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Nintendo Defends Art Style Of Controversial New Metroid Game

Nonsense. Splatoon is clearly a new thing. If it was just a reskinned Super Mario Sunshine multiplayer mod people would have called it out as such.
And that's great .. Do more new ideas like splatton instead of putting those ideas in a metroid game franchise.
I obviously haven't played the full FF game, just watched a couple of videos, so I can't claim to know every similarity or difference, but it clearly handles in a very similar way to Metroid Prime. I've just tried out Blast Ball for the first time and just as I expected I'm locked on target, firing on target, while dashing/jumping around. It feels very similar, and it's not like all these people desperate for a new Metroid game wouldn't have picked up on the similarities in a heartbeat. Most FPS games don't handle anything like Prime.

I contrasted the 'beasts' with the 'intelligent enemies' because not every game has a mixture of both, while Metroid games typically feature Space Pirates as well as flora and fauna to fight. Unless one or the other had been removed from FF it's another point that would have been picked up as a similarity. Likewise with things such as Freeze attacks.

If you took out all the things this game takes from Prime (as opposed to focussing on what's missing) you'd be left with things like the general art style, 4-player co-op, distinct level selection, the power up system, and Blast Ball. The core of the game is clearly rooted in Prime.
And this is where i disagree.
Note : i haven't played the game either , but i didn't feel it, like i felt it when i played the prime games .. i'll admit that it's been a while since i've played a prime game ( since the compil on wii ) , but i haven't felt anything that reminded me of those moments. my excitment was at it's coldest level. i'm actually happy that you think the opposite , but ..maybe something's wrong with me.. but i'm not feelign it , i don't see the appeal .. my memories of the prime games doesn't fall in the same category when i see this game.

Maybe a demo will change my mind , but right now i can't see it as the same thing , i don't see the similarities.

Obviously this isn't a game for everyone, and I'm not saying Prime fans should rush out and buy the game just because it has core similarities, but the undue criticism this game is getting for merely existing is beyond a joke.

I'll be honnest and say that i'm not shitting on the game ( you don't see me dumbing down the game here ) , i just don't like what i'm seeing .. no feelign of nostalgia , nor excitment is coming out .. so i critic what i feel is a step in the wrong direction.

And i'm not alone feelign that way


"Well, why are you trying to do four player simultaneous online co-op on a piece of hardware with 2005 mobile phone tech?!"
"Because I've been waiting for years to tell a story about that one time the good army had to fight the bad army!"


Obviously this isn't a game for everyone, and I'm not saying Prime fans should rush out and buy the game just because it has core similarities, but the undue criticism this game is getting for merely existing is beyond a joke.

It's basically the 2016 Ghostbusters reaction in videogame form. "True fans" can't handle that this is a thing that exists and that some people are interested in playing it.

However, unlike Ghostbusters, the "old Metroid style" isn't dead and buried for good.


I mainly don't get the attitude that "THEY BRING METROID BACK AND THIS IS ALL WE GET??????"

I get your pain that we haven't had a good Metroid game since 2007. I get your pain about Other M's character assassination and general mediocrity. I get this game not appealing to you, too (even though I think it could turn out OK, if only because I believe in Next Level Games). I get it. Metroid's my favorite game series of all time, and Metroid Prime 1 is my favorite game of all time, and I get it.

But for fuck's sake.

This isn't "THE NEW METROID".
It's a spinoff.
It's a spinoff with a different gameplay, aesthetic, and tone. Spinoffs are allowed to exist.
And they're especially allowed to exist when they're reinforcing a brand. There's a reason this is called Metroid Prime and that's because they're obviously fucking working on a new Metroid Prime.

The fact that they care about keeping the Metroid Prime brand alive in the meantime almost assuredly means that they're going to be making another Metroid Prime. At some point in the future, anyway. Which is why they want to keep the brand in public consciousness, even with a spinoff.

Frankly, if whatever next game in the series lives up to the quality of any one of the first three, I'm OK with waiting another ten fucking years.

(But it'll be an NX game.)


Gold Member
Nintendo shouldn't have to defend anything. Whiny fanboys are being whiny fanboys. It's kind of a shame that Nintendo decided to lower themselves to their level here.
Actually, yes they should. If they are going to change a franchise from how we want it and expect us to buy it they sure as hell better justify to us if they want our money. We owe them nothing. They need to prove the game is with buying.


