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Phil Spencer Discusses Why FFXIV Isn't on Xbox (Contradictions?)


If Phil had just said "It goes against our policy" then....well....then they would get the heat because of said policy. *shrug* They need to be clearer on why they do things.

Everyone knew about that policy already, though.

So we all would of just shrugged.

Just say something like "we would love to have every game on our platform and I'll definitely look into getting FFXIV on our platform." Whether you actually do or not who cares?

Honestly that's the kind of comment I was expecting instead of this swipe about "third-party exclusives".


If Phil had just said "It goes against our policy" then....well....then they would get the heat because of said policy. *shrug* They need to be clearer on why they do things.

Just say something like "we would love to have every game on our platform and I'll definitely look into getting FFXIV on our platform." Whether you actually do or not who cares?

Majornelson gets on here right? You think he'll get this reference?
If Phil had just said "It goes against our policy" then....well....then they would get the heat because of said policy. *shrug* They need to be clearer on why they do things.

Well, deceptiveness in this case paints them as heroic and noble compared to slimy Sony.

I don't really mind PR bullshit from companies so much because that's how corporate works, but I'm not a fan of how Phil has been more nudge-nudge-wink about "deals" on Sony's side of the camp.



hi, you must be new here

Sigh, What I meant to say is that Sony and Nintendo don't fuck up as royally or as often as MS does and therefore don't need to resuscitate their PR (edit: This gen.) Add that to the fact that when ms DOES try the PR speak they sometimes end up making things worse
Did someone in this thread really just say Sony or Nintendo don't get shit on around here?


These shitty business practices and PR mishaps need to stop from all companies.

Jesus, are you guys for real? Going so far as calling a person slimy for doing PR? Christ, that's embarrassing.

Blatantly telling lies is slimy. Although it's not just Phil doing it. Sony reps have said a bunch of BS too over the years.


I hope someone asks Yoshida again to see if things from his perspective are the same, basically calling Phil out. IIRC, the last he spoke about it was over a year ago and maybe something changed in that time.


Phil's response should've just been something like "First class citizens shouldn't be expected to play in the same world with those other guys."


I hope someone asks Yoshida again to see if things from his perspective are the same, basically calling Phil out. IIRC, the last he spoke about it was over a year ago and maybe something changed in that time.

I don't see how Shu would know about any information going on between Squeenix and Xbox over the year, I doubt he's kept up on it's other platforms when the game was already coming out on PS3/4.


I get the impression Phil doesnt actually know the details around why that game isnt on Xbox (which Square have made clear numerous times) and he just tried to give the boiler plate exclusivity answer.

Yeah kinda how I see it. I'm one of those that don't like the dude. He seems way to much of a PR piece without his suite but even the best trained one will forget things.

He's probably a decent fella.


I don't see how Shu would know about any information going on between Squeenix and Xbox over the year, I doubt he's kept up on it's other platforms when the game was already coming out on PS3/4.

Was referring to the ff14 director, Naoki Yoshida. I think he originally gave the reasons why it wasn't coming to Xbox One in 2013 and (I think it was him) again in 2014.


He just has to PR spin the choices they feel are financially appropriate. I don't envy him in that, it sucks to have to be the hated guy 50% of the time.


Lmao that why you lying video is the best thing I've seen all damn year. Has anyone ever called Phil out on this?


If Phil had just said "It goes against our policy" then....well....then they would get the heat because of said policy. *shrug* They need to be clearer on why they do things.
Spencer's job is PR; he's only going to explain things if that will help with his goal. If obfuscation is better for PR, then that's what he'll do. The same is true for executives of other companies as well, but it certainly feels like Spencer does it more.


IGN should have called out Phil here.

You expect IGN to do so? Lol...

This is coming from the head of the platform that's marketing EA Access as exclusive, still strict on cross-platform play for the most part and will dissuade on its indie policy. They'll take whatever they can get and love it. They will do consumer oriented PR when they don't. Nothing wrong with that but anyone can see through it.


You expect IGN to do so? Lol...

This is coming from the head of the platform that's marketing EA Access as exclusive, still strict on cross-platform play for the most part and will dissuade on its indie policy. They'll take whatever they can get and love it. They will do consumer oriented PR when they don't. Nothing wrong with that but anyone can see through it.

EA access is exclusive? Or not?


The way you posted it made it sound like he was lying or sommit.

Why wouldn't he talk up EA Access while they have it to themselves? That's not a bad thing to do at all.

"They will take whatever they can get and love it".

"As I've grow in this role, and I've tried to learn the third-party exclusivity thing - and you see us doing less of it now - [I've found] it's not something I'm a huge fan of."

Pretty sure he's a fan of EA Access when he's running paid ads on TV about it. Not to mention his servants on the lower echelons throwing shade at Sony. Mind you, it's fair game after Sony called it out "poor value" but still...

They play the game just as much.
The way you posted it made it sound like he was lying or sommit.

Why wouldn't he talk up EA Access while they have it to themselves? That's not a bad thing to do at all.

Well, how Spencer puts it is like EA Access was always their deal from the beginning and how they love working with EA Access when in reality if Sony would have allowed it, he couldn't say shit.

Spencer cites that he likes to bring different aspects of a game to the Xbox One instead of deal with third-party exclusive titles, citing the Fallout 4 mods coming to the platform and how Microsoft worked with EA to get EA Access.


Well, how Spencer puts it is like EA Access was always their deal from the beginning and how they love working with EA Access when in reality if Sony would have allowed it, he couldn't say shit.

By that's how everyone talks when it comes to marketing. Why would they say otherwise?

"EA said Hey, you want this stuff and we were all Whatever, put it there if you want."

What he said isn't a slimy thing to say, even in the business world.


Junior Member
Well, how Spencer puts it is like EA Access was always their deal from the beginning and how they love working with EA Access when in reality if Sony would have allowed it, he couldn't say shit.

How would that change anything? Spencer would still have been the one to help get EA Access off the ground and running on the Xbox platform first. If it came to PS4 afterwards, that still wouldn't change any of those facts.


How would that change anything? Spencer would still have been the one to help get EA Access off the ground and running on the Xbox platform first. If it came to PS4 afterwards, that still wouldn't change any of those facts.

Indeed, and it's no different to Sony saying things like "Battlefront is best on Playstation" or similar for their marketing deals.

Business have to play up deals, or else the deal wouldn't be worth it in the first place.


It's not the misinformation, it's the trying to paint the other guy as worse for it that makes it ridiculous.

You'll excuse me if I don't believe that he doesn't know about the exclusivity status of a hugely successful MMO from one of their major partners.

...A partner who, hey, they just paid for an exclusive.


Just say it's because you don't want Xbox to have sex with Playstation.

Just say it Phil-sensei!

Don't take no shit from no heathens.
This guy's interviews are just saying things at different times that please different people, operating on the idea that the majority of people pleased by other statements will likely never encounter contradicting philosophies spread across multiple articles over the years.

Depending on what stream you've got your ear to, based on your interests and ideals, you'll hear the things you want to hear and not the things you don't. If you have your ear to all of it, then you'll see all of it as hot air.

Everyone does it to some extent, because that's their jobs. Phil Spencer is just really tactful with it even if it looks ridiculous when taken as a whole.
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