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Protesting the Inauguration of Donald Trump

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Lego Boss

Smashing businesses, destroying public property, inciting violence, that will show them who's boss right?

I say this as someone who witnessed the London riots, this kind of behavior is fucking pathetic, the behaviour of absolute animals, you can defend it or try and justify it all you want but it's the truth.

Protesting is completely fine, having a voice is completely fine and disagreeing and trying to change the world with a voice and with passion is fine but this sort of behaviour is unacceptable.

Liberal America constantly promotes peace and tolerance as a moderate person from the UK I can sympathise with that, I am the same, I am empathetic to others struggles, I understand that sometimes people feel like they get the shitty deal in life, I myself have felt that way before and I understand that it builds frustration and makes people want to lash out but ultimately you make your own lives, you decide your own fate, sometimes I think people need to stop blaming others and start doing things for themselves.

But behaving like children and stomping your feet and breaking things is only going to make the people you are fighting against stronger, you are essentially providing the bullets to the shooters gun.

There is a way to change the world, I understand sometimes the need for violence is needed, when your life is under direct threat, this isn't one of those situations, despite what people think we don't know what the fuck is going to happen, sure it could end that way and it could end terribly but do we know for sure?

When Obama was elected did we see violent riots and protests? I am genuinely asking as I am unaware.

If Donald Trump declares World War 3 then violent protests would be justified, something extreme like would justify it, where violence is the only answer but it should be a final resort and if possible avoided at all costs.

Donald Trump being democratically elected isn't a fucking reason to behave like this, it's disgraceful, is this the western world or is this the middle east? Sorry but if you want to destroy a society then behaving like this is the best way to do it, sitting there worrying about Donald Trump while violent protests are injuring innocent people, the latter is happening right now, that's a reality.

What we are seeing here are people looking for an excuse or a validation to behave like animals.

Donald Trump may be a buffoon but if you really want to be heard and really want to make a change fight against him the right way.

Not like this.

I am sure I will get a ban for speaking my mind here, or be called a Trump supporter (I am not, I am a moderate but I disagree with a lot of what Trump has said and his policies but I am capable of seperating taking sides and looking at the reality of the situation.)

So many people in this thread condoning violence and it is just sad, really sad, take a step back and imagine if it was your mother or father caught in the middle of this kind of protest getting hurt just for walking by or something of that nature.

There is no good outcome to violent protests, it only weakens the cause and strengthens the opponent.

What about the second amendment?


Smashing businesses, destroying public property, inciting violence, that will show them who's boss right?

I say this as someone who witnessed the London riots, this kind of behavior is fucking pathetic, the behaviour of absolute animals, you can defend it or try and justify it all you want but it's the truth.

Protesting is completely fine, having a voice is completely fine and disagreeing and trying to change the world with a voice and with passion is fine but this sort of behaviour is unacceptable.

Liberal America constantly promotes peace and tolerance as a moderate person from the UK I can sympathise with that, I am the same, I am empathetic to others struggles, I understand that sometimes people feel like they get the shitty deal in life, I myself have felt that way before and I understand that it builds frustration and makes people want to lash out but ultimately you make your own lives, you decide your own fate, sometimes I think people need to stop blaming others and start doing things for themselves.

But behaving like children and stomping your feet and breaking things is only going to make the people you are fighting against stronger, you are essentially providing the bullets to the shooters gun.

There is a way to change the world, I understand sometimes the need for violence is needed, when your life is under direct threat, this isn't one of those situations, despite what people think we don't know what the fuck is going to happen, sure it could end that way and it could end terribly but do we know for sure?

When Obama was elected did we see violent riots and protests? I am genuinely asking as I am unaware.

If Donald Trump declares World War 3 then violent protests would be justified, something extreme like would justify it, where violence is the only answer but it should be a final resort and if possible avoided at all costs.

Donald Trump being democratically elected isn't a fucking reason to behave like this, it's disgraceful, is this the western world or is this the middle east? Sorry but if you want to destroy a society then behaving like this is the best way to do it, sitting there worrying about Donald Trump while violent protests are injuring innocent people, the latter is happening right now, that's a reality.