I feel like it should have been on the Wii U from the get go. No need to change art styles and 4 player co-op shooting would be ten times better on console rather than handheld. If I wanted to play this game I would have to have 3 other friends with 3DSs and this game. With Wii U I just need this game, my Wii U & controllers and I would be good to go. It would have just added go Wii U's fantastic local multiplayer library.
It's basically the 2016 Ghostbusters reaction in videogame form. "True fans" can't handle that this is a thing that exists and that some people are interested in playing it.

However, unlike Ghostbusters, the "old Metroid style" isn't dead and buried for good.

This is nothing like Ghostbusters aside from really shitty trailers.

I'm a huge fan of Metroid. I don't care if people think Federation Force looks good. I don't want the game cancelled. I understand that it's a spinoff. I don't want the game to bomb, though it surely will.

It just really sucks for me, as a fan, that after all this time, this is the game we're getting.
Wow , you don't understand my argument here.
codeSTEAM was a new Ip and was critised .. that's FINE
That's fine.

I just don't like that it's using the metroid name when it could have been a new IP.
Let them do things as new IP instead of putting the name of an Ip on a project .. Like starfox guard did.( bad exemple but that's the spirit of my argument) It doesn't magically make what they attempting become better because they have a franchise attached to it.

I'm not against new IPs , i want new IPs .. Let them try and fail or try and win with new Ips.
Zelda is obviously an exception since it's a franchise that try new things with each game.. But an exception like zelda is not the rule

Ohoh, I didn't said you were against new IP, I said you were saying other people are against new IP. Sorry ><
So, instead of complaining about what this game should've been, I'm going to review my time with it. I really enjoy it. I think it looks great on the New 3DS XL hardware, and I think it plays really well. I even have come to accept the art style. It feels like Metroid Prime, even if it doesn't have the exploration bits. It's probably the best FPS I've played on 3ds. Now excuse me...I have a flame suit I need to equip.
There's a reason this is called Metroid Prime and that's because they're obviously fucking working on a new Metroid Prime.

Uh, no, it's a metroid prime game because that's the brand they use for the first person metroid games.

They confirmed as much that Metroid Prime 4 wasn't in development at an interview at some point after the announcement of FF.

There's no point to convincing yourself that anything unannounced exists.


I do see this metroid game as a spinoff. Thats exactly what it is. Fans are asking for a 2d metroid like many years now. Other m was a disaster. So i'm ok with spinoff if there was also a decent 2d metroid recently. Thats what the problem is here. I'm sure that a 2d metroid would sell a lot more than this spinoff title...
Still holding out that we will see a brand new 2D game, set after the events of Fusion, sometime before I die. That's really all I want.


Federation Force will be alot closer to the Prime games than I originally thought after playing Blast Ball. They even managed to replicate the feeling of Prime Trilogy's Wiimote aiming, there's someting immensely satisfying about lock-on strafe movement and being able to fine adjust the aim. In Prime this meant you can strafe around the target, but shoot other enemies and it lead to some really interesting gameplay.

FF is essentially a co-op Metroid Prime and is much more deserving of being tied to the franchise than say Prime Pinball, since it's at least similar mechanically. I'm enjoying my time with Blast Ball, especially now that I'm manually aiming my shots and it actually matters. I also thought the skill ceiling was pretty low initially but I think there's something there after all. It's really fun to just jump in and play a couple of matches, yesterday I played 4-5 hours in one session and I was one game away from reaching 1300 rating ;_;


Uh, no, it's a metroid prime game because that's the brand they use for the first person metroid games.

Well, we only have one example outside the trilogy to go on so far, Hunters. This game is not even trying to be as similar to Prime as Hunters was, so I wouldn't say that's entirely a foregone conclusion. You're probably right though.

They confirmed as much that Metroid Prime 4 wasn't in development at an interview at some point after the announcement of FF.

There's no point to convincing yourself that anything unannounced exists.


"Working on" was maybe hyperbole, but I think it's daft to think that there's nothing even in the planning/concept development stages, and that it's daft to think that this is all that will remain of the Prime subseries.

Generally, from a business perspective, a spinoff like this is to support a brand, and they're not going to be making this spinoff like this to support a brand that they're not going to continue.

I feel like my point here is bolstered by the fact that it is so much further removed from Prime than even Hunters is. Despite its serious difference in tone and style it's called Prime because it's an extension of the Prime brand. A brand that wouldn't be worth extending after 9 years of dormancy if it wasn't intended to be continued in full force at some point.

I mean, I guess Nintendo isn't always rational, and maybe what would hold true for anyone else in this marketing regard wouldn't for them. So what do I know?

