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Giant Bomb: PS4.5 / PS4K is codenamed NEO, more info


PC GAF will have to educate me on this one, but while on the PC side they have much stronger CPUs with per core performance, aren't PC games bad at maximizing multi-core processing which is why these weak ass Jaguars can keep up because there's 8 of them bitches and they're getting fully utilized?

Games under DirectX will probably have to do more than games under PlayStation's system. But from game comparisons, the difference in real-world benchmarks doesn't seem to rear its face where you can point it out from what I can tell.
With DX12, PC gaming CPU utilisation is a smaller issue.

If a CPU is too weak though, even fully loaded on all cores isn't always going to go with full load on the GPU at all times. Meaning frame rate drops. How much or if this even happens though is going to be different from Direct X. Especially 11.


I think of it like this...were you one who was *WOWED* at the PS4's GPU compared to the XB1's at launch? That was just a 50% difference on paper, maybe even a little less, and we saw clear framerate and resolution improvements. Now this is a 300% boost by comparison.

I'm not using it in a fanboy way against XB1, just to put it in relative perspective of the jump over the OG PS4

You're making it sound like OG PS4's screenshots will pale in comparison to PS4K....
framerate is cpu intensive and the big bump here is in the GPU. you're gonna get more solid 30fps with slightly better looking everything else potentially at 4k

Isn't that 4K just gonna be upscaled? Better graphics at 1080p or 1440p seems much more reasonable than some stripped down native 4k image.

Also please introduce 1080p video capture and maybe a revision to accommodate larger capacity hard drives as well.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
I'm definitely on the side of the fence of the people not buying one of these.

I don't really see the point. :?
Apple's latest financials speak otherwise, as do HTC and LG. Samsung seems to be bucking the trend. Continually revolving your user base forward is difficult, even in markets with heavily subsidized hardware. It's a new frontier for games. I'm interested to see how it works.
I'm not talking financially, as thats way more convoluted and has nothing to do with the conversation.

Not sure about HTC as they haven't really been relevant to me since Windows Mobile days, but Apple has consistently sold more hardware each year, even with a slowed rate of growth and declining market share because the market has grown each year. LG has also had a pretty big last 2 years thanks to growth in China but they messed themselves over with bad launches in 2015.



I'm definitely on the side of the fence of the people not buying one of these.

I don't really see the point. :?

Were you ever going to get a PS4?

If anything, I could see this upsetting early adopters, such as myself, but I would think new buyers would be giddy to get the superior newer plastic box.
Games under DirectX will probably have to do more than games under PlayStation's system. But from game comparisons, the difference in real-world benchmarks doesn't seem to rear its face where you can point it out from what I can tell.
With DX12, PC gaming CPU utilisation is a smaller issue.

If a CPU is too weak though, even fully loaded on all cores isn't always going to go with full load on the GPU at all times. Meaning frame rate drops. How much or if this even happens though is going to be different from Direct X. Especially 11.

Yeah you are pretty spot on I'm just saying the only change to the CPU is an upclock which is gonna give about a 30% performance increase. This isn't something to just write off but it's also not a game changer for 60fps. Basically expect games like FFXV that vary on framerates to be much closers to a rock sold 30fps without dips with that instead of jumping to 60fps.

All that extra GPU horsepower however can be used for things like effects, resolution, and AA without effecting framerates much at all as it's essentially "free real estate" the standard PS4 GPU doesn't have.

In other words with this hardware set up by and large it will be easier for developers to make visual improvements to titles than substantial framerates increases over the PS4 version

Makes sense guys. So we're probably going to see higher resolution and/or more effects over more 60fps. Though the CPU bump will be enough for some titles to hit 60. On a scale of 1-10 how disappointed are we with this CPU pairing? I guess we'll see how it plays out.
You're making it sound like OG PS4's screenshots will pale in comparison to PS4K....

