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Mighty No. 9 delayed to 'Spring 2016'

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Gone Home on consoles was delayed in Europe the day it was supposed to be released just a week and a half ago. Last May, the week before Hatsune Miku Project Mirai DX was due to be released on 3DS, it was delayed three months.

This shit happens. It's part of development. Much of the time we don't really know about it because it's hidden behind layers of PR and company announcement schedules, but these indie Kickstarters tend to strip all that away.

So the only examples you can find are ports of games already released on other platforms not to mention both other titles gave specific release dates after being delayed not a window of an entire damn season. But here you go here's a cookie for trying.
Wow this delay is gonna hurt them bad. I have a feeling that it's gonna tank hard when it comes out. The longer they make people wait, the less people give a fuck. They should have chopped the online mode and released it already.


Uncharted 4 isn't releasing two fucking years after the original ETA, nor did it have multiple controversies during it's development nor it's a crowdfunded project people already paid for.
Uncharted did have some problems during its development (Amy Henning leaving, the whole story of the game being revamped & some VA(s?) being kicked out of the project after already doing work on it). Why does being crowdfunded change anything? If it's ok for Uncharted to be delayed for quality purposes, then it should be okay for Inti Creates to take some more time to fix MN9's online issues. If anything, one of the perks of not being tied to a publisher is the fact that they can take their time with polishing all of the aspects of the game until they are happy about it instead of releasing a partly broken game when a publisher say so, so long as they don't run out of money and actually release the game in the future. Of course assuming that when the game launches the issues are actually fixed. If not then they have dun goofed. Maybe Inafune & co were dumb in claiming there wouldn't be any more delays, but personally I prefer having some aims that they fail to reach than them just shutting up about what's going on for 9 months.

All in all, my actual point in this thread is just that a few delays that don't even add up to a whole year yet do not warrant the kind of TRAIN-WRECK! SCAM! JOKE OF THE CENTURY! reactions that some people have shown in this thread. Is it annoying that people aren't getting a game they might still be anticipating? I'm sure it is. Still doesn't make those kinds of overreactions any less silly. True train-wrecks are projects like Soul Saga and Project Phoenix that have almost nothing to show after years of development (or "development"), at least MN9 seems like they do actually have a fairly polished version of the whole game in their hands already that, apart from disappointing some people with how it looks visually, is pretty close to the pitch that they gave and they are just struggling with the online portion at this late stage of development. That's not a train-wreck. Perhaps somewhat mishandled from a PR point of view, but all in all this still seems like it's actually a reality and not just some distant dream that might come to fruition if all stars align correctly 10 years from now.


Incredible. They should just change the games name to Delay No. 9.


My question is how come something like Megaman Universe is amazing, a fangame, and therefore free. You'd think that with millions of dollars, they could, you know, listen to people and appeal to them. Instead we get mobile game artwork.
Gone Home on consoles was delayed in Europe the day it was supposed to be released just a week and a half ago. Last May, the week before Hatsune Miku Project Mirai DX was due to be released on 3DS, it was delayed three months.

This shit happens. It's part of development. Much of the time we don't really know about it because it's hidden behind layers of PR and company announcement schedules, but these indie Kickstarters tend to strip all that away.

Every videogame kickstarter I've backed has delivered at least a year after the "Expected delivery" date on the KS campaign. If something says on the KS page it'll be delivered in, say, December 2016, I expect I'll be playing it around Christmas 2017. It's just part of the deal.


That's part of development. If you are dumb enough to release a schedule and not able to follow up to your investors, don't expect people to be happy. Inafune isn't some no-name dude. He's wise to that shit, which makes it all the more hilarious.


I wonder if the game would be as delayed if the last stretch goal for online battle was never reached...

Is this game good btw. ? I am sure you backers played some demos?

I don't enjoy it, feel bad for backing it. It's like it went for the Mega Man feel it promised then outta nowhere HEY WHAT IF THERE WAS COMBOS?!

I'm at the point where I'll either redeem my code for +1 game count on Steam or give it away in a ModBot type thing.
Is this game good btw. ? I am sure you backers played some demos?

I thought the game was incredibly fun. I liked the pace. The controls were responsive and absorbing was so satisfying.

These delays are souring me. No matter how good the game ends up being, it's going to ultimately be overshadowed by this mess. No doubt about it.


Gone Home on consoles was delayed in Europe the day it was supposed to be released just a week and a half ago. Last May, the week before Hatsune Miku Project Mirai DX was due to be released on 3DS, it was delayed three months.

This shit happens. It's part of development. Much of the time we don't really know about it because it's hidden behind layers of PR and company announcement schedules, but these indie Kickstarters tend to strip all that away.