But I dunno I just can't abide the cynicism and contempt. Federation Force is an inoffensive little spinoff, and obviously isn't the be-all end-all of the Metroid series.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
It's fine for someone to express discontent with a product. The creators of said product shouldn't feel the need to defend or apologize for it, however.

They do need to sell me on it. Maybe that's not defend, but they need to sell the public on it.

Nintendo isn't a charity. They are in the business of making money, and Nintendo needs to sell people on the idea to eventually move units when the game launches so they can make money.

Or maybe they don't say anything, and just put it out and let the sales speak for itself.


Not to mention, none of that negates Ridley being played straight as a serious threat...
The fact they treat the arch-enemy of intergalactic bounty hunter Samus Aran, Ridley, the leader of the space pirates who happens to be an alien purple pterodactyl that breaths fire and in some games shoots lasers out of his eyes and flies and breaths in space (or any planet, for that matter) in a completely serious fashion is the epitome of camp. Same for the evil brain in a jar Mother Brain, which was already cheesy design in the 1950s, more than 60 years ago. And let's not talk about replacing the creature of ALIEN with antigravity vampire jellyfishes.

Read the above description to anybody who doesn't know video games and pitch it as the dead serious script of a 2016 SF movie, and you'll be greeted with immediate laugher and mockery.

Metroid has always been silly pulp SF, with silly pulp scripts and silly pulp enemies. It's a good chunk of its charm.

Losing your cool because said series has a spin-off with a chibi art style because otherwise it's difficult to tell what's going on on a portable console with low definition, that's the textbook description of being a video game man-child.

Like others said, it'd be as reasonable as being angry at the design of Monster Hunter Stories. Worse, in fact, because Monster Hunter is much less cheesy in design, its monsters wouldn't make today movie audiences roar with laugher. Its fan are more adult, it seems.

The creators of said product shouldn't feel the need to defend or apologize for it, however.
He's simply answering the question of a journalist to explain the process that lead to this art style. It really doesn't sound like he's "defending" anything, and even less apologize - why should he?
The fact they treat the arch-enemy of intergalactic bounty hunter Samus Aran, Ridley, the leader of the space pirates who happens to be an alien purple pterodactyl that breaths fire and in some games shoots lasers out of his eyes and flies and breaths in space (or any planet, for that matter) in a completely serious fashion is the epitome of camp. Same for the evil brain in a jar Mother Brain, which was already cheesy design in the 1950s, more than 60 years ago. And let's not talk about replacing the creature of ALIEN with antigravity vampire jellyfishes.

Read the above description to anybody who doesn't know video games and pitch it as the dead serious script of a 2016 SF movie, and you'll be greeted with immediate laugher and mockery.

Metroid has always been silly pulp SF, with silly pulp scripts and silly pulp enemies. It's a good chunk of its charm.

Losing your cool because said series has a spin-off with a chibi art style because otherwise it's difficult to tell what's going on, that's the textbook description of being a video game man-child.

Like others said, it'd be as reasonable as being angry at the design of Monster Hunter Stories. Worse, in fact, because Monster Hunter is much less cheesy in design, its monsters wouldn't make today movie audiences roar with laugher. Its fan are more adult, it seems.

You're confusing serious and "serious business". You keep listing tropes of other pulpy scifi, some of which weren't serious, as if that instantly disqualifies the series, when none of it does. Just because YOU think those can't be played seriously, doesn't mean they can't be. It's like saying the Alien series isn't played seriously because they fight "giant bugs" or Predator as "rastafari alien hunter" (although after the first one, it did get silly), if we're using your manner of attempting to dumb things down
I mainly don't get the attitude that "THEY BRING METROID BACK AND THIS IS ALL WE GET??????"

I get your pain that we haven't had a good Metroid game since 2007. I get your pain about Other M's character assassination and general mediocrity. I get this game not appealing to you, too (even though I think it could turn out OK, if only because I believe in Next Level Games). I get it. Metroid's my favorite game series of all time, and Metroid Prime 1 is my favorite game of all time, and I get it.

But for fuck's sake.

This isn't "THE NEW METROID".
It's a spinoff.
It's a spinoff with a different gameplay, aesthetic, and tone. Spinoffs are allowed to exist.
And they're especially allowed to exist when they're reinforcing a brand. There's a reason this is called Metroid Prime and that's because they're obviously fucking working on a new Metroid Prime.

The fact that they care about keeping the Metroid Prime brand alive in the meantime almost assuredly means that they're going to be making another Metroid Prime. At some point in the future, anyway. Which is why they want to keep the brand in public consciousness, even with a spinoff.

