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PlayStation 4 hUMA implementation and memory enhancements details - Vgleaks

I don't even get why the "the xbone can do 60 but ps4 can not" Even came to be. When the system has like 2 games that are 60 FPS a fighting and a racing game.

It reminds me of liquidboys hilarious meltdown that lead to his permbann.

need a link to meltdown thread
need a link to meltdown thread


60fps is something a dev asks the console maker they want to achieve upfront and works towards through the evolution of the engine and game.

I find it ridiculous that PS4 ,thou not surprising, no engine/game delivers 60fps. Clearly Sony and PS4 played a role in the inability for any 60fps games, not just dev problem.

The fact there are ZERO 60fps games on PS4 BUT there are on XB1 should speak volumes. And yes I'll say it again and again if I have to, MS have a beast of a machine that neogafers refuse to believe, final teardowns will prove this.. As for now the next gen engines and the games are showing this for us..

😉 enjoy your 30fps PS4 dud

that's not a meltdown though, it's just a single dumbass post

Anyway the Kyle or whatever is being a moron.

Forza 5 - Pre baked shadows, pre backed lighting, no dynamic global illumination, ok looking environments. Basically last gen tech running at 1080p and 60 FPS

Knack - What they showed at gamescom was already a huge improvement over the e3 build. The game will probably look great by launch.
DriveClub - Same as above
BF4 - Pre alpha build with no vehicles and 16 players running at 60 FPS unknown resolution. I am sure Dice will deliver a great looking game by the time of release. It should be noted the Xbone version wasn't even playable or shown to anyone.


I'd be in the dick
Too bad we can't right now. We've only seen PC or PS4 footage. Not a single clip of the X1 version of a multiplat game.

You'd think that would be damning evidence in itself.
It is, especially when publishers like EA have exclusive deals with MS. Usually if there's any kind of exclusivity for one version, that version is the one that's shown. We haven't seen a single multiplat running on XBO.

I just wished that a lot of these guys would just quit trying to make XBO seem on par or even better than PS4. I owned a GameCube and PS3 the last couple gens and you won't see me trying to defend some of those multiplat versions. I won't fault anyone for wanting an XBO because of the game library, because that's where their friends are, or because the like Kinect but XBO literally has no hardware advantages over PS4 and the toolset is behind so stop trying to bend facts or spread FUD.
No it won't. ^_^

A HD7850 is already 35% faster than your GTX650Ti in a DirectX scenario. A PS4 will outperform your PC very easily on day one.

I'm just saying this because many people here on NeoGAF are overestimating their PC hardware all the time. You did some great post in this thread, though.

You are forgetting that we PC peeps OC our GPUs.


Don't know what I'm talking about, but that is not gonna stop me from taking a crack at it anyway ;)

So my overall take on all this is hUMA is similar to parallel processing in a way except:

1) Instead of the data being executed in parallel on a single chip (like CELL or a modern GPU) it is being done on two totally different classes of processors, a CPU and a GPU...this in and of itself appears to be pretty revolutionary to me when I think of just how different a CELL/Xenon/Jaguar/i7 and a RSX/Xenos/Liverpool/HD 7850 are

2) hUMA is parallel processing of a totally different *Class* of data: Memory Acesses.

What is most impressive is how efficiently they are going about this....The GPU is that musclebound meathead......you know...that guy who is stronger than shit and works hard (but not smart) and has lots of idle time he spends standing around eating his boogers...

Conversely, the CPU is Stephen Hawking, mind-blowingly brilliant, but has very little physical prowess...

In terms of Memory accesses, hUMA architectures will combine Arnold Schwarzeneggers brawn with Stephen Hawkings brains.........strong and smart for the first time!

Moreover, this will be done in a very efficient manner....the GPU has idle time it stands around eating boogers after it has completed rendering a frame and is waiting to render the next one.....well, during this downtime, it will instead be performing memory accesses with the CPU. Since this should only happen when the GPU would normally be eating boogers, graphic quality should not be sacrificed at all!!! The best of both worlds!!

