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Infinity Ward confirms: CoD Ghost is 720p on Xbox One, 1080p on PS4


50%.........oh please come on now this is not a difference like the SNES vs Sega genesis or PS2 VS original XBOX. That was a Huge power difference and it showed with little effort. multi platform games between those console looked and played so different you wouldn't think it was the same game.

The difference in Battlefield 4 on PS4 and X1 is not the same as Splinter Cell on XBOX origina VS PS2 or Street fighter 2 on SNES vs Sega genesis. COD Ghost runs at 60fps on both but one is in 720p and the other at 1080p everything else will be the same in the final release. This is just over hype fanboy B.S. and I thought the 360 vs the PS3 back in the day was bad......nothing compared to this. smh

Your banned, but I think people need to realize this is the first time we can really make direct comparisons between systems.

Previously one system could have an advantage in one area but fall short in another. That's not the case with the PS4 and XB1
there is no Ps2 like console of this gen

there is however an xbox 360 console this gen that was very popular

I don't see why anyone would compare consoles like that



Yeah, this puts things in perspective lol. Gdam.
I agree that it would be a good idea to throw GT6 on PS4, but I also think it's a nice sign of goodwill for Sony. "Even though we're launching a new console this holiday, we're still supporting the last console you with huge exclusives as well, and you can expect the same treatment for the PS4 as well"

As a PS3 owner I appreciate it but then you have a lot of people who forget that and say "PS4 has no games". I understand that the games will come as the generation matures and they will come until the last days of the PS4, but does the average person know that?

Sony also needs the money and of course PS3 has the install base.
Comparing one generation to others is interesting to a point but there are too many specifics to the context to make simple comparisons useful at all in predicting how the next generation will go.


There is no ecosystem for either console. An ecosystem is everything. Music, apps, hardware, peripherals, etc. all of that is being thrown out the door this gen transition. Friends and achievements are nowhere near an ecosystem. It's a social network, something we see changed, birthed, shutdown, fled from and migrated to almost every other year. Had games, peripherals and apps carried over I'd say there was more ground to stand on. But a friends list? I think you'll be quite shocked by how many people will gladly give that up to move to a different social network where some of their friends already moved to. It's what happened with our group.

I feel like this gen is going to be unique and it's really going to be hard to tell how it will all play out. I'm really looking forward to it though. Gonna be a damn good gen.
Ubisoft's reluctance to show the Xbox version is quite telling.
Okay, full disclosure: this may come off as concern trolling. With that in mind, I'd like to get someone else's view on this admittedly tinfoil-hattish idea... is it possible that the ass storm that sent bish to his bunker is the delay of several key multiplatform titles? I don't mean the ones we've actually seen, only the ones that have been consistently absent from events. Again, this is absolutely a tale from my ass. I'm just wondering if, similar to the Driveclub situation, the fact that we've heard little is because there's little (good) to say?

Mock me if you have to.
That'd be great for people buying it on XB1, but after IW coming out officially I don't see it happening.

I agree that people have switched over to PS4. But the people preordering consoles are not the type of people we are talking about, for the most part.

most of the people we are talking about aren't going to buy the system at launch, and when they do buy the system it's going to be based on where their friends are playing. which is more likely to be PS4.

MS could have leveraged Xbox Live better if they maintained backwards compatibility. obviously the cost of that was way too high (and driving the cost of the system up further wouldn't be a good idea even for BC). since neither console maintains it's old library, it really is just an assertion of people not being bothered to cancel their live subscription and redo their friends list.

most people absolutely will be bothered to do that kind of thing if it's going to save them money, and give them the better experience.

Xbox 360's year long head start was a huge advantage for them last gen. they'll hold onto a small handful of people due to Xbox Live loyalty and people wanting to stick with it, but it's not going to be significant I don't think, and it's not going to offset the price difference, inferior multiplats, and giving up the one year head start.

One may still edge the market in America, but globally, it's not going to be close. I'd say things aren't looking good for a win in the US either... but it's certainly not off the cards.

they couldn't help themselves

the game will play better on the system where it looks and runs better. being able to differentiate between friendlies and enemies at greater differences, for example, is the sort of thing people might not register, but that will give them a better experience. good IQ never made a game good, but it always improves games. it's utterly mind boggling to me that the sister site of The Verge would be downplaying technical differences between consoles. Imagine if the verge said something like 'sure this new phone is higher resolution, but who's going to care when they're looking at mobile websites?'.


As a PS3 owner I appreciate it but then you have a lot of people who forget that and say "PS4 has no games". I understand that the games will come as the generation matures and they will come until the last days of the PS4, but does the average person know that?

Sony also needs the money and of course PS3 has the install base.

Indeed, it's hard to tell if the average person will care. Has a first party game ever been split gen? Maybe they should have done that.

