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"I believe in the 1st amendment and boobs" - Clay Travis declares on CNN


semen stains the mountaintops
"Uh..." what?

Say something of substance or don't bother posting at all.

I mean, you guys gotta think about these things when you're using gif responses in this kind of conversation. You don't post children going "yay boobs and butts" (implied or otherwise) and not get called out on it. At the very least, it's really careless behavior.
What's "wrong" with me is that I want people to put more thought into their responses and not just mindlessly post shit for the sake of posting shit.
Wut wut


Why did they react so harshly?

It was a dumb comment, but... Boobs? I assumed he was. Making a bad joke/point that he likes the first amendment because it allows him to say stuff like "boobs".

This is also the same lady who freaked out because someone quoted "nigger".
Do people really have no sense of humour in America?

Meanwhile in Australia.


The time an place of his comment wasn't appropriate in the slightest or even relevant to the discussion at hand. There's a difference between having a preference/attraction for certain body parts and being so brazen to claim something like that on live tv multiple times no less
and to a woman achor. When your constantly reduced/seen as an object rather then a person by many (not talking about you) it does get old really fast and regardless of his intent Brooke clearly felt that and thus ended the discussion.


And then he tries to keep going while the other two people involved in the conversation are still staggered by that comment
Why did they react so harshly?

It was a dumb comment, but... Boobs? I assumed he was. Making a bad joke/point that he likes the first amendment because it allows him to say stuff like "boobs".

This is also the same lady who freaked out because someone quoted "nigger".

So the boob guy and Trump want a female ESPN journalist to be fired for saying Trump is a white nationalists on social media (if I'm not mistaken). He doesn't even allow the conversation on the issue to take place because he just has to declare his love and belief for the 1st amendment and boobs.

So what does boobs have to do with anything in this context? He's trolling Brooke, CNN's viewers (CNN does that to them enough) and women.

Women's breasts don't need him to believe in them. They already exist. They're a body part, not an important amendment to our nation's most important document. They have nothing to do with each other.


Why did they react so harshly?

It was a dumb comment, but... Boobs? I assumed he was. Making a bad joke/point that he likes the first amendment because it allows him to say stuff like "boobs".

This is also the same lady who freaked out because someone quoted "nigger".

Maybe because this dumbass was speaking to a female journalist about the professional career and comments of another female journalist, and the only interesting and vaguely topical thing he could think to say was "the only two things I believe in are the first amendment and boobs."

It wasn't a joke because a) it wasn't funny; and b) he quadrupled down on it. I mean, take that shit to the nearest Dave and Busters, not a fucking news segment on a serious subject.

If anything is a fucking joke, it's that this guy thought a reference to his MACHO MASCULINE GRRRR BOOBS AMIRITE!?-ness would somehow reinforce the integrity of his opinion instead of the complete opposite.


This guy is an idiot but lol at Brooke clutching her pearls. It was unprofessional and stupid to say but come on Brooke, boobs is hardly worth that "oh my well I never" look.
So the boob guy and Trump want a female ESPN journalist to be fired for saying Trump is a white nationalists on social media (if I'm not mistaken). He doesn't even allow the conversation on the issue to take place because he just has to declare his love and belief for the 1st amendment and boobs.

So what does boobs have to do with anything in this context? He's trolling Brooke, CNN's viewers (CNN does that to them enough) and women.

Women's breasts don't need him to believe in them. They already exist. They're a body part, not an important amendment to our nation's most important document. They have nothing to do with each other.

First amendment -> freedom of expression -> pornography -> boobs.

The connection seems clear to me.


Is she pissed at both of them or just that guy? Seems like she's fed up with everyone by the time she pulls the mics.


'I wasn't making jokes about boobs. Don't include me in that.

But the gif and posts it responded to can be seen as a comedic attempt at showing how absurd it is to proclaim your love of body parts. Sure, it wasn't really that funny and can be seen as immature.


...Or it was just a sexist attempt to ruin a child actress' self esteem, make a pedo joke, and undermine gender equality in gifs.