To be frank if the hardware is fully utilized Xbone games will look clearly different from PS4.5 games. The difference between say, a 3rd party multiplat on Xbox One and a 1st party Sony title on PS4.5 will probably be pretty staggering


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
You're making it sound like OG PS4's screenshots will pale in comparison to PS4K....

They will be the same games, but higher IQ, higher effects in many cases, and higher fidelity in general are a selling point to many people. Again it depends on how the dev approaches it, but i think its reasonable to expect something like FF15 to or FF7R to really take advantage of this to great effect considering how low res and washed out the games look now with the dynamic res


The clue here is how PS4 games will be optimized. Other than that seems the natural evolution that consoles have to follow to survive.
Like 'cheap' easy PCs, games with medium settings for PS4, high settings for PS4.5 and the same scenario in 3-4 years with PS5.

I wonder how this will affect XBO versions of the game, if even PS4 versions may not be as optimized as before, that would put XBO versions even on a worse scenario.


For real though if Naughty Dog are able to make something look as insane visually as Uncharted 4 just imagine what Sony 1st party will be able to put out with 2x the GPU performance. Will be some real lookers coming up

If they make exclusive for Neo, sure. If they make games work for both, expect the different between TLOU PS3 and TLOU remaster at best.


I wonder if Sony will show off the new console on their E3 presser or outsource it to make room for more games.
Just to be clear, do the rumoured specs fit the infos we had days ago from OsirisBlack?

I mean here


Asking because, while the OP was not updated, he stated, later in the thread, how PS4K/Neo would've been released in Q4 2016 for 499.99

Some of what he said was close like the 2x GPU but some of it seems off. I believe later in the thread he claimed Sony was putting a new CPU in it and launching at $500 which doesn't line up with this but I may be mis remembering


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
How many PC's ducktapes together = the NEO?

In terms of GPU, 1 mid range PC GPU today that was basically the highest end single GPU on the market when PS4 launched(the OG PS4's for comparison was in the mid to low end range)
If they make exclusive for Neo, sure. If they make games work for both, expect the different between TLOU PS3 and TLOU remaster at best.

Nah bigger gap than that is doable if it's from the ground up. They can use actual different assets between the two versions if they want to go all out. I expect we will see some 1st party games do this to push the PS4.5.
AMD CPUs are weak...

Actually they don't have tech to make strong CPUs.

Problem is they can't switch for a better CPU, even current gen AMD desktop ones since that will increase overall thermal overhead and potentially cause code compatibility issues. But Jaguar is just so pathetically weak you can't do anything to make it even slightly more capable.


Don't know if i should keep my PSVR preorder because it definitely feels like the PS4N was created for it.
And i don't have 900€ to spend right now.


Assassins Creed Unity:


But in general the CPU being relatively weak with recommendations of shifting over to GPGPU to really get power out of the system was something I think even Sony said back when the PS4 came out. Unfortunately that hasn't materialized enough to compensate for the weak CPU though.




36 CUs is 2304 shaders, sounds very much like a salvaged Polaris 10, assuming the 2560 shader rumour for that is true.

It's not a salvaged anything. It's a semi-custom APU for which Sony is the only customer and PS4K is the only product. Technically salvaged PS4K APUs with flawed CUs could be used in future normal PS4s.

I have to admit, thats a more modest revision than I expected if true.

And the 512MB extra RAM available despite having the same amount is curious.

The extra RAM allotment is just for larger framebuffers, needed to accomodate higher than 1080p resolutions without impacting memory management otherwise.

The PS4K is actually a very simple proposition. Do you have a 4K TV? Here's a product that will support UHD Blu-rays, 4K streaming and games at 1440p or higher resolutions. What the PS4K is not designed to do is double framerates or add tons of effects for people with 1080p TVs. That was always a fantasy and people should stop hoping for it/being angry about it.


So XB1.5 will be the weaker console again.

