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If you could give any franchise to any developer, who gets what?

I'm honestly curious how you'd think this would work. I know it's a GAF meme and all, but nothing about P* blends with the Mario series. 101 Wonderful Toads? Peachonetta?


I would buy a Wii U or the QoL product just for that game.


Perfect Dark to Insomniac. Their weapon designs, art style, etc. would work perfectly. Gameplay would take significant inspiration from No One Lives Forever.

Killzone to Julian Gollop for a strategy RPG with a healthy dash of X-Com inspiration sprinkled in.

Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale to Hideaki Itsuno, where he'd make a Power Stone styled arena brawler with a story line inspired by the old Reboot animated series, where you play the game characters who live inside a Playstation system.

Metroid to Platinum Games. I can't see how anyone who's put any real time in Vanquish wouldn't see this as a perfect direction for 3D Metroid to take.

Castlevania to Housemarque. Outland proved their chops in both the action RPG-lite genre and the ability to develop a unique and appealing art style. Castlevania needs the later to really stand out. As a digital download premium tier title (say $20) this could go far.

Spider-Man to Sucker Punch!. Lets be honest, Infamous is basically them living out a Spider-Man game fantasy without the IP and a darker narrative. Sony makes the movies as it is. Consolidate the IP in-house and let them make the epic Spider-Man game we all deserve.

Fable to the ex-Vigil team that is now a part of Crytek. With first party funding and Crytek's tech their art team would really shine and be able to do a single player Fable game justice. Makes perfect sense now that they've lost access to the Darksiders IP.

Chrono Trigger to Atlus' Radiant Historia. I mean, Radiant Historia's key gameplay mechanic was basically a "how to" for a JRPG time travel game.

Breath of Fire to From Software. Basically Dragon Quarter meets Dark Souls with a nice dash of Armored Core scale epic battles thrown in for mid-air dragon v. dragon fights.

Resident Evil to Irrational if they weren't now shuttered. Ken Levine and co. delivered two incredibly atmospheric titles with excellent corridor based gameplay. Would have loved to see their take on a survival horror game.

Final Fantasy to CDPR. They've got the chops to do it justice, no one else really does.

Stephen King's The Dark Tower to Rockstar, namely the people who worked on RDR. Pretty self explanatory.

Bioshock to Obsidian. I've always felt Bioshock would work best as a full fledged RPG, and Obsidian having a small, more constrained universe to work in would help their QA/QC. Their story lines chops are second to none and the only people I'd really expect to advance the story.

I could go on, but those are the ones right off the top of my head.


At first I thought Zelda to Retro sounded ridiculously stupid. The more I think about it though...my body is ready.
Just give Retro some 3D game with potential & it'll be 10/10, everything they touch is gold.

Also if Platinum became a second party Nintendo studio that'd be great.

Spider-Man to Sucker Punch!. Lets be honest, Infamous is basically them living out a Spider-Man game fantasy without the IP and a darker narrative. Sony makes the movies as it is. Consolidate the IP in-house and let them make the epic Spider-Man game we all deserve.
This is all I've wanted in life.


Fallout to Obsidian

Everything from Bethesda to Obsidian.

Devil May Cry to Platinum
edit: beaten

Let me throw this to disastermouse.

You want a BUGGIER Bethesda game?

Six times. That's how many tries I had to make to get past the too-buggy-for-launch South Park game tu-fucking-torial.

Thanks buddy.

Did they not make New Vegas?

Case in point. Even buggier game.


Sonic to Platinum Games.

All of their games are over the top, fast paced craziness, which would fit Sonic perfectly. I can only imagine how insane a Sonic game by them would be.
Project Gotham Racing would go to Playground Games. If they're proved their worth with street racing in an open world I bet they could transport that knowledge to track-based.


At first I thought Zelda to Retro sounded ridiculously stupid. The more I think about it though...my body is ready.
Just give Retro some 3D game with potential & it'll be 10/10, everything they touch is gold.

Also if Platinum became a second party Nintendo studio that'd be great.

I just want Nintendo to buy Sega and Platinum and then be bought by Disney.

Sonic to Platinum Games.

All of their games are over the top, fast paced craziness, which would fit Sonic perfectly. I can only imagine how insane a Sonic game by them would be.

All the friends die in the first act and Sonic goes of a roaring rampage of revenge.
Yes. Atlus would also be acceptable. These two developers are the closest modern-day equivalent of classic Square.

would love to see Monolith Soft try it as well

Oh, this one's been said before, but Ghost&Goblins and Megaman to Nintendo.
Rayman to the guys at Retro who made the Rayman like DKCTF levels

The ones like these

Art style is preserved + David Wise + DKCTF best DK level design quality

I want to give Golden Sun to someone, but I don't know who.

Monolith Soft/Retro one Zelda each

PSABR to the Power Stone team. Different enough from Smash, but still fun as hell.
Swat Kats to Platinum

TMNT to Platinum or Rocksteady (deja vu?)

PSASBR 2 to Platinum

Diddy Kong Racing to Sumo Digital

Kingdoms of Amalur to CDPR

...and others I can't think of off the top of my head

I can die happy!


Resident Evil - Naughty Dog
Devil May Cry - Platinum Games
Metroid 2D - ubisoft (Rayman Legends team)
Silent Hill - Remedy
Shenmue - United Front Games
Hitman - ubisoft (Splinter cell team)
Spiderman - Sucker punch
TMNT - Rock Steady


ZOE to... well, ok, probably Platinum, but frankly anyone that'll not just leave it festering in the attic would do.


Starcraft to someone competent. Valve maybe. I no longer trust Blizzard with its design, balance or promotion.


Mortal Kombat to Namco
Way of the Warrior back to Naughty Dog
Killer Instinct to Netherrealm
FEAR to Kojima Productions
Mass Effect to Obsidian
Doom to Tripwire Interactive
Rainbow Six to Valve
Splinter Cell to Bungie
Nothing to Capcom as they've proven they can't handle anything anymore

Those would be really interesting to see, IMO. They may not all work out as I imagine they could, but it sure would be interesting to see.

Love some of what I've seen in here. I think my favorite is Zelda going to FROM. Can you imagine? Ha ha ha!


Killzone to Obsidian (for a RPG)
Fallout to Obsidian
Knights of the Old Republic to Obsidian/CDPR
Mass Effect to CDPR
Doom to Valve
Zelda to FROM
Wipeout to Evolution Studios

I was going to say to Naughty Dog... but this is good too.


I'd give Castlevania to Inti Creates and Comcept.

Hell I think I would give them Metroid as well. Prime probably to Platinum.

Viewtiful Joe would go to Vanillaware.

Cyberpunk to CD Projekt Red ^.^


Konami needs help.

Treasure: Gradius, Contra, Castlevania
Good-Feel: Goemon, Parodius, Twinbee
NdCube: Bomberman, Bonk, Star Soldier


Darksiders series to Crytek USA,
where they belong

Otherwise I really don't know. I've got some sweet collaborations between two different developers in mind, but other than that everything seems to be quite in the right place if you ask me.


Metroid to Platinum Games. I can't see how anyone who's put any real time in Vanquish wouldn't see this as a perfect direction for 3D Metroid to take.

Came here to post this.

Castlevania to Housemarque. Outland proved their chops in both the action RPG-lite genre and the ability to develop a unique and appealing art style. Castlevania needs the later to really stand out. As a digital download premium tier title (say $20) this could go far.

After Bloodrayne: Betrayal I think WayForward could also do something cool with Castlevania.

Viewtiful Joe would go to Vanillaware.

I could get behind this.
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