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I now understand why some of you have become a bit cynical towards games media.


Is this real life?

Yeah, it was one of the more mis-guided reviews I have ever read in my life.

I mean, I don't even care about the score, it's completely meaningless. The issue is with the text of the review.
It's one thing to think that a game doesn't execute on what it's trying to do well, or has lackings or failings or such...

At times Shadowgate64 gets so lonely that we find ourselves wishing for a Pigcop or even an Imp, not to kill mind you, but to be friends with and keep us company. Anything to break up the monotony of condemned-castle exploring. What a sad day it is when you don't feel the urge to blow away a videogame bad guy.

Reading is an important part of S64. If you're illiterate or otherwise afraid of the written word then there's not much for you in this game.

Again this is great stuff for Shadowgate/puzzle fans but for the alien/zombie killer in all of us, it'll seem very strange to have so little @ss-kicking in this first person 3D world. We're not kidding when we say that one of the most action packed moments early on in the game comes when you walk into a room and a giant table tips over onto its side. Wheeeee.

Shadowgate 64 has it very easy over some other first person style games since there are no weapons or gangs of enemies to draw on screen like you would have in GoldenEye, for example.

We can't tell you how frustrating it was having neither the @ss kicking guns nor worthless bad guys to blow away as we patrolled the hallways of castle Shadowgate with our controllers set on Turok-style, perfect for destruction.

And another to just miss the point of an entire genre completely. Over and over again.


It doesn't but whatever makes you sleep at night. I guess TLOU hate also had nothing to do with it being a console exclusive either. Like where do you guys get this BS from. People who don't like some types of FPS can't exist all of a sudden? Wtf?

Never say everybody, again some people may honestly not like it, and that is fine... most likely those people are reading posts of games they care about.

I have a PS3 and I'm getting a Ps4 for the next Naughty Dog game btw. Knowing I'm not a fanboy is what gives me good sleep at night.
This quote from IGN's Titanfall preview cracks me up every time:

You WILL buy an XBO for Titanfall, even if you have a PC capable rig for it, because REASONS! Xbox ecosystem! YOU CAN NEVER GO BACK!

Of course people will interpret calling out absurd self-perpetuating media driven overhype as a critique of Titanfall's quality, but it's not. I said this same shit over the ridiculous way IGN jerked off all over GTA5 during its Grand Theft Auto week.

There is no such thing as perspective apparently with these guys.

You just can´t shake the feeling of that they were paid to say this (Remember how IGN was sponsored by XBone with a huge banner on the upper right corner around launch ?).

"Well you could play Titanfall at a significantly higher resolution with your beefy PC....but why not shell out 500$ for the privelege to pay for Gold ?

I mean there is just no way to hook your PC to a TV ! "

I´m close to done with the games media. Eurogamer has my respect for criticising mictotransactions, Jim Sterling is the man........and Siliconera is cool too.

Thats it.
Never take reviews seriously and only use games-media for previews. And by previews I mean actual footage of the game. I've learned to just ignore the commentary.


Gold Member
For a moment I thought that was the parody account...turns out is the real one...

He is always overly positive. I thought it was quite sad how when asked at VGX he couldn't even name a game he thought was bad/disappointing.

I love video games, but ... who... who is like this? Seriously.

This quote from IGN's Titanfall preview cracks me up every time:

You WILL buy an XBO for Titanfall, even if you have a PC capable rig for it, because REASONS! Xbox ecosystem! YOU CAN NEVER GO BACK!

Of course people will interpret calling out absurd self-perpetuating media driven overhype as a critique of Titanfall's quality, but it's not. I said this same shit over the ridiculous way IGN jerked off all over GTA5 during its Grand Theft Auto week.

There is no such thing as perspective apparently with these guys.

That whole ecosystem argument I find to be bullshit personally. I had a 360 and got a PS4 this gen. No worries about the ecosystem, in fact I edited my Xbox 360 profile to let people know my PSN ID.


