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Nvidia: PS4 specs are low end CPU and mid range GPU

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hide your water-based mammals
What is going on here....

It's a given that PS4 isn't high end. nvidia isn't educating anyone here. They are better off just shutting up since some people show up who are nvidia patriots and don't see things as clearly or have a definite slant.

I own 2 GPU's running in SLI and find the PS4 very impressive. I don't think nvidia saying what it says has any bearing considering the magic that Sony 1st party's pulled off on the gimped nvidia piece in PS3.


There's no way that's gonna happen, because the low range offerings are generally pretty awful. Barely better than integrated graphics. Because of that, even the mid range GPUs from 3 years ago are still midrange.
Hmm yeah you are right I kinda forgot how old the HD6970 is atm. Time goes fast. :x


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
But how did "low to mid-end hardware" pull this off then?


Considering how high poly everything else is, the fact that the rope looks like a textured tube is really off-putting.


all of my posts are my avatar
I get what he's saying but it still comes off sounding kinda childish, and yea 8gig's ram onboard mid range card by next year then right Nvidia?


I'm not technical, so can somebody who knows this stuff inside and out clarify what the effect of saltiness is on hardware components? Is it roughly 10% of total FLOPS? I'd like to understand the comparison better. Thanks in advance.


I permanently banned my 6 year old daughter from using the PS4 for mistakenly sending grief reports as it's too hard to watch or talk to her
I didn't think they were salty yesterday.

I was wrong.
I could run that thing at 60fps on my PC right now. Most of us could.

...couldn't be farther from the truth. Check the Steam hardware surveys, a very VERY small % of people could run that or any of the other PS4 games shown at 60 fps @ 1080p. One thing I don't like is how everyone goes to the extreme and assumes a monster setup for all other PC gamers just because it's possible.


.. how is it apples and oranges?

one is just better than the other, they are not different, uncomparable things. Even less so now than last gen.

I'm not super tech savy, but a dedicated game box can push hardware much better than a home PC.

I doubt a PC from 2005 with 512megs of totlal RAM can run something like KZ3 or the Uncharted games.. At ANY framerate.

Triple U

I'm not sure what to tell you other than running those graphics at 1080p/30fps and with PPAA is not some magical feat on a mid-range 2012 GPU. Welcome to the future boys!
You could tell me another lie since you're so good at it. No PC games running on thes comparable cards look this good. None.


Unfortunately, when the left hand bleeds, the right hand has to hold the rag.

But, graphics are the only thing they really compete against. It's like when people post Nintendo company profits vs only the Microsoft Entertainment and Devices Division instead of the whole company numbers.
Of course technology advances every 6 months and so on but sorry to burst your bubble I haven't seen anything like that excluding Crysis 2, Crysis 3 and Planetside 2.

So games that are already out that could run at 1080p/30fps with a good number of graphics options turned up and PPAA which can certainly run on, say, a 7850? Remarkable

Agree with Phosphor112. The ramifications of the hardware will be seen over the next 5 years.


I have always stated that comparing consoles to PC is pretty much akin to apples and oranges.

Oh well, I'll just leave the console and PC fanatics to fight it out.

That's a convenient fence you've found.
Even though it's true, Nvidia really needs to shut the fuck up. We get it, a console that will retail for most likely $500 at best won't be as powerful as your mighty Titan that retails for the low price of 999 US dollars. And the CPU will be perfectly fine since every aspect of it will be able to utilized by developers how ever the hell they want due to the closed architecture, same goes for the graphics.


It's true yes, but should they be bitter because Sony or MS don't want to deal with them after all?

Also it's not like they would have done a better job?, seems to me like PS4 ( and xbox if rumors are true) is a nice power bump from last gen with interesting customizations that will produce very good looking games.

Serious question: was the RSX considered high end in 2005-6? I don't temember


Nvidia is angry cause Sony and MS ignored them. Way to go Nvidia, you can forget all future partnerships with Sony! Dumb asses


But, graphics is the only thing they compete against. It's like when people post Nintendo company profits vs only the Microsoft Entertainment and Devices Division instead of the whole company numbers.

It's one big company, if one part of it loses money, they all do. Plus the console designs are an APU design, meaning a CPU / GPU combination.


...couldn't be farther from the truth. Check the Steam hardware surveys, a very VERY small % of people could run that or any of the other PS4 games shown at 60 fps @ 1080p.

Of course there's no actual way of knowing, im just assuming by looking at it (wich is hardly how it works, but it serves as an indication). There's games that look better, people can run those games at double the framerate, one would assume people could run that demo better than a PS4 could.
Hasn't AMD been making money from their video cards? I thought the problem was from their CPU side.

