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HTC Vive is $799, ships early April 2016

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Quite reasonable pricing. I'll pick up two. One for me and the other for my butler. He'll need to perform his essential duties whilst I am immersed in the virtual world.

Did they announce a gold plated version?

($799 actually isn't a bad price in a vacuum - but relative to competitors....hmmmm)


Vive exclusives are most likely to be motion controlled, so if you want only good gamepad games Oculus Rift might be the better choice cost wise, as it comes with the XBONE controller.

Yeah but I think those games specifically will be something that can be played traditionally in addition to VR (I can't think L4D3 as VR exclusive), and room scale sized areas would feel gimped to those players.

Exclusives are fine, I just want to still be able to use my HOTAS for ED
psvr is a medium tier option that is vastly better than gear vr and has been compared to Vive and Oculus favorably by developers and people who have tried all 3. The gear beats vive and the rift in terms of resolution btw.

Because resolution is all that matters.


Surprised it isn't more expensive. Very curious how the Rift plus touch will cost.

LOL, do they actually think this thing will sell ?

It doesn't need to sell high numbers off the bat. If you are expecting console style number from VR out of the gate, you will be amusingly disappointed. People need to get that into there heads for the next couple of years as costs come down and content increases. As with any new tech, enthusiasts go first, not "mainstream adoption"


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
200$ more than Rift.

I am not saying its a rip off, but damn $800.

Seems like no VR for me at least for 2 years.
psvr is a medium tier option that is vastly better than gear vr and has been compared to Vive and Oculus favorably by developers and people who have tried all 3. The gear beats vive and the rift in terms of resolution btw.

Ignore this poster. He/She parroted this false narrative in previous VR threads and other posters wasted their time:

Sonys VR is not comparable to oculus and hive, it will be in the same league as low-end devices like gear vr (but it will probably more expensive than gear vr, because it needs own screens).

It's obvious anyone that tried both Gear & PSVR that this is not remotely true.


Entry price on these is just too much for me I would rather just buy a console with that kind of money.

I expect psvr at $500 after these last 2 price announcements.
$399 tops for PSVR, $299 very much a possibility for headset alone.

I see PSVR as having an "entry point" role for VR adoption, particularly if Sony manages to do a $599 bundle "all included" with PS4 in 2017 (headset, camera, 1 move, PS4).
The big risk of course is having disappointing experiences, but thats true for all the VR devices.

Sony pls save VR


200$ more than Rift.

I am not saying its a rip off, but damn $800.

Seems like no VR for me at least for 2 years.

Keep in mind the Rift needs 2x Oculus touch controllers and another camera. The Vive price is actually a lot closer to what the Rift and touch might cost than I was expecting.


extra source of jiggaflops
ITT: People who think Sony will somehow release a VR experience that will be cheaper but still comparable to the Rift or Vive. You will pay less, but you'll also get less.
Dude, you're confused about what benefit the Vive has over the Rift. Maybe you shouldn't try to talk down others.


I think we all know very well it wouldn't be cheap but couldn't they have waited a year or two for the cost of some of these technologies to drop. HTC are going through tough times from what I can gather, did they think this would help them ?

Waiting a year isn't good for them at all, it just lets competitors gain market share and mind share by getting products out earlier.

HTC have played this the best way they can. They can't compete on the low end as Sony has an established platform for PSVR to utilise that lets them heavily subsidise the hardware cost, they wouldn't be able to match what Sony is likely going to put out at that same price.

They could target the mid-high end like Oculus, but again Oculus already has easily the biggest mindshare and presence in the VR playing field and again, they need to make a profit on the hardware whereas Facebook has the ability to subsidise Rift headset cost a decent amount.

So they target the premium end. This is a niche market of people who are willing to pay more for better experiences. They decide to heavily invest in a feature none of their competitors are really doing (room scale tracking) as well as add in a number of premium features which generally enhance experience.