Never trust anything else than your own experience. Normally you know best what types of games you like or you not like. Don't trust the hype gaming media and publishers trying to create. For me the best example was the hype around Mass Effect 3. As a die-hard fan of that series I was totally disappointed about the route the franchise has gone.


I have a PS3 and I'm getting a Ps4 for the next Naughty Dog game btw. Knowing I'm not a fanboy is what gives me good sleep at night.

I can't tell if this is serious. Asserting that your going to buy a $400 console for a game you know nothing (or almost nothing) about just because your a fan of the developer is like the exact definition of a fan boy.
Has anybody turned on a TV to a news channel lately? In the US at least, "Journalism" is less about disseminating the facts than it is about expressing a (usually one sided) opinion about said facts. The people who do it the loudest always end up being the most popular. Truly impartial journalism like the BBC is rare to impossible to get around here because it does not fit into most people's black and white views of the world. I grew up in the UK and have been in the States for over 10 years. Its really the only place in the world where somebody like Rick Santelli (cnbc idiot who's only skill is being able to yell a lot), all of Fox News and all of MSNBC could be considered "Journalists".

Games journalism is headed in a similar direction. "Journalists" compete for clicks. One doesn't get clicks by being measured. A click is a click. It doesn't matter of it is somebody clicking on the story because their hype for the game is genuine or because it reinforces a console wars narrative - the job of a "journalist" is to take a measured opinion and make it sound as hyperbolic as possible to attract as many of these clicks as possible. One could be trusted and measured and end up with a small but loyal following of people or one could hype everything up and get a huge following, marketing deals from Doritos and Mountain Dew and live TV specials for console launches. Easy choice.


Unconfirmed Member
I just came across the Verge opening it's story about the titanfall beta with "Titanfall could very well be the most important game in years, and it's not even out yet", and linking to an article about how Titanfall will win the console wars for Microsoft.

It's just weird that such huge hyperbole is used to describe a game that's not out yet, and then most of the time used to conclude that it's good for Xbox instead of being good for fans of the genre. It's that sort of thing that makes you think that they are just waging the console wars as much as any forum user, and I thought they were supposed to be above that.

I would be much more likely to believe that hyperbole as slightly genuine if they didn't so often bring up the game's place as an exclusive.


Metacritic is only worthwhile if you completely ignore user reviews. I think the reason many get so worked up by it is because they pay too much attention to user review averages (and because that site is so popular, they are worthless thanks to all of the troll accounts). I personally prefer Gamerankings for games.

I actually find the aggregate user scores helpful; they usually reflect what the average person thinks about the game. I'm not talking about reviews that give it 10's or 0's, but the rating itself.


I can't tell if this is serious. Asserting that your going to buy a $400 console for a game you know nothing (or almost nothing) about just because your a fan of the developer is like the exact definition of a fan boy.

You are right *if next naughty dog game is actually good, I'll buy a PS4. I'm a fanboy of videogames, don't care about brands or platforms.


I think many gamers are asking or expecting too much from game reviews. As others have stated, they are critics not journalists. The person will give his/her subjective review on the game he/she plays. Of course their scores are biased, influenced by external sources and should be read as such.

The movie industry is the same way and they have finally moved to almost a complete metacritic model. I can't even remember the last time I looked up a movie and didn't see 2 scores; the aggregate critic scores and the aggregate viewer scores.

Sometimes gamers take gaming way too seriously. The only thing that matters to me is entertainment value (aka fun). My friend is busy playing titanfall beta and sent me a text saying it is badass and I'll love it. That's all the affirmation I need.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
GAF is not the best in terms of truth about games when Half Life 2 and The Last of Us are praised to no end.
Strange examples, considering GAF's praise for them aligns up perfectly with the amount of praise those games received just about everywhere. In fact, HL2 didn't even win the GOTY 2004 vote here. A better example would be people hyping up or defending buggy, broken messes. Neither of those games fit that description.

It'll be interesting to see how the media approaches things if there isn't a big momentum shift at some point this year. So far, they are on the other side of the fence from the general public.


You are right *if next naughty dog game is actually good, I'll buy a PS4. I'm a fanboy of videogames, don't care about brands or platforms.