AMD 2012

Computing: -$231m
Graphics: $105m, a small proportion of which was console graphics solutions.
Other (mainly handheld devices, research, IP, technology): -$930m

Hence why Nvidia is leaving the console graphics space, and focusing on the other stuff, something AMD would be wise to follow.


Perhaps not every game, although I'll say it will hold up well against even Crysis 3.

I have a 6950 and the beta ran 60FPS 1080p at high settings, which is pretty remarkable IMO.
Not with Crysis 3 beta, it didn't. Unless you have some kind of magical 6950. A 6970 doesn't manage a solid 60fps either.
Wouldn't be surprised if Nvidia higher ups put the muffle on Timothy Lottes when he was praising the PS4. Guaranteed they made him erase that blog post.


I didn't think they were salty yesterday.

I was wrong.

This. Everyone is trying to come in here and make it sound like Sony fans are calling Nvidia salty when this is the 2nd story is a manner of days from Nvidia talking about Sony or next gen consoles in some capacity. We know they are making money but continuously making snide comments makes you look extremely salty.


That's a convenient fence you've found.

Show me a PC that can pull off GoWA level of visuals (and the rest) with a GPU of less than 256MB and system RAM of less than 256MB (same thing with 360). A direct comparison isn't possible.

Specs exist on PC that can outdo anything a console will ever do. That's a fact. But the way nVidia is trying to portray it sounds like, as Phosphor112 previously mentioned, damage control.


Oh wow lol this is the 2nd time this week.

Just yesterday or the day before they were salty as fuck about not getting the console contracts and being underbid by AMD lol.

Doesn't make 'em any less correct though.

I doubt they're salty about getting underbid by AMD considering the latter's financial state.


This is another problem. Similar to the console "generation" argument. How do you define "mid range".

I've been building PCs for 8 years and midrange has generally referred to cards in the $200 range. Basically, capable cards that are a big step above the low end $50-$100 stuff but not up with the $400-$600 "enthusiast" cards. I think it's a bit subjective but saying a 7870 is "low-mid range" is completely ignoring the entire range of AMD 7xxx series cards and only focusing on 78xx and 79xx series.
Of course there's no way of knowing, im just assuming from the fact that people are able to run equally or better looking games

Assuming something like that doesn't favor your argument when the facts show the vast majority of PC gamers (Steam, not facebook or whatever) couldn't run KZ4, Drive Club, Infamous, that Capcom game, and whatever MS shows off with the 720, @ 1080p + 60 fps. You're using a very small % of market segment as the basis for your argument and applying that to the whole, when using the average would far more representative of reality.


Crysis 3 has static backgrounds what is your point?

Also, congrats on being one of the 5% of gamers with GPUs that are past the PS4s. Too bad you don't matter in the scheme of things.

A bit angry aren't you? Lol it's fine. No way the PS4 was going to dust a gaming PC man, no need to get all angry. Crysis 3 on PC does crap all over Killzone, its no't some made up fact. but PS4 will still get good games so it's fine.

And oh, I'd be willing to bet that its a bit more than 5% considering how many of those cards they sell.
Man get that logic and intelligent shit outta here. Nvidia attacked Glorious Sony! Obviously this is nothing but anger from not getting a contract with very little profit margins for Nvidia! BOO THIS MAN!

I thought the profit margins were actually very good, hence why both MS and Sony went for AMD this time.


hide your water-based mammals
Show me a PC that can pull off GoWA level of visuals (and the rest) with a GPU of less than 256MB and system RAM of less than 256MB (same thing with 360). A direct comparison isn't possible.

Specs exist on PC that can outdo anything a console will ever do. That's a fact. But the way nVidia is trying to portray it sounds like, as Phosphor112 previously mentioned, damage control.

It is and I want to defend or take a side with them but it's stupid to open your mouth on the subject.

If we think about what devs have done on PS3 with gimped HW we can only imagine with the leap in HW and memory that devs will be making some killer PS4 games. These are dedicated boxes here.
This. Everyone is trying to come in here and make it sound like Sony fans are calling Nvidia salty when this is the 2nd story is a manner of days from Nvidia talking about Sony or next gen consoles in some capacity. We know they are making money but continuously making snide comments makes you look extremely salty.

You know it's from the same interview right? Nvidia do not go around talking about the PS4..

They might even post a part 3, I wouldn't be surprised, in their attempt to milk the interview as much as they can.


AMD 2012

Computing: -$231m
Graphics: $105m, a small proportion of which was console graphics solutions.
Other (mainly handheld devices, research, IP, technology): -$930m

Hence why Nvidia is leaving the console graphics space, and focusing on the other stuff, something AMD would be wise to follow.

Funny how you forgot to mention that none of the big 3 wanted to work with nVidia if possible.


Really Nvidia? really?. Ofcourse Pc's will always be better no shit sherlock.
Such a comment just makes you come off like a sore loser...
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