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Is the PS4K a threat to PC gaming?


Maybe not on Gaf but gaming PC is already dead in a lot of places. Tablet, smartphone and console are much more preferable to the majority of people.

It's official, PC is dead again! And just now when VR was revived and all.. :(

Wait, it just resurrected! It's alive again! Quick Sony! Kill it! Kill it naooow! Release PS 4.01K ! lol

You know, I might actually think this is the best thread ever! I'm having so much fun reading this stuff.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Dude are you even reading what I'm writing.
Of course I'm already a PC gamer. I stated as much my whole point is I don't want the same hassle on consoles.

I take the hassle on PC because it's not just a place to game for me but also my work space.

You pretty much explain what I've been saying. Playstation going the upgrade route would make me not buy a Playstation, cause fuck upgrading when I already do that for my PC. I would skip all the Playstation releases with maybe the exception the last one of a generation.

How do you tell me I don't make sense and then express the same thing I've been saying, srsly whaaaat.....

I just don't get how it's that much of a hassle, retailers will have upgrade programs. I'm sure Amazon will have a trade-up offer, won't even need to leave the house. It's just weird for PC gamers to be arguing against more options. But, that seems to be the case oh so often when it comes to gaming. People bitch whenever there are more options, whether it's hardware or gaming options. Oh course, as the next post points out...

The verified "leak" in the other thread flat out says that older games will need to be patched.

Oh, I missed that part. I wonder why, as anyone who plays PC games know, unless the game was locked for 30fps, it should show some improvement in framerate. The 4k resolution should work without much, if any, effort at all. Should be possible to do all of that at the OS level, with per game toggles if for some reason a game won't perform will in 4k. Put a notice at launch, with the option there. With a short explanation of where to find the setting to change it. Even better, provide a recommended default per game. Not that difficult to do, just need a small department to test games and provide a default.

Could be a case of wrong information being disseminated.


Most popular PC games these days have pretty modest system requirements. So no, it will have no impact on the PC market. The number of people who buy every console and maintain a gaming rig is relatively small.


People game on PCs due to their open, modular nature.

A "PS4K" would still have all the limitations of a console. can't upgrade hardware on a component basis, have to buy an entirely new machine. can't make older games run better without patching them. no mods. no file manipulation/injection. pay to play online. the list goes on.
Oh, I missed that part. I wonder why, as anyone who plays PC games know, unless the game was locked for 30fps, it should show some improvement in framerate. The 4k resolution should work without much, if any, effort at all. Should be possible to do all of that at the OS level, with per game toggles if for some reason a game won't perform will in 4k.

Yup I heard the new PS4K controller has a new button unsurprisingly named "4K", you just push it and everything becomes 4K.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Ahh another No, the thread.


I see no way, shape or form it being a threat to PC gaming.


if this were ten years ago this sort of thing could be a threat but PC is candyland now and there's no going back

i'd say very worst case scenario iterative consoles will shave off, like, an eighth of the PC market or something


PS4K is a threat to consoles. I am more likely to never purchase a console early, if at all, going forward. And I say that as a person that bought all PlayStations (1-4).

Just going to stick with the PC. Hook that to the TV, and use a controller, and it's just like playing a console (but with lot more flexibility - Backwards compatability, Old Games, Future Games, Emulators, Mods, Controller macros, etc.).


no for me its make me wanta stop console gaming... 3 year old console.. getting a newer version... i dont have a 4k tv but if most games on the newer console are 60fps with better performance.. it does nothing but split the market..
but if a game only releases on on the newer version i want it'll suck for me... lol the only reason i really have a ps4 was for destiny and bloodborne.

with the last gen i pretty much bought everything on steam. and really didnt play much ps3 it was mostly 360 and pc... but my current pc is really old. I would love to get ds3 on pc, but cant soo ps4 it is..

and even if they do something like trade in the old console and pay an extra 200-300... itll still suck.
i dont see ps4k saling for anything lower than 599, at the cheapest.
PS4K is a threat to consoles. I am more likely to never purchase a console early, if at all, going forward. And I say that as a person that bought all PlayStations (1-4).

