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Oculus CEO: The headset and computer to run it will cost you ~$1,500


tagged by Blackace
Relatively speaking, this isn't as high as it could be for an early adopter product that can blossom into an industry, reach a lot of people and start help bring costs down.


Definitely, Morpheus will have its place on the market, I can see it being the leader as well. (Look at the Wii)

But when people deny that it'll be inferior to the other 2 headsets because it'll have simpler graphics fail to see that it won't be because of that.

What do you mean by that? Inferior how?

Are you solely judging by graphics? Is that the only thing that matters?

So, by your logic Axiom Verge is inferior to The Order.

You are already declaring Morpheus inferior to the Oculus Rift when we still do not know what the Rift's VR controller will be out if it will even have one(instant fail if it doesn't though)



What do you mean by that? Inferior how?

Are you solely judging by graphics? Is that the only thing that matters?

So, by your logic Axiom Verge is inferior to The Order.

You are already declaring Morpheus inferior to the Oculus Rift when we still do not know what the Rift's VR controller will be out if it will even have one(instant fail if it doesn't though)

I think you need to re-read my post.

Graphics will be the last thing to judge.



What do you mean by that? Inferior how?

Are you solely judging by graphics? Is that the only thing that matters?

So, by your logic Axiom Verge is inferior to The Order.

You are already declaring Morpheus inferior to the Oculus Rift when we still do not know what the Rift's VR controller will be out if it will even have one(instant fail if it doesn't though)

Considering it currently has a single 1080p screen, that alone makes the experience vastly inferior.


Thing is, VR companies chose display resolutions and frame rate based on what keeps you immersed, so is there much leeway there? If Morpheous runs 1080p or higher, that would mean a fair loss in eye candy to get the frame rate acceptable for VR. Casuals may not think the novelty if VR is a benefit of overall picture looks and feels worse.

Morpheus games will at least look as good as the average PS3 game. And some will definitely surprise. Casuals will bite hard, they care about a tenth of the amount that Gaf does.
You can get rid of effects like that, but then you ideally want to use MSAA for VR, bringing performance back down again. Aliasing in VR is a different beast. You need it and MSAA is the only effective solution short of downsampling. Oculus and Valve both recommend at least MSAAx4 for VR experiences.

That makes sense. Would VR games need to be developed with forward rendering in mind to possibly help mitigate the demands of MSAA? Also, does the odd downsampling to help with barrel distortion help reduce jaggies at all?
You need a PS4 with the Sony VR. So theirs will be likely $600 or around there. Half as much sure, but not as good either.
I think this is one of those cases where a closed hardware platform like you find with consoles could be a big plus for VR in terms of guaranteeing a certain level of quality experience for all users. That's a plus for the console side of things, while the PC end will push the boundaries and establish the top of the line expectations.
if netflix implements a theatre-esque experience in vr tech, that would take morpheus out of this world.

oculus will not take off if they brand it as a premium device. yeah yeah you get better graphics but who's going to play it? it all works in a cycle. less sales will mean less games to play, no matter how powerful it is.

then again, once oculus sold itself to facebook, the original sales pitch of "it's for video games" just went out the window.

minecraft on ps4 plus vr will drive the kids crazy.


Did you guys think the Rift was going to be designed for a $300 computer or something? That's the only way it could compete with Sony's hardware from a price standpoint.

Nothing about this is a surprise for anyone that's been following VR news.


if netflix implements a theatre-esque experience in vr tech, that would take morpheus out of this world.

I've tried those VR cinemas... they were neat. It would be funny if you could sit with other people...throw popcorn and talk shit. That virtual arcade center game is an amazing idea, and if they could throw something like that on PS4 (akin to Home but not shit) would be great.
Do you think Morpheus will give comparable performance at half the price?

it's all about value. overwhelming majority won't give a crap that oculus will display more pixels at the premium they will be charging. most will say, "oh cool it can display more pixels but i'm not going to drop 1500 just to experience this."
minecraft on ps4 plus vr will drive the kids crazy.
Holy bajeezus that's kindof a frightening thought. Kids lost for hours and hours behind their visors, constructing worlds.

Makes me wonder what kind of parental controls VR is going to give rise to. Sorry kids of the future, your mom is going to nag you through a wormhole in the center of your dream universe.
This sounds about right and about what I would expect to pay for this. It is the premier VR experience in my mind. I would pay top dollar for this.


Free is a bit of an exaggeration, but clearly there's been some miscommunication.

Its always been known you have to have a relatively decent PC. Its not like Morpheus runs by itself. You need to buy a PS4 and whatever other components to make it work.

Even then the PC requirements of Oculus aren't obscene. You can take your old PC and upgrade it to oculus recommended specs for around 600 bucks right now. In a year things like GPU power will be even cheaper and old Sandy Bridge Chips are likely good enough you don't even need to upgrade the CPU so could even get upgrade costs down to 350 or soif you at least stay semi current with pc technology.

At that point 400+cost of oculus will likely be about the cost of PS4+morpheus while not being a proprietary locked ecosystem and superior performance all around.


