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New King of Fighters XIV teaser reveals Leona and CHANG KOEHAN


But they already have two whole games ready, with assets and all. How expensive can it be to put together 8 new characters and a few backgrounds? It can't be that much more expensive than creating a whole new 3D game from scratch
Even then 3D models are faster,easier,cheaper and not hand drawn like the sprites.
Reusing the old ones would have been good and probably the plan when they were made to be that good. SNK is in a weird situation now so...
They could have reused those sprites for another ten games as far as I'm concerned. 12 and 13 are both criminally underrated.



They could have reused those sprites for another ten games as far as I'm concerned. 12 and 13 are both criminally underrated.

That is the funny thing... they would never have to replace them. Sure, you should probably update the most popular ones a little here and there to keep things feeling fresh, but you never need to touch them because they are perfect as is.


That is the funny thing... they would never have to replace them. Sure, you should probably update the most popular ones a little here and there to keep things feeling fresh, but you never need to touch them because they are perfect as is.
lol i wouldn't mind if they made Terry's arms smaller. Dude looks like he hit the gym alittle too hard and his head being lower doesn't help.


Gold Member
If it didn't change... January.

Surely this must be a very old estimate on SNKs part? January 2016 would mean the game is nearly finished. We have seen very little, and what we have seen looks pretty sub-par. I hope it is January 2017 at the earliest. Otherwise they are sending it out to die against SF5.


Man you have no clue how happy I am to meet someone who appreciated that game as much as I did. The roster wasn't huge but I enjoyed it so much at the time. Beautiful game, wish SNK would do a Dream Match edition and carry over the gameplay of XII.

we are not alone, too bad Online was bad :( it killed the game .
I wish it was on steam, XIII is and i want to keep playing it once i put my ps3 to rest.

It had really good ideas that were nowhere to be found in its sequel, I wish SNK also made a sequel to Real Bout Series. But i guess i will keep playing XII and RBS/2 forever

If it didn't change... January.

ouch, then probably not much room for improvement :(
WIll probably buy when i get a ps4 though, still a SNK fan , i even purchased that awful Samurai Shodown game for 360, so this can't be worse... i hope.
Is SNK OK? I mean the initial game reveal trailer already was pretty weak and did a disservice to the game, but now they're just gonna start abruptly reveal new characters like this? Half of this new trailer is just the old trailer but with short clips of Leona and Chang. Why are they even bothering to release these if they don't have much to show in the first place?


The Amiga Brotherhood
I really like that animations simulate frames, now i'm hyped.
It still looks bad, but i have to admit that in motion it looks better.


Better than before.

The animation feels like they are using 3D models but thinking in terms of 2D timing.

This. Its not as polished as some but it looks like KoF out there in motion at least instead of something sluggish. They need to mess with their specular and ambient occlusion mapping more though. They're getting some odd stuff across their models during certain moments with lighting.
They could have reused those sprites for another ten games as far as I'm concerned. 12 and 13 are both criminally underrated.

Reusing technically outdated sprites for ten games is what made SNK irrelevant in the first place, outside of the very most dedicated fanbase.

XIII looks great if you already like pixel art, but let's not kid ourselves - it has NO chance of attracting new fans.


Looks like shit
I'm still gonna buy and play it

The only good thing

Okay definitely gonna buy it.

lol i wouldn't mind if they made Terry's arms smaller. Dude looks like he hit the gym alittle too hard and his head being lower doesn't help.
He must go to the same place as Ralph and Clark.



Serious thought the only thing I disliked about the KoF 13 sprites were those ridiculous arms. Beyond that everything about them was damn near perfect. I want them back dammit!


It's an improvement from the reveal but still a long way to go. The stuff in some of the pachinko games shows that there are actually some good 3D models of their SNK characters, can't see why they couldn't start off them as a base for a game.

Maybe they plan to have some VR spinoffs. Doesn't look like they have any physics on the fabric or hair yet either.


At this point they just have to launch at $20-30 depending on gameplay content as a downloadable title, with a small roster and just work from there.

I'm still maintaining my stance, that this thing on going on to a self at $60 will kill this franchise for good...



The game has been in development for years if the job postings are anything to go by. And releases in 2016. This is what you'll get.


The Amiga Brotherhood
The trailer could have been more focused on the new characters, i think i missed Leona the first time i saw the trailer.


Looks like shit
I'm still gonna buy and play it

Okay definitely gonna buy it.

He must go to the same place as Ralph and Clark.



Serious thought the only thing I disliked about the KoF 13 sprites were those ridiculous arms. Beyond that everything about them was damn near perfect. I want them back dammit!
I would take buffer as long as we got the sprites
Hans and Franz pumped them up too much.
The trailer could have been more focused on the new characters, i think i missed Leona the first time i saw the trailer.
Same. Just saw Chang and had to go back.


I think fighting games lean heavily on their art styles and visuals and this looks like a game that had it's lunch eaten by other, a lot better looking fighting games. Looks horrible compared to other upcoming and already released fighting games, including their own past games. :/ It has almost zero visual appeal so even if the gameplay was on point I wouldn't buy this because there are other really stylish fighting games out there.


