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NYT: Obama returns to public life next week

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God, I wish he'd just stay away like Hillary and Bush. Well, more like Bush than Hillary but you get the idea. Look into painting or something, Barry. Your existence just holds back the Democratic party like Hillary.

I don't want to vote for Trump. But if that's what it takes to get rid of Obama then so be it. It worked great for Hillary so it should work for Obama.

So are you an ashamed Trump supporter pretending to be something else? Why?
It's because of both his popularity and his amazing talent that I want him out and gone from politics. The man, unfortunately, has the power, influence and talent to anchor the country politically. And right now we need to move left more so than right.

Obama is like Obamacare. Just barely good enough to keep the American people from demanding actual progress/change. And I believe we can do better. It was my hope that the Dems would learn a lesson or two from what happened. With Perez taking the DNC and Obama coming back, it doesn't seem like that will be the case.

And yes, like that other post made clear: I do agree with some of Trump's policies. I still couldn't bring myself to vote for him this time around though. But if the Dems require another 4 years to change, I will force myself to do it.
I don't get where you are coming from. You admit the country needs to move left but the Dems are too centrist... So you will vote right to punish the Dems if Obama comes back?


He was president of the US. Who cares that he has rich friends honestly. He spent 8 years in one of the most stressful jobs there is and he did it as the first Black man and with a shit congress trying to fuck him over every move.

What do you want from the man? Can he not vacation for a while?

It shows who he feels comfortable around, and who he was really working for all along. He was always an agent for the oligarchy - he just doesn't need to hide it anymore.


Obama as a change agent is laughable - he's Tony Blair Mk. II, big change rhetoric but ultimately pushed a centre-right agenda that saw economic inequality grow massively during his tenure. He'll be swanning on yachts with his celeb mates and collecting paychecks for speeches from big banks.

Yup. He was the friendly face of the ruinous policies that protected Wall Street and led to the rise of Trumpism. And now he's due to collect.


I don't get where you are coming from. You admit the country needs to move left but the Dems are too centrist... So you will vote right to punish the Dems if Obama comes back?
Not exactly.

Obama is like the complete opposite of an agent of change. Especially now that he's free to do whatever he wants. At least as president people dragged him to the left on a couple of issues. But now there's no such thing. He only answers to donors and whoever pays for his speeches. His return means more of the same. Almost guarantees it for me. He's like a lobbyist/promoter/spokesman for neoliberalism. So it's not so much "Obama's back fuck Dems" but more like "Obama's back. Dems are likely a lost cause".
I am so fucking worried about him getting shot.
He won't get shot. Secret service game is on point and Obama is the status quo's homeboy (he is no Dr. King, X, or Panther). The high profile folks that get whacked are taken down by trained experts, not amateurs or lone crazed gunmen. He was never a threat to power.
He won't get shot. Secret service game is on point and Obama is the status quo's homeboy (he is no Dr. King, X, or Panther). The high profile folks that get whacked are taken down by traines experts, not amateurs or lone crazed gunmen. He was never a threat to power.

Even in Trump's Amerika?
Even in Trump's Amerika?
I don't subscribe to the "Trump's America" stuff. This unfortunately is really America without the makeup, with things back out in the open after bigotry was shamed in 1965. I don't see how the hateful could be angrier at a nerfed former president Obama. He's going to have to talk that real talk in order to pull that off and Obama doesn't have it in him.

I won't hold it against him for not putting his life on the line like the 60s leaders. That's asking a lot to threaten power.


Both of you are wrong as hell. Storming out of the gate and going at Trumps neck publicly, directly with no discretion whatsoever is exactly what Trump would need to re-unify the people he got to vote for him in the first place in an Us vs Him campaign moving into 2018 and beyond. It would be non stop shitty news 'coverage' going back and forth about what Obama said to Trump and what Trump said to Obama. It would dominate press cycles currently filled with Trumps policy and legislative failures and intelligence investigations.