Frankly, if whatever next game in the series lives up to the quality of any one of the first three, I'm OK with waiting another ten fucking years.

(But it'll be an NX game.)

This reminds me of the people back in the day thinking that Nintendoland minigames were a teaser for the later Wii U library.
Nintendo's been actively spiting their core fanbase ever since the WiiU came out, so they absolutely deserve no trust for hypothetical unnanounced games in advance and your ,,argument" is nothing but wishful thinking.
Like, we can talk about this when an actual Metroid is really announced. But until then, this game deserves all the shit it gets.


N-Space didn't make Hunters, it was made by Nintendo Software Technologies.

It also didn't have a ton of enemies on screen at once and just displaying the 4 players during multiplayer seemed to push it pretty hard. Come to think of it, it also suffered from screen tearing which isn't something I recall seeing in any other DS game.

We're talking a TEN year difference and nit picking points. Imagine looking at a current PS4 game and saying the same things about an early 360 game. We shouldn't be dealing with even close to similar limitations.
In the end I think there is only two things Nintendo can do to not get complaints on how they handle the Metroid serie.

1. Make a AAA high budget Metroid Prime 4, preferrably for NX to get some wows for the visuals, aimed for the core gamers.

2. Make a AAA high budget Super Metroid 2, either 2D gameplay with 3D graphics like Ori or 2D gameplay with hand-drawn 2D graphics like Rayman Legends.

Retro Studio is the best choice to handle both or there will likely be unneccesary comparisons among the fans on which dev team is better as with Halo and Bungie/343.

Until this happens they're probably better off keeping the serie on hiatus.

I don't think it would even need to be high budget, people would be happy with the Metroid Fusion artstyle on the 3DS. That's whats so frustrating, Nintendo could have made a cheaper Metroid game that the fans would have ate up, but they spent more money to make a game that most don't want to touch.


Would have been even better if they pulled an Amiibo Festival on this game and opened it with Samus's ship flying over a boss like the recent footage showed to fool everyone into thinking it was a real Metroid title. Cause right now this is how Animal Crossing fans feel too.


Would have been weird if Nintendo released a statement like "yeah you're right, our bad."

The sting wouldn't be as bad for me if a proper Metroid was on the way.
It's a 3DS game so they have to go for a style that suits the hardware and it looks fine on 3DS.
LBW also has an ugly art style but the game was pretty great because of it.
The issue like is that there hasn't been a mainline Metroid in awhile.


Since pre launch many developers even outside Nintendo have always mentioned that they end up chibifying stuff due to the screen resolution.

I don't think it would even need to be high budget, people would be happy with the Metroid Fusion artstyle on the 3DS. That's whats so frustrating, Nintendo could have made a cheaper Metroid game that the fans would have ate up, but they spent more money to make a game that most don't want to touch.
Who would make this supposed 2d Metroid.
That's the biggest obstacle since they're not going to farm something like that out.


Who would make this supposed 2d Metroid.
That's the biggest obstacle since they're not going to farm something like that out.

That's their problem. Nothing prevents them from doing just that. They "farmed out" quite a few of their historical franchises to great success, hell they did it with Metroid in a way. This idea a 2d Metroid can't be made if it's not supervised by Sakamoto is absurd.


Since pre launch many developers even outside Nintendo have always mentioned that they end up chibifying stuff due to the screen resolution.

Who would make this supposed 2d Metroid.
That's the biggest obstacle since they're not going to farm something like that out.

Nintendo had no problem throwing Star Fox to Rare, Namco and Q-Games for mainline entries. Not to mention tarnishing Yoshi's good name after Yoshis Island with the garbage pumped out by Artoon.


It's a 3DS game so they have to go for a style that suits the hardware and it looks fine on 3DS.
LBW also has an ugly art style but the game was pretty great because of it.
The issue like is that there hasn't been a mainline Metroid in awhile.

No it doesn't. And as stated before, Hunters, on DS, did a pretty good job of emulating the Metroid Prime art style.

Not only that, this looks graphically inferior to a lot of other 3DS titles.


Nintendo shouldn't have to defend anything. Whiny fanboys are being whiny fanboys. It's kind of a shame that Nintendo decided to lower themselves to their level here.
They didn't lower themselves to any level, because it's not a defense, it's an explanation.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Well blu... the thing here we should be considering is that a game back in may of 2004 is doing a better job at capturing the style and ambience of the Metroid Prime spin offs. On far lesser hardware none the less.
That's a valid statement to make. I also think Prime Pinball had a much better 'prime' atmosphere and ambiance than Hunters. But you won't seem me running around shouting how Hunters is the greatest sin since Adam shagged Eve in the gardens of Eden.