What we are seeing here are people looking for an excuse or a validation to behave like animals.

Donald Trump may be a buffoon but if you really want to be heard and really want to make a change fight against him the right way.

Not like this.

I am sure I will get a ban for speaking my mind here, or be called a Trump supporter (I am not, I am a moderate but I disagree with a lot of what Trump has said and his policies but I am capable of seperating taking sides and looking at the reality of the situation.)

So many people in this thread condoning violence and it is just sad, really sad, take a step back and imagine if it was your mother or father caught in the middle of this kind of protest getting hurt just for walking by or something of that nature.

There is no good outcome to violent protests, it only weakens the cause and strengthens the opponent.

You don't think it's possible that you are generalizing a large group of people based on your own conceived perceptions of them here? I don't see the entire thread here advocating for destruction of property.

And honestly I feel like the Democrats have tried to be the sane and reasonable party for decades and it hasn't paid off. Meanwhile the Republicans actively act like shit and oppose all reason at every opportunity and it won them the entire congress and presidency.

It's hard to see an argument that it's the right road to take when the people that vote seem to thrive on the opposite.
Thank you for the reasonable response, I respect that, some people think that the never make mistakes on here apparently.

Yeah dude, it's NeoGaf. Many of the responses in quite a few threads remind me of George Bush's quote: "Too often we judge other groups by their worst examples, while judging ourselves by our best intentions.”


Yeah dude, it's NeoGaf. Many of the responses in quite a few threads remind me of George Bush's quote: "Too often we judge other groups by their worst examples, while judging ourselves by our best intentions."

You keeping on generalizing all of neogaf isn't helping. If it's so awful here, why do you keep engaging?

There are very few places on the internet where real discussion and debate can take place and gaf is one of them. Where do you think is so great that you are making comparisons to?
They can still not be a racist because of context. That however is another conversation entirely.

It seems to me more that they were making a point about how the protest is coming across to people due to what's happening and how they're going about it. I'm not sure how you can have such an issue with generalization however when you make a statement such as the following...

I can only assume you're joking.

You're missing the point of the statement. Much has indeed come of violence, but at a great cost. One that leaves both sides in a state of loss.

The world was also shaped through peaceful discourse and resolution. Order is (or at least can be) the result of people fighting for a world in which violence isn't a requirement for progress. What liberation does violence achieve here that could not be resolved with peaceful methods? Violence has been a necessary evil in the past yes, but is it necessary now within the US?

no it really hasn't. not even Gandhi.

Ghandi and King? Almost all of their protest were peaceful afaik.

nope, that's a misconception actually.

then stop saying you're going to get banned every time.


Beat EviLore at pool.
Not sure who true this is but fuck it is funny.



Perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane.
Smashing businesses, destroying public property, inciting violence, that will show them who's boss right?

I say this as someone who witnessed the London riots, this kind of behavior is fucking pathetic, the behaviour of absolute animals, you can defend it or try and justify it all you want but it's the truth.

Protesting is completely fine, having a voice is completely fine and disagreeing and trying to change the world with a voice and with passion is fine but this sort of behaviour is unacceptable.

Liberal America constantly promotes peace and tolerance as a moderate person from the UK I can sympathise with that, I am the same, I am empathetic to others struggles, I understand that sometimes people feel like they get the shitty deal in life, I myself have felt that way before and I understand that it builds frustration and makes people want to lash out but ultimately you make your own lives, you decide your own fate, sometimes I think people need to stop blaming others and start doing things for themselves.

But behaving like children and stomping your feet and breaking things is only going to make the people you are fighting against stronger, you are essentially providing the bullets to the shooters gun.

There is a way to change the world, I understand sometimes the need for violence is needed, when your life is under direct threat, this isn't one of those situations, despite what people think we don't know what the fuck is going to happen, sure it could end that way and it could end terribly but do we know for sure?

When Obama was elected did we see violent riots and protests? I am genuinely asking as I am unaware.

If Donald Trump declares World War 3 then violent protests would be justified, something extreme like would justify it, where violence is the only answer but it should be a final resort and if possible avoided at all costs.