Holy bajeezus that's kindof a frightening thought. Kids lost for hours and hours behind their visors, constructing worlds.

Makes me wonder what kind of parental controls VR is going to give rise to.

VR minecraft is amazing, seeing kids try it will be hilarious.


Well, the way I see it, I can build a dam good gaming rig for about $800 - 900

So this could mean 2 things.

The rig to run the Oculus Rift at proper settings will need dual TitanX SLI set up, with the proper memory and cpu to match, running around $1200 - 1300 just for the PC.


The Oculus Rift will run fine on my current high end gaming rig, and will cost between $600 and $700.

Honestly, I was hoping for a $350 peripheral at most.


When you scrape off the common denominator (VR), what some people are really debating is simply console vs gaming PC in general.

I doubt Oculus is in for a rude awakening here.


That makes sense. Would VR games need to be developed with forward rendering in mind to possibly help mitigate the demands of MSAA? Also, does the odd downsampling to help with barrel distortion help reduce jaggies at all?
Forward rendering would help, definitely. But it's not necessary. Like we know UE4 is deferred rendered, yet will be doing VR integration. Just gonna make it difficult to minimize aliasing in these situations, but not impossible.

The supersampling done for barrel distortion, I'm not sure on. I would guess the higher resolution you use, the better it would be. But the standard supersampling done for it doesn't exactly solve it on it's own. The aliasing would still be a problem after-the-fact.
I guess the Rift will be free cause to build a half decent rig that will power the Oculus is going to be around $1500.....



You've gone overkill on the PSU, you're including the price of a monitor in the price of a rig for a HMD, you've forgotten the HDD/SSD, RAM, and any kind of input device if you're going the "I've never ever ever had a PC before thus have no upgradeable parts whatsoever and am suddenly interested in going straight for the top of the line VR" route, and you're going even more overkill on a Xeon processor/mobo when an i5 Haswell/mobo would do just as well for nearly half the price of that bundle. Plus you're buying everything there at MSRP and making no attempt at easily saving another $100-$150 by doing even a modest amount of bargain hunting (especially since summer price drops are on the way). EDIT: Your prices are also all in AUSD. Try again, buckaroo.

If you'd like to know what it might actually cost to build this kind of a PC without the off the cuff rhetoric and feel-goodery math of the above post, feel free to drop on by the GAF PC Thread where you'll find people who are both willing to help you out and, well, actually have a clue what they're talking about.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Damn. I wanted to move towards the PC for vr and Sim racers, but I can't justify 1500. I feel dirty just typing that amount. Touch.


Well, the way I see it, I can build a dam good gaming rig for about $800 - 900

So this could mean 2 things.

The rig to run the Oculus Rift at proper settings will need dual TitanX SLI set up, with the proper memory and cpu to match, running around $1200 - 1300 just for the PC.


The Oculus Rift will run fine on my current high end gaming rig, and will cost between $600 and $700.

Honestly, I was hoping for a $350 peripheral at most.

I'm pretty sure a few of you are reading this thread incorrectly.

The entire computer PLUS the headset will cost around $1500. Oculus has said they're planning on charging $300-$350 for the Rift since day one. Nothing's changed on that front.
I thought this was suppose to be mainstream?

Most mainstream uses of VR with the Oculus probably won't require a PC that costs 1000+ dollars.

I don't know if I'm missing something here but the idea that you're going to NEED that kind of computer to use the Rift strikes me as nonsense. If you want to play modern games with nice visuals and have a good VR experience, you're going to need a good PC. But not every piece of media, hell not even every game is going to be that demanding. I don't see why you wouldn't be able to just get a less powerful PC and lower the settings. You can do the same thing as Sony!


Well, the way I see it, I can build a dam good gaming rig for about $800 - 900

So this could mean 2 things.

The rig to run the Oculus Rift at proper settings will need dual TitanX SLI set up, with the proper memory and cpu to match, running around $1200 - 1300 just for the PC.


The Oculus Rift will run fine on my current high end gaming rig, and will cost between $600 and $700.

Honestly, I was hoping for a $350 peripheral at most.
Read the quote. He says 'at most'.

There is no way for him to say exactly how much a PC+Rift will cost somebody, so making calculations to determine headset cost based on this isn't gonna work.

They did say that the cost of the headset might be a bit more than they wanted before, but I still think it will be $400 *at most*.
A $1200 dollar machine can run the rift. Hell 900+ if you find some deals. I'm optimistic. I didn't go in thinking this was not going to be a wallet buster.
Most mainstream uses of VR with the Oculus probably won't require a PC that costs 1000+ dollars.
Thats not the impression given by the article.

Oculus CEO Brendan Iribe said Wednesday that his soon-to-be-available virtual reality Oculus headset and the computer needed to run it will cost “in the $1,500 range.”
Over time, he’d like to see that cost come down to under $1,000.

