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Greenberg: Quantum Break is not coming to Steam



I own only 1 app which is the horrible Minecraft version. I mean, why didn't MS just release the original Minecraf ton it and not the fucking touch version?

An excellent question, the answer to which I would also like to know.

The Store has other quirks too, for instance:

The Database Layer got corrupted on my PC once a while back, and that thing apparently control the Store. Due to the corruption, the Windows Store vanished, thus also rendering all apps and the taskbar/start menu inaccessible. I had to use the repair disc to return the Store to normal.

Windows 10 has bugs to work through, so I expect their will be quite a few hitches along the way.
Dang, I hope they've reconsidered their treatment of W10 store exes because not being able to inject or modify anything is a joke.

Until windows 10 apps can have deeper control with settings and files i'm refusing to buy any game over £5 on the windows marketplace, it's too strict and locked away and messes up with videocard forced settings and such.


Aaaanndd.... I'm going to pass on it. Tired of everyone only pushing their own storefronts, I know they don't want to share a cut with Valve, but I don't want my games in 30 different god damned services.
Then you'd better not buy anything on Steam either. Or are Valve releasing their games on Origin now?


Steam-GAF's Official Ambassador to Gaming-GAF
Oh, the Windows Tablet App Store is getting products designed for desktop PCs now? Cool, get back to me in about five years if it hasn't been deleted or repurposed and I'll consider tying software purchases to it.

yeah, that's the biggest problem with win10 store right now - it REALLY is meant to resemble the google play store or apple's appstore ... for small utility apps ... it's REALLY not designed to handle win32 apps in any reasonable way (ESPECIALLY games!)

and don't get me wrong - i totally use win10 apps on a daily basis (nextgen reader FTW) - so i really don't have any problems with using the store

it's just that, as we've seen with ROTTR a few weeks ago, the store really can't handle win32 applications properly - you can't even access the game files AT ALL (as in - you can't even open the directory the game is in!), so you can also forget about adding the game as a non-steam game - you literally cannot do it

that's the biggest problem


An excellent question, the answer to which I would also like to know.

The Store has other quirks too, for instance:

The Database Layer got corrupted on my PC once a while back, and that thing apparently control the Store. Due to the corruption, the Windows Store vanished, thus also rendering all apps and the taskbar/start menu inaccessible. I had to use the repair disc to return the Store to normal.

Windows 10 has bugs to work through, so I expect their will be quite a few hitches along the way.

I assume it has the touch version since the store is really not intended for desktop PCs.


works for a research lab making 6 figures
People that are ready to suffer Xboxisms aren't the people that will care if the game gets released in the W10 store.

What I mean is if you definetely plan to play it, might as well get the X1 edition and sell it since you get the PC of version with it.

BUT... If there is a steam edition, I'd pass on that incentive, so it'd be in there interest to stay hush on the subject, and let Greenber do his thing.
Really sad that people are going to gratificate their terror tactics with money.

Oh well all I can do is vote with my wallet and get it from bargain bin few years from now.
Then you'd better not buy anything on Steam either. Or are Valve releasing their games on Origin now?

One companies storefront works the other one just caused a clusterfuck after releasing and abandoning a terrible storefront that you can no longer use or download games from that you purchased. Do people not see the difference here?


Won't buy on the W10 store. Not even for $10 from some shady 3rd world country marketplace

Give me Steam version or fuck off

Why Steam is so special? Why not GOG for example?

google around and find out what platform had more issues

and by google around I mean open your eyes at whatever on the internet basically, cause the badness of GFWL is as widespread as the dankest meme

Honestly, with all those issues it can't be worse than this – http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1162196 or this – http://kotaku.com/steam-accounts-hijacked-following-security-lapse-1720288836

As I see, people already forgot about it.
What does the entirety of that list have to do with Microsoft having a store front? GFWL is the only thing from that list relevant to this conversation. The rest of it has to do with Microsoft supporting PC gaming, which releasing games on PC - regardless of what store front it comes to - literally accomplishes.

It has to do with people like me not trusting Microsoft after years of continuously fucking up with their "support" for PC gaming. As a result, some people do not trust them nor have any confidence in their company when it comes to this.

This isn't hard to understand.

