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Is the PS4K a threat to PC gaming?


It's more probable the other way around, if PS4k causes confusion and dissatisfaction between current PS4 users could favour PC perception as a more viable gaming platform option.

But we still don't know exactly what kind of functionality PS4k will have, so...


I'm not arguing, never was. I was trying to understand where you're coming from with your "most PCs and their connections are shitty" comment. I actually agree with you on all of your points and had you actually said them instead of trying to be clever this would all have been avoided.

On a related note, get over yourself.

I wasn't trying to be clever, not sure where you got that from.

I typed "shit" to describe a simple sentiment on my phone without writing a bunch, I got some food and was driving.

I've been playing PC gaming on "shit" computers my whole life, so it's not like I'm berating anyone.

If you're hang-up is my cuss word and you agree with what I was saying I don't know what to tell you.

I'm not some arrogant prick that thinks PCs are the savior of gaming if you think me doing research and throwing in some humor in my posts is giving that vibe.
It's more probable the other way around, if PS4k causes confusion and dissatisfaction between current PS4 users could favour PC perception as a more viable gaming platform option.

But we still don't know exactly what kind of functionality PS4k will have, so...
Yeah, we'll see about.

I don't think it's a threat at all. If you game on PC, you know what you're getting into. The PS4K is probably Sony's attempt to gauge market reception and see if consumers would want a low end or a higher end console. If you want the best of the best, you will always go with PC.


Is the PS4K a threat to PC gaming? Reply to Thread
I highly doubt that "PS4K" would run games at 4K, I bet it only will run multimedia stuff at 4K.

In any case, gamers with PC with a better gaming experience than in PS4 is a tiny niche way smaller than the PS4 userbase. They are even a small niche compared to the PC userbase.

As always has been the high end PC market vs consoles since a lot of generations ago.


Probably not but to be honest, if the PS4.5 does run PS4 games with better graphics and frame rate, I won't feel the need to own a new gaming rig since high performance will already be achieved on consoles anyway.

This is why people claiming it will drive console gamers to PC makes no sense to me.

The two biggest complaints I've seen, are underpowered hardware, weak performance in games, and lack of bc.

The new consoles remedy this, and add forward compatibility, which is another huge plus.

If console gamers weren't already inclined to switch, I don't see how adding benefits that improve console gaming, suddenly makes them want to.

Just my opinion from the sidelines.
I wasn't trying to be clever, not sure where you got that from.

I typed "shit" to describe a simple sentiment on my phone without writing a bunch, I got some food and was driving.

I've been playing PC gaming on "shit" computers my whole life, so it's not like I'm berating anyone.

If you're hang-up is my cuss word and you agree with what I was saying I don't know what to tell you.

I'm not some arrogant prick that thinks PCs are the savior of gaming if you think me doing research and throwing in some humor in my posts is giving that vibe.

My hang up isn't on the cuss word...lol... I was trying to understand the statement. At first I took it as you shitting on PC gamers having bad setups. I was incorrect and I realized that at some point but, you started to go on a tangent a bit.

I so badly want to address the last part of your statement but, I also don't want banned here so I'm leaving this as is.
I think it's the opposite, the closer a console comes to a PC in price the easier it is for a potential buyer to compare the two, PC offers a lot more functionality than a console does so if someones in the market for sometime of that caliber, a PC looks really appealing. All of this is entirely speculation at this point because no one knows what the hell is in the PSFour's box.


My argument is that ironically most people who play on PC have "shitty" setups.

And fun fact, not even including the FPS the games run at, Steam's Hardware survey indicated 62%+ run at resolutions lower than 1080p

My argument is that PC gaming is not going to be affected by what is basically going to be a PS4 slim.

My assertion, to simply point out the irony of a situation and is simply tangetal to my argument, is that a large majority do not own PCs that run higher than a PS4.

It is a common misconception, and understanding this point is meant for outsiders to learn that PC gaming isn't about having the best graphics or being able to display 4K gaming.

It simple and plainly isn't as evidenced by very basic research on PC gaming's widest marketplace/platform.

While I more or less agree wiht your assertion, I really hate the hole "majority this and majority that.

Everything is relative.

You say, for example that "only" 38% of PC gamers (this is actually active Steam users, NOT overlal PC gamers, but it's probably still a fairly accurate measure at least for tthe type of amrket we are discussing - the percent would probably go down if we inclluded a more casual crowd), and yet that 38% equates to almost 61 million active Steam users.

So more active steam users with a 1080p primary monitor exist than PS4's + Xbox ones are out there (or thereabouts).

This isn't an attack on you, you just were the last post I saw this on, and I'm not saying you are trashign PC or anythign of the sort, but it's common to see console gamers pull this nonsense all the time.

"The vast majority of PC gamers have PC's less powerful than a Ps4!!!"

Yeah, but even the minority that DO have a PC as capable as a PS$ or better are larger in number than all PS4's + Xbox ones put together.


