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Protesting the Inauguration of Donald Trump

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The person that did it should be arrested, but if ever there was a case for "sometimes violence is worth it" this is it.

Agree with the arresting part, disagree with people celebrating and advocating further legally unjustified violence. And while they're at it they could modify hate speech laws so maybe someone literally shouting heil trump while making a hitler salute isn't protected and actually gets prosecuted as well
Okay i'm just tuning in and seeing all these videos, but whats the deal with the all black hoodies with their faces covered? From the vids i've seen so far, they are the only ones inciting violence. Are these those paid off "rioters" that we heard about a few days ago?
Richard Spencer getting punched in the face on video now.

Good. I normally don't condone violence, but the Alt-Right SPECIFICALLY are the kind of political group that don't stop being assholes until they face consequences.

Best case scenario is that this encourages more people to do the same to:

- Roosh V
- Milo
- David Duke
- Blaire White
- Alex Jones
- Julian Assange

And every other emboldened Alt-Right asshole. It's time the alt-right learned that if they think we are "Social Justice Warriors"....well warriors are known for fighting.


Did he seriously start talking about that stupid frog meme?

I know he was asked but still.

Right when he got smacked and right after he talked about how nazis and the kkk hate him. Man I'm not like them, don't you see? I just think White people are superior and that Blacks should move back to Africa.
Good. I normally don't condone violence, but the Alt-Right SPECIFICALLY are the kind of political group that don't stop being assholes until they face consequences.

Best case scenario is that this encourages more people to do the same to:

- Roosh V
- Milo
- David Duke
- Blaire White
- Alex Jones
- Julian Assange

And every other emboldened Alt-Right asshole. It's time the alt-right learned that if they think we are "Social Justice Warriors"....well warriors are known for fighting.

Add Martin Shkreli to that list.


Right, and I totally understand that. Thanks for clarifying, it's appreciated. Can you understand where my response came from when some users in here call every trump supporter a fascist, though? I misunderstood your target/s when you said fascist.

I just can't fathom how you can be surprised why people could think trump supporters are fascists. The man had no policy of substance, only goals. No plans. Just:

The wall (no logistical details),
Bring back manufacturing jobs (while not addressing the GOP'S habit of eroding worker's rights)
Tariffs. See above. What good is it that all these jobs come back if no one can afford the crap they're making? Also, he is lying.
And of course the stuff that costs his donors nothing. Guns. Abortion. Gay marriage. Easy wins for the bible thumpers.

Those are the ONLY issues he spoke about and when he did, he spoke at an insultingly vague degree.

There's barely anything there. So take that and weigh it against all the crazy trump shit.
Anti Mexican
Anti Women
Anti Black
Anti special needs

And people still come out with Trump? It's very hard to understand how a rational person could make that choice. The only details he's been completely clear on are his deplorable character flaws. Either they agree with it, or want to be lied to, no matter the consequences.


I just can't fathom how you can be surprised why people could think trump supporters are fascists. The man had no policy of substance, only goals. No plans. Just:

The wall (no logistical details),
Bring back manufacturing jobs (while not addressing the GOP'S habit of eroding worker's rights)
Tariffs. See above. What good is it that all these jobs come back if no one can afford the crap they're making?
And of course the stuff that costs his donors nothing. Guns. Abortion. Gay marriage. Easy wins for the bible thumpers.

Those are the ONLY issues he spoke about and when he did, he spoke at an insultingly vague degree.

There's barely anything there. So take that and weight it against all the crazy trump shit.
Anti Mexican
Anti Women
Anti Black
Anti special needs

And people still come out with Trump? It's very hard to understand how a rational person could make that choice. The only details he's been completely clear on are his deplorable character flaws. Either they agree it, or want to be lied to, no matter the consequences.

That's why when people say, well I'm not this or I'm not that even if I do support him, I want to face palm.

at the very least you could say that those people were fine with things happening like racism and bigotry and fascism even if they were not in support of it.

At the end of the day, it's all the same when it happens regardless of who was MORE responsible.


Reminder: The right-wing(and so-called "moderates") are gonna label the opposition unfairly no matter what.
The irony.