I'm gonna go with the former. Because if I went with the latter, I'd have to wear a tin foil hat.
I understand the intent. There's no need to be snide.

Judging from the responses, I may have been hyperbolic in zeroing in on the pedophilic angle. I apologize for that, but I still think that the general callousness on display in this thread (and others) with regards to the bodily autonomy of women is not a good look, and the responses continue to exemplify that.
This guy is an idiot but lol at Brooke clutching her pearls. It was unprofessional and stupid to say but come on Brooke, boobs is hardly worth that "oh my well I never" look.
Like so.


Someone with a public platform says president is a white supremicist. They say freedom of speech.

Someone with a public platform says he likes boobs. Everyone loses their minds. Sounds like a good Ledger Joker pic.

News stations pick up on a story about hot cops in Florida. No issues.

Guy says boobs have never let him down. Lynch him!!!

Other guy was funny. He definitely loves boobs too :"im not going to discuss that with you!"

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Of course its from a guy from the Fox network. What is with sexual comments with Fox?

It was run by a sexual predator who enabled and was enabled by his pathetic subordinates who together created a culture of chauvinism and sexism.

Vile inside and out, is Fox.


Someone with a public platform says president is a white supremicist. They say freedom of speech.

Someone with a public platform says he likes boobs. Everyone loses their minds. Sounds like a good Ledger Joker pic.

News stations pick up on a story about hot cops in Florida. No issues.

Guy says boobs have never let him down. Lynch him!!!

Other guy was funny. He definitely loves boobs too :"im not going to discuss that with you!"
Calling out the president is absolutely 100% an appropriate use of public platforms.

Being a banal idiot is not.

It would be grrreeeaaat if we could raise our standards of discourse a little.
Pretty sad to see the entire country fall for a fucking Clay Travis attention stunt.

He's been escalating his stupid stunts dramatically in the past year or so.

Kinda think he's angling for some sort of godawful sports/political commentary show on the Fox News mothership or something.



Don't be so reductive. My remark has nothing to do about bodily autonomy and everything to do with her overreaction. She had every right to pull the mics and cut him off. But look at what CNN has let people get away with saying without reacting like that. They have garbage people on for ratings and her acting like he said Hitler had some good ideas or something was funny to me. They want these people to say these over the top things. That's why they invite them.

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
This guy was straight up sexually harassing that woman.

I disagree. It is deeply inappropriate to say it, it makes the conversation entirely about him (as evidenced by this whole thread) rather than the serious issue at hand, and is another case of the male gaze triumphing over all else. However i never got the impression that him talking about boobs was about anything but his own preference. This is narcissism, not harassment. He's attention seeking.


Gold Member
Was he supposed to be humorous? Pretty sure even Adam Sandler was beyond the "lol boobs is a funny word" line.

I mean it looks bad on a news organization that is trying to be professional.

This wasn't meant to be humorous. This wasn't freaking daytime talk, and even then that would be crass.

This man was giving an opinion that he meant to be taken seriously.

That's Carrie Bickmore in the photo, it is not a daytime news show and she is a multi-gold logie winner which is the equivalent of the best award that whatever the emmys in America hands out.

Between this and the racial issues America is such a mess.
I understand the intent. There's no need to be snide.

Judging from the responses, I may have been hyperbolic in zeroing in on the pedophilic angle. I apologize for that, but I still think that the general callousness on display in this thread (and others) with regards to the bodily autonomy of women is not a good look, and the responses continue to exemplify that.

Like so.

I understand. I see it too. It's not funny and detracts from the conversation.

My apologies for being a bit snide. It's a bad habit I've had since high school. I just really wanted to get my point across.