To the contrary, this is super exciting for the PC market. Most games that are cross platform are made with the least common denominator in mind. So, now console games specs are going to hold back PC games that much less due to a more powerful console on the market.


Gold Member
That's why the PC gaming hardware market keeps shrinking year after year...

Oh wait...

In fact PC gaming is so unsuccessful and outdated that console manufacturers absolutely have not, and will not, under any circumstance try to emulate it in any way shape or form...

Oh wait...



My hang up isn't on the cuss word...lol... I was trying to understand the statement. At first I took it as you shitting on PC gamers having bad setups. I was incorrect and I realized that at some point but, you started to go on a tangent a bit.

I so badly want to address the last part of your statement but, I also don't want banned here so I'm leaving this as is.

Again, don't mean anything more than I said because I don't like people like that too.

I say that lower-end PCs are "shit" in the same breath I say my slightly burned Cuban came out "shit".

Didn't mean to be berating I just meant below-average and it's very easy to write in auto-fill lol.
While I more or less agree wiht your assertion, I really hate the hole "majority this and majority that.

Everything is relative.

You say, for example that "only" 38% of PC gamers (this is actually active Steam users, NOT overlal PC gamers, but it's probably still a fairly accurate measure at least for tthe type of amrket we are discussing - the percent would probably go down if we inclluded a more casual crowd), and yet that 38% equates to almost 61 million active Steam users.

So more active steam users with a 1080p primary monitor exist than PS4's + Xbox ones are out there (or thereabouts).

This isn't an attack on you, you just were the last post I saw this on, and I'm not saying you are trashign PC or anythign of the sort, but it's common to see console gamers pull this nonsense all the time.

"The vast majority of PC gamers have PC's less powerful than a Ps4!!!"

Yeah, but even the minority that DO have a PC as capable as a PS$ or better are larger in number than all PS4's + Xbox ones put together.

Which is a good argument!

I just did a tangent and wanted to say that most people don't have "cutting-edge" computers like some posters were saying.

My evidence is solely to show that the PC playerbase is independent of the people who play on extremely high settings.
I'm not a fan of PC gaming but at this moment; PC gaming has never looked more appealing.

For me, PS4K is not a threat to PC.

However...PS4K does appear to be a threat to Sony. They just haven't figured it out yet.

Again, don't mean anything more than I said because I don't like people like that too.

I say that lower-end PCs are "shit" in the same breath I say my slightly burned Cuban came out "shit".

Didn't mean to be berating I just meant below-average and it's very easy to write in auto-fill lol.

No worries. I got it now.


I thought one of the cons of PC gaming was upgrading every few years for a few hundred dollars.

It is some what. Gaming graphics/engines advance so fast that if you don't want to be left in the dust and want to keep them 60 frames per second on high/ultra settings, you basically need to do some major upgrades at least once every two years.

I'm so OCD about my frames per second, and having the latest and greatest hardware that it pushed me away from PC gaming altogether cause I was sick of dealing with it.

I don't mind buying a new & better console every 3-4 years, but not annually like an iPhone.


So now we know what to expect:

About an R9 280X power GPU (or about GTX 960.5 I want to say?), or about twice the performance of a PS4 and possibly a CPU upgrade for $500.

Like going from a GTX 950 (actually this card performas better than a PS4 in most games) to a 960. Somehting I can do for probably $100 if I were to sell a 950 in order to upgrade ot the 960 on my PC.

Console is now officially more expensive than PC gaming....
I thought one of the cons of PC gaming was upgrading every few years for a few hundred dollars.

I don't want this to be a "rawr consoles are better" thing.

But for me.

I really dislike PC gaming because I don't stay ahead of the curve as far as PC specs go.

So there are a good number of PC games that I can buy that I have no idea how they will run when I buy them and install them.

So I have to deal with two questions.

Will the game run?
Is the game bad? (be it mechanically, or coded poorly, etc)

Compared to a console...the question I have is.

Is the game bad? (be it mechanically, or coded poorly, etc)

So that's me...and might only be me.

This whole PS4K thing 3 or 4 years after launch? It's pretty disheartening. I can't help but think that VR is driving this push for increased specs.


It is some what. Gaming graphics/engines advance so fast that if you don't want to be left in the dust and want to keep them 60 frames per second on high/ultra settings, you basically need to do some major upgrades at least once every two years.

I'm so OCD about my frames per second, and having the latest and greatest hardware that it pushed me away from PC gaming altogether cause I was sick of dealing with it.

I don't mind buying a new & better console every 3-4 years, but not annually like an iPhone.

For those of us who are not OCD however, we can just upgrade whatever whenever we feel like it.

It's wonderful.


It is some what. Gaming graphics/engines advance so fast that if you don't want to be left in the dust and want to keep them 60 frames per second on high/ultra settings, you basically need to do some major upgrades at least once every two years.

I'm so OCD about my frames per second, and having the latest and greatest hardware that it pushed me away from PC gaming altogether cause I was sick of dealing with it.