Anyway, this it what I can gather from all this anyway ;/


To introduce the worst analogy of the day, UMA is like Berlin separated by the wall with the CPU being in the west and the GPU in the east, and every interaction has to pass the border control. With hUMA, the wall is torn down and everybody can roam the city freely.

You are mis-using the terminology. non-hUMA systems are not UMA, they are NUMA. You are not going to find any recent high performance CPU or GPU that is UMA.
I'm sure we'll see some tremendously impressive games on PS4 as devs take advantage of its architecture advantages over traditional PCs. I have a GTX 680 and I'm still impressed by Drive Club and Second Son's graphics.


looking from the games showed xb1 seem more powerful than ps4 to me

LOL. Go look at games like Killzone: Shadow Fall & inFamous: Second Son, then come back & tell us that.

Not one Xbox One game can come even close to surpassing either of those games graphically.

PS4 is more powerful than XB1. Whether you see it in launch games or not is irrelevant. It will manifest itself down the line. I've said it before and I'll say it again. If you buy a console based on launch titles, you are making the wrong bet.

This. You don't buy consoles based off of just launch titles, you buy the console based on hoping that you have the largest gaming library later on down the road.

Same with the graphics. You don't judge a console's power based off of launch titles; a console's full power isn't truly shown until years later.


i think you reading me so wrong

im not pointing at ps4 bf4 versiona gainst xb1...but i cant help if im not excited from knack graphics from driveclub (graphics) or from this console version of bf4 (pretty much will be a downgrade version on both console)

the fact is that is this gen is starting too much behind pc specs...(a mid lvl old gtx gpu serie do 500/600 gflops more than the ps4) ok pc cost more blablalbalb close enviroment blalbalbla unified blablalba we are there...u getting this ---> 1.8tf <---- ...now...an old gen 120 euro gpu is there too if you add 50 euro you wil get already that 500 gf more that fix the "open enviroment" pc prob

to be clear im not here to compare pc to console (would be so stupid) but for the first time im not getting why are all so excited...honestly i was expectig lots more from both consoles ..and if that 1.8 tf excite you this much. ok but knowing this i7 pc where im posting with two gtx660ti inside on paper already destroy those consoles taped together (as someone on this thread make that stupid statement wiiu+x360+xb1<ps4) make me so sad and also if i know that ill buy both of them ..ill do it coz there are good developers payed to release AAA titles on that hardware ...not coz this gen that hardware is NEXT GEN..and developer need that hw to make better games...

IMO specs talking this gen is ridiculous...so lets talk about software....and this was my point
if with this CLOSED ENVIROMENT i need this 3/4 years to see the differences between xb1 and ps4...ms win their battle...

I find it funny that every time X1 fan get cornered, he start bringing "PC is more powerful obvious sh*t" and " Next gen is way behind PC" just to downplay PS4 and therefore X1.

Doing Kamikaze all of a sudden !


It would have been nice if we could, you know, actually talk about the hUMA implementation as this is the subject of this thread. Shame it has devolved into the same thing that every next-gen performance thread does.


I engaged him knowing fully well that he's completely clueless about technology. At this point, he's literally just trolling these threads. I kinda did it to see if a mod would notice it or something, honestly.

I just don't like people like him hiding behind this "pc's are so much more powerful" facade, when I literally remember his first posts in gaf where he kept telling everyone to wait for final specs on the x1, the same rumors that were mostly a lock for god knows how along and how they turned out to be all true expect for sony's 8gb of ram, the same rumors that always pointed to more powerful hw in ps4.
Quite the coincidence his tune changed to "bah, these consoles are both underpowered, pc's are the way to go", when he also keeps using arguments like "lol, driveclub 30 fps". Don't try and tell me you're "going to buy both consoles" when you only go around in sony tech threads saying "lol, x1 is better".