A serious discussion about white supremacy and suppression of the 1st amendment on a show hosted by a woman seems like the perfect time to talk about how awesome boobs are. /s


Don't be so reductive. My remark has nothing to do about bodily autonomy and everything to do with her overreaction. She had every right to pull the mics and cut him off. But look at what CNN has let people get away with saying without reacting like that. They have garbage people on for ratings and her acting like he said Hitler had some good ideas or something was funny to me. They want these people to say these over the top things. That's why they invite them.
Well, I'll admit I don't follow CNN closely enough to say one way or another.

I'm curious about these other examples of garbage people saying more over-the-top things. Why would this particular example be newsworthy, and the others not? What makes this one different?


Clay Travis is a professional troll and he trolled the shit out of CNN. They brought him on to debate why it's completely ok to call the president a white supremacist because of the first amendment and then they proceed to lose their shit when he says the word "boobs". Now he's making t-shirts of it and donating the profits to breast cancer research. He came off like a childish idiot but he knew what he was doing.
He's asking for the video like he's some d tier YouTuber like you damn fool you are a professional who works in professional television and were on CNN act like a god damn adult.

To a man these people are children.


To bring everyone up to speed, Clay Travis is lowest of the low hanging fruit in the sports sphere. He's Fox News in a hot take sports form. He's anti-ESPN because he believes they're a left-wing organization, he lead the march on why Kaepernick is horrible for kneeling, and just 2 months ago, he complained that Delta wouldn't allow his son on plane because he had lice

I honestly never thought it was possible for a sports channel to have a political slant! Next up Jeff Sterling on Sky Sports explains why Tory Brexit proposals are are a good thing. Lol


Clay Travis is a professional troll and he trolled the shit out of CNN. They brought him on to debate why it's completely ok to call the president a white supremacist because of the first amendment and then they proceed to lose their shit when he says the word "boobs". Now he's making t-shirts of it and donating the profits to breast cancer research. He came off like a childish idiot but he knew what he was doing.

cnn is an easy mark, they get played by everyone. fuck 'em
Well, of course I am.

I'm likely one of the only people reading this thread thinking about how that girl is effectively being used to boost a stupid sexist conversation that will likely continue to hound her in her teenage and adult years as she grows to have the "boobs" and "ass" that the many, many guys on GAF and elsewhere are pining for. Because this thread, and most of GAF, is largely men who've never experienced this shit.

Look, the answer to this conversation is not "why not both?". The answer is to stop the fucking conversation and accept that everyone can and should have their own tastes that no one needs to question in the first place.

Not sure if serious or trolling.
Well, of course I am.

I'm likely one of the only people reading this thread thinking about how that girl is effectively being used to boost a stupid sexist conversation that will likely continue to hound her in her teenage and adult years as she grows to have the "boobs" and "ass" that the many, many guys on GAF and elsewhere are pining for. Because this thread, and most of GAF, is largely men who've never experienced this shit.

Look, the answer to this conversation is not "why not both?". The answer is to stop the fucking conversation and accept that everyone can and should have their own tastes that no one needs to question in the first place.

As I said in the last thread about this subject... It really depends on the audience. Because there are a number of women who are fine with the discussion. It doesn't affect bodily autonomy, not is it inherently sexist.

That said, there are also a number of women who would be uncomfortable with it. It's really better saved for closer friends/tight communities etc. Which is why I said the thread was iffy in my response to you.

I noticed you admitted your initial reaction was an overreaction, so I won't harp on that.

Finally, as for the actual subject of this thread... It looks like most people are saying it's juvenile, but not necessarily sexist. So I can already see why the discussion ends up this way - "it's juvenile" vs "who cares if it's juvenile"?

Realistically, the only route (which has already been presented) is showing this guy is a jackass in all aspects of life.


Idk. Stupid, but is this offensive now? This is "never ok"? Like not too long ago itd be the right saying you cant talk about boobies on TV


Normally I'd say she overreacted, but come the fuck on. That isn't the appropriate thing to say in any context, and much less so given the topic at hand at the time.

Brooke has done a fantastic job as a journalist, and she was right to not have to take any of that shit. Did she overreact? I don't think so, but there is an argument for it. Was she justified in her reaction? You bet.
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