I don't mind buying a new & better console every 3-4 years, but not annually like an iPhone.

Your OCD is getting the best of you if you have to do major upgrades every 2 years. Or you're not researching your components well enough to make them last longer than that.


Current high-end, bulky graphics cards that cost hundreds of euros are struggling at 4K to push 60fps in games. Just how powerful and expensive do you expect this new PS4 chipset to be? Will it have a seperate daughter-board for the new graphics chipset which is cooled by a pc-style 2-slot cooler with all the heat they put out, and all the power they consume?

In other words, no.


They could release a new 'PS4K' every 2 years and it still wouldn't be a threat to PC gaming.
Some people seem to think when a new console comes out, they're getting some sort of uber PC.


"especially outside the western sphere"? By that do you mean Japan? Because PC gaming is even larger outside the U.S. with the exception of glorious Nihon.

You're acting like F2P games don't count, when the biggest games pull in more cash than most of us can comprehend...

And yet, here you are saying other people are the one's out of touch, lol.

I found that part hilarious.

GAF really have this Japan fixation when it comes to non-western gaming.

When Korea and China make Japan look tiny.

And both are firmly PC majority.
If anything the PS4K could be a boon to PC gaming. More people might consider building a gaming PC if the console cycle starts moving to the point where newer more powerful consoles come out 2-3 years after the one they just bought. I expect that the PS4K won't be close to most gaming PC's so it will still be worse off performance wise.
Your OCD is getting the best of you if you have to do major upgrades every 2 years. Or you're not researching your components well enough to make them last longer than that.

This is super important. In 2011 I almost bought an AMD CPU for $130, but opted for the i5 2400 for $180. That probably bought me 2-3yrs use. Hell the 2400 is still fine for 60fps in almost everything. I screwed up though and bought the 460GTX. It was fine for $150.

A couple of years ago my brother and I both bought new GPUs. He went to Best Buy and got a 2GB 560Ti for $300. I bought a 7870XT on line for $250. 7870XT is a 2.9TF part. The 560Ti is like 1.1TF.


I thought the whole appeal of consoles was the standardized hardware that only changes every 5-10 years. If you're supposed to be upgrading your Playstation every couple years then what is the point? Might as well get a PC.

It's not like Sony is exactly killing it with software exclusives either.


Yes major threat. Back in 2005 for a time xbox 360 was the most powerful on market and better graphics than PC.

Fast console upgrades is going to mean PC gamers are going to have to upgrade quicker and pay more to remain the best or else get overtaken.



As someone who recently bought a PS4 and has a PC, this just aggravates me and I'm less inclined to make any console-related purchases.
No sir, it is not.

2x the PS4s GPU power = a GTX750. Maybe. That's a 3-4 year old card.

By the time the PS4k comes out we'll most likely have new Nvidia and AMD tech. Which will be leaps ahead again of anything that a console can do.

But good for console gamers that they might finally get to experience 1080/60 on a regular basis.


Yes major threat. Back in 2005 for a time xbox 360 was the most powerful on market and better graphics than PC.

Fast console upgrades is going to mean PC gamers are going to have to upgrade quicker and pay more to remain the best or else get overtaken.


If we go by the rumors, doubling the GPU power is still less then the top tier card of last generation.
PS4 teraflops 1.8
HD7870 (a GPU I just upgraded from) 2.56TF
Nvidia GTX 970 (stopgap GPU I just bought til new PC gpus come out) 4.2TF

So double a PS4 is 3.6TF, putting it at 15% slower than a year and a half old lower-high end graphics card... Yep, high end PC gaming is truely quaking in it's boots.

I have never heard of a single person who would get a PC exclusively for gaming. PCs do a multitude of other things besides gaming. That's part of the appeal. The PS 4K isn't a threat to PC gaming because people are still going to buy PCs.


Yes major threat. Back in 2005 for a time xbox 360 was the most powerful on market and better graphics than PC.

Fast console upgrades is going to mean PC gamers are going to have to upgrade quicker and pay more to remain the best or else get overtaken.


I don't know what you think that chart shows in relation to the argument you're making, but what it actually shows is that a console would have to have a hardware refresh pretty much every 6 months to outperform a PC .


I switched to an alt account to ditch my embarrassing tag so I could be an embarrassing Naughty Dog fanboy in peace. Ask me anything!
Yes major threat. Back in 2005 for a time xbox 360 was the most powerful on market and better graphics than PC.

Fast console upgrades is going to mean PC gamers are going to have to upgrade quicker and pay more to remain the best or else get overtaken.


Not really. Even with these upgrades PC will be a good bit powerful.

However I will say this - Resolution and framerate may no longer be advantages anymore. PC will look visually better but 60 fps and 1080p I think were always the big draws for PC gaming for me and that will no longer be a factor if games are targeting 30 fps on ps4 and 60 fps in PS4K.
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