Every videogame kickstarter I've backed has delivered at least a year after the "Expected delivery" date on the KS campaign. If something says on the KS page it'll be delivered in, say, December 2016, I expect I'll be playing it around Christmas 2017. It's just part of the deal.

The problem with MN9 is that it lost a lot of goodwill over the years, due to a series of unfavorable decisions, making every bad news about the game amplified. Many games suffer from multiple delays, but most of them simply fade into insignificance or just released as usual anyway.

This is the result of gaining so much PR from the start by making Inafune look like a guy whose passion project was taken away and wanted a new one, but botched the follow up. Not to mention the game probably had some mismanagement as well.


While it's good that they are delaying the game to fix the bug, however this is the 3rd delay that the game had.

They should release the single player content since that is done and dusted and release the multiplayer mode at a later date when it's finished.

But eh not like I care anymore, I have lost all interest in the game.


True train-wrecks are projects like Soul Saga and Project Phoenix that have almost nothing to show after years of development (or "development")

Well, that's a low bar. I mean, it's sort of a useless comparison because Inafune, Comcept, and Inti-Creates are actual professionals and business studios which are part of the industry. They have a career history and want to have careers after this. That makes the bar significantly higher. Comparing them to people who dropped the ball so hard they will never work in the industry is not particularly useful. :p


wrong. the impressions from people/sites (eurogamer for example) that played it have been pretty positive.

He's talking about how people have felt throughout development. There's been nothing positive besides it initially being announced as a megaman spiritual successor.



That's the kickstarter era. It will happen with Bloodstained and Yooka for sure.

About Mighty no.9, maybe they could use that extra time to polish the visuals.


So the only examples you can find are ports of games already released on other platforms not to mention both other titles gave specific release dates after being delayed not a window of an entire damn season. But here you go here's a cookie for trying.

Let me know if you need a hand moving those goalposts. Don't want to hurt your back.


That's part of development. If you are dumb enough to release a schedule and not able to follow up to your investors, don't expect people to be happy. Inafune isn't some no-name dude. He's wise to that shit, which makes it all the more hilarious.

Well yeah, you're right about the consequences of releasing a schedule you're not 110% sure you can stick to. But Inafune, for all his experience, is still a developer, not a marketing or PR person, and I suspect the eagerness to give good news to the community often outweighs the more conventional wisdom that the corporate PR system would prevent from leaking out before it's ready. As for "investors," no. KS backers are not investors, they're donators. You're throwing money in a hole and hoping a game gets spit back out a couple years later. They literally owe the backers nothing. It's a risk taken with the understanding that nothing may come of it. Of course, the risk on Inafune's side in turn is blowing almost 30 years of goodwill built up with the fans, which I'd say is exactly what has happened at this point. Certainly very few people who backed Mighty No. 9 would be willing to back another Inafune project after all this. I know I wouldn't.


Would a sprite based game made today have a similar budget to a sprite based game made back in the day when sprites were popular? The cost of making games have rised considerably as time has passed so has this been the case for sprite based games as well? If you made Castlevania 4 today with the exact same structure and sprite size, resulting in the exact copy of the game we know as Castlevania 4, would it cost more today than it did back in the day?


Smells like fresh rosebuds
Frustrating. I feel like I have been waiting for this forever, and the shitty thing is that I didn't even really like the demo. I have no excitement for the game.


wall of sadness

You need to accept the fact that announcing 3 delays let alone delaying a game a mere 2 weeks before it is set to release to an unspecified date in a future season is not normal. Calm down and realize people have good reason to be judgmental about the buffoonery that has occurred with the development of this game.


Would a sprite based game made today have a similar budget to a sprite based game made back in the day when sprites were popular? The cost of making games have rised considerably as time has passed so has this been the case for sprite based games as well? If you made Castlevania 4 today with the exact same structure and sprite size, resulting in the exact copy of the game we know as Castlevania 4, would it cost more today than it did back in the day?

This might help.
Uncharted did have some problems during its development (Amy Henning leaving, the whole story of the game being revamped & some VA(s?) being kicked out of the project after already doing work on it). Why does being crowdfunded change anything?

Because you aren't investing in anything when you buy a non-crowdfunded game.

If it's ok for Uncharted to be delayed for quality purposes, then it should be okay for Inti Creates to take some more time to fix MN9's online issues.

But, once again, I have no invested anything in Uncharted's development.

If anything, one of the perks of not being tied to a publisher is the fact that they can take their time with polishing all of the aspects of the game until they are happy about it instead of releasing a partly broken game when a publisher say so, so long as they don't run out of money and actually release the game in the future. Of course assuming that when the game launches the issues are actually fixed. If not then they have dun goofed. Maybe Inafune & co were dumb in claiming there wouldn't be any more delays, but personally I prefer having some aims that they fail to reach than them just shutting up about what's going on for 9 months.