Just going to stick with the PC. Hook that to the TV, and use a controller, and it's just like playing a console (but with lot more flexibility - Backwards compatability, Old Games, Future Games, Emulators, Mods, Controller macros, etc.).
yeah this too re modeling it is fine but if your just gonna upgrade it like a pc ever few years... ima just go pc for good.


Unconfirmed Member
I just don't get how it's that much of a hassle, retailers will have upgrade programs. I'm sure Amazon will have a trade-up offer, won't even need to leave the house. It's just weird for PC gamers to be arguing against more options. But, that seems to be the case oh so often when it comes to gaming. People bitch whenever there are more options, whether it's hardware or gaming options. Oh course, as the next post points out...

It's a hassle because it's an additional thing you have to deal with.
It's not that weird that I would argue against it because more options are not always more options.
We already have a platform that is highly customizable that everyone can fit to their needs and preferences.
There's value in a different platform offering a one fit for all solution.

For me right now these exist in perfect harmony. Because I have a machine I just need to buy an never think about again beyond the games ideally(now it doesn't seem like it's true anymore).
And I have a machine in that I invest in on different fronts. But when the PS4 suddenly starts becoming like a PC in ways that don't fit my consumer behavior it creates redundancies for me.

Or lets put it in game terms:

Is putting easy mode into dark souls actually offering more options? Maybe if we look at Dark Souls as a singular experience it does offer more option, but when you look at the whole gaming landscape there's an argument that putting easy mode into dark souls would make that landscape less unique. You homogenize the game to fit this idea of good design and industry standards.


There will be better enhanced versions of these PS4k games on PC, nothing going to change in the PC space. Weird thread.
Well let's face it, we all will drop our PCs if a console with a 280X lv of performance comes out. People will sell their 980Ti, 970s and 390s to finally be able to play in 4K(tm).


It could be the start of the ending of console actually, PC will outlive all of them instead, and Microsoft is getting ready to switch there already


Well let's face it, we all will drop our PCs if a console with a 280X lv of performance comes out. People will sell their 980Ti, 970s and 390s to finally be able to play in 4K(tm).



No, not at all. No desire to upgrade my PS4. To early to tell how this will all pan out, but I don't see a hell of a lot of people latching on to an upgrade cycle.
Anyone who thinks a PS4 buff is going to be running cutting edge games at ultra super duper is already setting themselves up for confused disappointment.


Oh yes, definitely. With the PS4K delivering eye-popping 4 thousand pixels per second, PC gamers will finally see the light and chuck their outdated porn boxes out the nearest window and come running into Sony's digital heaven of good graphics at several frames per second.


No, the PC is always going to have a power advantage over a static, non-upgradeable console.

Well..it appears you can upgrade; for the price of a decent to good GPU (or a lot less if you can sell the old console) you get a complete upgrade, with brand new everything.

But eh, Im thinking the exact opposite: this might push me over the fence to the PC side of gaming.


The PC is always changing, so I'm pretty sure PS4k will already be old tech before it even hits the stores shelves. I think a better question is would consoles upgrading every 2-3 years be a threat to PC sales? Some won't like such a quick turnaround on consoles while others would find it cheaper to buy the console as opposed to upgrading their PC.
So this is essentially a new piece of hardware that you can optionally buy to gain better performance from games, for approximately $400? This sounds EXACTLY like PC gaming to me.
LMAO, by the time PS4K comes out, Pascal and Polaris (newest Nvidia/AMD gpu architectures) will be out and already receiving their refreshes... and we'll be talking what's just around the corner from them... multiple times more powerful than what's out today... which is already multiple times more powerful than what will be in PS4K...lol


So this is essentially a new piece of hardware that you can optionally buy to gain better performance from games, for approximately $400? This sounds EXACTLY like PC gaming to me.

Not really, no. Consoles are different so you have to think about how that changes the overall development picture.


Junior Member
If this becomes the trend, the gap between PC and console gaming will certainly shrink. There will probably be some overlap and perhaps consumers crossing both ways.

Maybe some PC games might start making more use of higher-end chips.


formerly sane
Yes it is. It's basically nearly every advantage of PC gaming without the PC hassles.

Pass whatever your smoking......

In general both sides offer some very useful features that shouldn't be missing on either and it has nothing to do with exclusives.
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