Donald Trump being democratically elected isn't a fucking reason to behave like this, it's disgraceful, is this the western world or is this the middle east? Sorry but if you want to destroy a society then behaving like this is the best way to do it, sitting there worrying about Donald Trump while violent protests are injuring innocent people, the latter is happening right now, that's a reality.

What we are seeing here are people looking for an excuse or a validation to behave like animals.

Donald Trump may be a buffoon but if you really want to be heard and really want to make a change fight against him the right way.

Not like this.

I am sure I will get a ban for speaking my mind here, or be called a Trump supporter (I am not, I am a moderate but I disagree with a lot of what Trump has said and his policies but I am capable of seperating taking sides and looking at the reality of the situation.)

So many people in this thread condoning violence and it is just sad, really sad, take a step back and imagine if it was your mother or father caught in the middle of this kind of protest getting hurt just for walking by or something of that nature.

There is no good outcome to violent protests, it only weakens the cause and strengthens the opponent.

Amen brother.
Smashing businesses, destroying public property, inciting violence, that will show them who's boss right?

I say this as someone who witnessed the London riots, this kind of behavior is fucking pathetic, the behaviour of absolute animals, you can defend it or try and justify it all you want but it's the truth.

Protesting is completely fine, having a voice is completely fine and disagreeing and trying to change the world with a voice and with passion is fine but this sort of behaviour is unacceptable.

Liberal America constantly promotes peace and tolerance as a moderate person from the UK I can sympathise with that, I am the same, I am empathetic to others struggles, I understand that sometimes people feel like they get the shitty deal in life, I myself have felt that way before and I understand that it builds frustration and makes people want to lash out but ultimately you make your own lives, you decide your own fate, sometimes I think people need to stop blaming others and start doing things for themselves.

But behaving like children and stomping your feet and breaking things is only going to make the people you are fighting against stronger, you are essentially providing the bullets to the shooters gun.

There is a way to change the world, I understand sometimes the need for violence is needed, when your life is under direct threat, this isn't one of those situations, despite what people think we don't know what the fuck is going to happen, sure it could end that way and it could end terribly but do we know for sure?

When Obama was elected did we see violent riots and protests? I am genuinely asking as I am unaware.

If Donald Trump declares World War 3 then violent protests would be justified, something extreme like would justify it, where violence is the only answer but it should be a final resort and if possible avoided at all costs.

Donald Trump being democratically elected isn't a fucking reason to behave like this, it's disgraceful, is this the western world or is this the middle east? Sorry but if you want to destroy a society then behaving like this is the best way to do it, sitting there worrying about Donald Trump while violent protests are injuring innocent people, the latter is happening right now, that's a reality.

What we are seeing here are people looking for an excuse or a validation to behave like animals.

Donald Trump may be a buffoon but if you really want to be heard and really want to make a change fight against him the right way.

Not like this.

I am sure I will get a ban for speaking my mind here, or be called a Trump supporter (I am not, I am a moderate but I disagree with a lot of what Trump has said and his policies but I am capable of seperating taking sides and looking at the reality of the situation.)

So many people in this thread condoning violence and it is just sad, really sad, take a step back and imagine if it was your mother or father caught in the middle of this kind of protest getting hurt just for walking by or something of that nature.

There is no good outcome to violent protests, it only weakens the cause and strengthens the opponent.
I'll show some support for this as well.


I'll ask another question

What did people have to protest when Obama became president?

People are not protesting because a Republican won, just stop.

They are unhappy with this man, who has a whole list of things showing he's a horrible person. That is why there are protests.


Don't worry, I'll vouch for them.
It's a good thing that the vast majority of protestors are not breaking shit and inciting violence. It is too bad that the media only wants to cover those juicy bits though.


It's a good thing that the vast majority of protestors are not breaking shit and inciting violence. It is too bad that the media only wants to cover those juicy bits though.

Not just the media, people in this thread seem to be falling into the same trap as well.

This is such smug masturbatory bullshit. You want to know why tension in the country is high? Because a dangerous buffoon got elected who campaigned on division, hate, bigotry, sexism and racism. People on the other side of the isle were upset when Obama got elected but Obama also didn't campaign on a platform like "all white people are rapists" and threaten to roll back civil liberties and voting rights.