They put GT6 on the PS3 because it will sell a shitload more. These aren't goodwill gestures. :/

I'm not saying they did it for goodwill, but I think it still generates it.

most of the people we are talking about aren't going to buy the system at launch, and when they do buy the system it's going to be based on where their friends are playing. which is more likely to be PS4.

MS could have leveraged Xbox Live better if they maintained backwards compatibility. obviously the cost of that was way too high (and driving the cost of the system up further wouldn't be a good idea even for BC). since neither console maintains it's old library, it really is just an assertion of people not being bothered to cancel their live subscription and redo their friends list.

most people absolutely will be bothered to do that kind of thing if it's going to save them money, and give them the better experience.

Xbox 360's year long head start was a huge advantage for them last gen. they'll hold onto a small handful of people due to Xbox Live loyalty and people wanting to stick with it, but it's not going to be significant I don't think, and it's not going to offset the price difference, inferior multiplats, and giving up the one year head start.

One may still edge the market in America, but globally, it's not going to be close. I'd say things aren't looking good for a win in the US either... but it's certainly not off the cards.

You make a lot of good points. It's gonna be a blast in year to look back at how next gen has progressed.


I agree that it would be a good idea to throw GT6 on PS4, but I also think it's a nice sign of goodwill for Sony. "Even though we're launching a new console this holiday, we're still supporting the last console you with huge exclusives as well, and you can expect the same treatment for the PS4 as well"

Goodwill might not be the exact word :p, they're trying to keep PS3 relevant because at this point it is the main profit source of the gaming division until the PS4 business takes off and they start cutting costs on the new console.
GT6 will help their PS3 business a lot in Europe this holiday season.
I just hope that Polyphony can deliver a PS4 GT game in a reasonable timeframe (ideally during holiday 2014 but I guess that when they'll realize how much more they can do on PS4 they're gonna take their time and the game will slip into 2015 :/ ).


love on your sleeve
That and Rivals will be the most interesting. Activision and DICE were letting people at least see the Xbox One version of CoD and BF4. Game Informer mentioned yesterday that they were allowed to review the PS4 version of AC4 but not the Xbox One version.

Man, ACIV is native 720p on current gen. I can't imagine that one isn't hitting 1080p.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Somethin' I cooked up. Let me know if it needs correcting.


Interesting, launch title for the 360/PS3 is the closest to be 720p that generation. MW1/2/3/Infinity Ward titles after that is sub-720p but same resolution three games.

Treyarch's titles are all over the map. World at War being parity and on MW1-3's level, Black Ops being better on 360, worse than PS3. Black Ops 2 now shown though.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
I feel like this gen is going to be unique and it's really going to be hard to tell how it will all play out. I'm really looking forward to it though. Gonna be a damn good gen.
And that is precisely what every social network startup says to their investors.

The great thing about consumerism is that it's more reliable than a flight schedule.
Okay, full disclosure: this may come off as concern trolling. With that in mind, I'd like to get someone else's view on this admittedly tinfoil-hattish idea... is it possible that the ass storm that sent bish to his bunker is the delay of several key multiplatform titles? I don't mean the ones we've actually seen, only the ones that have been consistently absent from events. Again, this is absolutely a tale from my ass. I'm just wondering if, similar to the Driveclub situation, the fact that we've heard little is because there's little (good) to say?

Mock me if you have to.
I would wager Microsoft would rather push broken games through cert than have things like NFS and Assassin's Creed delayed. As I noted earlier, these are bigger franchises than their exclusive equivalents. Their absence would have an impact on sales potential, much more than something like Driveclub.
I'm not saying they did it for goodwill, but I think it still generates it..
Ah, okay. Sure. I misinterpreted.

I simply dislike the ascribing of emotional connotations to what are business-driven decisions.


I really really really really can't stand this "you're not going to notice" excuse. It pops up constantly.

well it is polygon. but yeah it is getting tired.

Those same people who say resolution and frame rate doesn't matter are the ones who will boast it to the end of the time IF Xbone had the advantage.


Goodwill might not be the exact word :p, they're trying to keep PS3 relevant because at this point it is the main profit source of the gaming division until the PS4 business takes off and they start cutting costs on the new console.
GT6 will help their PS3 business a lot in Europe this holiday season.
I just hope that Polyphony can deliver a PS4 GT game in a reasonable timeframe (ideally during holiday 2014 but I guess that when they'll realize how much more they can do on PS4 they're gonna take their time and the game will slip into 2015 :/ ).

I didn't even really think about how Sony would need the money while the PS4 is kicking into gear. That's a good point.

Grasping at slippery wet straws...

Poor Polygon. Probably having a rough time right now.


hide your water-based mammals
Interesting, launch title for the 360/PS3 is the closest to be 720p that generation. MW1/2/3/Infinity Ward titles after that is sub-720p but same resolution three games.

