There's a couple things that lower my opinion about. Certain pieces of dialogue felt unnatural and the switch was a bit too sudden (I blame Episode I and II for this though), otherwise the premise, the music, the visual scenery and the emotion the scenes bring up makes it equal to Episode 6 for me.

I think except for the Final Duel and "The Reveal" from Episode 6 and 5, Order 66 and "Fall of Anakin" are the best scenes in the trilogy. That opening scene is also really good.
All these changes people bitch about are so minor. These Blow Away my old VHS and DVD sets! Revenge Of The Sith and A New Hope really look Stunning! Now i hope we get Indiana Jones!


So I watched A New Hope last night... and holy shit at the pan of Mos Eisley towards the beginning. CG EVERYWHERE! God damn they were trigger happy with cg in that scene. It was almost offensive to my eyes!


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Bluth said:
I is so much better than II. I don't hate III. Clones just sucks on every level.

Clones is definitely the worst of the films. It looked hideous after the move away from practiacl effects that TPM + the OT had, and the writing and acting was almost universally terrible. I still can't believe that scene between Anakin and Padme after he murders the sand people. Anakin has a little tantrum and Padme asks 'what's wrong Annie' in the most idiotic way, as if she forgot he just retrieved his mother's corpse. The script reads as if it was written by a Terminator.

I think Lucas is a great ideas man but he can't write and he can't direct actors. If he has hired a proper co-writer and let somebody else direct I honestly think the prequels could have been really good.

Anyway, a friend of mine bought this and showed me Empire. I have to say it looked and sounded fantastic but I'm not going to pay £60 for 2 good films and 4 shit ones.

Sec0nd said:
Also the voice didn't seem to fit this CGI Yoda in my opinion.

It didn't work with the puppet either. He talked too fast and just didn't match the ESB/ROTJ versions. The CG Yoda in TPM feels almost like a different character, there is way too much movement and he feels too angry. The later prequels did it much better.


Just watched Ep I and oh man I love it. First of all it's the first Star Wars I ever saw ( Yeah yeah... ) and I love it. Well except for the boring politics part in the middle of the film, bores me to tears every time. Anyway it looks amazing in HD, especially Corruscant from space!
One thing I did not like however was amazing enough the CGI Yoda. Even though it looks better than creepy doll Yoda it somehow felt off, a bit awkward at times. Also the voice didn't seem to fit this CGI Yoda in my opinion.

Anyway I loved it and I can't wait for the next 5. Especially III and the OT, don't care much for II.


Mordeccai said:
So I watched A New Hope last night... and holy shit at the pan of Mos Eisley towards the beginning. CG EVERYWHERE! God damn they were trigger happy with cg in that scene. It was almost offensive to my eyes!
That shit is from the 1997 version so it looks particularly dated
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