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MS: Devs Could Make Scorpio Only Titles | (Update: Misspoke, no Scorpio exclusives)

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if it supports VR, then it would make sense for some vr only games to pass up X1 which likely won't be compatible with VR.

Other than that....I think it would be good if MS did not force developers to ship on both.
Let them have the option to only do X1 version if they want for smaller developers, or only Scorpio if they have a technologically advanced game.

will see what happens...


I would recommend people read this article:

Windows Central Interview with Xbox GM

Jez: I did want to ask you about compatibility. Given the PS4 'Neo' leak from recently, one of the concerns I've read is that developers will have to make separate visual tiers to accommodate the different Xbox devices. Do you have a firm plan in place for how developmental compatibility will work across Scorpio and Xbox One?

Dave: I don't ever want to be in a situation where I feel like the games I'm spending money on today and controllers that I'm using are not going to work on those devices of tomorrow. I don't want to have to choose. So being able to eliminate those boundaries and be able to make that promise to people that "it's just going to work" – your games today, there going to be there. So that allows you to decide when you change your machine overall. The Xbox One S is a cool machine in 2016, HD gaming, 4K video, the industrial design – it's awesome – 40% smaller, integrated power supply...
Regarding developers, there's a delicate balance here. We heard loud and clear feedback from our developers that if you're going to offer true 4K gaming and high-fidelity VR, you need that six teraflops of graphic power – otherwise you're making compromises. So, it was essential for us that we get there as quickly as possible, hitting that bar for them and maintaining that challenge of ensuring all content would still work across the ecosystem overall. We can't leave anyone behind with this transition. It's not to the spirit of playing without boundaries.
So, will developers write to some of the unique specs of certain devices? Absolutely. But I can tell you right now, a lot of developers that are in the PC ecosystem working on true 4K are already doing what needs to be done to unlock those capabilities on Scorpio. That was kind of the "ah ha" moment for us as well.

Jez: Going back to Scorpio for a moment. If I'm using Nintendo DS as an example: new DS editions cannibalize the sales of older ones, and as more people upgrade, you end up in this place where you get games that are exclusive to the latest DS and aren't compatible with the older devices. Is that a concern with Scorpio and the Xbox One device family? Will there be games that are exclusive to Scorpio?

Dave: Our statement around this is that your games are going to work across our family. That's our belief, and that's our 'playing without boundaries' message overall. Will there be a range that developers will take advantage of in Scorpio? Absolutely, but again, that's going to be a developer choice. But, on our devices, all of your games are going to work. Period.

Jez: So you're saying that a developer couldn't choose to make a game that was exclusively 4K resolution, Xbox Scorpio-only?

Dave: We made that promise today: those games will work across the whole line-up. They have to work across the whole line-up.

Jez: Staying on the topic of Scorpio. You've announced it very early, which seems risky. We've all seen the PS4.5 'Neo' leaks, which Sony announced last week won't appear at their E3 conference. Now that you've put all of your cards on the table, is there a concern that Sony will come back with an even more powerful PlayStation?

Dave: I mean, we're convicted in this playing without boundaries journey that we're on. If we're convicted, it means we've got to be open with our development partners so that they have enough time to deliver true 4K and high-fidelity VR experiences in 2017. We have to do that. Everybody at team Xbox is committed to this idea of choice. I really like it as a gamer overall. You're putting it my hands to decide when I want to change the hardware I'm playing on. The services are going to work; Clubs, Looking For Group, Arena, Xbox Play Anywhere, all of those things are going to work.

There's some more in the link.


They have to break forward compatibility at some point, right? It is just a question of when. At launch, after launch, or with the next revision after Scorpio. Cross gen games have always been a bummer, making that a permanent state would be a disaster.


I can see a world where they say that all games have to work on both at the start and some point down the line they will cut off support for the one, first with some specific high profile games because they need the processing power and eventually just ditch the one for everyone.
In the long run this is going to be like iOS. Eventually older devices won't support new updates and will just not run new software. Its going to be a sort of fluid process based on uptake etc. Consumers/devs will just adjust based on how things shake out. If demand is there more for high fidelity Scorpio only stuff devs will push in that direction and consumers who are not upgraded will just have to choose to either catch up, move to another platform or just stay behind.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
They have to break forward compatibility at some point, right? It is just a question of when. At launch, after launch, or with the next revision after Scorpio. Cross gen games have always been a bummer, making that a permanent state would be a disaster.

MY guess is that once the "base model" (as that changes over time) hitys 5 years old, exclusives start taking advantage of the new console. At about year 7, base model is replaced with new base model.
Hmmm...mixed messages from MS again?


Edit: beaten with quote but not screenshot!

Now this is confusing. The very fact Scorpio will have VR means that it will have exclusive software.
This is not a smart decision since Phil already said all games will work on both systems. They need to market Scorpio as a new "gen" system with it's own exclusive games with backwards-compatibly since it would be hampered by being held back by the X1.
The key difference between Sony and ms.

Sony will lock neo to ps4, that way the current ,massive ps4 user base remains relevant.

Neo is the S mid term update

Ps5 is the clean slate clean start we are used to, with games designed to push that new mark in the sand to the limit.

I prefer Sony's approach to this ,its WHY console's are better than PCs

Yup, this is what's obviously going to happen and is the preferred why on these new upgraded consoles.
People need to realize that this IS the xbone successor. It will likely be priced like it too. This is completely different than what Sony is doing.

