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Oculus Diversity Program Members “Shocked And Dismayed” By Founder’s Alt-Right Ties

Here is the link to the full article by Joseph Bernstein for Buzzfeed.

This May, 100 virtual reality developers from around the country gathered at Facebook’s Menlo Park campus for a bootcamp in making software for the Oculus Rift. They were there as a part of the Launch Pad program, a fellowship designed “for diverse creators to build for VR.” After a long day of meetings, the final speaker was Oculus founder Palmer Luckey, wearing his trademark Hawaiian shirt. By keynoting the event, some attendees felt, Luckey was sending a message: The future of VR looked like them.

Now, four short months later, many of the Launch Pad fellows are reconsidering their involvement with the program after revelations that Luckey donated money to a pro-Trump nonprofit associated with the alt-right, the online political movement of trolls that sees offensive speech as a patriotic duty and views cultural diversity with disdain.

“The mood is surprise, shock, dismay, and disappointment,” one Launch Pad fellow, a California-based producer, told BuzzFeed News. “A number of people are creating documentaries to address social issues, and they are questioning whether Oculus is the right platform.”

Alejandro Quan-Madrid, a Launch Pad fellow based in Los Angeles, said Luckey’s political donations make him feel like a hypocrite. “I’m doing a Day of the Dead project and showing it at Day of the Dead festivals,” he told BuzzFeed News. “How can I promote that when the head of Oculus is giving money [to support] Trump — and Trump wants people in my community to be deported?”

I wonder if we can expect any new statements this week from Oculus. What they have offered so far is pretty unsatisfactory, especially since none of them address the fact that Palmer Luckey is lying about something.


Several of the fellows asked the Launch Pad coordinator, Oculus Diversity Lead Amy Thole, for clarification on Luckey’s apology. Thole, who declined to speak to BuzzFeed News, sent an email to the fellows yesterday announcing that because of a planned move to Oregon, Monday was her last day at the company. There would be an “Oculus Diversity Transition” to new leadership, she wrote. She did not mention Luckey or Nimble America. (According to the email, Thole’s replacement is Ebony Peay, who previously worked as an executive assistant at Oculus.)

That is one hell of a timing if it isn't somehow related to all of this.


I'm so confused by this. Did I miss something? Is this guy being demonized solely because he supports trump or did he do something else?

Cause despite who trump is, nobody should be this lit for their political views and I find it extremely disturbing that game devs will cancel a bunch of games just cause one guy isn't voting for who they think is the better candidate.


I'm so confused by this. Did I miss something? Is this guy being demonized solely because he supports trump or did he do something else?

Cause despite who trump is, nobody should be this lit for their political views and I find it extremely disturbing that game devs will cancel a bunch of games just cause one guy isn't voting for who they think is the better candidate.

Yes, you missed something.
Good. I'm sure Oculus is full of many wonderful and amazing people, but when the face of the company is such a shithead, I can't justify buying any Oculus products.
Please explain what happened cause despite reading some articles I'm confused why everyone is pissed at him.

Palmer Luckey was caught donating funds under the moniker "NimbleRichMan" to a group called "Nimble America" which is a white supremacist group that sees disgusting comments as a right and privilege. The problem is that disgusting shit like that shouldn't fly in 2016 and that is why everyone (me included) hate Palmer Luckey right now.

Let me reiterate.

We hate Palmer Luckey right now because he is donating to a WHITE SUPREMACIST GROUP.


Hah, I bet. His politics clash pretty strongly with the spirit of that program. I'm glad to see folks speaking out. I really hope Luckey loses his job (at least for a few years) and is otherwise held accountable. He can't just give a half assed apology and expect it to go away. He needs to show growth and commitment to change over the course of at least a few years.
Hah, I bet. His politics clash pretty strongly with the spirit of that program. I'm glad to see folks speaking out. I really hope Luckey loses his job (at least for a few years) and is otherwise held accountable. He can't just give a half assed apology and expect it to go away. He needs to show growth and commitment to change over the course of at least a few years.

A half-assed apology filled with bold-faced lies, don't forget.


I'm so confused by this. Did I miss something? Is this guy being demonized solely because he supports trump or did he do something else?

Cause despite who trump is, nobody should be this lit for their political views and I find it extremely disturbing that game devs will cancel a bunch of games just cause one guy isn't voting for who they think is the better candidate.

What the fuck are you talking about? Of course people should be this lit for their "political views" aka, racist, bigoted and misogynist views. This isn't about one candidate or another, it's about flat out unacceptable views and lack of basic human decency.


Please explain what happened cause despite reading some articles I'm confused why everyone is pissed at him.

Palmer Luckey was caught donating funds under the moniker "NimbleRichMan" to a group called "Nimble America" which is a white supremacist group that sees disgusting comments as a right and privilege. The problem is that disgusting shit like that shouldn't fly in 2016 and that is why everyone (me included) hate Palmer Luckey right now.

Let me reiterate.

We hate Palmer Luckey right now because he is donating to a WHITE SUPREMACIST GROUP.

Also don't forget - NimbleRichMan was listed and discussed as the "Vice President" of Nimble America and has connections to Milo Yiannopoulos as a silent partner - who is also the one that got in contact with Luckey regarding Nimble America and the discussion with Daily Beast in the first place.