I mean, even in this thread. --->

Right now I can't download the shit I bought from Microsoft the last time they launched a gaming storefront on PC. Why the hell would I trust them with my money again?


yeah, that's the biggest problem with win10 store right now - it REALLY is meant to resemble the google play store or apple's appstore ... for small utility apps ... it's REALLY not designed to handle win32 apps in any reasonable way (ESPECIALLY games!)

and don't get me wrong - i totally use win10 apps on a daily basis (nextgen reader FTW) - so i really don't have any problems with using the store

it's just that, as we've seen with ROTTR a few weeks ago, the store really can't handle win32 applications properly - you can't even access the game files AT ALL (as in - you can't even open the directory the game is in!), so you can also forget about adding the game as a non-steam game - you literally cannot do it

that's the biggest problem
IIRC they're accessible if you change the permissions of the WindowsApps/ Program Files folder.


Well, then I won't buy it.

Not because it's not coming to Steam, I'll happily buy games on GoG Origin and Uplay. Because it's coming to the WIndows 10 store.

I would bet money this service/ storefront isn't around in 10 years.

Hope there's no Denuvo.
The MS Store inherently is a DRM platform. One which is in some ways worse and more dangerous than Denuvo.


Imagine if Sony OK'd the release of all 1st party titles on PC...on their Sony Store™.

"OMG I have to download the Sony PC APP..NO SALE!!!!!!!" LOLOLOLOL

I think it will be fine as long as Win10 Store isnt like GFWL.


Then you'd better not buy anything on Steam either. Or are Valve releasing their games on Origin now?

Are you choosing to ignore like every other post in this thread?

There are restrictions on Windows store apps that are completely unique to the Windows store and aren't present with Steam, Origin, UPlay etc.

Valve, EA and Ubisoft also don't have a history of terminating support for their stores.

There is a bigger issue here other than exclusivity.



No. I'll just play it on the XB1 at some point down the line. After seeing the complaints from Rise on the Windows Store, I'm 100% good not buying anything there anytime soon.

Edit: Not to mention, the Windows Store doesn't even work on my W10 install, it flashes on and goes back off again.


The Windows 10 store installs these games into folders which I, as the sole administrator of my network and my PC, do not have access to.

That's simply unacceptable.
I see absolutely no issue with this. They need to push the storefront somehow. And this game is going to do just that for me atleast.


Why Steam is so special? Why not GOG for example?

Honestly, with all those issues it can't be worse than this – http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1162196 or this – http://kotaku.com/steam-accounts-hijacked-following-security-lapse-1720288836

As I see, people already forgot about it.




and you're comparing a temporary security lapse to long term incompetence followed by a complete, apparently permanent lack of functionality


Oh, the Windows Tablet App Store is getting products designed for desktop PCs now? Cool, get back to me in about five years if it hasn't been deleted or repurposed and I'll consider tying software purchases to it.

Yes. It has bad smartphone game knockoffs for Windows tablets, mostly.

Yeah, go nuts.

Well I don't expect that store to be the same once they start offering the XBO games.

I would expect there to be an upgraded and better version so why they put Tomb Raider on there in it's current state is pretty dumb.


It's one thing if it's Origin or Uplay, but I imagine a lot of the "there's no difference" crowd are either not PC gamers or haven't been following Tomb Raider.

The Steam version of Tomb Raider is the better version. This is a fact. Not, oh I want my Steam friend list or the overlay sort of things. It gets patches sooner and some things aren't patched right away on Windows 10. 10 version can't be hooked into several PC staple programs and mods. Unless MS changes the way games are handled, most games would flat out be better on Steam (or Uplay, GOG or Origin). Virtually every game, by default, would be better on another storefront by simple virtue of how the program is laid out.

There are some people that just want to stay in Steam sure, but to act like there's no issues with the Win 10 store is bonkers.
A videogame, a program, treated like a fucking app on a desktop PC is honestly a fucking joke.

No modifications, limitations out the ass. No buy.

It´s not even the simple fact that it isn´t on steam, like some simple minded people think, it´s just that the W10 store and the workings of it are absolutely sub par by any standard that you find today. In addition the fuckery that was GFWL and you got yourself a shit sandwich that no one wants to eat.

Might as well not release on PC at all.


I see absolutely no issue with this. They need to push the storefront somehow. And this game is going to do just that for me atleast.


I expect to see their other major gaming releases on the Windows Store in the coming years, so here's to hoping they'll keep OS bugs to a minimum.


Gold Member
That's pretty cool for you, but doesn't change the fact that steam support is indeed horrible though.

Have I missed something here? Is "Steam Too!" the new "Sony Too!"?

What if I told you that I know steam isn't perfect and that I would actually buy this game in a heartbeat without any hesitation if it was on GOG/Origin/Uplay because I have never had any issues downloading and playing previously purchased content on those platforms?