So far we have nothing. No code names, no rumored specs, nothing other than Phils words that he want to move in substantial numbers but that doesn't mean it's coming this year. The FCC filing I found could also be just for an Xbox One slim. Other than that it is too quiet for a new console that is going to be released this year.


I would hope, probably foolishly, there is some sort of upgrade offering or something to that effect for current PS4 owners. I'm really not a fan of this of this move by Sony.
As much as they are going to say it won't divide the existing console base and people who purchase the new ones, it undoubtedly will. If people think for even a second there's a better machine that plays the games they buy for the same price better, they won't be happy.
As many have mentioned before, some developers can barely get certain games to run smoothly on current PS4 models; what's to stop them from being more relaxed if they know there's a machine that will definitely run it to an acceptable level?


I will most likely pick one of these up at launch, since it will replace both my PS4 and UHD blu-ray player, but my main takeaway here is that it makes the decision to buy the PS4 at launch seem much worse in retrospect. Given how long it's taken this generation to pick up steam, the timing of these leaks coincides too closely for me with the feeling that the library of exclusives is finally starting to justify the initial purchase.

Going forward I will definitely only be buying one console from either Sony or MS, rather than both as in the past, and when the PS5 comes out, I will let others suffer through 1-2 years of mediocrity and stability updates, rather than entertaining the increasingly shaky value proposition of early adoption.


I feel like I must help clarify some things in regards to GPU power and frames processing as to my own understanding. It's basic mind you, but it gets the point across.

Currently when looking for an upgrade to gpu for a PC, a gamer will look at various websites and tech forums that show actual data on bench marks for the capabilities of a given gpu vs others on the market. The way this is done is a PC is built and tested with various games which the exact same hardware i.e. RAM and CPU, while changing out only one single component: the GPU

Please note the soul delineating factor and point of emphasis in these tests is one number: the fps, or frames per second.

The question then comes, well if the CPU stayed the same, why did the fps change so much? Well my friends, it seems gpu power actually has a great deal to do with how high you fps can reach.

Doubling the gpu power of the ps4 is going to make s bigger difference across the board graphics and fps wise than most realize.

This is an old example, but gets the point across:

I still don't get it.

What is even the point of the PS4K if there are to be no exclusive games?

The CPU isn't twice as fast as was claimed and the GPU is the 7970 to the PS4s 7850.

All you will get are better looking 1080p30 games.

This situation is a mess.


Do you think Nintendo has any ability to get something any better? Puma is the only thing better and is only a marginal upgrade.

Sony and MS are both waiting for Zen cores for PS5/XB2 which won't be ready in time anyway for any current gen revision.

What is marginal? And Nintendo isn't bound to sticking with a crapshoot like the Jaguar. They have options outside of even the cat-family of uarchs.

CPU isn't what the NX will have to worry about from what little we know of the system (comically, potentially, coming in above even the NEO), its the GPU/RAM that is as of yet unknown.
Assassins Creed Unity:


But in general the CPU being relatively weak with recommendations of shifting over to GPGPU to really get power out of the system was something I think even Sony said back when the PS4 came out. Unfortunately that hasn't materialized enough to compensate for the weak CPU though.

I expect open world games to still be 30fps .
Games that not open world might get a boost to 60 for eg GOW4 instead of VFPS.
And the extra gpu power going to be use for better effects .
or add tons of effects for people with 1080p TVs. That was always a fantasy and people should stop hoping for it/being angry about it.

This part isn't true. You don't go to 36 CUs and up the clock speed to support 4K media. That's specifically there to give better visually fidelity in games.


They will be the same games, but higher IQ, higher effects in many cases, and higher fidelity in general are a selling point to many people. Again it depends on how the dev approaches it, but i think its reasonable to expect something like FF15 to or FF7R to really take advantage of this to great effect considering how low res and washed out the games look now with the dynamic res

I always want my games to run good but I'm so glad I'm content with just playing a game the way it is. I understand the appeal of what you're saying but a part of me is just shrugging and is like, "Your PS4 is just fine, man."