I don't think it's the right strategy for MS but that's what it is.

so you think this is MS pretty much calling a "do over" midway through the cycle ?
One guy says there will be new games for Scorpio. The other guy says there won't be. Glad to see that MS still don't know how their upcoming console might work. Sounds a lot like the Xbox One reveal.

So basically it's a juiced up One? But if they make new games for it, then it's a new generation. Or are they just reacting too early because their sales are lackluster and had to do something. I'm confused about this console/upgrade/whatever it is.

new gens here

bone-ps4 officially the worst gen

One company is disappointed in their product and makes a console that even they don't know what it is for, that means to you the gen is over? I don't see Sony complaining. MS really needs to fire their PR department. Confusing messages year after year after year.


it's still pretty confusing right now, I imagine a scenario similar to iOS. Most games run on the last few iPhones with reduced graphics settings, but some games/apps that really push the hardware are exclusive to or have exclusive features for the most recent iPhone/iPad.

And if MS is pushing 4k/HDR with the Scorpio, having the same game run at 900p/720p on the ONE with reduced setting should probably be possible with the holiday 2017 games (except for VR of course)
Are any of you really surprised by the mixed messaging? I doubt they've really decided what Scorpio is yet, but they've announced it now for a reason: very few people care about what Xbox is doing currently, so they simply have to create conversations about the future in the hope that people will care about that instead.
This is just like the Xbox reveal all over again, the xbox execs are giving completely opposite answers. They still haven't got their shit together.


This is just like the Xbox reveal all over again, the xbox execs are giving completely opposite answers. They still haven't got their shit together.

That's because they don't even know what they're making yet, they just wanted to pull a floppy cock out on stage that was 6tf long, its a concept so far, nothing more.
Are any of you really surprised by the mixed messaging? I doubt they've really decided what Scorpio is yet, but they've announced it now for a reason: very few people care about what Xbox is doing currently, so they simply have to create conversations about the future in the hope that people will care about that instead.

you think this was done to keep people from jumping ship?


They have to break forward compatibility at some point, right? It is just a question of when. At launch, after launch, or with the next revision after Scorpio. Cross gen games have always been a bummer, making that a permanent state would be a disaster.

Well, basically yes. I mean, if PC is anything to compare, you can still buy new games for an old pc but it will look like ass. Then you have to buy new hardware but you can still play your old games. I see no reason why it should be different on Xbox.


Well, basically yes. I mean, if PC is anything to compare, you can still buy new games for an old pc but it will look like ass. Then you have to buy new hardware but you can still play your old games. I see no reason why it should be different on Xbox.

Devs/publishers aren't going to put out a game that runs like crap on Xbox One*. When games push tech to that point dev will just flip the 'not compatible' switch for Xbox One. It is still a highly controlled, certified environment, unlike PC.

*edit: for reasons of: reputation, support, returns, reviews - it is in their best interest to not allow very poorly performing games to be able to run. And I doubt MS would certify them either.


...lacks reading comprehension.
It will be years before any one makes a games only for this console .
Unless your MS or you talking about VR .

If this thing takes off it will see exclusive games sooner rather than later. Just like last gen support fell off a cliff because the new consoles were selling a lot.
If this thing takes off it will see exclusive games sooner rather than later. Just like last gen support fell off a cliff because the new consoles were selling a lot.

And it won't. Or I highly doubt it. If they won't support it with new games, what is the incentive to buy a brand new console that's not even new gen at this point? For some shiny new graphics? The masses don't care about that stuff.

Amazing that MS can announce two new consoles, and nobody has any idea what one of them is. Just amazing PR once again. I'm waiting for Phil Harrison to come out and say something completely different to the other guys. That's the only thing that is missing.
uh that seems like a bad idea, and kind of contradicts what they said at their conference earlier. Come on Microsoft you had a good thing going, don't fuck it up


I think we won't see exclusives for Scorpio until about the 2 year mark. That would put Xbox One at a 6 year life cycle and would be perfectly acceptable.

This is what I am expecting. I think games like Forza 7 will be both Xbox One/Scorpio, but obviously with a lot more bells and whistles on the Scorpio version. Much like when Forza Horizon 2 was released, both games had similar content, but there was a big difference in IQ and all that between the 360/Xbox One version. That game was not held back by the 360, so I don't expect Scorpio games to be held back.


XboxOne has 32MB SDRAM memory chip. I wonder if they still want to keep it in Scorpio, or do they go for shared mem or fully splitted PC discrete gfx card memory system. Latter one would make Scorpio SteamPC_withWindows. Many devs are making already XOne/PC versions so Scorpio could use PC engine release.


Devs/publishers aren't going to put out a game that runs like crap on Xbox One*. When games push tech to that point dev will just flip the 'not compatible' switch for Xbox One. It is still a highly controlled, certified environment, unlike PC.

*edit: for reasons of: reputation, support, returns, reviews - it is in their best interest to not allow very poorly performing games to be able to run. And I doubt MS would certify them either.

Well, it could be that way. I somehow already adjusted myself to think of an Xbox device as a PC. Completely. If there will still be a distinction and what that will be, we will see.


Well, it could be that way. I somehow already adjusted myself to think of an Xbox device as a PC. Completely. If there will still be a distinction and what that will be, we will see.

I could see it getting there, maybe a revision after Scorpio. At some point there is no value in the xbox/windows 10 differentiation.
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