They can capture a small but healthy segment of the market, make profit on hardware alone, and most importantly, by positioining themselves as the premium brand, if they can deliver a product which lives up to that tag then they gain significant mindshare which helps them keep hold of that premium market and potentially drags some of the mid end market into that upper end.


psvr is a medium tier option that is vastly better than gear vr and has been compared to Vive and Oculus favorably by developers and people who have tried all 3. The gear beats vive and the rift in terms of resolution btw.

My thing about that is the content. With PSVR, there are games that will be enhanced by it, but not required. So when I imagine myself playing GT Sport, Rez, and Ace Combat 7, I can't see myself spending upwards of $300 for that kind of experience if I don't have to.

There needs to be THE killer app.

Of course the tech will get better and cheaper, but I dunno how early adopters will jump on.


2 in the head,
You know VR's dead

VR is an airplane heading down the runway at 15mph.

But yeah we all knew Vive was gonna be expensive. The wasted dreams of VR were ruined at Oculus price.


We all knew this, so why put on the badly acted surprised faces. If you had followed us in the other threads on gaf over the last couple of years you would know. Either that or you wasn't interested in the first place.

Let us enthusiasts and early adopters handle premium VR, you'll still have your cheap VR; via PSVR and a plethora of other options for the PC.

Premium VR prices will not go down for the next 10 years anyway, and why would it, it wouldn't make any sense. But as I wrote; there will be cheaper options out there.

Edit: And what will happen if I click on a few of the "comedian's" user names btw, what will I find.. Will I find a pattern..?


ITT: People who think Sony will somehow release a VR experience that will be cheaper but still comparable to the Rift or Vive. You will pay less, but you'll also get less.

Really. It's not like they just can arbitrarily choose a price for a product they've been developing for years. It's going to be more than 300 dollars for sure, and not nearly to the specs of the other headsets.

AKA not some great white hope of VR.


$399 tops for PSVR, $299 very much a possibility for headset alone.

I see PSVR as having an "entry point" role for VR adoption, particularly if Sony manages to do a $599 bundle "all included" with PS4 in 2017 (headset, camera, 1 move, PS4).
The big risk of course is having disappointing experiences, but thats true for all the VR devices.

The entry point for VR is solutions like Google cardboard, then GearVR and other mobile solutions. Then PSVR. It will cost more than $399 for the controllers, VR headset and camera.


People are really over reacting to this. Cut them some slack, for me 800 dollars is my one months salary and I won't be able to buy this but on the other hand a rift with motion controllers and room size tracking -is it possible with that- would probably cost at least this much. This are cutting edge techs here.

Also I can't understand why most of you guys can pay $200-400 for a console or much more -to $1000- for one graphics card. And then complain about one of its first kind tech being costly ...


Junior Member
PSVR is comparable to Rift and Vive.
All have same methods, some might have advanced trackers or better screen but I don't see any much lesser on each other.

Only big one is the platform.


Price seems fine for what you're getting. If Oculus Touch ends up being $100, that's only a $100 difference between the two for the full motion controlled experience. If Touch ends up being more the difference gets even slimmer. I do sympathize with the people that wanted the first gen of VR headsets to be cheaper (if I weren't getting a Rift for free I wouldn't be getting a VR headset at all) but in relative terms the price of the Vive is in the ballpark even though $800 is eye popping at first glance.


Entry price on these is just too much for me I would rather just buy a console with that kind of money.

I expect psvr at $500 after these last 2 price announcements.

$349/$399 but it won't come with the as much stuff as the Rift let alone the Vive.


Gonna start saving up for the Vive then. Price isn't as crazy as I thought it would be, and my computer should be ready for VR. Tried out that Samsung Gear VR the other day (my first time experiencing VR) and it was amazing. Can't wait for this to come out.


Decent price for what's provided. Looks like the most complete VR package to me. They're going for high end enthusiast clearly which is a fair play. Rest of us get to drool for the moment.
Price seems fair, and about what you'd expect given what Oculus are shipping... but I'll tell you this, if Sony can deliver VR at $300 or $400 there is going to be a healthy amount of demand for it at that price point, even if it's a lesser experience judging to the reactions in this thread, and the reactions that happened when Oculus revealed their price.