I don't wanna buy the PS4K and be like, "I hope Square Enix takes advantage of this! Justify my purchase or else!!!!!!!!!!"

Most likely it's gonna be mostly 1st party Sony games and a handful of 3rd party companies that truly go above and beyond with the PS4K's power.
They will be the same games, but higher IQ, higher effects in many cases, and higher fidelity in general are a selling point to many people. Again it depends on how the dev approaches it, but i think its reasonable to expect something like FF15 to or FF7R to really take advantage of this to great effect considering how low res and washed out the games look now with the dynamic res

I doubt we'll be seeing that much better performance, since most devs are not going to want to spend a ton of time optimizing for the new hardware to truly take advantage.

The capability is there on paper, but as you said it all comes down to how developers use it. Personally, I don't see there being much in the way of resources, time, and financial incentive to optimize for two PS4 formats, even if they're somewhat similar. This goes double considering they won't see a considerable bump in their sales to justify the extra resources required on their part.

Taking FF15 as an example, Square Enix is already spending a ton of time and effort trying to get their engine to run decently on current-gen hardware. They're gonna keep optimizing up until the very end, and even still I don't foresee a rock solid 30 FPS out of the game. To add a Neo performance profile on TOP of everything that they're doing? I'm willing to be a lot of devs will not focus on it at all, since they're required to ship on regular PS4 as well. Post-launch performance patches I can see being a thing for devs under a time crunch (aka most of them), but still, do people really want to buy another console to wait longer post-launch to get a customized performance profile for marginally better performance? I guess if people have money to burn or they're completely new PS4 adopters in which case the profile will be just gravy, but otherwise I don't think it'll be worth it at the end of the day.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
I still don't get it.

What is even the point of the PS4K if there are to be no exclusive games?

The CPU isn't twice as fast as was claimed and the GPU is the 7970 to the PS4s 7850.

All you will get are better looking 1080p30 games.

This situation is a mess.

A mess?

How? This is as good as it can get. They arent leaving PS4 users behind, or segregating the population in any way, and those who want to pay for better fidelity can. Win win..


Nah bigger gap than that is doable if it's from the ground up. They can use actual different assets between the two versions if they want to go all out. I expect we will see some 1st party games do this to push the PS4.5.

PS4 will holding back whatever jump 2x GPU power will bring.
Just like 30% more power from Xbox one only bring us 900p vs 1080p maybe more stable frame. 2x the power won't be that much different.
I still don't get it.

What is even the point of the PS4K if there are to be no exclusive games?

The CPU isn't twice as fast as was claimed and the GPU is the 7970 to the PS4s 7850.

All you will get are better looking 1080p30 games.

This situation is a mess.

How is it a mess? If that isn't enough improvement for you then don't buy it. You should feel relieved that is such a "minor" upgrade.


I feel like I must help clarify some things in regards to GPU power and frames processing as to my own understanding. It's basic mind you, but it gets the point across.

Currently when looking for an upgrade to gpu for a PC, a gamer will look at various websites and tech forums that show actual data on bench marks for the capabilities of a given gpu vs others on the market. The way this is done is a PC is built and tested with various games which the exact same hardware i.e. RAM and CPU, while changing out only one single component: the GPU

Please note the soul delineating factor and point of emphasis in these tests is one number: the fps, or frames per second.

The question then comes, well if the CPU stayed the same, why did the fps change so much? Well my friends, it seems gpu power actually has a great deal to do with how high you fps can reach.

Doubling the gpu power of the ps4 is going to make s bigger difference across the board graphics and fps wise than most realize.

This is an old example, but gets the point across:

Completely missing the fact that the CPU used there is a monster relative to the ps4+

(6 core cpu at close to 5ghz with an IPC that is more than double to that of Jaguar).
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