People have a right to be upset and angry and these false equivalencies needed to end yesterday.


Not just the media, people in this thread seem to be falling into the same trap as well.

they aren't falling into a trap so much as just being disingenuous and selective about what they want to pay attention to and what they want to lament as long as it fits their narrative,


Smashing businesses, destroying public property, inciting violence, that will show them who's boss right?
It is not about showing anybody who is boss, it's about not accepting being run over by wicked people.
I say this as someone who witnessed the London riots, this kind of behavior is fucking pathetic, the behaviour of absolute animals, you can defend it or try and justify it all you want but it's the truth.
Don't try and make it sound like everybody in here is saying burn everything down, destroy everything in your way. That isn't what is being discussed and your hyperbole makes you look foolish.

Protesting is completely fine, having a voice is completely fine and disagreeing and trying to change the world with a voice and with passion is fine but this sort of behaviour is unacceptable.
You have said nothing here but a bunch of useless platitudes.
Liberal America constantly promotes peace and tolerance as a moderate person from the UK I can sympathise with that, I am the same, I am empathetic to others struggles, I understand that sometimes people feel like they get the shitty deal in life, I myself have felt that way before and I understand that it builds frustration and makes people want to lash out but ultimately you make your own lives, you decide your own fate, sometimes I think people need to stop blaming others and start doing things for themselves.
Ummm...but you don't like what they are trying to do for themselves. Do you think making your own life means being afraid of your own shadow and not standing against the status quo. If you think sit-in protests are going to change anything in the current world situation you are completely naive.
But behaving like children and stomping your feet and breaking things is only going to make the people you are fighting against stronger, you are essentially providing the bullets to the shooters gun.
The only ones it gives amunition to are the ones in the middle who never want to rock the boat anyway. You certainly should not concern yourself with those type of personalities.

There is a way to change the world, I understand sometimes the need for violence is needed, when your life is under direct threat, this isn't one of those situations, despite what people think we don't know what the fuck is going to happen, sure it could end that way and it could end terribly but do we know for sure?
If everybody thought that was the only time to fight our world would be 100 times worse than it is now.

When Obama was elected did we see violent riots and protests? I am genuinely asking as I am unaware.

If Donald Trump declares World War 3 then violent protests would be justified, something extreme like would justify it, where violence is the only answer but it should be a final resort and if possible avoided at all costs.

You don't wait for WWIII to take action. That's the most ridiculous thing I've heard today.

Donald Trump being democratically elected isn't a fucking reason to behave like this, it's disgraceful, is this the western world or is this the middle east? Sorry but if you want to destroy a society then behaving like this is the best way to do it, sitting there worrying about Donald Trump while violent protests are injuring innocent people, the latter is happening right now, that's a reality.

What we are seeing here are people looking for an excuse or a validation to behave like animals.

Now we have a mind reader. So glad you have been using you clairvoyant abilities to tell us all why people are acting the way they are.

Donald Trump may be a buffoon but if you really want to be heard and really want to make a change fight against him the right way.

Not like this.

I am sure I will get a ban for speaking my mind here, or be called a Trump supporter (I am not, I am a moderate but I disagree with a lot of what Trump has said and his policies but I am capable of seperating taking sides and looking at the reality of the situation.)

So many people in this thread condoning violence and it is just sad, really sad, take a step back and imagine if it was your mother or father caught in the middle of this kind of protest getting hurt just for walking by or something of that nature.

There is no good outcome to violent protests, it only weakens the cause and strengthens the opponent.

Honestly the only thing I have to say to this is bullshit because history has shown us differently.


Gold Member
Smashing businesses, destroying public property, inciting violence, that will show them who's boss right?

I say this as someone who witnessed the London riots, this kind of behavior is fucking pathetic, the behaviour of absolute animals, you can defend it or try and justify it all you want but it's the truth.

Protesting is completely fine, having a voice is completely fine and disagreeing and trying to change the world with a voice and with passion is fine but this sort of behaviour is unacceptable.