Never say everybody, again some people may honestly not like it, and that is fine... most likely those people are reading posts of games they care about.

I have a PS3 and I'm getting a Ps4 for the next Naughty Dog game btw. Knowing I'm not a fanboy is what gives me good sleep at night.

So 8 months ago you said you didn't enjoy Naughty Dog type of games and now you are spending $400 to buy a PS4 just for a Naughty Dog game?

You mean linear "cinematic" experiences with ground breaking e-puppet acting?

Seriously speaking thou, I'm sure TLOU is a pretty good game, and Naughty dog is a terrific developer.

I for once haven't enjoy those kind of experiences in a long time, I don't like games that try to be movies, I like games that are comfortable with being Games and explore the Game side of a videogame (Deep Mechanics, Systems, Balance, Conditions etc..). I prefer games like SC2, Dota 2, Civ, X-com... game ass games.

I believe chasing the cinematic dream has sunk this industry into bloated budgets that produce superficial experiences.

Whenever I want to experience a good story, I go read a book.


So 8 months ago you said you didn't enjoy Naughty Dog type of games and now you are spending $400 to buy a PS4 just for a Naughty Dog game?

yea... there's nothing wrong with that. Maybe he gave a naughty dog game another shot and ended up liking it. If a good game comes out for PS4 that makes it worth the asking price then why wouldn't you buy one? does it matter who the developer is?
no, not if the game is good

Criticizing people for changing there minds is silly.


So 8 months ago you said you didn't enjoy Naughty Dog type of games and now you are spending $400 to buy a PS4 just for a Naughty Dog game?

Loved Uncharted 2, moderately enjoyed UC3... got bored with TLOU. Played so much of UC2 multiplayer, best 3rd person multiplayer around IMHO.

That 8 month old tread you are referring too is about story telling, the stuff I remember from UC games has nothing to do with the story: Indiana Jones meets Nola north, hot chicks, relics, cool beans... let me shoot some dudes.
So do some of you in this thread think there was some kind of sinister collusion going on where the gaming media at large almost all decided to back Titanfall and hype it to the heavens? The game's multiplayer is fun as hell and the flow of gameplay is just unique enough to feel like a breath of fresh air compared to COD and Battlefield.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
You can't "outdo yourself" if you've never done anything. That doesn't make sense. This is their first game. What have they outdone?

Lol, it's just like throw a bunch of crazy adjectives at the wall and hope it makes sense.


My main problem is when someone reviews a type of game they know nothing of or don't care about.

Like RPG's are so broad that, say a reviewer expects a roguelike to be a traditional rpg and gives it a poor score based on that instead of if its a good roguelike or not.

The most glaring example is that one infamous football manager review from a few years back.


Community question -- this thread is being tagged back to SCEA management, specifically looking at the answer to this.

How would you all feel about SCEA dropping exclusive trailers, exclusive screenshot(s), etc on GAF first in the appropriate thread instead of the usual gaming journalistic sites? Assuming the moderators said that was ok. (would it be ok mods?) I know SCEA really don't want to look like marketing hacks ... but I've been pushing them to at least try passing on exclusives here directly rather than going the circular route through gaming sites.

You know the saying GAF - Internet - GAF. With that said, it's a fine line. So if we dropped something, no PR release no "OMG THIS IS AMAZING BLAHBLAH" .... maybe just "here GAF, new Trailer for Infamous <link>".


Community question -- this thread is being tagged back to SCEA management, specifically looking at the answer to this.

How would you all feel about SCEA dropping exclusive trailers, exclusive screenshot(s), etc on GAF first in the appropriate thread instead of the usual gaming journalistic sites? Assuming the moderators said that was ok. (would it be ok mods?) I know SCEA really don't want to look like marketing hacks ... but I've been pushing them to at least try passing on exclusives here directly rather than going the circular route through gaming sites.