Trump would absolutely love it. And I don't believe even for a second that you two think otherwise. Obama said when he returns he plans to go hard on Gerrymandering which is absolutely perfect. Its the current democratic parties responsibility to work on 2018 and 2020. Obama absolutely does NOT need to start verbal back and forths with that orange fool. That would play directly into Trumps hand.

Trumps approval ratings are falling falling falling ever since he got into office. All we need to do is continue course while the R districts/elections continue to tighten in our favor moving into 2018.

yeah, i agree with everything here - it'd feel good for the moment, sure, but nothing would come from it & his shitty administration would just run with that ball till DEEP STATE was all you heard after every fuckup

Correction he won't attack him outright, but he'll say/do some on the sly shit like he always does.

oh there's gonna be more subliminals than jigga & nas had


Not exactly.

Obama is like the complete opposite of an agent of change. Especially now that he's free to do whatever he wants. At least as president people dragged him to the left on a couple of issues. But now there's no such thing. He only answers to donors and whoever pays for his speeches. His return means more of the same. Almost guarantees it for me. He's like a lobbyist/promoter/spokesman for neoliberalism. So it's not so much "Obama's back fuck Dems" but more like "Obama's back. Dems are likely a lost cause".
So basically fuck everyone else because nobody wants to burn the whole system down? Because more left policies working towards a better future for everyone isn't good or fast enough?
Always seems like Barry can't do anything right as far as a lot of people are concerned.

No matter what he does he's going to get shit for it. I'll be behind him and whatever he has planned 100%.


God, I wish he'd just stay away like Hillary and Bush. Well, more like Bush than Hillary but you get the idea. Look into painting or something, Barry. Your existence just holds back the Democratic party like Hillary.

I don't want to vote for Trump. But if that's what it takes to get rid of Obama then so be it. It worked great for Hillary so it should work for Obama.

Literally the dumbest thing I've read this week.
All the people complaining about him being too centrist, protecting the status quo and ultimately not moving the needle sound a bit out of touch to me. The guy spent a colossal amount of political capital to expand healthcare. The result isn't pretty but in the end, that particular needle did move and the life of people did change.
I find it funny that the ex-president is far more popular at home than the current one, and abroad, I'd bet Obama could draw a larger crowd in Germany than Trump got for his inauguration :^)

Trump goes to Mar-a-Lago 25 times but is never able to draw a dime.


Not exactly.

Obama is like the complete opposite of an agent of change. Especially now that he's free to do whatever he wants. At least as president people dragged him to the left on a couple of issues. But now there's no such thing. He only answers to donors and whoever pays for his speeches. His return means more of the same. Almost guarantees it for me. He's like a lobbyist/promoter/spokesman for neoliberalism. So it's not so much "Obama's back fuck Dems" but more like "Obama's back. Dems are likely a lost cause".

Were you alive for Bush? Did you see the obstructionism from the GOP since 08? I'm really trying to figure out what the fuck you're going on about. Just because he's not as left as Marx doesn't mean his voice doesn't mean something.

Besides, you're a self confessed Trump voter, or at least somebody who would contemplate it. You're fight against neoliberalism is a bit laughable when your solution to a gradual shift left is a right nation is "fuck it, vote for the bigot."


Junior Member
As a brown skinned man with minority children who will have to endure this administration's crap if 4 more years gets tacked ...



(I'll be taking my ban now)
People like this poster have so much privledge that it's insane. Willing to fuck over people of color/lbgtqia/women for their own personal vendetta


Yup. He was the friendly face of the ruinous policies that protected Wall Street and led to the rise of Trumpism. And now he's due to collect.

What disastrous policies did he bring about?

"Not throwing Wall Street in jail" will get you a D-, unless you're actually a 14 year old.
Not exactly.