Still looks like it could use a lot of improvement but since the reveal trailer it definitely looks a lot better. If the release date is a while away I think this game could look decent. Not SFV levels, it's way too late for that, but it could potentially hold up well. I'll still probably get it though, especially if my man Lucky shows up.


If it didn't change... January.

That speculation came from a misunderstanding - apparently the first leaked trailer was cut so that it included a screened date for a different game - the official trailer and site have no such date.

Also sidenote Mais measurements are even more drastic than Leonas 87, 55, 91 vs. 84,60,87

Mai isn't the "biggest" girl in KoF, she just dresses in a way that emphasizes her assets:

Curiously, every woman in that official chart has a lot more story relevance in KoF than Mai, but those measurements aren't really what they're known for.


Man Ioris design is so good in this game.
On Topic: I dont really care for those 2 characters :s I bet Terry is the next character to be revealed.

Dr. Buni

They fanserviced even Leona. Fucking SNK Playmore. Also the game still looks like trash...

Good thing Killer Instinct exists.


Need to see what Kim looks like, he's usually one of the characters they put the most love into (his XIII sprite is beautiful).

Also looking forward to what brand new characters they come up with.

Man Ioris design is so good in this game.
On Topic: I dont really care for those 2 characters :s I bet Terry is the next character to be revealed.

It's about damn time Rock appeared in KOF and we got Blue Mary with the Garou 2 design.

If it didn't change... January.

That was just some date someone found on their site iirc, maybe a trailer or info release date.

There has been no actual word on a release date yet.


It's about damn time Rock appeared in KOF and we got Blue Mary with the Garou 2 design.

I'm still hoping for a Terry-Rock-Rick team. Please SNK.
Or bring back Vanessa, one of the boxers. They're both great.

That was just some date someone found on their site iirc, maybe a trailer or info release date.

There has been no actual word on a release date yet.

Yeah i'm sure the date was just for the next "real trailer"


And the animation and the flow is very KOF-like, at least...

I don't understand why it looks the way it does though. It's like purposefully ugly.


This game needs a Tony Hawk Pro Skater 5 graphic change up before release. Some cel might help it out a tad at least.


It is illegal to Tag Fish in Tag Fishing Sanctuaries by law 38.36 of the GAF Wildlife Act
I like that they're using Key frames (And not interpolation animation) for the regualr moves making the game feelin' 2D and that the jjumps are not as floaty as KOF: MI ... but man the art direction is whack.

EDIT: Well, the whole art design is whack. ie: Iori's design.
EDIT 2: Chang's looks cool at least


In a world where GG:Xrd exists, it's really hard to look at these graphics and say that it's a 'natural' transition from having fantastic 2D artwork and going into a 3D engine...

The animation they have 'right', similar to how the animation looks like in Xrd, but the presentation just isn't there.

I'm almost curious to ask GAF how people would feel if SNK just out-sourced the models and graphics to Sammy, and then took the finished models to tweak with the animation from there.


Less worried about the gameplay now after this trailer.

Ugliness aside, the gameplay/movement seems to at least retain the 2D feel.

I'm still hoping for a Terry-Rock-Rick team. Please SNK.
Or bring back Vanessa, one of the boxers. They're both great.

Rick would be awesome but I'm not sure they can do his design justice in 3D.

I think Vanessa will be in for sure.


I'm almost curious to ask GAF how people would feel if SNK just out-sourced the models and graphics to Sammy, and then took the finished models to tweak with the animation from there.
If said models looked as good as GGXrd's, for instance, I'd be very cool with that.
All those beautifull sprites gone to waste

Gameplay looks good thought, atleast it's still 2D. But seriously how do the graphics look worse than Maximum Impact 2 generations later???

Atleast there is improvement over the last trailer which hopefully means it'll get better with time. Also hoping the netcode isn't absolutely ass this time around but it probably will be.


Good Art™
It looks better. C'mon what happened to "graphics don't matter".

It always mattered for a company like SNK to begin with. I mean they've just been the god of art in videogame for a while, both technically and aesthetically. The visual maturity of SN games in the 90's was something else compared to anything.

So the white doll faces are sad yeah.. The dull plastic like clothes...


I wonder if this art style is a failed attempt to emulate Shinkiro's?

But they already have two whole games ready, with assets and all. How expensive can it be to put together 8 new characters and a few backgrounds? It can't be that much more expensive than creating a whole new 3D game from scratch

KoFXIII likely didn't perform up to expectations - and even there they had to take shortcuts like making clone characters that only change details of other existing sprites in order to add about 13 characters to KoFXII's roster.

There's also the issue that the sprites weren't actually in HD and people complained about that.


butthurt Heat fan
The thing that bugs me is, why couldn't they go the cel-shaded route, like Guilty Gear Xrd?

Also, "Burn To Fight"? That's a lame-ass attempt at the SNKGrish we all know and love...
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