You clearly don't understand why people are aggrieved. I don't know about you but having your previously purchased content figuratively nuked from the face of the earth and being made inaccessible is not cool in my book.

But please, carry on making false equivalences. We have had a lot of that in defence of Microsoft around here lately.


Problems with bad support on Steam


Nobody can download their games from the Games for Windows Marketplace


which company should I trust more?

I'm not defending Microsoft here, lol. I said earlier in this thread I won't buy this game from the Win10-store (or only for a very low price) partly because how they handled GFWL.
I just said that his anecdotal evidence is not really relevant here when the opposite is the fact.

I welcome competition for steam on the PC market. A monopoly is never a good thing for the consumer. I would buy this game from Origin, Uplay, Humble, Steam or GOG, I just don't trust any PC effort from MS anymore.

Have I missed something here? Is "Steam Too!" the new "Sony Too!"?

What if I told you that I know steam isn't perfect and that I would actually buy this game in a heartbeat without any hesitation if it was on GOG/Origin/Uplay because I have never had any issues downloading and playing previously purchased content on those platforms?

You clearly don't understand why people are aggrieved. I don't know about you but having your previously purchased content figuratively nuked from the face of the earth and being made inaccessible is not cool in my book.

But please, carry on making false equivalences. We have had a lot of that in defence of Microsoft around here lately.



Steam-GAF's Official Ambassador to Gaming-GAF
The Windows 10 store installs these games into folders which I, as the sole administrator of my network and my PC, do not have access to.

That's simply unacceptable.

oh yes - and there's also that ...

on top of that - you can't choose the folder you want your stuff to be installed in ... you can only choose a drive ... and it will install EVERYTHING there ... so you can't, for example, install all the apps on C, but all the games on D ... it's all or nothing


Imagine if Sony OK'd the release of all 1st party titles on PC...on their Sony Store™.

"OMG I have to download the Sony PC APP..NO SALE!!!!!!!" LOLOLOLOL

I think it will be fine as long as Win10 Store isnt like GFWL.

So you haven't read the thread. Atm moment the store is in some ways worse than gfwl.

Silly bessy this only works one way.

They are on Uplay though


Why Steam is so special? Why not GOG for example?

Well, Steam has the possibility of DRM free releases and offers more festures than GOG. And a lot of people don't even know GoG. And let's be honest - Microsoft releasing a DRM free game? day one? Or any other big publisher that is not CD Projekt? Even I don't dream that big :D

I love it though. My rule: If it's on on GOG, buy it there!


Unsurprising, MS sells through their own storefront promoting their own platform.

Honestly the W10 OS is great, DX12 is a godsend for PC gamers and the Xbox App is pretty good for what it offers like DVR L, achievements etc Could the store use an upgrade in design, sure. But it's no GFWL, not even close. The foundation is solid to sell games and provide good support.


advantages of Steam:

- platform where your friends are
- platform you already use where are all your games are, no need to divide it
- no need to start using yet ANOTHER storefront / account / CC info / what have you
- ability to use your Steam credit you earned to buy the game rather than your money
- screenshots
- achievements
- guides
- all these within overlay
- SALES, chance for the game to go cheaper
- the fact that every other storefront has had one way to fuck up or another. be it lost saves, file corruption, slow downloads, whatever the fuck
- this alternative is virtually GFWL 2.0 which was by far the worse of all these other storefronts

Well, I play on PC since 1998, it's not that old but I still have a little experience on this plateform.

I also precise that I'm not a "MS fanboy" or something like that, I don't even own a Xbox One since I own a PC and all interesting games (to me) of the XO comes to PC so I don't need a XO.

So let me answer to all your sentences.