Liberal America constantly promotes peace and tolerance as a moderate person from the UK I can sympathise with that, I am the same, I am empathetic to others struggles, I understand that sometimes people feel like they get the shitty deal in life, I myself have felt that way before and I understand that it builds frustration and makes people want to lash out but ultimately you make your own lives, you decide your own fate, sometimes I think people need to stop blaming others and start doing things for themselves.

But behaving like children and stomping your feet and breaking things is only going to make the people you are fighting against stronger, you are essentially providing the bullets to the shooters gun.

There is a way to change the world, I understand sometimes the need for violence is needed, when your life is under direct threat, this isn't one of those situations, despite what people think we don't know what the fuck is going to happen, sure it could end that way and it could end terribly but do we know for sure?

When Obama was elected did we see violent riots and protests? I am genuinely asking as I am unaware.

If Donald Trump declares World War 3 then violent protests would be justified, something extreme like would justify it, where violence is the only answer but it should be a final resort and if possible avoided at all costs.

Donald Trump being democratically elected isn't a fucking reason to behave like this, it's disgraceful, is this the western world or is this the middle east? Sorry but if you want to destroy a society then behaving like this is the best way to do it, sitting there worrying about Donald Trump while violent protests are injuring innocent people, the latter is happening right now, that's a reality.

What we are seeing here are people looking for an excuse or a validation to behave like animals.

Donald Trump may be a buffoon but if you really want to be heard and really want to make a change fight against him the right way.

Not like this.

I am sure I will get a ban for speaking my mind here, or be called a Trump supporter (I am not, I am a moderate but I disagree with a lot of what Trump has said and his policies but I am capable of seperating taking sides and looking at the reality of the situation.)

So many people in this thread condoning violence and it is just sad, really sad, take a step back and imagine if it was your mother or father caught in the middle of this kind of protest getting hurt just for walking by or something of that nature.

There is no good outcome to violent protests, it only weakens the cause and strengthens the opponent.
I too support the sentiment behind this.
You keeping on generalizing all of neogaf isn't helping. If it's so awful here, why do you keep engaging?

There are very few places on the internet where real discussion and debate can take place and gaf is one of them. Where do you think is so great that you are making comparisons to?

I'm not comparing to shit. Being one of the better places doesn't mean it doesn't have its flaws. I continue to engage with people on Gaf because there IS good discussion to be had, sometimes it's a bit irritating though.

Plus I didn't say all of NeoGaf, I specifically said many posts in a few threads. This of course is more frequent in political threads, but there's a small group of users here that pretty much run by the "those who disagree with me politically are fascists" line constantly. It's just tiring.


I've got some horrifying news for Phil0sophy:
No one reads your long posts. A few skim it to give a non-committal thumbs up or down, but no more.

The reason is you are not saying nearly as much as the length of the text would indicate.


contribute something
Feel free to take the high road and turn your nose at "violent protesters". But it needs to be recognized that direct action has a far better track record than safety pins and hashtags.


Smashing businesses, destroying public property, inciting violence, that will show them who's boss right?

I say this as someone who witnessed the London riots, this kind of behavior is fucking pathetic, the behaviour of absolute animals, you can defend it or try and justify it all you want but it's the truth.

Protesting is completely fine, having a voice is completely fine and disagreeing and trying to change the world with a voice and with passion is fine but this sort of behaviour is unacceptable.

Liberal America constantly promotes peace and tolerance as a moderate person from the UK I can sympathise with that, I am the same, I am empathetic to others struggles, I understand that sometimes people feel like they get the shitty deal in life, I myself have felt that way before and I understand that it builds frustration and makes people want to lash out but ultimately you make your own lives, you decide your own fate, sometimes I think people need to stop blaming others and start doing things for themselves.

But behaving like children and stomping your feet and breaking things is only going to make the people you are fighting against stronger, you are essentially providing the bullets to the shooters gun.

There is a way to change the world, I understand sometimes the need for violence is needed, when your life is under direct threat, this isn't one of those situations, despite what people think we don't know what the fuck is going to happen, sure it could end that way and it could end terribly but do we know for sure?

When Obama was elected did we see violent riots and protests? I am genuinely asking as I am unaware.

If Donald Trump declares World War 3 then violent protests would be justified, something extreme like would justify it, where violence is the only answer but it should be a final resort and if possible avoided at all costs.