Read the quote. He says 'at most'.
Its hard to get that sense when technical specs are being discussed. 'At most' seems like a nicer way of saying 'at minimum' in context here.
You don't get it, it won't be inferior, it will have simpler graphics.. Which means nothing about the experience in itself.

dude, how many topics on gaf deal with the fucking tiniest of graphical differences between the X1 and ps4 games, and spiral on and on for dozens of pages.

and that's about regular, everyday viewing on standard tv sets and monitors.

you may be ok with the inferior graphics, and that's perfectly fine; but don't act like graphics won't matter to the experience for a VR headset.

keep in mind, i'm not stating morpheus will not have its share of nice looking games; im sure it will. but lets keep things real here.
Sounds about right, really. It's not a budget platform. Morpheus will probably give you more bang for your buck but if you're looking for the top of the line experience you're paying a pretty penny for this.

If you break down the Morpheus cost you're looking at 400 for the PS4, probably that again, maybe 350 for Morpheus itself. Then the camera and move controllers on top. So 800-900?

By 2016 PS4 is all but guaranteed to be down to at least 350. They aren't going to sell Morpheus at the same price as the console, so lets say 300 at the very most. You can buy 2 move controllers for like 10 bucks at this point, they'll probably just be included with it. I'd say for everything you'd be looking at 600 realistically, 700 at max.

Oculus can charge because they're targeting an extremely hardcore audience. Casual gamer John Doe isn't going to go out and build a PC thats capable of running Oculus. Sony is targeting the hardcore and the casual and if they're targeting the casual, it will be cheaper, even if they eat the cost.
Thats not the impression given by the article.

Its hard to get that sense when minimum specs are being discussed. 'At most' seems like a nicer way of saying 'at minimum' in context here.

I think he's referring to mainstream meaning "movie experiences" and "360 photo viewing" and things of that nature. Not demanding games.
Most mainstream uses of VR with the Oculus probably won't require a PC that costs 1000+ dollars.

I don't know if I'm missing something here but the idea that you're going to NEED that kind of computer to use the Rift strikes me as nonsense. If you want to play modern games with nice visuals and have a good VR experience, you're going to need a good PC. But not every piece of media, hell not even every game is going to be that demanding. I don't see why you wouldn't be able to just get a less powerful PC and lower the settings. You can do the same thing as Sony!

Of course, Palmer even recently said he's played their latest headset using integrated graphics. But they're trying to be as transparent as possible to ensure people know what they need to guarantee a stable framerate across most games, rather than take a risk. "Use whatever you want, it might work well for some games, it might not" wouldnt be sensible or helpful advice for Oculus to be giving right now. A solid set of specs to aim for is (and for the benefit of developers to target).


Thats not the impression given by the article.
Mainstream uses. Non-gaming applications, in other words.

You are taking the phrasing way literally there. They are recommending a good rig because they know that gaming will be a big part of the VR experience and those with a VR headset will probably want to play some games on it at some point. At which point, you will probably want a good PC to run it.

Its hard to get that sense when technical specs are being discussed. 'At most' seems like a nicer way of saying 'at minimum' in context here.
Yes, 'at most' really means the complete opposite. Makes total sense! lol


A $1200 dollar machine can run the rift. Hell 900+ if you find some deals. I'm optimistic. I didn't go in thinking this was not going to be a wallet buster.

Like the quote says, $1500 is the most anyone would have to pay for everything, most likely prebuilt. Assuming the headset is $300 to $400, you can do far better than that $1100 for a system that meets their recommended spec right now


if netflix implements a theatre-esque experience in vr tech, that would take morpheus out of this world.

oculus will not take off if they brand it as a premium device. yeah yeah you get better graphics but who's going to play it? it all works in a cycle. less sales will mean less games to play, no matter how powerful it is.

then again, once oculus sold itself to facebook, the original sales pitch of "it's for video games" just went out the window.

minecraft on ps4 plus vr will drive the kids crazy.

You really don't make any sense.
Thats not the impression given by the article.

Its hard to get that sense when minimum specs are being discussed. 'At most' seems like a nicer way of saying 'at minimum' in context here.

There's a possibility that we might see that price drop rather significantly once the HBM 2 cards hit the stores next year. It's pretty hard to tell until we see some raw performance from them but if the upgrades are as drastic as they appear to be, it should help a bunch. I'd also mention that other technologies like NVLink might go some way to helping the overhead to be more affordable too, but I'm not sure if AMD have a similar technology planned and I'd guess this estimate was referring to an AMD build.


I feel like most of the early adopters who are seriously considering a VR headset probably already have most of this stuff.

Like it seems to be mostly PC gaming people who are excited about this, so even if they have to upgrade their rig they probably won't have to buy a new monitor or hard drive or case, for example. So most of the cost would be the CPU/motherboard and a graphics card, which can be bought for less than a grand.
Thats not the impression given by the article.

I don't believe that for one second when google cardboard exists. I know it's not the same thing but there is literally no reason for me to believe that an Oculus would still require that level of power for just regular video/film or a game made with lower end/mobile hardware in mind.
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