And this is strictly talking about the game's presentation which is one among many things that have a significant part (a very vocal one at least) of the user base complaining at every chance they have.
People want to play a full-fledged Prime. I, too, want to play a full-fledged Prime. I won't be going out of my way declaring why FF is not a full-fledged Prime, because I'm a grown-up and I can enjoy myself playing FF/BB, as verified via the recently-released demo, while keeping my Prime expectations for, you know, an actual Prime.


This game could be great and fun if released for the Game Cube between Prime 1 and 2.

Not 6 years after other M on a underpowered hardware.


It's almost as if they chose the wrong console to make this game on.

Alternatively, the wrong type of game to make for the console.
I mainly don't get the attitude that "THEY BRING METROID BACK AND THIS IS ALL WE GET??????"

I get your pain that we haven't had a good Metroid game since 2007. I get your pain about Other M's character assassination and general mediocrity. I get this game not appealing to you, too (even though I think it could turn out OK, if only because I believe in Next Level Games). I get it. Metroid's my favorite game series of all time, and Metroid Prime 1 is my favorite game of all time, and I get it.

But for fuck's sake.

This isn't "THE NEW METROID".
It's a spinoff.
It's a spinoff with a different gameplay, aesthetic, and tone. Spinoffs are allowed to exist.
And they're especially allowed to exist when they're reinforcing a brand. There's a reason this is called Metroid Prime and that's because they're obviously fucking working on a new Metroid Prime.

The fact that they care about keeping the Metroid Prime brand alive in the meantime almost assuredly means that they're going to be making another Metroid Prime. At some point in the future, anyway. Which is why they want to keep the brand in public consciousness, even with a spinoff.

Frankly, if whatever next game in the series lives up to the quality of any one of the first three, I'm OK with waiting another ten fucking years.

(But it'll be an NX game.)

90% of the rage over this spinoff is precisely because there hasn't been a good Metroid game in nearly a decade. When they made Metroid Prime Pinball and Metroid Prime Hunters, nobody minded, because they were still actively making "real" Metroid games. When Metroid Prime was announced as a first-person game, the rage was significantly lessened by the fact that they announced a side-scrolling Metroid at the same time (of course, the punchline there was that Prime wound up being more true to the series' roots/design than Fusion was.) Had they announced Federation Force alongside a new "proper" Metroid game- even if it was so early in development that they only had a cinematic trailer for it, like with Zelda BotW's initial reveal- most people wouldn't have minded it existing. Yeah, it's pretty likely that there's going to be a new proper Metroid game, but most people aren't going to believe Nintendo until they show something from it to us.

Generally speaking, if you make spinoffs and other "non-standard" entries to a series while it's still clearly active and healthy, people don't mind- if anything, those spinoffs are a sign that the company has a lot of faith in the franchise and wants to invest more into it. When you get these sorts of games in a franchise that's in a state like Metroid's, however, people get the impression that the series is dead and they're just fucking its corpse, milking its remaining fans who are just desperate for something out of the series for whatever money they can. Usually these games are mobile/browser games rather than proper portable/console titles, though.


It's basically the 2016 Ghostbusters reaction in videogame form. "True fans" can't handle that this is a thing that exists and that some people are interested in playing it.

However, unlike Ghostbusters, the "old Metroid style" isn't dead and buried for good.

Very much this. I have to say, if Nintendo were taking the line that this was a bold new direction for future games in the Metroid franchise I'd be pretty pissed too.

But they aren't, so I'm not.
I hear Ghostbusters'16 is fine if you like Feig movies.


Seems like there's plenty of legitimate negative criticism of this game / direction to take the series, but sure, just lump it all into blind fanboyism.
Seems like there's plenty of legitimate negative criticism of this game / direction to take the series, but sure, just lump it all into blind fanboyism.

Blind fanboyism: I am willing to try this game and decide for myself.

Legitimate criticism: This thoughtless budget game will murder the franchise and should be cancelled. I know this without playing it.


Sales talks. Lets see how the game performs in revenue.

Bingo. I've been a huge metroid fan since the original (and one of the few that will actually defend Other M for it's pros over cons), but I will not be purchasing this.

People complaining about the style, or the game-type itself, need to speak with their wallets.
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