Donald Trump being democratically elected isn't a fucking reason to behave like this, it's disgraceful, is this the western world or is this the middle east? Sorry but if you want to destroy a society then behaving like this is the best way to do it, sitting there worrying about Donald Trump while violent protests are injuring innocent people, the latter is happening right now, that's a reality.

What we are seeing here are people looking for an excuse or a validation to behave like animals.

Donald Trump may be a buffoon but if you really want to be heard and really want to make a change fight against him the right way.

Not like this.

I am sure I will get a ban for speaking my mind here, or be called a Trump supporter (I am not, I am a moderate but I disagree with a lot of what Trump has said and his policies but I am capable of seperating taking sides and looking at the reality of the situation.)

So many people in this thread condoning violence and it is just sad, really sad, take a step back and imagine if it was your mother or father caught in the middle of this kind of protest getting hurt just for walking by or something of that nature.

There is no good outcome to violent protests, it only weakens the cause and strengthens the opponent.

Terrible post.

Fucking "animals" rhetoric.


It's a good thing that the vast majority of protestors are not breaking shit and inciting violence. It is too bad that the media only wants to cover those juicy bits though.

Ratings are always better for burning things than people walking around chanting.
You're right, but the people who need to be listening don't care because their feelies got hurt because "people are acting like animals :("

Maybe there's a bit of anger towards those rioting because it massively undermines the largely peaceful protests that draw in larger numbers.

All this does is give fantastic fuel for the right to label any vocal opposition unfairly.

If there is further violence (and I hope there isn't) then watch it happen. And watch groups who've tried their best to actually organise large scale responses get pissed off further.

This thread is an example, I'm sure there are huge numbers out there protesting and trying to get their voices heard - and yet we've been here focusing on a Starbucks.


Remember, minorities who riot are nothing but disgusting animals but we must feel nothing but 100% empathy with white trump voters who are getting their healthcare taken away.

I'm a moderate, be smart and cool headed like me.
Love the British and Australian dudes clucking their tongues at Americans for being disgusted with Trump

I'm not. I fucking hate him too. I specifically haven't shit on anyone for hating him, but if I have, by all means quote that shit.

I've got some horrifying news for Phil0sophy:
No one reads your long posts. A few skim it to give a non-committal thumbs up or down, but no more.

I did?
They do have a right to be angry and upset, do you think it justifies violence though and behaving like animals?

Do you think that's even close to the majority of the protesters? Why exactly are you fixated on this small subset of rioters to generalize the whole? Do you also agree with how some cops are handling this?


I'm not comparing to shit. Being one of the better places doesn't mean it doesn't have its flaws. I continue to engage with people on Gaf because there IS good discussion to be had, sometimes it's a bit irritating though.

Plus I didn't say all of NeoGaf, I specifically said many posts in a few threads. This of course is more frequent in political threads, but there's a small group of users here that pretty much run by the "those who disagree with me politically are fascists" line constantly. It's just tiring.

All I'm saying is, people are calling you out for saying gaf this or gaf that. It's generalizing. If you didn't mean it that way then that's fine.

The Kree

Smashing businesses, destroying public property, inciting violence, that will show them who's boss right?

I say this as someone who witnessed the London riots, this kind of behavior is fucking pathetic, the behaviour of absolute animals, you can defend it or try and justify it all you want but it's the truth.

Protesting is completely fine, having a voice is completely fine and disagreeing and trying to change the world with a voice and with passion is fine but this sort of behaviour is unacceptable.

Liberal America constantly promotes peace and tolerance as a moderate person from the UK I can sympathise with that, I am the same, I am empathetic to others struggles, I understand that sometimes people feel like they get the shitty deal in life, I myself have felt that way before and I understand that it builds frustration and makes people want to lash out but ultimately you make your own lives, you decide your own fate, sometimes I think people need to stop blaming others and start doing things for themselves.

But behaving like children and stomping your feet and breaking things is only going to make the people you are fighting against stronger, you are essentially providing the bullets to the shooters gun.