On the flipside of things, schedules are there for a reason. You get off track, your promises to your investors break down, and the goodwill you've built is squandered (not including all the other stupid things he's done, but that's not part of what we are discussing). This is a great example of bad management.
All in all, my actual point in this thread is just that a few delays that don't even add up to a whole year yet do not warrant the kind of TRAIN-WRECK! SCAM! JOKE OF THE CENTURY! reactions that some people have shown in this thread. Is it annoying that people aren't getting a game they might still be anticipating? I'm sure it is. Still doesn't make those kinds of overreactions any less silly. True train-wrecks are projects like Soul Saga and Project Phoenix that have almost nothing to show after years of development (or "development"), at least MN9 seems like they do actually have a fairly polished version of the whole game in their hands already that, apart from disappointing some people with how it looks visually, is pretty close to the pitch that they gave and they are just struggling with the online portion at this late stage of development. That's not a train-wreck.

Both those kickstarters got reamed for their shit. I don't understand what you are trying to achieve bringing them up. And as an investor, you have more of a say of this development because your money went towards funding the game. These "overreactions" are because people spent money to help produce a game that continuously gets delayed right before release due, with the refusal to even ask or think about putting out the SP to give people something to play.

Maybe the delays don't make it a total trainwreck, but it's a total sum of its parts.

Perhaps somewhat mishandled from a PR point of view, but all in all this still seems like it's actually a reality and not just some distant dream that might come to fruition if all stars align correctly 10 years from now.

See you in 2026 right after the fourth sequel gets announced.


Let me know if you need a hand moving those goalposts. Don't want to hurt your back.

How the fuck is it moving goal posts? We are talking about a game being delayed not a port of a game that's already been released. Not to mention I specifically said

Name a single other game that was delayed 2 weeks before it was supposed to release and assigned a new release date that didn't even list a damn month as a target.

So that goal post was planted and you whiffed it harder than Micheal Jordan trying to hit a curve ball.


Just woke up to see the email myself. I'm glad that I only backed a few bucks, because the Kickstarter updates just seem to get worse.

It's good that they're delaying it to work out the bugs before releasing it, but just release it separately from the game as an update. What does he mean by the 'engine' that they are using is no longer supported? I've never heard 'engine' used in terms of networking/game matchmaking, and I question whether they were aware that this engine was EoL or nearing it prior to using it?


This is a bummer, but the first game I backed was Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night and I hope that Iga's got better time- and resource-management skills.
Uncharted did have some problems during its development (Amy Henning leaving, the whole story of the game being revamped & some VA(s?) being kicked out of the project after already doing work on it). Why does being crowdfunded change anything? If it's ok for Uncharted to be delayed for quality purposes, then it should be okay for Inti Creates to take some more time to fix MN9's online issues. If anything, one of the perks of not being tied to a publisher is the fact that they can take their time with polishing all of the aspects of the game until they are happy about it instead of releasing a partly broken game when a publisher say so, so long as they don't run out of money and actually release the game in the future. Of course assuming that when the game launches the issues are actually fixed. If not then they have dun goofed. Maybe Inafune & co were dumb in claiming there wouldn't be any more delays, but personally I prefer having some aims that they fail to reach than them just shutting up about what's going on for 9 months.

All in all, my actual point in this thread is just that a few delays that don't even add up to a whole year yet do not warrant the kind of TRAIN-WRECK! SCAM! JOKE OF THE CENTURY! reactions that some people have shown in this thread. Is it annoying that people aren't getting a game they might still be anticipating? I'm sure it is. Still doesn't make those kinds of overreactions any less silly. True train-wrecks are projects like Soul Saga and Project Phoenix that have almost nothing to show after years of development (or "development"), at least MN9 seems like they do actually have a fairly polished version of the whole game in their hands already that, apart from disappointing some people with how it looks visually, is pretty close to the pitch that they gave and they are just struggling with the online portion at this late stage of development. That's not a train-wreck. Perhaps somewhat mishandled from a PR point of view, but all in all this still seems like it's actually a reality and not just some distant dream that might come to fruition if all stars align correctly 10 years from now.
Crowdfunding changes things because people have already spent money on the game. Uncharted 4 gets delayed or cancelled most you have to deal with is having your pre order cancelled. Also it's not just the delay, it's everything surrounding it. We're a bit over a week from release and they're delaying the game. Again. For the same reason they delayed the game in August. After trying to get another Kickstarter project off the ground in the meantime while also talking about potential sequels. When the game is alledgedly done. Delaying for a feature most players won't even look at and blaming it on a many years old engine that is supposed to be really easy to develop for. With nothing but an ETA on the release. On a product people already paid for.