And before you ask no I'm not right wing. Hell I was quite liberal, though at this point I'm not sure I want to be associated with the whole movement anymore. People in here trying to justify the violence and spin defense for it ffs.


The irony.

And before you ask no I'm not right wing. Hell I was quite liberal, though at this point I'm not sure I want to be associated with the whole movement anymore. People in here trying to justify the violence and spin defense for it ffs.

You might even say, you're dizzy.


That's why when people say, well I'm not this or I'm not that even if I do support him, I want to face palm.

at the very least you could say that those people were fine with things happening like racism and bigotry and fascism even if they were not in support of it.

At the end of the day, it's all the same when it happens regardless of who was MORE responsible.

Trump supporters' favorite policy is "liberal tears". That's all they care about. Sticking it to those faggot SJWs.
Wait was he trying to say the protestors had the grenades and they didn't, but then the media says the police had them? That's what he's saying right?

They absolutely did have flashbangs... I saw it on The Guardian's livestream.

Edit: I might have the technical name for the device wrong. But either way it was loud.

fart town usa

Gold Member
I'll be "protesting" by not ignoring reality and focusing on supporting candidates that know how to campaign and how to speak to their base.

Tomorrow there's a woman who has already announced her campaign for governor in my state. She's giving a speech/meet and greet. Got a hair cut and all today, gonna show up and try to get a spot within the local democratic headquarters.

Instead of wearing black/pouting/shouting chants, I'll wear a tie and act like an adult.


I'll be "protesting" by not ignoring reality and focusing on supporting candidates that know how to campaign and how to speak to their base.

Tomorrow there's a woman who has already announced her campaign for governor in my state. She's giving a speech/meet and greet. Got a hair cut and all today, gonna show up and try to get a spot within the local democratic headquarters.

Instead of wearing black/pouting/shouting chants, I'll wear a tie and act like an adult.

Good job. You think the big corporations will buy you in your nice suit the same way they have the rest of the democrat establishment?
Anyone feel like none of this crap matters anymore?

There is so much information, true, fake being shoved out everywhere. So many ways to create your own personal echo chamber. News feels like just another form of entertainment at this point. Rage at what you don't like, thumbs up what you do.
Everything gets lost in the noise, and I just don't see an end in sight.

Regardless of the legitimacy of the Russian stuff vs the legitimacy of the Benghazi stuff, I feel like it's only going to be viewed the same by either side. One side will scream about how serious and true it all is, the other side will laugh at how stupid it is and how it's "nothing but an attempt to de-legitimize their candidate" .

How do we fix this??

I vote. Mid terms, Local, Presidential. I've signed petitions. I try to only spread information I've looked into to avoid relaying false information. I try to avoid jumping on the hate wagon against anything I disagree with. It's so hard to feel like any of my efforts DO anything.

I'm not going to give up hope, but I feel like there isn't any. I feel like the Oligarchy has already won. What changes this? Where do we go from here? What is every going to convince the youth to start voting?

I feel like it's easy to say "we just need to start doing this and this and this", but I don't see anything that is going to make any of it actually start happening. Am I the only one who feels like things have to get WAY WORSE before anything can begin to get better?

I donno just the current state of affairs has me really down. I'm certainly not going to "Give up', but that doesn't mean I'm hopeful about anything anymore.

Little off topic I guess, but one Trump thread is as good as another I suppose.
I'll be "protesting" by not ignoring reality and focusing on supporting candidates that know how to campaign and how to speak to their base.

Tomorrow there's a woman who has already announced her campaign for governor in my state. She's giving a speech/meet and greet. Got a hair cut and all today, gonna show up and try to get a spot within the local democratic headquarters.

Instead of wearing black/pouting/shouting chants, I'll wear a tie and act like an adult.

Protesting is just as important as supporting candidates because if people think they are alone in the fight they are more likely to give up.


Neo Member
I'll be "protesting" by not ignoring reality and focusing on supporting candidates that know how to campaign and how to speak to their base.

Tomorrow there's a woman who has already announced her campaign for governor in my state. She's giving a speech/meet and greet. Got a hair cut and all today, gonna show up and try to get a spot within the local democratic headquarters.