Of course, "NimbleRichMan" listing was removed from Nimble America's site, and now they went a step further and claim the page is "under maintenance" and Palmer claims he isn't the guy despite both emails and phone calls with Daily Beast proving otherwise


Also don't forget - NimbleRichMan was listed and discussed as the "Vice President" of Nimble America and has connections to Milo Yiannopoulos as a silent partner - who is also the one that got in contact with Luckey regarding Nimble America and the discussion with Daily Beast in the first place.

not to mention that luckey issued a non-apology ("i'm sorry this has hurt oculus" basically) in which he blatantly lied about his ties to the group and his trump support
Also don't forget - NimbleRichMan was listed and discussed as the "Vice President" of Nimble America and has connections to Milo Yiannopoulos as a silent partner - who is also the one that got in contact with Luckey regarding Nimble America and the discussion with Daily Beast in the first place.

Oh thanks Nzyme, I forgot about that part!

So yeah, this too.


i feel bad for everyone working at oculus because their product, and rightfully so, is being hurt by some rich kids shit heel political views.

what a mess
I feel sorry for the Asian fellow who received one from Palmer.
Palmer broke out the


backstage after shaking his hand, believe it.

The entire Oculus team can go fuck themselves for the abominable way they've tried to handle this. If Good Guy Phil™ tries to skate on this, considering the partnership Xbox has entered into with these assholes, it'll make 2013 look like a pleasant dream. Rest assured.

I'm so confused by this. Did I miss something? Is this guy being demonized solely because he supports trump or did he do something else?

Cause despite who trump is, nobody should be this lit for their political views and I find it extremely disturbing that game devs will cancel a bunch of games just cause one guy isn't voting for who they think is the better candidate.

More juniors parroting false narratives, interesting.


Imagine ruining your reputation over hilarious memes like

Like it's not even clever. Common right-wing phrase with a weirdly stretched Hillary. Truly, this is a worthy cause. #CANTSTUMP


i feel bad for everyone working at oculus because their product, and rightfully so, is being hurt by some rich kids shit heel political views.

what a mess
Yeah, it's really sad and disappointing, but if Oculus doesn't take action on this, I don't see myself rooting for the company's success. I hope they do the right thing.


Put pressure on that and he needs to step away from it you can't defend a guy like that, a shame for the devs but it is better to move on for PSVR and HTC Vive instead.


What the fuck are you talking about? Of course people should be this lit for their "political views" aka, racist, bigoted and misogynist views. This isn't about one candidate or another, it's about flat out unacceptable views and lack of basic human decency.

It's not even about his views.

But the fact that he is going to be a toxic person for the company as a whole. Those opinions are going to affect the workflow, create tension and scare talented people that may have wanted to work there because of their race.

If you can avoid all those problems (and a PR nightmare) firing one employee. Just do it.
Palmer Luckey was caught donating funds under the moniker "NimbleRichMan" to a group called "Nimble America" which is a white supremacist group that sees disgusting comments as a right and privilege. The problem is that disgusting shit like that shouldn't fly in 2016 and that is why everyone (me included) hate Palmer Luckey right now.

Let me reiterate.

We hate Palmer Luckey right now because he is donating to a WHITE SUPREMACIST GROUP.

Not just donating. He's Vice President of the organization.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Also don't forget - NimbleRichMan was listed and discussed as the "Vice President" of Nimble America and has connections to Milo Yiannopoulos as a silent partner - who is also the one that got in contact with Luckey regarding Nimble America and the discussion with Daily Beast in the first place.

Of course, "NimbleRichMan" listing was removed from Nimble America's site, and now they went a step further and claim the page is "under maintenance" and Palmer claims he isn't the guy despite both emails and phone calls with Daily Beast proving otherwise

Oh of fucking course Milo has his hands in this too. Of fucking course he does


Of course, they only wanted you and your people money bruh.

See the Occulus exes shitty casual dismissal on Palmer Luckey actions.


Also don't forget - NimbleRichMan was listed and discussed as the "Vice President" of Nimble America and has connections to Milo Yiannopoulos as a silent partner - who is also the one that got in contact with Luckey regarding Nimble America and the discussion with Daily Beast in the first place.

Of course, "NimbleRichMan" listing was removed from Nimble America's site, and now they went a step further and claim the page is "under maintenance" and Palmer claims he isn't the guy despite both emails and phone calls with Daily Beast proving otherwise

Understood. Thanks.
I'm so confused by this. Did I miss something? Is this guy being demonized solely because he supports trump or did he do something else?

Cause despite who trump is, nobody should be this lit for their political views and I find it extremely disturbing that game devs will cancel a bunch of games just cause one guy isn't voting for who they think is the better candidate.

This is PAINFULLY naive. Either you have no idea who Donald Trump is, or his views, or you're a supporter of him yourself


I'm very disappointed when I see articles characterising the problem as Palmer being pro-Trump. That's bad enough, of course, but worse is that Palmer directly funded a racist white supremacist hate group. That's the really important part. A poster in another thread put it really well: It's like seeing him at a KKK for Trump rally and saying, "Oh, he supports Trump?"

Oculus needed to immediately dissociate themselves from Palmer but they failed to. We all must immediately have nothing to do with Oculus.
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