Treyarch's titles are all over the map. World at War being parity and on MW1-3's level, Black Ops being better on 360, worse than PS3. Black Ops 2 now shown though.

Even if that's the case, Treyarch handled their stuff much better than IW but that's my personal knowledge from knowing some things.
The GT6 situation makes zero sense to me. You put that up against Forza 5 and you have those who were going to buy it on PS3 shelling out the cash to upgrade for the chance to play GT6 on PS4.

gt6 is too big a franchise.

1) sony won't be able to meet demand. all the numbered gts sold at least 10 million. even if 1/10 of those people bought it at launch that's already the amount of pre-orders the ps4 got (and ps4 can't keep up demand the way it is).

2) it will cannibalize software sales of other first-party and even the third-party.

3) gt6 is still going to sell more than forza 5.

makes zero sense? just because a new console is launching does not mean every game from here on out should be on ps4. not only that, but it's less than a month of difference. the ps4 is here to stay, for the next 8 years. it's not going to run away.


Gold Member
Your banned, but I think people need to realize this is the first time we can really make direct comparisons between systems.

Previously one system could have an advantage in one area but fall short in another. That's not the case with the PS4 and XB1

I really think people do not understand the massive difference between 720p and 1080p. OVER 1 MILLION PIXELS.

If higher resolutions than 720p didn't count we'd all be laughing at PC gamers who talk about the insane resolutions they run their games at.

Bottom line, the difference is bigger than people think. If there WASN'T a big difference there would be no sense/reason in the XB1 version being 720p instead of 1080p.


it's not even in their marketing materials. there are posters in stores that show even wii u, but not xbone

It'd be hard to disappoint Wii U owners who buy multi platform titles on the system I think, since there are so few of them.

I have a Wii U, but haven't bought a multiplat on it since BLOPS2.
Man, ACIV is native 720p on current gen. I can't imagine that one isn't hitting 1080p.

it's going to be very telling if it doesn't. it's 30 fps too. if it's 900p and 30 fps, say, that'd be something.

Rivals I'm expecting less than 1080p on Xbone, and maybe on PS4 too. Based off of knowing that it's running on the same engine as BF4, albeit at 30 fps instead of 60.
Why do people feel the need to downplay the drop to 720p? What is so hard to get that if you're buying a new console that you're likely going to want a 1080p experience over a 720p experience? Can we stop pretending that they both look almost the same? 720p isn't going to make your eyes bleed, but anybody next to a 720p and a 1080p display will be able to tell the difference.
gt6 is too big a franchise.

1) sony won't be able to meet demand. all the numbered gts sold at least 10 million. even if 1/10 of those people bought it at launch that's already the amount of pre-orders the ps4 got (and ps4 can't keep up demand the way it is).

2) it will cannibalize software sales of other first-party and even the third-party.

3) gt6 is still going to sell more than forza 5.

makes zero sense? just because a new console is launching does not mean every game from here on out should be on ps4. not only that, but it's less than a month of difference. the ps4 is here to stay, for the next 8 years. it's not going to run away.

Yeah definitely and I think Sony looks at all of their platforms as a family. Still though, I'm not suggesting they release everything on the PS4 but one or two games would have been enough
Why do people feel the need to downplay the drop to 720p? What is so hard to get that if you're buying a new console that you're likely going to want a 1080p experience over a 720p experience? Can we stop pretending that they both look almost the same? 720p isn't going to make your eyes bleed, but anybody next to a 720p and a 1080p display will be able to tell the difference.

I wonder if they think blu-rays are a waste of time. the upgrade to 1080p vs 720p is less obvious when it comes to video content, vs video games. I presume they'd happily upscale all their blu-rays from 720p as well.
It was ,even Jeff Gerstmann said it along with others.

i don't care how many people said it lol, lets look at the facts. PS2 dominated its generation by a wide margin, ~150 million consoles sold...far above and beyond anything else.

and as for current generation, I believe latest reports are that PS3 has outsold 360 worldwide. Even if they are neck in neck in sales, that is far from being able to claim that 360 was "the console" of this gen.

Ubisoft's reluctance to show the Xbox version is quite telling.

yeah i'm curious to see what's going on there.
Why do people feel the need to downplay the drop to 720p? What is so hard to get that if you're buying a new console that you're likely going to want a 1080p experience over a 720p experience? Can we stop pretending that they both look almost the same? 720p isn't going to make your eyes bleed, but anybody next to a 720p and a 1080p display will be able to tell the difference.

Because. Scalers, man. They add more fun. Duh.


Yeah definitely and I think Sony looks at all of their platforms as a family. Still though, I'm not suggesting they release everything on the PS4 but one or two games would have been enough

Sony has always supported their prior console when a new on comes out, one of the many reason I like Sony.
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