Sure, it might not be a train wreck but are you honestly saying that the outrage isn't warranted? At this point you start questioning whether the game is actually done or they're just buying more time by saying they are spending an extra 10 or so months on fucking matchmaking.



That's the kickstarter era. It will happen with Bloodstained and Yooka for sure.

About Mighty no.9, maybe they could use that extra time to polish the visuals.

Probably, and I'm totally fine with delays in general to make it good.

I'm not fine with delaying to get a fairly inconsequential mode working, the lack of transparency with the first delay and them trying to get out multiple kickstarters without delivering on this one yet.

That's the kickstarter era. It will happen with Bloodstained and Yooka for sure.

About Mighty no.9, maybe they could use that extra time to polish the visuals.

I disagree.

Look at amplitude.. made by a well know team, on a tight budget .. and beside 1 delay to add more stuff ..not only they had been open during the cmpaign but they delivered a product that works

You can't judge kickstarter projets like this globally. bloodtained and yooka or even shenmue can be sucesses ..it's just a matter of not managing your dev time on too many things like inafune has done


I disagree.

Look at amplitude.. made by a well know team, on a tight budget .. and beside 1 delay to add more stuff ..not only they had been open during the cmpaign but they delivered a product that works

You can't judge kickstarter projets like this globally. bloodtained and yooka or even shenmue can be sucesses ..it's just a matter of not managing your dev time on too many things like inafune has done

I don't even think fans would really be that outraged at a normal delay. Like, shit happens, I think people understand that. If you say that game has problems coming together and honestly needs more polish, it sucks but people can deal. The frustration seems to be that they repeatedly pinpoint the problem as being part of an additional mode which was tagged on as a stretch goal which most people don't seem to care about. It's super weird messaging.
I don't even think fans would really be that outraged at a normal delay. Like, shit happens, I think people understand that. If you say that game has problems coming together and honestly needs more polish, it sucks but people can deal. The frustration seems to be that they repeatedly pinpoint the problem as being part of an additional mode which was tagged on as a stretch goal which most people don't seem to care about. It's super weird messaging.

Also the game proper seems to be fairly complete going by what people have played of it at preview events, although there's been a lot of mixed response to its quality. So I'm not sure what's really going on.


I don't even think fans would really be that outraged at a normal delay. Like, shit happens, I think people understand that. If you say that game has problems coming together and honestly needs more polish, it sucks but people can deal. The frustration seems to be that they repeatedly pinpoint the problem as being part of an additional mode which was tagged on as a stretch goal which most people don't seem to care about. It's super weird messaging.

At this point I think it's obvious that the problems are bigger than a side feature like online mode. It just doesn't make any sense that they would delay the game again without even giving a new concrete date for a min integral function. Surely they can't be that tone deaf.

Gunstar Ikari

Unconfirmed Member
Well, guess I'll go back to playing The Legend of Dark Witch 2 for my not-Mega Man fix. Thanks, Inafune.

I had forgotten that this trainwreck was even slated for next month.




Man, some of you need to learn the difference between a game being delayed from a company and a game being delayed that you invested your money in.

I'm not sure I really perceive a difference. That is, I don't expect fewer issues and delays in the normal game development process simply because the game was funded by Kickstarter.

If anything, I might expect more delays (or rather, fewer reasons to not delay), due to having less publisher-driven impetus to ensure the release date hits the most profitable periods of the year.


Backed this and didn't know about it having online, don't care that it does either.

Forgot I even backed it to be honest.
There's a lot of people giving Inafune a lot of shit for this delay, but think about the other picture. If they hadn't delayed this game twice, we wouldn't be getting the extensive network features we were promised when we Kickstarted the game. The whole experience depends on these network features people, cut Inafune some slack.


I was half-expecting the title to be a typo and meant 2017 instead of 2016.

As long as we all get our backer rewards, it should turn out alright in the end.
I'm not sure I really perceive a difference. That is, I don't expect fewer issues and delays in the normal game development process simply because the game was funded by Kickstarter.

Then you should probably look at it from a different angle. Like how one is developed with your money, and how one isn't.

I'm obviously not commentating on the development itself, but rather, the higher standards because of the type of funding.


Yes, because "patching" the "online" portion of the game in would be a real issue.

The mode that needs you to be online in the first place.

And would likely need patches from Day 1 in the first place.

Quoting this. Just you wait guys, 99 percent sure it will have day 1 patches.
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