There is a way to change the world, I understand sometimes the need for violence is needed, when your life is under direct threat, this isn't one of those situations, despite what people think we don't know what the fuck is going to happen, sure it could end that way and it could end terribly but do we know for sure?

When Obama was elected did we see violent riots and protests? I am genuinely asking as I am unaware.

If Donald Trump declares World War 3 then violent protests would be justified, something extreme like would justify it, where violence is the only answer but it should be a final resort and if possible avoided at all costs.

Donald Trump being democratically elected isn't a fucking reason to behave like this, it's disgraceful, is this the western world or is this the middle east? Sorry but if you want to destroy a society then behaving like this is the best way to do it, sitting there worrying about Donald Trump while violent protests are injuring innocent people, the latter is happening right now, that's a reality.

What we are seeing here are people looking for an excuse or a validation to behave like animals.

Donald Trump may be a buffoon but if you really want to be heard and really want to make a change fight against him the right way.

Not like this.

I am sure I will get a ban for speaking my mind here, or be called a Trump supporter (I am not, I am a moderate but I disagree with a lot of what Trump has said and his policies but I am capable of seperating taking sides and looking at the reality of the situation.)

So many people in this thread condoning violence and it is just sad, really sad, take a step back and imagine if it was your mother or father caught in the middle of this kind of protest getting hurt just for walking by or something of that nature.

There is no good outcome to violent protests, it only weakens the cause and strengthens the opponent.

This is what a snake in the grass looks like. It tries to shame you into passivity while your enemies act to subvert your humanity and deprive you of the tools to adequately fight back until it's too late. These snakes either lack the historical and cultural perspective to know that they're wrong or they seek to distort and rewrite history so that they can promote order over justice with no regard for what actions it takes to achieve the ideals of peace and prosperity they falsely claim to hold.

I hope you're not falling for it.


contribute something
Maybe there's a bit of anger towards those rioting because it massively undermines the largely peaceful protests that draw in larger numbers.

All this does is give fantastic fuel for the right to label any vocal opposition unfairly.

If there is further violence (and I hope there isn't) then watch it happen. And watch groups who've tried their best to actually organise large scale responses get pissed off further.

This thread is an example, I'm sure there are huge numbers out there protesting and trying to get their voices heard - and yet we've been here focusing on a Starbucks.

Force and the implicit threat of force are an effective tactic to pressure those in power to conform to your demands. I can't think of a single social movement that was undermined by rioting.
Maybe there's a bit of anger towards those rioting because it massively undermines the largely peaceful protests that draw in larger numbers.

All this does is give fantastic fuel for the right to label any vocal opposition unfairly.

If there is further violence (and I hope there isn't) then watch it happen. And watch groups who've tried their best to actually organise large scale responses get pissed off further.

This thread is an example, I'm sure there are huge numbers out there protesting and trying to get their voices heard - and yet we've been here focusing on a Starbucks.

If the choice is between violent protesters being labeled as animals and sitting around waiting for the GOP to have a change of heart and suddenly not be a party of bigots while they roll back civil liberties, I'd rather be labeled an animal.

It doesn't matter how you protest because you're always going to be protesting wrong in their eyes.


They do have a right to be angry and upset, do you think it justifies violence though and behaving like animals?
The damages to life and property here are a drop in the bucket compared to the damage that will be done by Trump's presidency. Violence and destruction of property has paved the way for social progress throughout American and Eurpean history. Why stop now?


This is what a snake in the grass looks like. It tries to shame you into passivity while your enemies act to subvert your humanity and deprive you of the tools to adequately fight back until it's too late. These snakes either lack the historical and cultural perspective to know that they're wrong or they seek to distort and rewrite history so that they can promote order over justice with no regard for what actions it takes to attain the ideals of peace and prosperity they falsely claim to hold.

I hope you're not falling for it.

a few simpletons will. the vast majority who are for the protests won't. losing those simpletons won't matter as they weren't into the cause to begin with.


Remember, minorities who riot are nothing but disgusting animals but we must feel nothing but 100% empathy with white trump voters who are getting their healthcare taken away.