His response was utterly predictable. It's been what you've summarised rinse repeat. The amusing thing is, most of the PS4 exclusives saw a marked improvement in visuals and performance this Gamescom compared to E3 buulds, which likely put a spanner in the works for many a warriors defences. That and much crow to be fed on. That being said, it's still a good idea to actually wait for these games to release before leaving final launch tech judgments, which in the grand scheme of things still mean little. It's mid and later cycle games that will tell the true story.


I'd be in the dick
It would have been nice if we could, you know, actually talk about the hUMA implementation as this is the subject of this thread. Shame it has devolved into the same thing that every next-gen performance thread does.
This thread was doomed from the start sice barely anyone understands the ramifications of hUMA so no real conversation can be had.


This thread was doomed from the start sice barely anyone understands the ramifications of hUMA so no real conversation can be had.

Part of the problem is that the benefit of hUMA seems to be primarily from an efficiency angle more than anything, so it's not something you can take a screenshot of a game, then point at something and say "yup, that's hUMA at work."

As a vague attempt to looking for some tangible end-benefit of GPGPU combined with hUMA efficiency, I'm hoping we get some improved physics down the road in next-gen games.


It would have been nice if we could, you know, actually talk about the hUMA implementation as this is the subject of this thread. Shame it has devolved into the same thing that every next-gen performance thread does.

hUMA is a marketing term, like "Retina" display. Don't be surprised when something born in BS breeds further BS.

And anyway, I posted my thoughts about the implementation on the first page and got no responses. In a nutshell, I'm curious about their writeback policy and why it seems to be so expensive to query the dirty and valid bits in the cache lines on the GPU.


Part of the problem is that the benefit of hUMA seems to be primarily from an efficiency angle more than anything, so it's not something you can take a screenshot of a game, then point at something and say "yup, that's hUMA at work."

As a vague attempt to looking for some tangible end-benefit of GPGPU combined with hUMA efficiency, I'm hoping we get some improved physics down the road in next-gen games.

I actually wrote my Dissertation on games physics and the algorithms are there to increase the depth of physics almost exponentially, but the CPU budgets for physics are severely lacking in the games design stage, as you can't do a screenshot of physics in a magazine to sell the game.
It would have been nice if we could, you know, actually talk about the hUMA implementation as this is the subject of this thread. Shame it has devolved into the same thing that every next-gen performance thread does.

I don't know about that. They haven't all devolved in the same way... I mean, this could have easily gone the equally useless, though decidedly less confrontational, Dragon Ball Power route.


I actually wrote my Dissertation on games physics and the algorithms are there to increase the depth of physics almost exponentially, but the CPU budgets for physics are severely lacking in the games design stage, as you can't do a screenshot of physics in a magazine to sell the game.

Hopefully, that's something that's resolved by now with gaming news being almost entirely online, and how easy it is to access a video demonstration now compared to, say, a decade ago. Hell, that video I linked has over 3 million views, and it's a fairly bare-bones tech demo. Imagine if it were a demonstration for a new GTA game's physics; I think the reaction would increase massively.


that's not a meltdown though, it's just a single dumbass post

Anyway the Kyle or whatever is being a moron.

Forza 5 - Pre baked shadows, pre backed lighting, no dynamic global illumination, ok looking environments. Basically last gen tech running at 1080p and 60 FPS

Knack - What they showed at gamescom was already a huge improvement over the e3 build. The game will probably look great by launch.
DriveClub - Same as above
BF4 - Pre alpha build with no vehicles and 16 players running at 60 FPS unknown resolution. I am sure Dice will deliver a great looking game by the time of release. It should be noted the Xbone version wasn't even playable or shown to anyone.

It is when you read his history. He was insisting the xbone was much more powerful the the ps4 for while before E3 (and believed that the xbone had some absurd tech I it) and said the games will prove it easily at e3. When that did not come to light he took the full on retard framerate argument.
hUMA is a marketing term, like "Retina" display. Don't be surprised when something born in BS breeds further BS.