Obama is like the complete opposite of an agent of change. Especially now that he's free to do whatever he wants. At least as president people dragged him to the left on a couple of issues. But now there's no such thing. He only answers to donors and whoever pays for his speeches. His return means more of the same. Almost guarantees it for me. He's like a lobbyist/promoter/spokesman for neoliberalism. So it's not so much "Obama's back fuck Dems" but more like "Obama's back. Dems are likely a lost cause".
Any guy voting for Trump to fight neoliberalism doesn't really have their head on straight, sorry to tell you.
So basically fuck everyone else because nobody wants to burn the whole system down? Because more left policies working towards a better future for everyone isn't good or fast enough?

The worst kind of person man. I rather someone just be outward with their shit than thinly veiled


Any guy voting for Trump to fight neoliberalism doesn't really have their head on straight, sorry to tell you.

Nah, he's just a full blown Trump supporter. Look at his post history.

He's trying to craft an argument from the left for some reason, but it's terrible and nonsensical.
God, I wish he'd just stay away like Hillary and Bush. Well, more like Bush than Hillary but you get the idea. Look into painting or something, Barry. Your existence just holds back the Democratic party like Hillary.

I don't want to vote for Trump. But if that's what it takes to get rid of Obama then so be it. It worked great for Hillary so it should work for Obama.

I have to say, pretty much yes.

Ultimately what needs to be done is renovate the DNC entirely.


Nah, he's just a full blown Trump supporter. Look at his post history.

He's trying to craft an argument from the left for some reason, but it's terrible and nonsensical.

Many of them do it, many of the so called "Independents". The Left is not Left enough for them, so they will continue to support the Right (supposedly everything they are against) in hopes that it magically changes things and who the fuck cares about the little people that are not them, caught in the mess before the magical change happens? They are doing you a favor, you just can't see it yet, silly minority.

Example above my post.
Remember, Obama sent a spokesman to release a paper-thin, weak statement about "values" as Trump sprung an executive order banning entry of Muslims from 7 countries, whilst detaining others at airports and forcing them. Instead, people on the street marched and made themselves heard on what American values are.

Obama himself was silent.

It was the day I realised that the man himself, deemed "introspective" when it came to sensitive issues, didn't seem to have a core set of values I could respect. He's better off giving paid speeches - it'll suit him better.
Many of them do it, many of the so called "Independents". The Left is not Left enough for them, so they will continue to support the Right (supposedly everything they are against) in hopes that it magically changes things and who the fuck cares about the little people that are not them, caught in the mess before the magical change happens? They are doing you a favor, you just can't see it yet, silly minority.

Example above my post.

Blah blah something Accelerationism

Remember, Obama sent a spokesman to release a paper-thin, weak statement about "values" as Trump sprung an executive order banning entry of Muslims from 7 countries, whilst detaining others at airports and forcing them. Instead, people on the street marched and made themselves heard on what American values are.

Obama himself was silent.

It was the day I realised that the man himself, deemed "introspective" when it came to sensitive issues, didn't seem to have a core set of values I could respect. He's better off giving paid speeches - it'll suit him better.

What you want him to do? Get out on the streets and march with the people and throw a target on his back? The man was on vocation and quite frankly IMO he cut it short as is.
Blah blah something Accelerationism

What you want him to do? Get out on the streets and march with the people and throw a target on his back? The man was on vocation and quite frankly IMO he cut it short as is.

Release a strongly worded statement, and put his name on it. Being on vacation doesn't mean you've lost all thought and sense of responsibility to a nation you governed for 8 years being taken in an extreme direction. It's absurd that people "but he was on holiday" is a defence for not speaking up against what was happening at airpots.

He knew it was happening. He saw the protests on TV, the lawyers working pro-bono on the floor at airports.
"Meh, I've scheduled some pool time this morning. Let him discard ethics and values, I hear the samba playing.."


What disastrous policies did he bring about?

"Not throwing Wall Street in jail" will get you a D-, unless you're actually a 14 year old.