You know the saying GAF - Internet - GAF. With that said, it's a fine line. So if we dropped something, no PR release no "OMG THIS IS AMAZING BLAHBLAH" .... maybe just "here GAF, new Trailer for Infamous <link>".
I don't think anyone has a problem with PR if its presented as such. Just don't come here and give us some bullshit like Albert Panello did. I'm sure neogaf will appreciate some content directly from SCEA.
Community question -- this thread is being tagged back to SCEA management, specifically looking at the answer to this.

How would you all feel about SCEA dropping exclusive trailers, exclusive screenshot(s), etc on GAF first in the appropriate thread instead of the usual gaming journalistic sites? Assuming the moderators said that was ok. (would it be ok mods?) I know SCEA really don't want to look like marketing hacks ... but I've been pushing them to at least try passing on exclusives here directly rather than going the circular route through gaming sites.

You know the saying GAF - Internet - GAF. With that said, it's a fine line. So if we dropped something, no PR release no "OMG THIS IS AMAZING BLAHBLAH" .... maybe just "here GAF, new Trailer for Infamous <link>".
That would be perfect. Just let the trailer speak for itself.


The entire TITANFALLTITANFALLTITANFALL rhetoric of the current games media is so ridiculous it's just impossible to take seriously.

He's becoming insufferable on Twitter.


Man I thought this was a parody account at first. :lol

This quote from IGN's Titanfall preview cracks me up every time:

You WILL buy an XBO for Titanfall, even if you have a PC capable rig for it, because REASONS! Xbox ecosystem! YOU CAN NEVER GO BACK!

Of course people will interpret calling out absurd self-perpetuating media driven overhype as a critique of Titanfall's quality, but it's not. I said this same shit over the ridiculous way IGN jerked off all over GTA5 during its Grand Theft Auto week.

There is no such thing as perspective apparently with these guys.

:lol If you want to get called all kinds of racial epithets the wonderful Xbox Live community is for sure the best one out there. That paragraph is just flat out embarrassing, do these people not care to appear like gigantic fucking shills? At least attempt to keep your bullshit subtle, goddamn.
Community question -- this thread is being tagged back to SCEA management, specifically looking at the answer to this.

How would you all feel about SCEA dropping exclusive trailers, exclusive screenshot(s), etc on GAF first in the appropriate thread instead of the usual gaming journalistic sites? Assuming the moderators said that was ok. (would it be ok mods?) I know SCEA really don't want to look like marketing hacks ... but I've been pushing them to at least try passing on exclusives here directly rather than going the circular route through gaming sites.

You know the saying GAF - Internet - GAF. With that said, it's a fine line. So if we dropped something, no PR release no "OMG THIS IS AMAZING BLAHBLAH" .... maybe just "here GAF, new Trailer for Infamous <link>".

Anything that gets communicated directly to gamers instead of going through the usual PR media fluff would be a massive improvement, imho.


I don't think anyone has a problem with PR if its presented as such. Just don't come here and give us some bullshit like Albert Panello did. I'm sure neogaf will appreciate some content directly from SCEA.

MVP's are community volunteers so I can pretty much say what I want including issues I think they need to look at (PS4 -- where's my DLNA Sony!!!).

They really want to push the community aspect, the idea "we are listening to our fans". And I get that GAF hates PR crap, so I've pushed the idea of just dropping exclusive stuff -- No PR, no "sounds like a marketing release", just screens, video, etc and let GAF decide if it's worthy or not.
Gaming media is bullshit and there's no two ways about it. What do you expect from "journalists" who get all of their information sent directly from the publisher in the form of media briefings?


I feel that way every time I play a round of the beta.

People spazzing in and out of doorways Titans having a furious seizure on front of one another. AI characters being indistinguishable from Pilots, 20 different indicator's all different colours and sizes on the minimap. Blue Titan forcefield regardless of faction. I was pretty surprised by how unpolished some of the presentation aspects were considering the gameplay is so slick.

I don't know the context of where that quote was pulled from but if that journalist means visual confusion rather than visual splendour, I'm inclined to agree.


Community question -- this thread is being tagged back to SCEA management, specifically looking at the answer to this.