And anyway, I posted my thoughts about the implementation on the first page and got no responses. In a nutshell, I'm curious about their writeback policy and why it seems to be so expensive to query the dirty and valid bits in the cache lines on the GPU.

No it's not. hUMA is design made by AMD to keep the CPU and GPU coherent. No other company is doing this.


No it's not. hUMA is design made by AMD to keep the CPU and GPU coherent. No other company is doing this.

High DPI is a real thing too. Doesn't mean that "Retina" is any less of a marketing term.

No one in the academic community was asking for a new term to describe GPU coherence. AMD volunteered and defined it, just like Apple volunteered and defined "Retina".

Let me further point out that if you were to ask me whether the XB1 supported GPU cache coherence, I would be able to answer "yes". If you ask me whether it supports hUMA, I would have to look up what AMD's current definition of hUMA was, and since it is their marketing term, they can change it whenever they want, just like Apple adjusted the definition of "Retina" for the iPad.

Finally, here are some reasons why the term itself is undeniably shitty:
-Even though it stands for "heterogeneous UMA", they are actually non-UMA (NUMA) by definition, because part of definition of hUMA is that it includes caches, which are inherently NUMA. Therefore the term is self-inconsistent.
-UMA/NUMA are meant to refer to performance characteristics of the memory system design which are largely orthogonal to the features of hUMA. AMD is trying to redefine what UMA means (the whole term, not just the acronym). Therefore it is meaninglessly confusing perfectly good technical terms by conflating them with unrelated features.
High DPI is a real thing too. Doesn't mean that "Retina" is any less of a marketing term.

No one in the academic community was asking for a new term to describe GPU coherence. AMD volunteered and defined it, just like Apple volunteered and defined "Retina".

Let me further point out that if you were to ask me whether the XB1 supported GPU cache coherence, I would be able to answer "yes". If you ask me whether it supports hUMA, I would have to look up what AMD's current definition of hUMA was, and since it is their marketing term, they can change it whenever they want, just like Apple adjusted the definition of "Retina" for the iPad.

Finally, here are some reasons why the term itself is undeniably shitty:
-Even though it stands for "heterogeneous UMA", they are actually non-UMA (NUMA) by definition, because part of definition of hUMA is that it includes caches, which are inherently NUMA. Therefore the term is self-inconsistent.
-UMA/NUMA are meant to refer to performance characteristics of the memory system design which are largely orthogonal to the features of hUMA. AMD is trying to redefine what UMA means (the whole term, not just the acronym). Therefore it is meaninglessly confusing perfectly good technical terms by conflating them with unrelated features.

What you're saying is true. But there won't be a true huma system until all cpu and gpu cores share the same L1 cache. And that's not gonna be practical for a long while.

Also you can't compare huma to retina. Retina is just a high dpi screen. It's comparable to increasing the clock speed on a chip. What AMD is trying to do is making more things viable by adding features. This is going to help drive the industry a lot more than simply waiting for a true huma system. And by the time we have a true huma system, programmers will be prepared.

Conclusion: No need to shit on amd for their hUMA naming. Shit on them for their shitty drivers outside Windows.


I dont know what's going on but...



Junior Member
What you're saying is true. But there won't be a true huma system until all cpu and gpu cores share the same L1 cache. And that's not gonna be practical for a long while.

Also you can't compare huma to retina. Retina is just a high dpi screen. It's comparable to increasing the clock speed on a chip. What AMD is trying to do is making more things viable by adding features. This is going to help drive the industry a lot more than simply waiting for a true huma system. And by the time we have a true huma system, programmers will be prepared.

Conclusion: No need to shit on amd for their hUMA naming. Shit on them for their shitty drivers outside Windows.

You don't need to share the same cache for it to be hUMA you just need to be able to probe the caches.