- platform where your friends are
>Well yes possibly, but here we're talking about a solo game so it's not a great problem in that case. It could be one in the case of a multiplayer game like Halo, yes. But... MS OWN Quantum Break, you can't ask them to put the game on another store if they don't want and want focus on their store...
- platform you already use where are all your games are, no need to divide it
> I personally don't care... If you think like that then you don't play any Nintendo game since they don't come out on PC, you don't play Uncharted since it's not on PC... I personally would like an unified plateform with everything coming out on ONE device/service, but it's still not the case and it has never been so I just deal with it.
- no need to start using yet ANOTHER storefront / account / CC info / what have you
> Well again it's (to me, no offense) a ridiculous argument. Then you if you're an "Amazon buyer" you won't buy a game which is sold out on Amazon but in stock in Gamestop (or whatever stores you have in USA)? Because you don't want another account and give again your CC info? :/
- ability to use your Steam credit you earned to buy the game rather than your money
> Well it's not like you can't buy any other Steam games anytime later... xD I mean if I buy a game on PS4 I won't complain because I couldn't use my Nintendo eShop credit... :p
- screenshots
> ? There's screenshots on W10 games too (I've just finished ROTR on W10 and it worked fine and you can take screenshots by pressong keyboards button like on Steam games and even record videos. It works perfectly.
- achievements
> There's achievements on W10, it's share with Xbox 360/XO achievements, no problems here too.
- guides
> Internet exists outside of Steam Internet browser... Come on! :p
- all these within overlay
> Alt tab works fine on W10 games, such as ROTR, and it doesn't cut your game or crash or anything, it's as easy to press alt + tab than press the 2 keys of Steam.
- SALES, chance for the game to go cheaper
> Steam is not the only place where you can buy PC games online... There are many (legal) PC keys store online and they do way more sales than Steam and wayyy cheaper. I also think that if MS push W10 games they will also more and more do sales on their store.
- the fact that every other storefront has had one way to fuck up or another. be it lost saves, file corruption, slow downloads, whatever the fuck
> Well yes on W10 store the downloads are really slow and it's a problem, they should improve that, so yes on that I agree, kinda.
- this alternative is virtually GFWL 2.0 which was by far the worse of all these other storefronts
> Kinda... But not really, GFWL was a software, it was not tied to the OS, the Store on W10 is in EVERY Windows 10 versions, it's a part of the OS, there's no way they'll give up on it so easily than GFWL.

So you see... Not everybody think the same, even in the PC gamers community.

And I mean, yes I would like that QB comes out on Steam, as you said it's cool to have your games in the same "place", but still... It's not enough to be a deal breaker for me.
I mean, Quantum Break was the ONLY ONE game on Xbox One that made me want to buy a XO in the future, and because of this announcement of the game coming and W10 store, I know that I will be able to run it on my PC (so in better conditions than on XO) and enjoy the game without the need of buying this console... I mean, maybe I'm too optimistic I dunno, but I feel it's great, I'm just happy to be able to play this game.

And also I understand MS and their purpose to focus on their own W10 Store... I mean everybody says that this store is empty, so it's useless, but when they try to bring (exclusive) content then people say "oh damn wtf, I wanted it on Steam"... :/
We can also feel that they're trying to move their gaming community in PC, that's cool. We always complained that MS didn't try enough on PC and now that they do, people still complain...

About other storefront like Origin or Uplay, it has been really improved, Origin now is really ok to use, there's no problem at all, and same for Uplay (and God I really dislike Ubisoft... Except The Division : I'm looking forward for this game).

So no I don't see any reason to complain. It's just my opinion of course but I wanted to give it. :)


I don't get how these games are supposed to help the store situation when there is no other game support to shore it up and none in sight. It's so shortsighted. So futile.

They can arm twist and dupe people into the store as much as they want but it's just not a smart long term play. It's like the possibility of a superior product with it's own merits is not even on the table with these guys. Probably because it wouldn't produce results before the end of the quarter.


I have never not been able to access/download/play a game that I have bought on steam.

I didn't say steam was perfect either, but I think you need to read up on why people are siting GFWL as a reason why they are sceptical about purchasing the game via the windows store.

Oh and not allowing things like 3rd party overlays and FPS counters. That's a legitimate cause for concern.

I've been around for a long time. GFWL costed me around 40-70$ in games, didn't lose that much but it did affect me slightly. I honestly don't give a f*** of MS past, if win10 store means Halo5, GOW4 and QB come to PC I'm down.

I'll keep buying my multiplats on steam(because of family share) and exclusive on win10 store.


Oh, the Windows Tablet App Store is getting products designed for desktop PCs now? Cool, get back to me in about five years if it hasn't been deleted or repurposed and I'll consider tying software purchases to it.

Pretty much what I've said before. They need to demonstrate a change following the shambolic GFWL, but that will take a long time to earn my trust back after that mess. Not only that, but I would not consider purchasing PC games that prevent overlays, injection, modification and use with other applications, which goes against most of the benefits I enjoy with PC gaming in the first place


Its crazy how much this stupid ass argument keeps being spouted.

A stupid ass argument that's 100% true.

Their reasons for making it exclusive to their store front is to pocket a larger percentage of the revenue, and build up their store front. End of story.
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