How would you all feel about SCEA dropping exclusive trailers, exclusive screenshot(s), etc on GAF first in the appropriate thread instead of the usual gaming journalistic sites? Assuming the moderators said that was ok. (would it be ok mods?) I know SCEA really don't want to look like marketing hacks ... but I've been pushing them to at least try passing on exclusives here directly rather than going the circular route through gaming sites.

You know the saying GAF - Internet - GAF. With that said, it's a fine line. So if we dropped something, no PR release no "OMG THIS IS AMAZING BLAHBLAH" .... maybe just "here GAF, new Trailer for Infamous <link>".

That'd be nice. The DriveClub gameplay videos we've been getting solely seem to exist because the community demanded them, so I guess this could actually happen.


Junior Member
MVP's are community volunteers so I can pretty much say what I want including issues I think they need to look at (PS4 -- where's my DLNA Sony!!!).

They really want to push the community aspect, the idea "we are listening to our fans". And I get that GAF hates PR crap, so I've pushed the idea of just dropping exclusive stuff -- No PR, no "sounds like a marketing release", just screens, video, etc and let GAF decide if it's worthy or not.

This sounds excellent. Make this happen


The circle jerking of journalists over Titanfall is childish and extremely unprofessional

Ok... except it's a game that's getting an extremely positive response from the majority of people.

So perhaps their excitement is valid, because, you know, they're tremendously excited?

I am after playing two days of the beta, best casual MP FPS I've played since CoD4.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
I've found the "big boy" reviewers to be quite, quite bad. IGN in particular, nearly every review that I read from them is just...poorly written? Positive, negative, whatever, a lot don't really even tell me anything about the game. This happens often, IGN's Bravely Default review for example was nearly worthless to me and barely told me anything about the game dispute being a positive score.

Then there's other stuff like this Donkey Kong TP stream: http://www.twitch.tv/biggestinjapan/b/503438141
(Go to 04:46:00 and onward for where the magic starts.) Where some reviewers seem to not even want to play the games they're assigned to review. Seriously, his Kotaku guy basically says ""I don't have time for this anymore, I haven't played hard games for YEARS because of this (challenge), I just want to beat this dumb game and move on" and just fails at the game over and over, trying the same thing again and again and blaming the game for it.

I just feel so disconnected from the typical games media guy/girl at this point that their opinions hold almost no weight to me at this point.

heh he basically started complaining about it being hard at that point and apparently hard to control then a min later he is getting through it just fine and if he had been a bit more careful could have easily avoided getting hit aswell.


The circle jerking of journalists over Titanfall is childish and extremely unprofessional

One thing I noticed, is that if you look at TxK (http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=766490)

The feedback from the community is so pure in comparison -- straight up community love.

Titanfall in contrast feels like somebody put a Megaphone to my head on every gaming medium out there yelling at me how awesome the game is. With that said, I'll still be trying it out on my PC.


Ok... except it's a game that's getting an extremely positive response from the majority of people.

So perhaps their excitement is valid, because, you know, they're tremendously excited?

I am after playing two days of the beta, best casual MP FPS I've played since CoD4.

It's official. The gaming press has no obligation to sustain any appearance of objectivity before conducting a game review. Sell away ladies and gents.

And this is why they are the playschool of journalism, which is pretty bad considering most grown up journalists aren't real journalists either.
I don't know. If IGN and other sites that get murdered in this thread are so bad, how come so many people are reading them?

I'm not buying the 'site X is total shit' line. My impression is that you have some good and some not so good journos at the different sites. Pick the stuff you like and ignore the rest, but don't think that the stuff you hate is universally agreed upon.

My last point. The most vocal critics in this thread should make their own website. I'd love to see that.


Aftershock LA
For me, I just take everything with a huge grain of salt. I don't peruse the major gaming outlets, and pretty much just get my latest gaming news from here and other forums.

Reviews, Previews, etc, haven't done anything for me since I was in high school. I stopped following that stuff ages ago, and just go with what I find interesting. If I see a game that sounds intriguing, I'll keep my eye on it. Media hype/Gaf-hype are lost on me. I buy what I'm interested in, and yes, that means I sometimes get burned if the game doesn't turn out so great, but at least I know I spent my money on it because I wanted to, not because of any type of outside influence.