I wouldn't expect the CPU and GPU to start sharing caches anytime soon, as it stands now the workloads and what is effective on a CPU and GPU are so vastly different that they employ very different caching strategies to try and combined these into a single cache would probably cause bad performance on both fronts.
I actually wrote my Dissertation on games physics and the algorithms are there to increase the depth of physics almost exponentially, but the CPU budgets for physics are severely lacking in the games design stage, as you can't do a screenshot of physics in a magazine to sell the game.

If only magazines supported animated gifs!
You don't need to share the same cache for it to be hUMA you just need to be able to probe the caches.

I wouldn't expect the CPU and GPU to start sharing caches anytime soon, as it stands now the workloads and what is effective on a CPU and GPU are so vastly different that they employ very different caching strategies to try and combined these into a single cache would probably cause bad performance on both fronts.

Yeah, I guess that's why AMD calls it hUMA with the small h instead of HUMA. If it's HUMA, it would have shared cache between the cpu and gpu cores. And that would really simplify things for programmers since you won't have to worry about different ways to access the memory. Engineers are gonna figure out a way to manufacture that kinda chip sometime in the future for sure (3D layering maybe?).
It is when you read his history. He was insisting the xbone was much more powerful the the ps4 for while before E3 (and believed that the xbone had some absurd tech I it) and said the games will prove it easily at e3. When that did not come to light he took the full on retard framerate argument.

I'm pretty sure he ditched XB1 after the second (5 billion transistors) reveal 'i have really seen the light guys, lol' and then came back on board full mental after Eurogamer found some magic bandwidth behind the settee. He used to blame his English when it (inevitably) went wrong for him in a thread, now he uses 'PC is best!' '30fps underpowered next gen specs!'

I just see him as the guy on TV who deliberately asks really dumb questions so complex things get explained in an easier way for us tech thickees.


What you're saying is true. But there won't be a true huma system until all cpu and gpu cores share the same L1 cache. And that's not gonna be practical for a long while.

I'm not sure what you mean. If you mean that sharing the same L1 would make them UMA, that's not true. It would still be NUMA.


Huma sounds like an awesome addition... There are so many of these added additions that individually seem to be able to make something awesome, graphically, technically etc - I just hope when the devs sit down they can combine them all to make something that will potentially melt our faces....

I suspect only a few devs for X1 Will achieve this and 1st Party Sony studios (albiet plenty capable)

Hasnt an X1 Dev confirmed xbone has Huma also? - atleast its usable on it.
Huma sounds like an awesome addition... There are so many of these added additions that individually seem to be able to make something awesome, graphically, technically etc - I just hope when the devs sit down they can combine them all to make something that will potentially melt our faces....

I suspect only a few devs for X1 Will achieve this and 1st Party Sony studios (albiet plenty capable)

Hasnt an X1 Dev confirmed xbone has Huma also? - atleast its usable on it.

Afaik, no. But it seems the X1 has a similar approach in its design.
I'm not sure what you mean. If you mean that sharing the same L1 would make them UMA, that's not true. It would still be NUMA.

If you consider the registers to be the only local memory of a processor, than that's true. But if you include L1 as a local memory of a processor, and that L1 is shared between all cores of a system, it won't be NUMA anymore. Memory access wouldn't be "non-uniform" anymore in this case. For example, processor1 doesn't need to jump through hoops to see what processor2 is working on since cache coherency will be free with shared L1.


If you consider the registers to be the only local memory of a processor, than that's true. But if you include L1 as a local memory of a processor, and that L1 is shared between all cores of a system, it won't be NUMA anymore. Memory access wouldn't be "non-uniform" anymore in this case. For example, processor1 doesn't need to jump through hoops to see what processor2 is working on since cache coherency will be free with shared L1.

That would also require the GPU to dump all of its specialized memories.

What makes you think that the L1 will ever be shared between all cores in a multi-core system when that is the opposite of the direction that memory systems have been moving in over the past two decades?