I'm a moderate, be smart and cool headed like me.
The guys from the black bloc who smashed some stores looked predominantly white to me. These guys are usually just there to start shit any chance they get and aren't worth defending


Please stop using that bullshit excuse to justify an argument against me, not everybody who voted for Brexit voted because if immigration or because they are a bigot, we are all individuals and we all vote based upon different reasoning.

Lumping me in with a group and dismissing my opinion based upon something such as inciting violence just because I wanted our country to be independent is a redundant and petulant opinion.

And the fact you didn't even quote me and instead decided to passively aggressively attack me tells me all I need to know.

I already stated my reason for voting Brexit, it was based upon lies told about the NHS, I made a stupid decision that doesn't make my opinion redundant on every other thing in life so stop being ignorant.
You voted leave? Lol
All I'm saying is, people are calling you out for saying gaf this or gaf that. It's generalizing. If you didn't mean it that way then that's fine.

When I said "NeoGaf condones this" I don't mean individuals, I meant moderators. If I refer to the users, I usually specificy a rough quantity (e.g a few users, many users etc.).

You voted leave? Lol

Amazing shitpost.

a few simpletons will. the vast majority who are for the protests won't. losing those simpletons won't matter as they weren't into the cause to begin with.

Yep, calling opponents to your political view "simpletons" is fantastic and totally condusive to further conversation.


For you.
Smashing businesses, destroying public property, inciting violence, that will show them who's boss right?

I say this as someone who witnessed the London riots, this kind of behavior is fucking pathetic, the behaviour of absolute animals, you can defend it or try and justify it all you want but it's the truth.

Protesting is completely fine, having a voice is completely fine and disagreeing and trying to change the world with a voice and with passion is fine but this sort of behaviour is unacceptable.

Liberal America constantly promotes peace and tolerance as a moderate person from the UK I can sympathise with that, I am the same, I am empathetic to others struggles, I understand that sometimes people feel like they get the shitty deal in life, I myself have felt that way before and I understand that it builds frustration and makes people want to lash out but ultimately you make your own lives, you decide your own fate, sometimes I think people need to stop blaming others and start doing things for themselves.

But behaving like children and stomping your feet and breaking things is only going to make the people you are fighting against stronger, you are essentially providing the bullets to the shooters gun.

There is a way to change the world, I understand sometimes the need for violence is needed, when your life is under direct threat, this isn't one of those situations, despite what people think we don't know what the fuck is going to happen, sure it could end that way and it could end terribly but do we know for sure?

When Obama was elected did we see violent riots and protests? I am genuinely asking as I am unaware.

If Donald Trump declares World War 3 then violent protests would be justified, something extreme like would justify it, where violence is the only answer but it should be a final resort and if possible avoided at all costs.

Donald Trump being democratically elected isn't a fucking reason to behave like this, it's disgraceful, is this the western world or is this the middle east? Sorry but if you want to destroy a society then behaving like this is the best way to do it, sitting there worrying about Donald Trump while violent protests are injuring innocent people, the latter is happening right now, that's a reality.

What we are seeing here are people looking for an excuse or a validation to behave like animals.

Donald Trump may be a buffoon but if you really want to be heard and really want to make a change fight against him the right way.

Not like this.

I am sure I will get a ban for speaking my mind here, or be called a Trump supporter (I am not, I am a moderate but I disagree with a lot of what Trump has said and his policies but I am capable of seperating taking sides and looking at the reality of the situation.)

So many people in this thread condoning violence and it is just sad, really sad, take a step back and imagine if it was your mother or father caught in the middle of this kind of protest getting hurt just for walking by or something of that nature.

There is no good outcome to violent protests, it only weakens the cause and strengthens the opponent.
You do realize that the percentage of people being violent is a very, very tiny minority of the protesters, yes? Why are so many dumbasses today coming here trying to say this is the norm for all protesters and complaining about "violent liberals"?
I am not clicking my tongue at being disgusted by him, I am saying that violence isn't the answer.

It's easy to say that from outside. You don't have to deal with or even see the immediate effects of this presidency.

Trump's win legitimized hatred further and the targets of that hatred are angry. Even so, not all of the protests/protesters are violent.


Gold Member
What a strange turn of the discussion in this thread.

Protests = Good
Violent Protests = Not Good

Is this not in agreement here?
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