Most of the gaming press is so deep in the industry that it is very hard to get some real objectivity and critical discourse of the medium. With that said, not everyone has drank the Dew and gobbled up the Doritos.

I'm not a terribly cynical person, it's just that, at this point in my gaming life, I know what I want, and I go with my own internal meter as far as hype/excitement goes. I pretty much just use the gaming press as a means to learn what my favorite studios are creating next, and I use GAF as a place to talk about games, and find out about some games that may have slipped past my radar that I may enjoy.


It's official. The gaming press has no obligation to sustain any appearance of objectivity before conducting a game review. Sell away ladies and gents.

And this is why they are the playschool of journalism, which is pretty bad considering most grown up journalists aren't real journalists either.


The gaming press have played the beta. They're excited. They're presenting their opinion on what they've seen so far, and that opinion is "it's great".

I'm not saying they're great journalist, I'm just finding it a little ridiculous you guys are getting so worked up about them being hyped for a game the majority of people are hyped for too.


I don't know. If IGN and other sites that get murdered in this thread are so bad, how come so many people are reading them?

I'm not buying the 'site X is total shit' line. My impression is that you have some good and some not so good journos at the different sites. Pick the stuff you like and ignore the rest, but don't think that the stuff you hate is universally agreed upon.

My last point. The most vocal critics in this thread should make their own website. I'd love to see that.

My opinion is that many of those sites have exclusives. Therefore people still have to go to those sites to see <latest trailer>, <newest screenshot> etc ...

GAF is still the only opinion that counts (for me at least and I gather many of you) though when discussing that content. Which is why I raised the question above ... how would GAF feel if exclusive content was dumped "direct" to GAF bypassing traditional channels.
Community question -- this thread is being tagged back to SCEA management, specifically looking at the answer to this.

How would you all feel about SCEA dropping exclusive trailers, exclusive screenshot(s), etc on GAF first in the appropriate thread instead of the usual gaming journalistic sites? Assuming the moderators said that was ok. (would it be ok mods?) I know SCEA really don't want to look like marketing hacks ... but I've been pushing them to at least try passing on exclusives here directly rather than going the circular route through gaming sites.

You know the saying GAF - Internet - GAF. With that said, it's a fine line. So if we dropped something, no PR release no "OMG THIS IS AMAZING BLAHBLAH" .... maybe just "here GAF, new Trailer for Infamous <link>".

Releasing trailers to sites is important and I think just releasing the trailer to Gaf would hurt visibility as whole as many people only visit sites like IGN. The problem is with paying people in the gaming media money or providing incentives to give good reviews or previews to games coming out for exclusives on said game. MS has been caught doing this with stuff like the youtube scandal a few weeks ago.
Ok... except it's a game that's getting an extremely positive response from the majority of people.

So perhaps their excitement is valid, because, you know, they're tremendously excited?

I am after playing two days of the beta, best casual MP FPS I've played since CoD4.

People can be positive and they can be hyped, but come review time we can predict the scores based on these previews and impressions, which is wrong there's been absolutely no holding back through closed demos to alpha to beta. Reviewers had already decided the game was good based on their initial impressions and it's continued, unrelenting, since the thing was revealed. I take issue with that. How can you objectively review something when you're praising it like an giddy fanboy months before release?

Edit: I do want to say though, Titanfall isn't the first game nor will it be the last to be overhyped like this. It's just the most current example. I can't even avoid it due to my Twitter feed being full of journalists and gamers.


Releasing trailers to sites is important and I think just releasing the trailer to Gaf would hurt visibility as whole as many people only visit sites like IGN. The problem is with paying people in the gaming media money or providing incentives to give good reviews or previews to games coming out for exclusives on said game. MS has been caught doing this with stuff like the youtube scandal a few weeks ago.

In all honesty if something huge hit GAF first you can bet it would be on those gaming sites very quickly.


GAF - Internet - GAF

We're talking about exclusives, it will spread. The only difference is that the source would be GAF.
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