But yeah, the writing for this was on the wall the day Oculus dropped their price. People that thought Vive wouldn't be multiple hundreds of dollars more expensive were just thinking wishfully.


This thread is nearly identical to the Rift thread. Price too high, VR is DOA, etc...and then it sold out for months. I expect the same thing will happen here.

I feel for you guys who want this but can't afford it, I really do...but it just doesn't mean anything for VR at large.


A lot less than I expected considering everything you get. Pretty tempted picking this up knowing I could sell my Oculus without loss on ebay and decide between the two myself.
PSVR is comparable to Rift and Vive.
All have same methods, some might have advanced trackers or better screen but I don't see any much lesser on each other.

Only big one is the platform.

Thats actually quite big I think. I mean while the Oculus and Vive have an open plattform, lots of experimental stuff, "old games patched to VR" etc. the Sony one is exclusive to a closed plattform.


I really hope super enthusiasts buy up all the VR they can and make them successes. That way, we'll be one step closer to that Sword Art Online VRMMORPG of dreams.
I keep reading the words 'premium VR experience' like it means something. It's premium today, it won't be next year. This is probably not going to be a market where you plunk down a grand and stay current for years.

This is still first-gen tech. If VR takes off, and that's a big if, your 'premium 800$' headset will be iterated and improved upon very quickly when it's actually in the hands of the public.

Many first adopters know that going in and they don't care about that. But some people here expect this peripheral to be the end-all-be-all of VR. It will only be that for a very small window in time, and in two years we'll be looking back laughing about how primitive this thing is. For that reason, I think i'm pretty content with the notion of waiting how this market develops for a year so I can get in on the actually good second wave of headsets and hopefully some actual content to use them with.

Early adopters are going to make or break this entire market though, so I hope this thing sells beyond all expectations.

I haven't seen a single person say anything along those lines.

Anybody willing to be an early adopter understands the situation, nobody is putting down that kind of money with the expectation of it being the be all, end all of VR.

Ironically, the people that want VR to fail are the ones implying that first generation hardware will make or break the entire future viability of VR as a medium.

I have an oculus preordered with a shipping estimate of May and I'll also be buying a Vive day 0 and PSVR day 0.

I'm doing so with the expectation that the hardware I'm purchasing will become outdated in less than a year.

I wouldn't be spending this kind of money if I actually thought it was the last VR purchase I'd ever need to make. If that was my goal then I wouldn't jump into VR until years down the line when everything is more affordable.
Price seems fine for what you're getting. If Oculus Touch ends up being $100, that's only a $100 difference between the two for the full motion controlled experience. If Touch ends up being more the difference gets even slimmer. I do sympathize with the people that wanted the first gen of VR headsets to be cheaper (if I weren't getting a Rift for free I wouldn't be getting a VR headset at all) but in relative terms the price of the Vive is in the ballpark even though $800 is eye popping at first glance.

Touch will be $150. I'm pretty certain of that.


It should be noted to some (although obvious to most) that console manufacturers can - and do - subsidise the cost of their hardware and make up the difference in licensing and peripherals. Oculus and Vive cannot do this. They need to profit from each set.
I think the controller solution of the Vive would ultimately mean a better experience for gaming.

I currently use the Samsung Gear VR and it works great, but that's because most applications for it utilize head tracking or gamepad controller. This ultimately limits software to head tracking configurations, or your standard gamepad utilization which is fine but not ground breaking.

For something like occulus, a game pad will likely be the only input option, mouse and keyboard may be less viable as we won't be able to look at the keys on a keyboard for reference (even if we don't normally need to sans headset).

With the Vive, an 'immersive' two hand controller solution could be a huge differentiator and the most necessary input option for VR.
I really hope super enthusiasts buy up all the VR they can and make them successes. That way, we'll be one step closer to that Sword Art Online VRMMORPG of dreams.

The funny thing is Bandai-Namco actually had a SAO VR demo running on the oculus like 2 years ago.
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