I just did a quick search on Huma/xbox 1 this article suguested it had (dated 27Aug)
- http://www.extremetech.com/gaming/1...d-odd-soc-architecture-confirmed-by-microsoft

The second was perhaps quotes from the Reddit guy some of you mentioned, suggesting if it wasnt Huma, it was a similar system - http://www.videogamer.com/news/xbox...huma_memory_system_just_like_ps4_say_dev.html

Im sure most of you guys are in a better position than me to disprove those articles, either way its another nice tech to add to atleast the PS4 and hopefully x1 - (if anything to help push 3rd Party games....my worry is that generic 3rd party devs dont push these features)
That would also require the GPU to dump all of its specialized memories.

What makes you think that the L1 will ever be shared between all cores in a multi-core system when that is the opposite of the direction that memory systems have been moving in over the past two decades?

Who knows. What I'm saying may never happen. And when it does happen by some new manufacturing processes in the far future, the memory system we have in use now may have improved so much that it may be better than shared L1.

It's comparable to raytracing vs other lighting method. Raytracers are simple to implement and looks good. By the time real time ray tracing becomes feasible, other lighting methods may still surpass it.

Edit: Also it may be similar to risc vs cisc. Cisc is still the king but its complexity will kill it one day imo.



Resogun by Housemarque is doing ton of stuff GPGPU/ Results are imo amazing:


I have yet to see in any game more particles that this all lit with physic and everything.

Article by Eurogamer (DF)

Enormous explosions, waves of enemies and bullet storms are all par for the course, backed by the screen-filling pyrotechnics you've come to expect from this developer. Housemarque's approach in realising the digital carnage is intriguing: environments are created from hundreds of thousands of cubes, each of which is individually animated by GPU-accelerated physics.

"The entire environment - everything - is built up from these voxels," explains Kruger. "All of the cubes that you see flying around - there's no gimmick, no point sprites, it's not a particle effect, they're actual physical cubes. In gameplay, dynamic cubes with collisions, floating around, you can get up to 200,000. Our engine supports up to 500,000 but in actual gameplay scenarios, it rarely goes over 200K."

The technology behind the cube-based construction of each level is as typically ingenious as you would expect from a Housemarque title.

"It's actually pretty interesting tech because as you can see, the environments are fully destructible and both the background and the gameplay ring are loaded from 3D textures - and then they're polygonised on the fly," Kruger says.

"So basically what happens is that the mesh for the actual background geometry is generated, then when an explosion happens and a part of it is chipped away, that particular segment is reconstructed. That's what's happening on the GPU side with compute shaders - but with nice performance."

Resogun's aesthetic is almost entirely defined by its remarkable physics, and it's a match made in heaven with the compute-heavy skew of the PlayStation 4 hardware. Harry Kruger reels off a list of the various non-render based effects that utilise the PS4 graphics hardware.

"We're using compute shaders for a lot of things like the Overdrive particles you see later, the lightning up there - that's all done on GPU. The actual cubes - the physics and the collisions that you see bouncing, the geometry - that's all done on the GPU-side," he says, before going into more depth on how the 3D texturing works on the 'ring' - the gameplay layer of the environment.

"For the ring, it's the same thing as the background but slightly different tech because here we have one 3D texture that's basically one long rectangular prism. We use these bent cubes, or curved cubes - that's a better way of putting it. Every time an explosion happens these are essentially detached from the world."

Resogun by Housemarque is doing ton of stuff GPGPU/ Results are imo amazing:


I have yet to see in any game more particles that this all lit with physic and everything.

Article by Eurogamer (DF)

great post thank you... I agree the GPU on PS4 is quite amazing for handling all these voxels without slowing down... I was really interested in the PS4 GPU's possibilities after seeing this havok demo at the Playstation meeting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IwxA2nRaOxQ

it made me think of this possibility which was later shown in Resogun and at some points in Knack
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