Instead of wearing black/pouting/shouting chants, I'll wear a tie and act like an adult.
This actually isn't a bad idea. Change happens at a local level first after all. But it's going to be most effective coupled with the wearing black/pouting/shouting chants.

The protesting needs to happen but we also need people ready to take the place of those we want to leave. We need people on the streets and those in the meeting rooms to move forward again.


Neo Member
Anyone feel like none of this crap matters anymore?

There is so much information, true, fake being shoved out everywhere. So many ways to create your own personal echo chamber. News feels like just another form of entertainment at this point. Rage at what you don't like, thumbs up what you do.
Everything gets lost in the noise, and I just don't see an end in sight.

Regardless of the legitimacy of the Russian stuff vs the legitimacy of the Benghazi stuff, I feel like it's only going to be viewed the same by either side. One side will scream about how serious and true it all is, the other side will laugh at how stupid it is and how it's "nothing but an attempt to de-legitimize their candidate" .

How do we fix this??

I vote. Mid terms, Local, Presidential. I've signed petitions. I try to only spread information I've looked into to avoid relaying false information. I try to avoid jumping on the hate wagon against anything I disagree with. It's so hard to feel like any of my efforts DO anything.

I'm not going to give up hope, but I feel like there isn't any. I feel like the Oligarchy has already won. What changes this? Where do we go from here? What is every going to convince the youth to start voting?

I feel like it's easy to say "we just need to start doing this and this and this", but I don't see anything that is going to make any of it actually start happening. Am I the only one who feels like things have to get WAY WORSE before anything can begin to get better?

I donno just the current state of affairs has me really down. I'm certainly not going to "Give up', but that doesn't mean I'm hopeful about anything anymore.

Little off topic I guess, but one Trump thread is as good as another I suppose.
Not to double post but I was exactly where you were earlier today. I decided to figure out what I could do with my resources right now and figured I'd work for change locally.

Hand out flyers, sit in on congressional offices, etc.

I also went to meetup.com and found some groups that shared my interests outside of politics. I'll be going to a game meet tomorrow afternoon! I'm also probably going to start working out. If I'm going to make it my mission to better the world I'm going to include myself in it.

Things are going to get rough but the challenge is never insurmountable. They haven't won and we have them outnumbered. For the first time our generation is pushing out of apathy to get some real change. Time to make that happen.

The Kree

Anyone feel like none of this crap matters anymore?

There is so much information, true, fake being shoved out everywhere. So many ways to create your own personal echo chamber. News feels like just another form of entertainment at this point. Rage at what you don't like, thumbs up what you do.
Everything gets lost in the noise, and I just don't see an end in sight.

Regardless of the legitimacy of the Russian stuff vs the legitimacy of the Benghazi stuff, I feel like it's only going to be viewed the same by either side. One side will scream about how serious and true it all is, the other side will laugh at how stupid it is and how it's "nothing but an attempt to de-legitimize their candidate" .

How do we fix this??

I vote. Mid terms, Local, Presidential. I've signed petitions. I try to only spread information I've looked into to avoid relaying false information. I try to avoid jumping on the hate wagon against anything I disagree with. It's so hard to feel like any of my efforts DO anything.

I'm not going to give up hope, but I feel like there isn't any. I feel like the Oligarchy has already won. What changes this? Where do we go from here? What is every going to convince the youth to start voting?

I feel like it's easy to say "we just need to start doing this and this and this", but I don't see anything that is going to make any of it actually start happening. Am I the only one who feels like things have to get WAY WORSE before anything can begin to get better?

I donno just the current state of affairs has me really down. I'm certainly not going to "Give up', but that doesn't mean I'm hopeful about anything anymore.

Little off topic I guess, but one Trump thread is as good as another I suppose.

Keep doing what you're doing and encourage people close to you to do the same. As an individual your options and time and resources are limited but we all add up eventually.

I think apathy was the biggest thing that screwed us over this time around. Lets not let it happen again. Drag people to the polls if you have to.


Oh neat, I think I would have liked to witness that in person. Whereabouts was it?
We met in Hibiya park, and the march went from there to Roppongi. The police were kind enough to escort us and stop traffic for the ~650 people to get through each intersection.
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