Mass surveillance
Drone warfare
Attacks on whistleblowers
Increased income inequality
Millions of deportations
Consolidation of industries (leading to monopolies)
TPP (thankfully it hasn't passed...yet)
Wholesale immunity for financial criminals
Millions of foreclosures on homes (ie middle class wealth)
Half-assed healthcare reform

Basically, if you were rich you did great under Obama. Otherwise, he was an awful President. And his policies led to the decimation of the Democrats at every level of office for the last 8 years and brought about the rise of Trumpism. I don't know how anyone can look back at Obama's years favorably when he had so many resources that he completely squandered. He did give good speeches, though.
Release a strongly worded statement, and put his name on it. Being on vacation doesn't mean you've lost all thought and sense of responsibility to a nation you governed for 8 years being taken in an extreme direction. It's absurd that people "but he was on holiday" is a defence for not speaking up against what was happening at airpots.

He knew it was happening. He saw the protests on TV, the lawyers working pro-bono on the floor at airports.
"Meh, I've scheduled some pool time this morning. Let him discard ethics and values, I hear the samba playing.."

Yes, he did do that for 8 years, and then campaigned for his potential predecessor like no President before him had done, against everything Trump represented. Give me a break.

America made it's bed, we dealt with it and he took some fucking time off.
Yes, he did do that for 8 years, and then campaigned for his potential predecessor like no President before him had done, rejecting everything Trump represents. Give me a break.

America made it's bed, we dealt with it and he took some fucking time off.

And yet he's back again, getting paid to talk about governing and values. Knowing him, he'll completely skirt around any direct references to Trump. He's gonna disappoint people yet again post presidency.


Remember, Obama sent a spokesman to release a paper-thin, weak statement about "values" as Trump sprung an executive order banning entry of Muslims from 7 countries, whilst detaining others at airports and forcing them. Instead, people on the street marched and made themselves heard on what American values are.

Obama himself was silent.

It was the day I realised that the man himself, deemed "introspective" when it came to sensitive issues, didn't seem to have a core set of values I could respect. He's better off giving paid speeches - it'll suit him better.

While people were marching, he was windsurfing with Richard Branson.

Obama understand the power of symbols, maybe better than anyone.


Release a strongly worded statement, and put his name on it. Being on vacation doesn't mean you've lost all thought and sense of responsibility to a nation you governed for 8 years being taken in an extreme direction. It's absurd that people "but he was on holiday" is a defence for not speaking up against what was happening at airpots.

He knew it was happening. He saw the protests on TV, the lawyers working pro-bono on the floor at airports.
"Meh, I've scheduled some pool time this morning. Let him discard ethics and values, I hear the samba playing.."

I don't know, Obama was like a rallying cry for the ignorant Right. Now that he's gone the fervor seems to be gone. Now all of a sudden medicare for all has serious support. The rage, racist but they will claim otherwise, is subdued. The Right can't blame everything on Obama effectively when he's nowhere to be seen.

Obama can't win. He stays away he's not doing enough, he sticks around, time for him to go he's doing damage. In the end people just really like having Obama as a target.
And yet he's back again, getting paid to talk about governing and values. Knowing him, he'll completely skirt around any direct references to Trump when people want to see him speak about Trump. Let's not kid ourselves here.

What exactly would him go directly after Trump accomplish? It certainly didn't get Hillary elected. He also has other plans I'd imagine any progressive would hope successful.


Obama did intervene to install Tom Perez as the head of the DNC over Keith Ellison, though. He had no problem stepping in when it came to undercutting the progressive wing's involvement in the party.


Obama did intervene to install Tom Perez as the head of the DNC over Keith Ellison, though. He had no problem stepping in when it came to undercutting the progressive wing's involvement in the party.

So he's not doing enough for you, but he's also doing too much at the same time. Do you just hate the man?
Not exactly.

Obama is like the complete opposite of an agent of change. Especially now that he's free to do whatever he wants. At least as president people dragged him to the left on a couple of issues. But now there's no such thing. He only answers to donors and whoever pays for his speeches. His return means more of the same. Almost guarantees it for me. He's like a lobbyist/promoter/spokesman for neoliberalism. So it's not so much "Obama's back fuck Dems" but more like "Obama's back. Dems are likely a lost cause".

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